toefl stucture bank part 30

Toefl stucture bank part 17

Toefl stucture bank part 17

... information, present displays, receive responses from a learner, and act on those responses. 30. Challotte Perkins Gilman Is known primarily as an author of short stories, but she also wrote ... structure of single genes may be induced by exposure to radiation and extreme temperatures. 30. A landmark famous, the Brooklyn Bridge in New Yolk was one of the first woven wire cable suspension ... was a city in which the life span of its citizens was long and disease was rarely. 161 30. Some nineteenth-century advocates for the emancipation of women in the United States were also...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 11:36

10 911 2
Toefl stucture bank part 1

Toefl stucture bank part 1

... species of octopuses may measure anywhere from two inches to over thirty feet in long. 2 TOEFL 语法大全》 1 再版小说明 Error! Bookmark not defined. 序言 Error! Bookmark not defined. 使用说明 Error! ... mo re pleasant when inhibitions overcoming. 27. When rainbows appear, they are always in the part of the sky opposite directly the Sun. 28. Benjamin Franklin drew a political cartoon that ... The begins of the modern chemistry laboratory go back to the workrooms of medieval lchemists. 30. In many pieces of music there is a dominant theme on which the restful of the composition is...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 09:15

10 540 2
Toefl stucture bank part 2

Toefl stucture bank part 2

... Before the invention of the clock, people had to reliable on the celestial bodies to tell time. 30. How many people remember listening to Orson Welles‘1938 radio broadcast. ―The War of the Worlds,‖ ... distinguishes (D) distinguishing 11. Although pecans are most plentiful in the southeastern part of the United States, they are found __________ Ohio and Illinois. (A) far north (B) north...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 16:15

10 802 9
Toefl stucture bank part 3

Toefl stucture bank part 3

... largest city, is industrial and banking center. 40. A rat‘s sharp teeth can gnaw through wood, plaster, or soft metallic such as lead. 29 20. The United States Department of Agriculture supervises ... stairway. 1990 年 01 月语法题 1. ratchet is a wheel or bar that can move in only one direction. (A) A 30 33. The National Education Association conduct extensive research on a great many aspects of ... is a pattern usually made on film in that can create a three-dimensional image of a scene. 30. The general sales tax has been a major source of income for state governments, much of which...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 16:15

10 870 6
Toefl stucture bank part 4

Toefl stucture bank part 4

... Saturn. 25. Every individual cell, whether its exists as an independent microorganism or is part of a complex creature, has its own life cycle. 26. Because aluminum is nonmagnetic, it ... Percapita income is a nation‘s entire income dividing by the number of people in the nation. 30. Jim Thorpe, a football, track, and baseball stars from Pennsylvania, is considered by many to ... not dissolve (C) not dissolving (D) not dissolved 2. hardiness, daylilies can be cultivated particularly easily. (A) Their (B) Since their (C) It is their (D) Because of their 3.A biologist...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15

10 1,4K 5
Toefl stucture bank part 5

Toefl stucture bank part 5

... by the size of the grains or particles that make up. 29. To produce one pound of honey, a colony of bees must fly a distance equals to twice around the world. 30. The domestic dog, considered ... than the Sun, is the principal cause of the tides. 25. One of the wildest and most inaccessible parts of the United States are the Everglades where wildlife is abundant and largely protected. ... differences in size and weight. 22. The construction of sundials was considered to be an acceptable part of a student‘s educator as late as the seventeenth century. 23. Historians have never reached...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15

10 967 5
Toefl stucture bank part 6

Toefl stucture bank part 6

... other part of the body such as a limb. 28. The poetry of e.e. cummings illustrates the way in which some poets bend grammatical rules as they strive to expression their insights. 30. Accounting ... heads. (A) to strike (B) when struck (C) It is struck (D) striking it 12. in the latter part of the fifteenth century as a substitute for richly embroidered tapestries. (A) Wallpaper ... for ballet dancers wear out more than one pair of toe shoes during an evening‘s performance. 30. A fable is usually a short tale featuring animals or inanimate objects that can talk and think...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15

10 1,2K 7
Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 7 pdf

Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 7 pdf

... 29. The energy needed for animal grow is derived primarily from carbohydrates and fats. 30. Countries tend to specialize in the production and export of those goods and services that it ... steam through molten rock such as limestone to create fine, flexibility, glasslike fibers. 30. William Taft begins his many years of service for the United States when President Benjamin ... 20. The most worst economic reversal of the twentieth century, the Great Depression of the 1 930 s, began in the United states and spread abroad. 21. Many narcotic plants and its products,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

10 1,1K 4
Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 8 doc

Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 8 doc

... stems of the alfalfa plant are the only parts of the plant (A) the uses for livestock fees (B) for using livestock feed 74 34. Despite resistance in some parts of Canada, the conversion to ... respect zoologist Ernest Just joined the ruling board of the Marine Biological Laboratory in the 1 930 s. 28. Clementine Hunter‘s primitive paintings have been exhibited at various galleries, included ... 29. Alike a chicken, the grouse has four toes, with the hind one raised above the ground. 30. Membership in labor unions in the United States reached its peak of 17 millions members in 1960....

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

10 1K 5
Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 9 pptx

Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 9 pptx

... the century, the number of Native Americans living in Canada is increased. 30. Eleanor Roosevelt played a leading part in women‘s organizations, and she was active in encouraging youth movements, ... maintenance of the normal functioning of organisms. 32. Even in an age of experimentation and departures from convention, the sonata form remain among the most vital means of musical expression. ... a corporation needs to raise large amounts of capital, common stock can be issued and sell in part to outside investors. 27. The development of stratus clouds is extremely common over the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

10 799 3
Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 10 ppt

Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 10 ppt

... majority of teacher are women. 36. Canadian scarlet-clad guards and mounties with horseback are part of the summer scene in Ottawa. 37. Bernese mountain dogs are hardy and loyalty, and they ... half of the Earth‘s water surface and cover about one-third of the total area of the globe. 30. The Tennessee Valley Authority has chartered by the United States Congress in 1933 to construct ... is (C) or is (D) in case it 5. Even though John F. Kennedy failed to receive the Democratic Party‘s vice presidential nomination in 1956, _____ won their nomination for President in 1960....

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

10 742 4
Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 11 ppt

Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 11 ppt

... 1900‘s. 20. It was in the late 1 930 s where Dixieland jazz was appreciated by the general public for the first time. 21. Since 1920 women have been able to participate actively in the government ... engaging personality that delighted audiences for nearly half a century. 20. Saccharin is about 300 times as sweeter as table sugar but has no carbohydrates and no food value. 21. One of the ... Hydrolab. 29. An electromagnet is a device which magnetism is produced by an electric magnet. 30. Almost all human activity alters water quality somewhat, but not necessity as a result of pollution...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

10 894 6
Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 12 pdf

Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 12 pdf

... America. 29. Established about 1300 , the Acoma pucblo in New Mexico is believed to be oldest continuously occupied settlement in the United States. 30. Nocturnal creatures, raccoons forage ... of athletic footwear finely tune each category of shoe to its particularly activity by studying human motion and physiology. 30. Gothic Revival architecture has several basis characteristics ... do (B) Some insects which (C)Some insects (D)That some insects. 3. Although both political parties wanted Dwight D. Eisenhower as their presidential nominee in 1952, he became a Republican...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

10 800 2
Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 13 doc

Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 13 doc

... In 1991 Antonia Novello, the United States Surgeon General launched several programs to address particular problem that young people have. 29. Some psychologists believe that those who are ... responsible,and competent in childhood are likely more than others to become motivated to achieve. 30. The central purpose of management is for making every action or decision help achieve a carefully ... consist of a group of advisers, each of whom is chosen by the President to head an executive department of the government. 36. Colleges in the newly formed United States, in recovering from...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

10 821 3
Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 14 doc

Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 14 doc

... oceans. 30. Small distinctions among stamps, unimportant to the person average, would mean a great deal to the stamp collector. 136 19. The evolutionary adaptation of a particular ... composers visited the Soviet Union in 1958 to participate in a cultural exchange program. 29. Alaska is fame for tall mountains and beautiful scenery. 30. True ferns have undergone remarkably ... cholesterol content, margarine is a widely used substitute from butter. 35. After the Boston Tea Party in 1773, coffeehouses in the North American colonies became centers for gossip, gamble, and...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

10 768 4

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