translate the sentence in english to hindi

Báo cáo khoa học: "Determining the placement of German verbs in English–to–German SMT" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Determining the placement of German verbs in English–to–German SMT" ppt

... out in order to generate the reordered English sentences. These are input for training a PSMT system or input to the decoder. The processing steps are shown in figure 1. For the development of the ... order to reorder the English input. While the reordering of German implies movement of the German verbs into a single position, when re- ordering English, we need to split the English ver- bal ... the finite verb can sometimes be the last element of the verbal complex, while in English, the finite verb is al- ways the first verb in the verbal complex. In terms of positions, the verbs in English...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 21:20

10 515 0


... +er + S+ V, The adj +er + S+ V The more +adj + S+ V, The more +adj + S+ V THE STRUCTURES OF THE SENTENCES IN ENGLISH 1.Would you like + Vinf … ? 2. Would you mind + V-ing….? Would you mind if + ... (not true) 3. You had better + V- inf - would rather + Vinf ….(than) - prefer to inf => prefer sth to sth 4. too + adj + for O + to inf 5. adj+enough +for O + to inf 6. so +adj+ that + clause - ... would stop complaining! 15. Tag-question: I am a teacher, aren’t I? You’re listening to me, are you? 16. so am I/ so do I = I am, too/ I do,too. - I am not either/ I don’t either = Neither am...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 23:10

3 868 6
Tài liệu The Articles in english doc

Tài liệu The Articles in english doc

... Collection The Thai Binh river; the Philippines , the Times 9/ Trước danh từ về dân tộc tôn phái để chỉ to n thể Ví dụ: The Chinese, the Americans and the French were at war with the Germans The ... Ví dụ: The one-eyed man is the King of the blind. The poor depend upon the rich. 6/ Dùng trong thành ngữ: BY THE (theo từng) Ví dụ: Beer is sold by the bottle. Eggs are sold by the dozen. ... Use " ;the& quot; for Musical Instruments The guitar (I could play the guitar when I was 6.), The piano, The violin 12/ Khi sau danh từ đó có of The history of England is interesting. trong...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 10:15

6 467 1
telling the time in english

telling the time in english

... It’s a quarter to five. It’s + [minutes] + to + [hour] Other ways to express time 19 to It’s ten to three. It’s + [minutes] + to + [hour] Other ways to express time ... 18 to It’s twenty to five. It’s + [minutes] + to + [hour] Other ways to express time 9 past It’s twenty past eleven. Other ways to express time It’s + [minutes] ... [hour] Other ways to express time 23 a quarter It’s a quarter to one. It’s + [minutes] + to + [hour] Other ways to express time Telling the time...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 18:15

27 345 0
star wars and the matrix in relation to the heros quest

star wars and the matrix in relation to the heros quest

... Neo is told that he's right to think that the world is not what it seems. However, something always happens to convince the hero to change his mind. In The Matrix, Neo goes back to work ... being either sought out or roped into peculiar circumstances is a common one in heroic tales; frequently, the would-be hero is swept up into something that he initially appears to have nothing ... Departure Both stories begin with calls to adventure for their heroes into situations those heroes never expected; in fact, at the outset, neither Neo in The Matrix, nor Luke in Star Wars, has...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:51

2 405 0
Báo cáo khoa học: BRCA1 accumulates in the nucleus in response to hypoxia and TRAIL and enhances TRAIL-induced apoptosis in breast cancer cells pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: BRCA1 accumulates in the nucleus in response to hypoxia and TRAIL and enhances TRAIL-induced apoptosis in breast cancer cells pdf

... TRAIL-mediated apoptosis in HCT116 human colon carcinoma cells by inhibiting the translocation of Bax from the cytosol to the mitochondria, thereby pre- venting the release of cytochrome c and progression ... TRAIL induces apoptosis. The inability of hypoxia to cause apoptosis was not surprising, consid- ering the number of reports demonstrating that hypoxia blocks TRAIL-induced apoptosis. There are two ... signaling, leading to the activation of two distinct pathways. One pathway might lead to increased nuclear localization of BRCA1 and the other to apoptosis. Hypoxia could block the apoptotic...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 03:20

10 393 0
Outline môn Tiếng Anh -Translate the following into English

Outline môn Tiếng Anh -Translate the following into English

... Việt Tiếng Việt English English 3 3 Translate the following into English Class K31 – Group 6 2000 2002 2003 Obviously noone could say: there doesn’t have any difficulty for foreign investors in Viet ... but there begins to appear many positive signal for foreign investors . Beside of the traditional industry like footwear, clothing, textile, electronic, seafood processing… foreign investors ... but there begins to appear many positive signal for foreign investors . Beside of the traditional industry like footwear, clothing, textile, electronic, seafood processing… foreign investors...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2014, 15:10

10 909 1
The sounds in english

The sounds in english

... các đuôi: _er: to ‘enter _ern: to ‘govern _en: to ’open _ish: to finish _y: to ‘study _ow: to ‘narrow (but: to a’llow) - Trọng âm được đánh ngay trước các âm tiết sau: _ance: at’tendance _ence: inde’pendence ... ENGLISH SOUNDS There are 44 sounds in English: - 20 vowel sounds: 12 monophthongs and 8 diphthongs - 24 consonant sounds: include 2 semi-vowel sounds (/j, w/) 1. ... trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết đầu. Ex: ‘father, ‘flower, ‘parents… - Động từ có 2 âm tiết thì phần lớn trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai. Ex: to pre’fer, to cre’ate, to con’clude… - Động từ có hai âm...

Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2014, 21:01

3 547 1


... department store the following day. - Mary said to me, “I will come back this department store tomorrow” => Mary told me that she would come back that department store the following day. Question: ... may could/ might 2. Change in adverbs and articles this → that these → those here → there now → then tomorrow → the following day today → that day yesterday → the day before… Example 1: S1: ... triển. Form: - The river gets bigger and bigger - The girl becomes more and more intelligent. 28. The direct speech and reported speech. - Mary said, “I will come back this department store tomorrow” =>...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 05:20

3 547 3
Translate the following into English ppsx

Translate the following into English ppsx

... Translate the following into English. 1. Tất cả giáo viên và sinh viên đều phải tham gia nhiệt tình vào buổi thảo luận của lớp học. All of the students and teachers have to take part in the ... have to have opportunity to join the outdoor activities. 5. Trường học cung cấp cho học sinh cơ hội nâng cao khả năng tiềm tang của mình. The school provide to students with opportunities to ... hiểm tự nhiên. To promote their creative thinking, some people explore nature. 12.Kinh nghiệm cuộc sống thật cũng quan trọng như kiến thức từ trường học. EThe experience in true the real life...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

2 577 0

... people] becoming good members of the Empire . . . that they should not remain in the anomalous position they are in, but since they absolutely refuse to become the one thing, that they become the other; ... attention to particulars. Within this frame, attending to the local in the nineteenth-century English Irish context means acknowledging that the history of colonial Ireland in the nineteenth ... as ‘‘peripheral’’ to the main lines of development of the novel, we should follow the lead of Ina Ferris and Katie Trumpener by investigating the central role of ‘ the regional’’ in the construction of English...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:39

240 1,2K 5
How to translate some of the metaphors in Harry potter Books (book 3 and book 7) into Vietnamese

How to translate some of the metaphors in Harry potter Books (book 3 and book 7) into Vietnamese

... meaning of a written or spoken text into his mother tongue. In addition to conveying the lexical meaning, translation requires the translator to respect other important factors such as the ... languages involves the translator changing an original written text ( the source text ) in the original verbal language ( the source language) into a written text ( the target text) in a different ... way that the author intended the text (p.5) According to him, translation seems to be simple: as one ought to be able to say something as well in one language as in another. It is nevertheless...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2012, 09:53

39 1,2K 7
Relative clauses in English and Vietnamese, and  how to translate them into Vietnamese

Relative clauses in English and Vietnamese, and how to translate them into Vietnamese

... used in the target language. - Transmit the ideas of the text in clear sentences in the target language. - Rephrase certain sentences to convey the overall meaning translated. - Make changes to the ... at the beginning of the sentence attached to the noun that's the subject part of the large noun phrase that is the subject of the sentence However, in Vietnamese, they rarely appear. In ... languages have been found. Then translation became a significant factor in the West in 300 B.C. In 1534. the Bible was translated into German by Martin Luther. In the 19 th century, translation...

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 17:43

27 4K 16