topic specific vocabulary book

Check your English vocabulary book _1 pot

Check your English vocabulary book _1 pot

... __________. 2. The __________ is a book containing the names, telephone numbers and (usually) the addresses of businesses and __________ in your area. 3. The __________ is a book which gives information ... give you free information on a huge range of topics, including consumer rights, healthcare and money matters. 11. __________ are not just for __________ books. Many now have CDs and __________ which members ... __________ section containing books and guides that you can read on the premises, but which you cannot remove from the building. They will also have most of the books and guides mentioned in...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 18:20

14 684 2
Check your English vocabulary book _3 pot

Check your English vocabulary book _3 pot

... Dyas… Specsavers… Starbucks… Tesco… The Link… Thomas Cook… Waterstones… W.H.Smith… 1. …is one of the biggest bookshop chains in the UK. 2. …only sells mobile phones, mobile phone contracts and mobile phone ... and women's clothes and clothing accessories. 9. …mainly sells stationery, greetings cards, books, magazines and newspapers. 10. …only sells shoes and shoe-related products. 11. …sells delicious ... lenses. 16. …sells mainly CD's, DVD's and computer games. 17. …is a good place to go to book a trip or holiday, or buy and sell foreign currency. 18. …is one of the biggest supermarket...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 18:20

14 434 3
Check your English vocabulary book _4 potx

Check your English vocabulary book _4 potx

... centre can / will allow this before you register. You should also check that the centre can provide specific health care services that you might need (for example, if you need maternity services, ... used twice. Also see Spoken responses on page 49. 57 application attendant bags bay boarding pass booked clamped concessions course delay departure enrol exhibits first class flight gallery gate ... The organisation that represents British trade unions. 6. ID: Identification. At the time this book was being written, it was not a legal requirement for people to carry ID at all times. 7. MOT:...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 18:20

14 609 2
Check your English vocabulary book _5 pdf

Check your English vocabulary book _5 pdf

... etc. Senior citizens are people who are more than 60 years old. 5. (a) enrol, (b) course, (c) booked, (d) waiting list, Answer key Answer key 75 positive and the driver is over the limit (= ... another road user fails to thank them for small acts of courtesy! 15. (b). The Highway Code (= a book of road rules that every road user needs to know) states that if you flash your lights, you ... By the side of the road: you are being told to drive more slowly. 31. On the London Underground (specifically on the escalator, so that people can walk on the left side). 32. By the side of the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 18:20

11 656 1


... clear. Such words are typically used in textbooks that present a number of definitions and examples of those definitions. for example to illustrate Specifically Once for instance such as ... publish v [T] to make information available to people, especially in a book, magazine or newspaper, or to produce and sell a book, magazine or newspaper. R 233. range n 1) [S] the amount, ... 18 4. Frequency expressions once twice three times … 5. Dimensions and specifications: Below are some expressions in both the written and spoken forms. a. Distance...

Ngày tải lên: 25/02/2014, 12:20

66 387 0
Vocabulary and picture prompts for language teaching - book 1 ppt

Vocabulary and picture prompts for language teaching - book 1 ppt

... Gilhooly Vocabulary and picture prompts for language teaching - book 1 Illustrations by: Petra Karin Bergström, Annette Hansen 29 | Vocabulary and picture prompts for language teaching - Book 1 ... classroom: Vocabulary and picture prompts for language teaching - book 1 Learnwell Oy 2008 Veronica Gilhooly 36 | Vocabulary and picture prompts for language teaching - Book 1 Part B PHOTOCOPIABLE ... | Vocabulary and picture prompts for language teaching - Book 1 Part A IN THE STREET PHOTOCOPIABLE © Learnwell Oy 2008 Artist: Petra Karin Bergström In the street 6 | Vocabulary...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 14:20

58 644 0
IELTS Foundation Student's Book ANSWER_KEY.pdf

IELTS Foundation Student's Book ANSWER_KEY.pdf

... synonyms. IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 48 Writing p122 Task 2: Analysing the question • Information Technology – there is a specific topic • The past and present could be ... appropriate. See Model answers on page 161 of the Student’s Book. IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 26 6 Crime and punishment Vocabulary p66 1 1 kidnapping 2 shoplifting 3 mugging ... travel, politics, equipment IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 9 Speaking skills p24 Giving and justifying opinions Topic Opinion Main reasons Zoos Cruel – Animals should...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2012, 10:15

68 14,2K 58
Achieve IELTS  Practice  Book.pdf

Achieve IELTS Practice Book.pdf

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2012, 11:22

114 5,2K 71

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