thickness extract yield and wort quality

Báo cáo sinh học: "Changes in muscle cell cation regulation and meat quality traits are associated with genetic selection for high body weight and meat yield in broiler chickens" ppt

Báo cáo sinh học: "Changes in muscle cell cation regulation and meat quality traits are associated with genetic selection for high body weight and meat yield in broiler chickens" ppt

... fragmentation and reduced water holding capacity These changes are probably the result of the high metabolic demand and mass of breast muscle tissue and contribute to muscle damage and changes in meat quality ... occurred between categories and initial and ultimate pH caused by a larger decline in B than L and T lines Initial and final pH were lower (p < 0.01) in B compared with L and T lines (sed within ... weight and CK in the full data set that are weak and non-significant in the traditional and layer lines There are also several strong correlations between thigh and breast colour, pHi, pHu, pH and...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:21

8 306 0
Enhancing recombinant protein yield and quality using novel CHO GT cells in high density fed batch cultures 1

Enhancing recombinant protein yield and quality using novel CHO GT cells in high density fed batch cultures 1

... lower recombinant protein yield and affects protein quality It is hypothesized that extension of culture life can potentially improve recombinant glycoprotein yield and quality Using an ‘in-house’ ... viability, pH and temperature (Goochee and Monica, 1990; Jenkins and Curling, 1994; Yang and Butler, 2000; Andersen et al., 2000) There has been increasing awareness among both academia and industry ... identified and specifically targeted to suppress apoptosis in BC and FBC of CHO cells 1.2 THESIS OBJECTIVES The main goal of the thesis is to enhance the recombinant glycoprotein yield and quality...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 17:10

182 259 0
Enhancing recombinant protein yield and quality using novel CHO GT cells in high density fed batch cultures 6c

Enhancing recombinant protein yield and quality using novel CHO GT cells in high density fed batch cultures 6c

... interferon gamma (IFN-g) were constructed and compared with the parental CHO in BC and FBC in terms of culture viability, IFN-g yields, and quality MATERIALS AND METHODS Construction of Plasmids FADD ... it was upregulated only in BC and not FBC Overexpression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL has been reported to suppress the pro-apoptotic activities of Bim, Bak, Bax, and Bad, and as such these genes were ... time) for CHO GTO and CHO GTKD cell lines translated into greatly enhanced recombinant IFN-g yields The CHO GTO and CHO GTKD cells achieved two- to threefold higher recombinant IFN-g yields (4–6 mg/L)...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 17:10

12 312 0
Enhancing recombinant protein yield and quality using novel CHO GT cells in high density fed batch cultures b

Enhancing recombinant protein yield and quality using novel CHO GT cells in high density fed batch cultures b

... gain a better understanding of apoptosis signaling in BC and FBC in order to develop strategies to delay the onset of apoptosis and concomitantly prolong cell culture MATERIALS AND METHODS Cell Line ... (Mercille and Massie, 1994), cell death in both BC and FBC was due mainly to Figure Cell growth during BC and FBC of CHO cells Samples are taken during the exponential , stationary and death ... points during the exponential, stationary and death phases of BC and FBC were undertaken and the results summarized in Figure Figure shows that for both BC and FBC, 47 out of a total of 170 apoptosis...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 17:10

10 287 0
Enhancing recombinant protein yield and quality using novel CHO GT cells in high density fed batch cultures

Enhancing recombinant protein yield and quality using novel CHO GT cells in high density fed batch cultures

... combination of capillary electrophoresis and mass spectrometry meth- ods (Harmon et al., 1996; Gu and Wang, 1998; Hooker and James, 2000) MATERIALS AND METHODS Cell Line and Culture CHO IFN-g is a Chinese ... on-line low glutamine and glutamine/glucose dynamic fed-batch strategies on CHO cell growth and metabolism are described along with their influence on glycosylation quality and heterogeneity Technical ... growth and glycosylation Glutamine limitation could therefore lower ammonia production and, hence, decrease its detrimental effects on growth and glycosylation (Hassel et al., 1991; Lao and Toth,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 17:10

14 225 0
 Báo cáo y học: " Carotid Intima-media thickness in childhood and adolescent obesity relations to abdominal obesity, high triglyceride level and insulin resistance"

Báo cáo y học: " Carotid Intima-media thickness in childhood and adolescent obesity relations to abdominal obesity, high triglyceride level and insulin resistance"

... exceptional patient care and organization This work was supported, in part, by grant of Zhejiang Science and Technology Agency (2008C03002-1) and Zhejiang Major Medical and Health Science and Technology ... metabolism and chronic inflammation not only in adults but also in children and adolescents In our study, IMT was significantly related to lg (HOMA-IR) and TG in both bivariate correlation and multiple ... children of MetS group had higher values of WC, SBP and TG, and lower HDL-C than these of obese group There was no sta- tistical difference in the age and sex among three groups (p = 0.400, 0.672),...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:40

6 478 0
Starch and Protein Quality Requirements of Japanese Alkaline Noodles (Ramen).pdf

Starch and Protein Quality Requirements of Japanese Alkaline Noodles (Ramen).pdf

... Z., and Pomeranz, Y 1994 Role and contribution of starch and protein contents and quality to texture profile analysis of oriental noodles Cereal Chem 71:315-320 Batey, I L., Curtin, B M., and ... (1992) and modified by Crosbie and Lambe (1993) Fig Relationship between flour swelling volume (FSV) assessed in water and total texture score TABLE I Means, Standard Deviation (SD), and Coefficients ... analyses included FN tests on the 20 wheat samples, and protein and ash determinations on the flours MATERIALS AND METHODS Grain and Flour Samples and Subsequent Treatments Experiment Determination...

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2012, 15:25

7 978 4


... Carcass composition and meat quality of crossbreds between F1(LandracexYorkshire) sows mated with LandracexDuroc (omega) and PietrainxDuroc (Pidu) Crossbred Boars Journal of Science and Developement ... Autumn and Winter) were the only effects included in the model Table Results of the effect of genetic group (PiDu 25, 50 75, PiCC and PiCT) and season on growth performance and semen quality ... Growth Performance and Sperm Quality of Stress Negative Piétrain Boars and Their Hybrids with Duroc Kawecka et al (2008), Wysokinska et al (2009), Pokrywka and Tereszkiewicz (2011) and Luc et al (2011;...

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2013, 11:59

6 734 0


... logistics and staging, ensure accuracy and the on-time availability of materials • Engineering services to ensure the design and detail of the project would meet the customer’s current and projected ... projects that require an in-depth, hands-on understanding of simple to complex network environments PLANNING SERVICES • Program and Project Management • Network and Inventory Audit • Engineering ... simplified installation and fewer OEM equipment issues during network integration • Installation services to deliver quality right from the start • End-to-end circuit testing and project documentation...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 13:15

2 344 0
Tài liệu New Network Architecture Digivance® Simulcast Networks Reduce Network Costs and Improve Quality of Service ppt

Tài liệu New Network Architecture Digivance® Simulcast Networks Reduce Network Costs and Improve Quality of Service ppt

... Costs and Improve Quality of Service Improving Grade of Service (GOS) While Reducing RF Channels Wireless service providers are adopting new deployment strategies to reduce network costs and improve ... observed that low cost/low power 2:1 splitters and combiners could be used for forward and reverse paths to couple signals between a single interface and two host units This reduced the amount of ... in the network and produced another cost savings from the simulcast system After realizing this savings (and being assured by continued excellent system performance statistics and RF measurements)...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 19:15

8 387 0
Tài liệu Effect of KNO3 Spraying on yield and yield Component of rice on degraded Soie in Bac GiangSummer rice – 2009 docx

Tài liệu Effect of KNO3 Spraying on yield and yield Component of rice on degraded Soie in Bac GiangSummer rice – 2009 docx

... grain/pan 1A 1B 12 LS DO5 % of umfiiied grain 1000 grain weight(g) Grain yield Tab 5: Effect of KNO3 Spraying on yield and yield Component of rice on Alluvial Soie in Nam Dinh- Summer rice – 2009 ... 1000 grain weight(g) Grain yield Tab 6: Effect of KNO3 Spraying on rice yield on degraded Soie in Bac Giang 2009 ( Quinal/ha) Treat Spring Rice Summer Rice Yield Response Yield Response Quintal/ha ... 1A 1B 12 LS DO5 Tab 4: Effect of KNO3 Spraying on yield and yield Component of rice on Alluvial Soie in Nam Dinh- Spring Rice – 2009 ( Quinal/ha) Number...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 02:20

9 434 0
Tài liệu Faecal pollution and water quality ppt

Tài liệu Faecal pollution and water quality ppt

... “mandatory” standards Volunteers reported for an initial interview and medical examination 1–3 days prior to exposure They reported to a beach on the study day and were informed of their randomization ... the recreational water environment) and shipping and local boating (including moorings and special events such as regattas) CHAPTER FAECAL POLLUTION AND WATER QUALITY 75 Is the water body used ... recreational waters and in controlling associated risks is often readily available and may concern, for example: • • • • rainfall (duration and quantity); wind (speed and direction); tides and currents...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 10:20

51 487 0


... characteristics and techniques in some 100 vineyards in 1990, to describe and quantify the wine processing technology and to separate its effects on quality from legend on the one hand, and from reputation ... gravel-sandy and sandy Some soils are better than others and deep gravel beds (like in Pauillac) seem to be the best, though there are outstanding wines produced in the much poorer gravel-sandy ... the landscape, to the architecture of the villages and to any other element that belongs to the region of production." Thus terroir includes event the landscape, as if it affected the quality and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 09:20

23 648 0
Software Testing and Continuous Quality Improvement pot

Software Testing and Continuous Quality Improvement pot

... high quality, software developers know they want to produce a quality product, and users insist that software work consistently and be reliable The American Software Quality (ASQ) Institute and Quality ... standards stifle their creativity, and thus not abide by standards compliance However, for quality to happen, well-defined standards and procedures must be followed Prevention versus Detection Quality ... selecting and implementing a quality assurance standard ISO9001 is a very comprehensive standard and defines all the quality elements required to demonstrate the supplier’s ability to design and deliver...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 02:20

561 365 1
Animal Waste and Water Quality: EPA Regulation of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) ppt

Animal Waste and Water Quality: EPA Regulation of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) ppt

... soil by water and surface runoff of rainfall or snowmelt from diffuse areas such as farm and ranch land, construction sites, mining and timber operations, and residential streets and yards Most ... in the water column and reduce the mount of available oxygen in the water, thus reducing fish and shellfish habitat and affecting fish and invertebrates EPA’s 2004 Water Quality Inventory report ... discharges to surface waters, spills and other dryweather discharges, leaching into soil and groundwater, and releases to air (including subsequent deposition back to land and surface waters) Pollutants...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:20

24 366 0
Soil and Water Quality potx

Soil and Water Quality potx

... Soil and Water Quality: An Agenda for Agriculture Copyright © 2004 National Academy of Sciences All rights reserved This executive summary plus thousands ... Soil and Water Quality: An Agenda for Agriculture Copyright © 2004 National Academy of Sciences All rights reserved This executive summary plus thousands ... Soil and Water Quality: An Agenda for Agriculture Copyright © 2004 National Academy of Sciences All rights reserved This executive summary plus thousands...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 16:20

22 266 0
The Importance of Water and Water Quality in Brewing pptx

The Importance of Water and Water Quality in Brewing pptx

... values, difficulties in wort filtration, and less efficient separation of protein and protein-tannin elements during the hot and cold breaks Nitrates and Nitrites Iron Nitrate, in and of itself, is ... absorption and carbon activity Daily taste checks for chlorine and other taints (metallic and THMs) e) Quality assurance and due diligence (annual) pesticides, herbicides, metals, and other compounds, ... essential component for cleaning and rinsing and in various production processes such as pasteurisation, steam generation and CO2 management The composition and quality of the water is vitally...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:20

24 516 0
Child Health And The Quality Of Medical Care by Sarah L. Barber University of California, Berkeley ppt

Child Health And The Quality Of Medical Care by Sarah L. Barber University of California, Berkeley ppt

... of available providers, the type and severity of illness, and budget constraints Individuals are not randomly assigned quality, and those that choose a high quality care provider might be more ... the initial endowments, and µf is a vector of family-level and individual level constraints, µc is a set of constraints at the community-level, and z and p are the quality and price of all available ... models 5.2 Stunting and Wasting Figures 11 and 12 describe a series of random effects logistic regression models to explore the relationship between prenatal and child care quality and the proportion...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 06:20

53 369 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Using Conditional Random Fields to Extract Contexts and Answers of Questions from Online Forums" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Using Conditional Random Fields to Extract Contexts and Answers of Questions from Online Forums" docx

... between contexts and answers, we will use Skip-chain CRF model to detect context and answer together Skipchain CRF model is applied for entity extraction and meeting summarization (Sutton and McCallum, ... Voorhees, and R Weishedel 2006 Issues, tasks and program structures to roadmap research in question and answering (qna) ARAD: Advanced Research and Development Activity (US) G Carenini, R Ng, and X ... contexts and answers One straightforward method of leveraging context is to detect contexts and answers in two phases, i.e to first identify contexts, and then label answers using both the context and...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 17:20

9 605 0