... others. ã Take responsibility for every area of your life. ã Take care of your reputation. It's your most valuable asset. ã Count your blessings. ã Whistle. ã Marry only for love. ã Call your mother. ã Do ... • Don't tailgate. • Don't expect money to bring you happiness. • Be forgiving of yourself and others. ã Never give up on anyone. Miracles happen every day. ã Say thank...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 17:20
Negotiate to Win: The 21 Rules for Successful Negotiating pptx
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Public Speaking Tips For Kids pptx
... www.CreditUnionOne.org Public Speaking Tips For Kids By: James Masterson Public speaking is one skill that kids should enhance. Aside from practice, public speaking for kids requires personal coaching. Personal coaching includes the development of self‐confidence and the effort on helping kids to improve their public speaking skills. For beginners it is important that they undergo this kind of learning to have a better public speaking approach. Kids have their own skills and abilities on how to deliver a presentation. It is up to the coach to bring out that natural skill in them. The kid only needs to listen and internalize all the things that the coach will teach. If you are the kid being trained, you will be introduced to an approach in public speaking that can be convenient to you. The coach will not attempt to change your style and be different to other speakers; although speakers seem to be more effective if the audience finds him unique in his public speaking. The coach will try to enhance your own skills and talents that are already present in you. You can expect comments and feedback from your coach during the training process. He will provide you the much needed guidance and specific knowledge for the coach is obliged to produce a better result in your training. Here are some reasons why you will need a personal coach: ‐ You may ask for a coach if you need help on a specific presentation that is very important to you. ‐If you want to concentrate on specific communication and speaking issues that are covered in general workshops and seminars. ‐If you have encountered sessions and workshops that progress slowly and are too standard or maybe do not get your interest. ‐When you are too busy to attend trainings because you cannot choose just one that can answer your needs. ‐If you are not comfortable in the team setting or you may feel that your speaking skills are on a much higher level. ... Public Speaking Tips For Kids By: James Masterson Public speaking is one skill that kids should enhance. Aside from practice, public speaking for kids requires personal coaching. Personal coaching includes the development of self‐confidence and the effort on helping kids to improve their public speaking skills. For beginners it is important that they undergo this kind of learning to have a better public speaking approach. Kids have their own skills and abilities on how to deliver a presentation. It is up to the coach to bring out that natural skill in them. The kid only needs to listen and internalize all the things that the coach will teach. If you are the kid being trained, you will be introduced to an approach in public speaking that can be convenient to you. The coach will not attempt to change your style and be different to other speakers; although speakers seem to be more effective if the audience finds him unique in his public speaking. The coach will try to enhance your own skills and talents that are already present in you. You can expect comments and feedback from your coach during the training process. He will provide you the much needed guidance and specific knowledge for the coach is obliged to produce a better result in your training. Here are some reasons why you will need a personal coach: ‐ You may ask for a coach if you need help on a specific presentation that is very important to you. ‐If you want to concentrate on specific communication and speaking issues that are covered in general workshops and seminars. ‐If you have encountered sessions and workshops that progress slowly and are too standard or maybe do not get your interest. ‐When you are too busy to attend trainings because you cannot choose just one that can answer your needs. ‐If you are not comfortable in the team setting or you may feel that your speaking skills are on a much higher level. ... Public Speaking Tips For Kids By: James Masterson Public speaking is one skill that kids should enhance. Aside from practice, public speaking for kids requires personal coaching. Personal coaching includes the development of self‐confidence and the effort on helping kids to improve their public speaking skills. For beginners it is important that they undergo this kind of learning to have a better public speaking approach. Kids have their own skills and abilities on how to deliver a presentation. It is up to the coach to bring out that natural skill in them. The kid only needs to listen and internalize all the things that the coach will teach. If you are the kid being trained, you will be introduced to an approach in public speaking that can be convenient to you. The coach will not attempt to change your style and be different to other speakers; although speakers seem to be more effective if the audience finds him unique in his public speaking. The coach will try to enhance your own skills and talents that are already present in you. You can expect comments and feedback from your coach during the training process. He will provide you the much needed guidance and specific knowledge for the coach is obliged to produce a better result in your training. Here are some reasons why you will need a personal coach: ‐ You may ask for a coach if you need help on a specific presentation that is very important to you. ‐If you want to concentrate on specific communication and speaking issues that are covered in general workshops and seminars. ‐If you have encountered sessions and workshops that progress slowly and are too standard or maybe do not get your interest. ‐When you are too busy to attend trainings because you cannot choose just one that can answer your needs. ‐If you are not comfortable in the team setting or you may feel that your speaking skills are on a much higher level. ...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 05:15
Tài liệu Tips, Tools, and General Guidance for Public Speaking pptx
... adapt the content and/or format to best fit your public speaking goals and activi- ties. LWR: Tips, Tools, and General Guidance for Public Speaking, Page 26 TEN TIPS: What To Do In Public ... consider preparing props that reflect your speech. LWR: Tips, Tools, and General Guidance for Public Speaking, Page 21 HELPFUL HINTS FOR SPEECH DELIVERY 1. Practice your speech so you ... can learn from them. LWR: Tips, Tools, and General Guidance for Public Speaking, Page 17 Timing IS Everything… Always be conscious of the time allotment for your speech, of how long...
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 23:15
Tài liệu 10 Tips for Creating Your Web Site ppt
... a screen reader to read this informa- tion aloud for a visually impaired user. There are several other tips like using <th> table headers with tables of information, not just placeholders. ... driven, it is imperative that sharing information with different applications and/or platforms be done in the most flexible way possible. Transforming Data from one format to the next, however, can ... Extensible Style Sheet Transformations (XSL - T), Formatting Objects (XSL - FO), and CSS developers now are able to transform this raw data into an application specific format. Languages com- monly...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 04:18
Tài liệu 40 Tips for a Better Life pdf
... so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this matter?' 26. Forgive everyone for everything. 27. What other people think of you is none of your business. 28. GOD ... your family often. (Or email them to death!!!) 37. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements: I am thankful for __________. Today I accomplished _________. 38. Remember ... certainly don't want a fast pass. You only have one ride through life so make the most of it and enjoy the ride. 40. Please forward this to everyone you care about May your troubles be less,...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 21:18
Tài liệu 35 tips to attract more friends into your life. ppt
... anniversaries.[This is for myself] 10. Buy some inexpensive gifts (set a limit of $1 or $2) when you go to another city or country. This makes a huge difference. 11. Write small post-it notes for your room-mates ... workmates, for no reason. 12. Talk more often. Speak out. Do not be afraid to call people. Only when you make phone calls, you will receive them. 13. Want instant karma? Write a testimonial for your ... that it will be alright and you are confident that they would overcome. 24. Pray for others. You can thank God for sending good people along your way. Even, if you don't believe in God,...
Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 16:33
Tài liệu 20 essential tips for Portrait Photography (Phần Retouch) – Part 1 pptx
... phía trên của layer panel, bạn sẽ thấy command "Flatten Image". 20 essential tips for Portrait Photography (Phần Retouch) – Part 1 Củng như phần 1, những kỹ thuật retouch trong ... :lol: Một tấm ảnh từ memory card, nó chỉ là một tấm ảnh thô (raw image, xin đừng hiểu lầm với RAW format), cần phải được edit (retouch, post-processing, sờ, tút :) ) để có được một tấm ảnh đạt...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 03:20
Tài liệu 20 essential tips for Portrait Photography (Phần Retouch) – Part 2 ppt
... 20 essential tips for Portrait Photography (Phần Retouch) – Part 2 Tip 9: "Man! You look sharp!" Tip...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 03:20
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 18:20
Tài liệu Reclaiming city streets for people Chaos or quality of life? ppt
... trip-ratio (excluding pedestrians) was 39 % for cars, 44 % for buses and 11 % for cyclists. This compares with 54 % for private cars and 27 % for buses in 1991 before the implementation of the OTS (cycling as ... improved business. Quality of life The removal of cars from the city centre to allow space for pedestrians and cyclists has improved the quality of life for everyone, for those living and working in the city, and for ... changes Journey-specific behaviour — for example, route/time of travel (short term) Car user changes choice of amenities frequented — for example, for shopping, leisure (medium term) Car user changes locational choices — for...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu Tips for turning everyday activities into learning activities pptx
... guidelines for selecting high-quality care. Parents receive contact information for child care services that meet their needs – with information on hours, location, costs, and other program information. ... such as cat and hat. Let your child speak for herself. Don’t rush in to speak for her. Visit your local public library which has books and free programs for all ages. learn language and literacy ... do with your child – from the day he is born – helps him get ready for success in life and in school. When you hold and comfort your baby, you are helping him feel safe so that he can develop...
Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20
Accounting for Changes in Social Support Among Married Older Adults: Insights From the MacArthur Studies of Successful Aging pptx
... respondent to walk 10 ft. The maximum time taken for gait was 35.8 s. For balance and for five chair stands the maximum was 20.0 s for each, and for manual ability, it was 30.0 s. The maximum time ... .48 (p Ͻ .001) for spouse to .28 (p Ͻ .001) for friends and relatives. Respondents indicated answers for each question on a 4-point scale that ranged from 0 (never)to3(frequently). For each source ... only for significant portions of additional variance for support from the spouse, F(3, 434) ϭ 5.02, p Ͻ .01, but not from either the friends and relatives or children. The step controlling for...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Adaptation of intronic homing endonuclease for successful horizontal transmission pptx
... are as follows; Mes for pH 6.0, Hepes for pH 7.0, Tris for pH 8.0 and 9.0, TAPS for pH 10.0. The reaction was incu- bated for 24 h with I-CsmI(237) and I-CsmI(200), and incubated for 6 h with I-CsmI(217), ... the adaptation for successful horizontal transfer. Investigations per- formed for the intronic homing enzymes that have a recognition sequence in ribosomal RNA genes are less informative to answer ... substrate for I-SpomI and I-CsmI, while 60–42% for I-SceII; for I-ScaI, efficiency of originally described as ‘reduced cleavage’. Not or scarcely cleaved: less than 30% of the wild-type substrate for...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 17:20