timesaver phrasal verbs and idioms download



... - em em - em Phrasal verbs - - em Phrasal verbs - - - - - em Phrasal verbs Gap-fill maze - - Phrasal verbs Matching sentences - - Idioms - - - - Matching definitions and punch-lines ... - Idioms and phrasal verbs @@a , @a@ - - 70 & 71 A Pop Star's Diary Word circle gap-fill Idioms for comparison: as - 72 & 73 74 & 75 - Board Game Group board game - P - Phrasal verbs and idioms ... True or false quiz Phrasal verbs and compound nouns 45 The Criminal Quiz Matching pictures to questions - Phrasal verbs and idioms Group board game Animal Behaviour 43 ma Idioms connected with

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 10:20

79 461 0


... sleeves B hands C pants D shirt Prevention is better than A treatment B pills C cure D doctors Everything could be done by A a nod and bow B a nod and wink C a wink and a nod D a nod and a ... of job B Out of hand C Out of order D Out of mind 13 I don't have much cash , but I can get some from an automatic teller machine A in hand B on hand C into hand D under hand 14 "I like that ... BÀI TẬP THÊM VỀ: PHRASAL VERBS AND IDIOMS – CÔ MAI PHƯƠNG Number Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D At last he understood

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2019, 22:31

12 11 0


... sleeves B hands C pants D shirt Prevention is better than A treatment B pills C cure D doctors Everything could be done by A a nod and bow B a nod and wink C a wink and a nod D a nod and a wink ... Out of job B Out of hand C Out of order D Out of mind 13 I don't have much cash , but I can get some from an automatic teller machine A in hand B on hand C into hand D under hand 14 "I like that ... BÀI TẬP THÊM VỀ: PHRASAL VERBS AND IDIOMS – CÔ MAI PHƯƠNG Number Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D At last he understood

Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2022, 02:09

12 3 0
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "A" Idioms pptx

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "A" Idioms pptx

... Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs What is the meaning of idioms? Words that come together and change the whole meaning of the statement like "it rains cats and dogs", ... 8 alive and kicking - to be well and healthy My aunt is 87 years old and she is very much alive and kicking. alive and well - to be well and healthy The worker is alive and well after ... The taxes increased across the board and everyone must pay more. act high and mighty - to act proud and powerful The woman always acts high and mighty and nobody likes her. act one's

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

28 378 0
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "B" Idioms docx

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "B" Idioms docx

... Mr_doody2004@yahoo.com 29 B back Idioms back and forth - backwards and forwards, first one way and then the other way The argument went back and forth before the judge made a decision. ... bright and early - very early The woman likes to get up bright and early every morning bright-eyed and bushy-tailed - to be eager and cheerful Everybody was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed... ... you ask your father he is bound to try and help you with your problem." bow and scrape - to be very humble and subservient I was forced to bow and scrape to get some money from my parents

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

46 545 0
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "C" Idioms docx

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "C" Idioms docx

... wings and took away his expense account cloak -and- dagger - involving secercy and plotting The agents were involved in cloak -and- dagger diplomacy over the spy scandal close Idioms ... cock -and- bull story - a story that is not true The boys gave us a cock -and- bull story... election come away empty-handed - to return without anything Nobody came away empty-handed ... came a cropper in the chess tournament and that is... on - to understand something, to learn about something I was finally able to catch on and understand the math problem catch on -

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

52 469 0
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "D" Idioms pot

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "D" Idioms pot

... Thomas and you must tell him many times before he will believe something down Idioms down and dirty - unfair/nasty/sneaky The team decided to get down and dirty in order to try and ... . deaf and dumb - to be unable to hear or speak The man was deaf and dumb and could not communicate with the woman on the train. deal in (something) - to buy and sell something ... something has been decided and you cannot change the decision The die is cast and now that we have sold our house we must move. die laughing - to laugh very loud and hard We almost died

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

30 437 0
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "G" Idioms pot

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "G" Idioms pot

... Mr_doody2004@yahoo.com get-up -and- go - energy, enthusiasm, drive The man has lots of get-up -and- go and it is... angry give -and- take - sharing, giving and receiving between people ... sit down and relax I sat down and tried to get a load off my feet. get a load off one's mind - to express what one is thinking or worried about I talked with my supervisor and was ... and try and finish this project today." get set - to get ready to start something Everybody is getting set for the wedding ceremony get sick - to become ill I got sick yesterday and

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

72 448 0
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "H" Idioms pdf

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "H" Idioms pdf

... (work) hand in glove with (someone) - (work) very close to someone The supervisor and manager work hand in glove to create a good atmosphere in the company be hand in hand - be holding hands I ... your death My grandmother handed down her silver jewellery to my mother hand in (something) - give something to someone, hand something to someone I went to the company early to hand in my job ... treating the customers with respect hand Idioms hand down a decision - announce a legal decision The judge handed down his decision early in the afternoon hand down (something) - arrange to give

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

75 451 1
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "K" Idioms doc

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "K" Idioms doc

... the town and nobody agreed with the decision. Katie bar the door - get ready for trouble, a desperate situation is at hand The gang arrived at the hotel and were ready to come in and fight. ... studies and I am sure that he will succeed. keep body and soul together - keep alive, survive It was very cold during the winter but somehow she was able to keep body and soul together and ... the same mistakes over and over. keep on an even keel - remain cool and calm I was very busy with my job and school but I tried very hard to keep on an even keel and get everything done.

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

28 497 1
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "L" Idioms pdf

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "L" Idioms pdf

... situation We landed up in the suburbs although we were trying to go downtown landslide victory - a very substantial victory (usually in an election) My favorite candidate won a landslide victory ... Mr_doody2004@yahoo.com the lay of the land - the features of an area of land or of an organization We checked out the lay of the land before we put up our tent and made a camping site lay off (someone) ... locked up the nomination to be a candidate in the next election long and the short of it - all the facts, the whole story I phoned my friend and he told me the long and the short of it regarding

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

56 398 1
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "M" Idioms doc

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "M" Idioms doc

... salary. [...]... meat and potatoes - basic and strong, have simple tastes in food and other things My friend's taste in food and life is one of a basic meat -and- potatoes approach ... street in a town We spent Saturday evening driving up and down the main drag of the town. make Idioms make a bed - arrange the sheets and blankets of a bed neatly My mother always told me ... matter of fact, I saw him last night and he asked me how you were." a matter of life and death - an issue of great urgency It was a matter of life and death to... fashionable man who

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

42 383 0
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "N" Idioms doc

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "N" Idioms doc

... almost fell from his bicycle. near at hand - to be close or handy (to someone) I looked for a pair of scissors that were near at hand. neck and neck - to be equal or nearly equal in ... determination and courage He is a nervous Nellie and is afraid of the other students in the school. a nest egg - money that someone has saved up He has a large nest egg and will have no ... was able to buy a new computer for next to nothing. nice and (some quality) - lots of some quality The bed was nice and warm and I fell asleep immediately. in the nick of time - at

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

28 313 0
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "O" Idioms ppt

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "O" Idioms ppt

... and only - a famous and talented person, the unique and only "somebody" Yesterday the newspaper published an interview with the one and only inventor of the new DVD player one and ... off on and off - intermittently, now and then It has been raining on and off since early this morning on and on - continually, at tedious length The speech continued on and on ... rainy and windy weather on all fours - to be on one's hands and knees I was down on all fours as I looked for my grandmother's hearing... everybody in the town could see them once Idioms

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

58 264 0
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "P" Idioms ppt

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "P" Idioms ppt

... received his pink slip yesterday and no longer has a job pins and needles - a tingling feeling in one's arms and legs, feeling excitement I was on pins and needles all day as I waited ... plain and simple - absolutely, without further complication or elaboration It was plain and simple I decided to buy the car and I did not want to talk about it further play Idioms ... money penny-wise and pound-foolish - wise or careful in small things/purchases but not wise or careful about bigger things/purchases He is penny-wise and pound-foolish and is always wasting

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

67 312 0
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "S" Idioms ppsx

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "S" Idioms ppsx

... Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "S" Idioms Mr_doody2004@yahoo.com 746 S sack out - to go to bed, ... choir was second-rate and they need more practice to improve a second thought - a thought that one... salary shipping and handling - the costs of handling a product and transporting ... something I shook hands on the agreement that I had to take on more responsibility at work shake hands with (someone) - to shake the hand of someone to greet them I shook hands with my neighbor

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

113 372 0
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "T" Idioms doc

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "T" Idioms doc

... beautiful weather and went to the beach. take after (someone) - to resemble or act like someone (usually a parent or relative) The boy is tall and handsome like his father and takes after ... -and- spend - spending freely and taxing heavily The government has a tax -and- spend attitude that many...take it - to endure trouble/criticism/abuse My friend is quite sensitive and ... with. take a gander at (someone or something) - to examine someone or something I asked the car mechanic to take a gander at the steering system on my car. take a hand in (something)

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

88 241 0
Check Your English Vocabulary for Phrasal Verbs and Idioms.pdf

Check Your English Vocabulary for Phrasal Verbs and Idioms.pdf

... words and expressions in bold with a phrasal verb from the box. You will need to use some of the phrasal verbs more than once. Exer cise 2: Decide if the definitions given for the idioms and other ... each case, you will need to use a phrasal verb, idiom or other expression using pick. Use between two and four words in each sentence. 46 Phrasal verbs, idioms and other expressions using 'pick' 1. ... dictionary to check meanings. Mixed phrasal verbs and idioms 39 1. A manager is talking to an employee: I personally think you've _____ the wrong horse and you've got your _____ to the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 17:32

81 7,4K 101

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