toefl course materials and documents in english

A study of the linguistic features of saying verbs used in political documents in english and vietnamese

A study of the linguistic features of saying verbs used in political documents in english and vietnamese

... the saying verbs are used in political documents in English and Vietnamese; English and Vietnamese will be a contribution to the teaching and - To find out similarities and differences in terms ... description and analysis of the semantic and syntactic features of saying verbs used in political documents in English and Vietnamese 1.3 investigated ten English saying verbs congratulate, thank” and ... difference between English saying and semantic features of saying verbs used in the political documents verbs and Vietnamese equivalents as follows English saying verbs in English and Vietnamese

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:19

13 835 3
A study on syntactic and pragmatic features of asking and answering in english and vietnamese job interviews

A study on syntactic and pragmatic features of asking and answering in english and vietnamese job interviews

... research, choosing and classifying EWGH and VWGT as single words and WG, analyzing the data to find out the syntactic and semantic features of EWGH and VWGT, comparing and contrasting to discover ... 1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF DANANG PHAM THI DINH A STUDY ON LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF ENGLISH WORD GROUPS CONTAINING THE WORD “HEART” AND THE VIETNAMESE ONES CONTAINING THE ... publications and studies to get through in- depth information and understanding of the combinations, choosing the approaches to the problem and the theoretical background, collecting documents related

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16

13 902 0
an investigation into conceptual metaphors used for describing happiness and sadness in english and vietnamese

an investigation into conceptual metaphors used for describing happiness and sadness in english and vietnamese

... in both languages are required. - Investigating and finding out the conceptual metaphors expressing for happiness and sadness in English and Vietnamese poems. 8 - Comparing and pointing ... expressions describing happiness and sadness were collected from English and Vietnamese poems on the Internet, in newspapers and in publication printings. Basic emotions introduced in Kovecses [10] ... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF DANANG HUỲNH THỊ MINH NGUYỆT AN INVESTIGATION INTO CONCEPTUAL METAPHORS USED FOR DESCRIBING HAPPINESS AND SADNESS IN ENGLISH

Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2014, 18:58

26 887 6
100 most often mispronounced words and phrases in english

100 most often mispronounced words and phrases in english

... 100 Most Often Mispronounced Words and Phrases in English There are spelling rules in English, even if they are difficult to understand, so pronouncing a word correctly usually does help ... this word the [s] finds itself in the same environment as in "isn't" and "wasn't." Don't say: a blessing in the skies | Do say: a blessing in disguise Comment: ... meaning ''having,'' is fading away in the U.S. Don't say: bidness | Do say: business Comment: The change of [s] to [d] before [n] is spreading throughout the US and

Ngày tải lên: 01/09/2015, 13:59

13 289 0
Sourcing and outsourcing of materials and services in chemical supply chains

Sourcing and outsourcing of materials and services in chemical supply chains

... SOURCING AND OUTSOURCING OF MATERIALS AND SERVICES IN CHEMICAL SUPPLY CHAINS MUKTA BANSAL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2008 SOURCING AND OUTSOURCING OF MATERIALS AND SERVICES IN CHEMICAL ... addresses the strategic and integrated sourcing and distribution of materials in a global business environment for a MNC, which are key planning decisions in many supply chains including the chemical. ... Although the handling of uncertainty is demonstrated by considering uncertainties in demand and price, other uncertainties such as logistics cost, penalty, etc can be incorporated in a similar

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:07

223 794 0
A study of linguistic features of proverbs related to gain and loss in English versus Vietnamese

A study of linguistic features of proverbs related to gain and loss in English versus Vietnamese

... proverbs relating to gain and loss in English and Vietnamese in terms of syntactic and semantic features. However, the stylistic devices of proverbs relating to gain and loss in English and Vietnamese ... proverbs stated in section and simultaneously contain words denoting Gain and Loss such as gain, loss, win, lose, come, go, throw, catch, nothing, everything, ect. in English and được, mất, ... similarities and differences between EPsRG&L and VPsRG&L in terms of syntactic and semantic features. - To suggest some ideas for teaching, learning and translating English proverbs into Vietnamese and

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2015, 00:17

26 485 1
adj and adv and comparision in English (comparatives and superlatives)

adj and adv and comparision in English (comparatives and superlatives)

... forms Comparative & Comparative You should work harder and harder Our lesson becomes more and more difficult Your English will get better and better Other forms The + comparative, the + comparative ... 4 Comparative & Comparative You should work harder and harder Our lesson becomes more and more difficult Your English will get better and better... three largest 3 Comparatives & Superlatives ... than Apple... - Travelling is now less expensive … BUT … less safe, too than that in the past 4 Other forms 3 much/ a little + comparative Mr A is much taller much more handsome than Mr B BUT

Ngày tải lên: 06/04/2016, 15:10

38 832 0
Rules, patterns and words   grammar and lexis in english language teaching   willis dave

Rules, patterns and words grammar and lexis in english language teaching willis dave

... Willis J, and D Willis 1998 The Collins Cobuild English Course, Level Glasgow: Collins Cobuild 1990 The Collins Cobuild English Course, Level Glasgow: Collins Cobuild 1996 Challenge and Change in Language ... contribution to language description and that this kind of understanding helps promote learning Our beliefs about language learning and teaching are shaped by our training, but also by our classroom ... Patterns and Words Grammar and Lexis in English Language Teaching C A M B R I D G E L A N G U A G E T E A C H I N G L I B R A RY A series covering central issues in language teaching and learning,

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2016, 15:34

247 769 0
prefixes and suffixes in english

prefixes and suffixes in english

... speaking, and reading.) A Vocabulary Quiz using test-prep and fill -in- the blank formats that require thinking, reading, and writing.The questions extend students’ learning Getting Started Planning ... the foundation for reading comprehension In fact, vocabulary is the foundation of all areas of literacy—listening, speaking, reading, and writing Since increasing and developing a student’s vocabulary ... Display the words in a pocket chart, and hold the definitions in your hand Have students stand in 2–5 lines behind each other Read a definition.The first student to say the matching word moves to

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 21:35

145 509 0
Idioms about appearance and personality in english and vietnamese

Idioms about appearance and personality in english and vietnamese

... it is raining in large amounts, most cultures have an interesting way of saying that:  In English, it would be “raining cats and dogs”,  In Africa, they might say “it's raining old ... variants and synonymous idioms in English and those in Vietnamese Techniques for analyzing materials: - English and Vietnamese idiomatic variants and synonymous idioms are investigated in many ... and differences in English and Vietnamese idioms of comparison referring to human appearance and personality Despite the differences in culture, there are still coincidences in ways of thinking

Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2016, 23:20

67 928 1
englishLet 39 s read and write in english 1

englishLet 39 s read and write in english 1

... to reading the passages, such as individual silent reading, reading aloud, listening to the teacher, and reading and discussion in groups This assists in maintaining interest and encouraging pupils ... used red paint Her friend Daniel used green paint and her friend Sarah used yellow paint In the afternoon they painted flowers This time Kate used green paint, Sarah used yellow paint and Daniel ... lege) fine as eg Trang 11 Kate’s mother gave her a box of paints for her birthday Hello! Come in! In the morning the children painted balloons They painted them red, green and yellow

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2016, 13:34

50 295 0
Ambiguities and tensions in english language teaching  portraits of EFL teachers as legitimate speakers

Ambiguities and tensions in english language teaching portraits of EFL teachers as legitimate speakers

... Society: A Modular Model for Knowing, Analyzing, Recognizing, Doing, and Seeing Vandergrift /Goh • Teaching and Learning Second Language Listening: Metacognition in Action LoCastro • Pragmatics ... Development Hinkel, Ed • Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning, Volume II Nassaji /Fotos • Teaching Grammar in Second Language Classrooms: Integrating Form-Focused Instruction in ... Disinventing and (re)constituting languages Critical Inquiry in Language Studies: An International Journal, 2(3), 137–156 Makoni, S., & Pennycook, A (Eds.) (2007) Disinventing and reconstituting

Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2017, 14:47

259 586 0
Using pairwork and groupwork in english lessons at ha tinh school of excellence in education

Using pairwork and groupwork in english lessons at ha tinh school of excellence in education

... pronunciation and how to repair to make students fluent in their speaking Coming this seminar I want to present about ‘‘Using pairwork and groupwork in English lessons at Ha Tinh School of Excellence in ... knowledge This trend in language teaching has led to the increasingly important role of teaching and learning skills In English lessons for students at high school, pairwork and groupwork are seen ... about the experiences in using groupwork and pairwork in English language classrooms; - To investigate students’ perceptions about the benefits of using pairwork and groupwork in English classes;

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2017, 16:04

46 264 0
DSpace at VNU: Nóng, ấm, mát and lạnh in Vietnamese and hot, warm, cool and cold in English: A Comparative Study

DSpace at VNU: Nóng, ấm, mát and lạnh in Vietnamese and hot, warm, cool and cold in English: A Comparative Study

... mentioned in Section 4, when used to describe temperature, ấm and mát in Vietnamese and warm and cool in English have the connotation of “agreeable”, and nóng and lạnh in Vietnamese and hot and cold in ... situations suggest that ấm and mát in Vietnamese and warm and cool in English have the connotation of “agreeable”, and nóng and lạnh in Vietnamese hot and cold in English have the connotation ... Philippines, has only two basic adjectives of temperature magninow and mainit in which magninow covers the area of the meanings of cold and cool and mainit, the area of the meanings of warm and

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2017, 21:18

11 156 0
Educational linguistics vol 15   pragmatics and prosody in english language teaching

Educational linguistics vol 15 pragmatics and prosody in english language teaching

... Function of Intonation: Cueing Agreement and Disagreement in Spoken English Discourse and Implications for ELT 199 Lucy Pickering, Guiling (Gloria) Hu, and Amanda Baker 13 Trouble Spots in the ... spoken in Singapore, China, Hong Kong and Brunei His most recent book is Singapore English, published by Edinburgh University Press in 2007 Francisco Gutiérrez Díez obtained his Ph.D in English ... teacher-trainer She gained a Ph.D in Applied Linguistics in 2007 and has been teaching phonetics and phonology at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid She is the coordinator of CLAN project and is a

Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2018, 11:05

253 431 0
Features of set expressions containing words “black” and “white” in english and “đen” and “trắng” in vietnamese from the cultural perspectives

Features of set expressions containing words “black” and “white” in english and “đen” and “trắng” in vietnamese from the cultural perspectives

... expressions containing words 61 black and white in English and đen and trắng in Vietnamese 4.4 Implications and suggestions for teaching and learning set 64 expressions containing words black and white ... down in black and white 56 Put down in black and white 83 In black and white 57 In black and white 84 Black and white 58 Black and white 85 To prove in white and black 59 To prove in white and ... Identify and describe cultural features of set expressions containing words black and white in English, đen and trắng inVietnamese - Find out the similarities and differences in English culture and

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:34

91 299 2
Tài liệu Course Materials and Preparation pdf

Tài liệu Course Materials and Preparation pdf

... unknown endpoints. Both publishing and finding a Web Service in a UDDI registry are covered. The options for publishing a Web Service on an intranet and the options for modifying the default ... that provides you with links to resources pertaining to this course, including additional readings, review and lab answers, lab files, multimedia presentations, and course- related Web sites. ... overview of the course content, materials, and logistics for course 2524A, Developing XML Web Services Using Microsoft Visual C# .NET Beta 2. Course Materials and Preparation Required Materials...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 15:15

14 334 0
Tài liệu Course Materials and Preparation pptx

Tài liệu Course Materials and Preparation pptx

... in place for the operating system and for Microsoft SQL Server ™ 2000. Introduction Course materials Prerequisites Course outline Setup Introduction iii Instructor Notes The Introduction ... understanding of how XML is formed by finding and fixing errors in XML documents. You will learn what an XML vocabulary and an XML namespace are. You will learn how to read an XML processing instruction, ... overview of the course content, materials, and logistics for Course 2500A, Introduction to XML and the Microsoft ® .NET Platform. Course Materials and Preparation To teach this course, you need...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15

16 439 0
Tài liệu Course Materials and Preparation ppt

Tài liệu Course Materials and Preparation ppt

... of the course material and determine where they are in the course as they proceed through each module. The courses in the Business Solutions Design Curriculum include two types of course maps: ... spokes for each main point, draw additional spokes and label them with a short phrase that indicates subpoints of the main point. For example, subpoints may indicate the phases in the Microsoft ... do not have hands-on, computer-based activities. Instead, the courses in the Business Solutions Design Curriculum contain activities that involve class discussions and individual and small group...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 09:20

12 468 0


... contingent of Englishmen involved in the planning and administration of settlements in Ireland, any legal rights or benefits that the inhabitants might have ideally had either to their own land ... series of English imitations, including Gervase Markham’s continuation of Sidney’s unfinished 1590 version, entitled The English Arcadia, Alluding his Beginning from Sir Philip Sidnes Ending (1607) and ... Conquest in A View and The Faerie Queene vi,’’ in English Literary Renaissance 31.3 (Fall 2001): 365–91, and chapter 6 was first published as ‘‘Roman Conquest and English Legal Identity in Cymbeline,’’...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 13:20

248 590 1

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