Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 13:20
a step by step guide to english communication skills - listen to me listen to you
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 13:39
Báo cáo hành vi người tiêu dùng online 2014 by Google Confidential and Proprietary
Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 14:45
Oxford University Press The Oxford Guide To English Usage
... (ODWE) One word: bygone, byline, byname, bypass, bypath, bystander, byway, byword; the others (e.g by- election, by- road) are hyphened ° Bye (noun) in sport, bye-bye (= good-bye) are the chief ... calicoes mementoes excuses) cargoes mosquitoes stuccoes dingoes mottoes tomatoes dominoes Negroes tornadoes echoes noes torpedoes embargoes peccadilloes vetoes goes porticoes volcanoes grottoes Words ... in topic 1.3; "ae and oe" in topic 1.4; "-ce or -se" in topic 1.14; "doubling of final consonant" in topic 1.16; "dropping of silent -e" in topic 1.17; "hyphens" in topic 1.27; "l and ll" in topic...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:55
The Oxford Guide To English Usage
... preventive 1.10 by- prefix “Tending to form one word with the following noun, but a hyphen is still frequently found” (ODWE) One word: bygone, byline, byname, bypass, bypath, bystander, byway, byword; ... mangoes stuccoes cargoes mementoes tomatoes dingoes mosquitoes tornadoes dominoes mottoes torpedoes echoes Negroes vetoes embargoes noes volcanoes goes peccadilloes grottoes porticoes Words not in ... of y to i (see “y to i” in topic 1.50) Simplification of -ll (see “l and ll” in topic 1.32) 1.27 hyphens A Hyphens are used to connect words that are more closely linked to each other than to the...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2012, 13:46
listen to english (hot hot hot)
... abusive to a woman whom Felix Dennis had known “He hurt her, “ he explained, “and I told him to stop, and he kept on.” “Wouldn’t let her alone She told him to stop I told him to stop Many people told ... and he kept on (hurting her) He wouldn’t let her alone She told him to stop I told him to stop many people told him to stop….He wouldn’t stop, he kept on and on and on (hurting the woman) In the ... cotton weaver, who had to move from town to town in Scotland to find work Young William spent only 18 months at school before he too had to go and work in the mills and factories He became a jute...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2013, 01:25
English Grammar - The Oxford Guide To English Usage
... (ODWE) One word: bygone, byline, byname, bypass, bypath, bystander, byway, byword; the others (e.g by- election, by- road) are hyphened ° Bye (noun) in sport, bye-bye (= good-bye) are the chief ... calicoes mementoes excuses) cargoes mosquitoes stuccoes dingoes mottoes tomatoes dominoes Negroes tornadoes echoes noes torpedoes embargoes peccadilloes vetoes goes porticoes volcanoes grottoes Words ... in topic 1.3; "ae and oe" in topic 1.4; "-ce or -se" in topic 1.14; "doubling of final consonant" in topic 1.16; "dropping of silent -e" in topic 1.17; "hyphens" in topic 1.27; "l and ll" in topic...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 15:15
Anintroduction to English sentencing
... sentenced by magistrates 261,000 Fined 76,000 Community sent 88,000 Custody 37,000 Total sentenced to custody 81,000 (1) Covers Number found guilty at Crown Court 57,000 Number sentenced by the ... series is devoted entirely to sentencing decisions, and appears to have been one factor in the increased citation of previous decisions to the Court of Appeal by counsel and by the court in its judgments ... mitigating factors, is never able to capture the uniqueness of the individual case On this view, it is only by paying attention to the details of ‘whole case stories’ that it is possible to make sense...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 09:20