toeic listening test practice online

jim''s toeic 1000 listening comprehension practice test items for the new toeic test

jim''s toeic 1000 listening comprehension practice test items for the new toeic test

... trouble. 25 Reading Test In the readong test you wll read a vanety of texts and answer severa different types of reading comprehension questiOnS. The ent e read ng test wtlllast 75 ... who are w1 1i 1ng to come forward for a medical cause (0) To prov1de the results of a test conducted by the research lnstotute 171. What can be Impl i ed about ragweed allergies ... Allerg oes os cu rrently conduct i ng a study and is asking volun teers to part i cipate In testing an ex perimenta l drug . Those who pass the qualification procedure will recetve...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 09:29

283 4,1K 21
Tài liệu 300 Target TOEIC Second Edition - PRACTICE TEST 1 ppt

Tài liệu 300 Target TOEIC Second Edition - PRACTICE TEST 1 ppt

... Passengers with young children 83. (C) A catalog 84. (C) 3 85. (C) Catalog shoppers PRACTICE TEST 3 Target TOEIC Second Edition 302 185. (A) He is sorry, but understands her reasons. 186. (A) ... Management 82. (B) Send their resumé 83. (A) Drivers 84. (C) There was an accident. PRACTICE TEST 6 Target TOEIC Second Edition 308 PART 1 1. (C) The room has been set up for a conference. 2. ... the arts 80. (A) On a train 81. (D) The train is late. 82. (C) The food service will close. PRACTICE TEST 1 Answer Keys Answer Keys 305 PART 1 1. (A) The road is full of traffic. 2. (C) The police...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 13:20

17 7,5K 81