toefl stucture bank part 18

Toefl stucture bank part 17

Toefl stucture bank part 17

... established a vast publishing empire that included Eighteen newspapers in twelve city. 它囊括 18. Because the diamond is the hardest naturally substance, it is used in industry for to cut, grinding, ... the nutrient-rice outer layers of the rice kernel are not removed from brown rice. 35.After 184 5, pestilence spread in Boston, but before then, Boston was a city in which the life span of ... eager to make the city beautiful, sometimes provided free plans for people building 40. In 188 9 Jane Addams, a social worker in Chicago, founded hull house, an institution devoted to the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 11:36

10 911 2
Toefl stucture bank part 1

Toefl stucture bank part 1

... 1998 年 08 月语法题 166 1998 年 08 月语法题 172 1998 年 08 月北美语法题 176 1998 年 10 月语法题 180 1999 年 01 月语法题 184 1999 年 05 月语法题 188 1999 年 08 月语法题 193 1999 年 10 月语法题 198 2000 年 01 月语法题 202 2000 年 05 月语法题 ... species of octopuses may measure anywhere from two inches to over thirty feet in long. 2 TOEFL 语法大全》 1 再版小说明 Error! Bookmark not defined. 序言 Error! Bookmark not defined. 使用说明 Error! ... mo re pleasant when inhibitions overcoming. 27. When rainbows appear, they are always in the part of the sky opposite directly the Sun. 28. Benjamin Franklin drew a political cartoon that...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 09:15

10 540 2
Toefl stucture bank part 2

Toefl stucture bank part 2

... 18 39.Fungi are important in the process of decay, which returns ingredients to the soil, enhances ... could live. (A) nor (B) not the (C) none other (D) nothing but 10. __________, in the late 180 0‘s, some libraries had to keep as many as twenty to thirty copies of each of Mary Jane Holmes‘s ... surrounding gases. 17. The Ranger spacecraft it provided more than 17,000 pictures of the moon. 18. Many people who live in New York City thinks that life in a large city offers special advantages....

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 16:15

10 802 9
Toefl stucture bank part 3

Toefl stucture bank part 3

... executive, a senate, and a house of representatives. (A) In 182 7 they drafted (B) The draft in 182 7 (C) In 182 7 was drafted (D) Drafted in 182 7 16. Sociological studies have found that deeply ... teeth. 24. Soil science begun with the formulation of the theory of humus in1808. 25. Scholars tend to cite 183 1 as the started of the United States abolitionist movement. 26. Mary McDowell ... largest city, is industrial and banking center. 40. A rat‘s sharp teeth can gnaw through wood, plaster, or soft metallic such as lead. 29 20. The United States Department of Agriculture supervises...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 16:15

10 870 6
Toefl stucture bank part 4

Toefl stucture bank part 4

... Saturn. 25. Every individual cell, whether its exists as an independent microorganism or is part of a complex creature, has its own life cycle. 26. Because aluminum is nonmagnetic, it ... 17. Doctor are discovering that there is a strong psychological component to chronic pain. 18. With her talent for business promotion, Kate Gleason expansion her family‘s small machine-tool ... (D) When a composer he 8.In reorganizing the curriculum of Mt. Holyoke College in the late 180 0‘s Elizabeth Mead laid the foundation the modern college rests. (A) is which (B) on which...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15

10 1,4K 5
Toefl stucture bank part 5

Toefl stucture bank part 5

... than the Sun, is the principal cause of the tides. 25. One of the wildest and most inaccessible parts of the United States are the Everglades where wildlife is abundant and largely protected. ... show of his work in 1948. 29. The texture of soil is determined by the size of the grains or particles that make up. 29. To produce one pound of honey, a colony of bees must fly a distance ... differences in size and weight. 22. The construction of sundials was considered to be an acceptable part of a student‘s educator as late as the seventeenth century. 23. Historians have never reached...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15

10 967 5
Toefl stucture bank part 6

Toefl stucture bank part 6

... first fully successful transatlantic cable finally laid. (A) Not until 186 6 (B) Until 186 6, just (C) Until 186 6 (D) In 186 6, not until 14. Many of the Zuni people in the southwestern United ... heads. (A) to strike (B) when struck (C) It is struck (D) striking it 12. in the latter part of the fifteenth century as a substitute for richly embroidered tapestries. (A) Wallpaper ... conditions, air temperature and the percentage of humid in the air. 27. Almost destroy by fire in 181 4, the White House was rebuilt and enlarged over the next three years. 28. A flight recorder...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15

10 1,2K 7
Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 7 pdf

Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 7 pdf

... service for the United States when President Benjamin Harrison appointed him solicitor general in 189 0. 31. A time zone is a slightly irregular north-south belts that extends from pole to pole. ... harmful and unnecessary. (A) and (B) whose (C) since (D) for 12. After the great blizzard of 188 8 in the northeastern United States, it took some the snow away from their homes. (A) days ... movement, but she asking for a fair chance for women in her book, Woman in the Nineteenth Century. 18. Most cities major in the United States have at least one daily newspaper. 62 34. Whichever...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

10 1,1K 4
Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 8 doc

Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 8 doc

... stems of the alfalfa plant are the only parts of the plant (A) the uses for livestock fees (B) for using livestock feed 74 34. Despite resistance in some parts of Canada, the conversion to ... an area wider than are 7. Sarah Frances Whiting opened the of physics in the United States in 187 8. (A) undergraduate teaching was in a second laboratory (B) second teaching laboratory of ... for release tension. 24. Doppler radar can be used to determine the direction which in the particles of a cloud are moving. 25. Applied research aims at some specific objective, such as...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

10 1K 5
Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 9 pptx

Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 9 pptx

... found not only in this country but in many other parts of the world as well. 39. Preceding the United Stated Naval Academy was founded in 184 5, sailors were trained at sea. 40. During her ... Indians of North America shot flaming arrows inside the sky to rekindle the light. 37. From 189 2 to 189 5, Alice Elvira Frecman was Dean of Women at the newly foundation University of Chicago. ... number of Native Americans living in Canada is increased. 30. Eleanor Roosevelt played a leading part in women‘s organizations, and she was active in encouraging youth movements, in promoting...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

10 799 3
Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 10 ppt

Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 10 ppt

... growing throughout the Animal‘s lifetime. 18. Before 180 0 only a few small portable lamps had been making. 19. Dreaming is a distinct and necessary part of sleeping, usually it characterized ... autobiographical novels. 17. It was not until the latter part of the nineteenth century that the Adirondack region of New York State was proper mapped. 18. Such special adaptations as lightweight bodies, ... is (C) or is (D) in case it 5. Even though John F. Kennedy failed to receive the Democratic Party‘s vice presidential nomination in 1956, _____ won their nomination for President in 1960....

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

10 742 4
Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 11 ppt

Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 11 ppt

... the most complex of the arts, requiring a number large of people for a play‘s performance. 18. Some comets are visibly to the unaided eye, but only for several months, when they pass closest ... Andrew White _____ the concept of a university unaffiliated with any religious sect or political party. (A) develop (B) developing (C) develops (D) developed 3. In order for information ... the expansion of medical training to include genetics _____ supported the founding of genetics departments in North American medical schools. (A) nor (B) and (C) while (D) if 5. _____ mammals...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

10 894 6
Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 12 pdf

Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 12 pdf

... have (B) who have (C)which have (D)to have their 15. _____ as a territory in 185 4 and admitted as a state in 186 1, Kansas is at the geographical center of the United States. (A)By organizing ... believed (D) who did she believe Awho 与 she 重复 B 正确 D 同 A 5. _____ no real boundary to the part of the ocean referred to as a ―deep‖ because of changing water levels and movement in the ... demand A 正确 B 两主语 D 主句无谓宾 7. A few animals sometimes fool their enemies _____ to be dead. 118 1996 年 01 月语法题 1. Sociologists have long recognized that social tension _____. (A) elements...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

10 800 2
Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 13 doc

Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 13 doc

... took ten years write. 17. None two butterflies have exactly the same design on their wings. 18. To save the California condor from extinction, a group of federal, local, and privately organizations ... In 1991 Antonia Novello, the United States Surgeon General launched several programs to address particular problem that young people have. 29. Some psychologists believe that those who are ... famous novel, The friendly Persuasion describes the life of a Quaker farmed family in the mid -180 0‘s. 37. One inventor that Thomas Edison can take credit for is the light bulb. 38.Electric...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

10 821 3
Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 14 doc

Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 14 doc

... from other element in 184 1, uranium is valued as a source of atomic energy. 28. Ulysses S. Kay was among the United States composers visited the Soviet Union in 1958 to participate in a cultural ... the way music reach its audience and even influenced the way in which it was composed. 27. By 186 0 the railroads of the United States had 3,000 miles of track, three-quarters of which it was ... reproductions nor fakes. 17. Paint must be stirred and sometimes dilution before it is applied. 18. A great aviation pioneer, Amelia Earhart was already famous when she sets out on her ill-fated...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

10 768 4

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