... Approach Analytic-linguistic Approach utilizes information and tools such as a phonetic alphabet, articulatory descriptions, chart of the vocal apparatus, contrastive information, and other aids ... inpronunciation could affect the results, as would the area of pronunciation that had beenemphasized, that is segmentals (individual sounds of a language) or suprasegmentals ( The‘musical patterns’ of ... pronunciation in asecond language is a matter substantially beyond the control of educators’ They qualifiedtheir findings by stating that variables of formal training and the quality of the training
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:45
... modulation, because a data bit 1 (of duration T b ) is sent as the spreading code, c 1 ( t ) ,noninvertedandadatabit0(ofdurationT b ) is sent as the spreading codeinverted or negated.(Aspreading ... transmitter and receiver. Spread spectrum systems were historically applied to military applications and still are. Much of the literature on military applications of spread spectrum communications ... TypesofSpreadSpectrumModulation 7 4 Spreading Codes . 11 5 Code Acquisition and Tracking [1] 24 6 Performance of Spread Spectrum Systems Operating in Jamming—No Coding 50 7 Performance of Spread Spectrum
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 09:20
Fundamentals of Spread Spectrum Modulation phần 1 potx
... modulation, because a data bit 1 (of duration T b ) is sent as the spreading code, c 1 ( t ) ,noninvertedandadatabit0(ofdurationT b ) is sent as the spreading codeinverted or negated.(Aspreading ... transmitter and receiver. Spread spectrum systems were historically applied to military applications and still are. Much of the literature on military applications of spread spectrum communications ... TypesofSpreadSpectrumModulation 7 4 Spreading Codes . 11 5 Code Acquisition and Tracking [1] 24 6 Performance of Spread Spectrum Systems Operating in Jamming—No Coding 50 7 Performance of Spread Spectrum
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20
Fundamentals of Spread Spectrum Modulation phần 2 potx
... FUNDAMENTALS OF SPREAD SPECTRUM MODULATION 11 4 SPREADING CODES An important component of any spread spectrum system is the pseudo-random spreading code. Many options exist for the generation ofsuch ... Block diagrams of the transmitter (a) and receiver (b) for QPSK spreading with arbitrary phase modulation [1]. 3.1 QPSK Spreading With Data Phase Modulation Modulation types other than BPSK may be ... fading, this model can be a fairly accurate representation of the true state of affairs, and it is simple to analyze a digital transmission system experiencing such a channel. The analysis proceeds
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20
Fundamentals of Spread Spectrum Modulation phần 3 doc
... orthogonality of a pair of codes holds only if the codes are aligned. book Mobk087 August 3, 2007 13:15 24 FUNDAMENTALS OF SPREAD SPECTRUM MODULATION 4.7 Summary Spreading codes are important ingredients ... in spread spectrum communications systems. Their ideal characteristics are that they should be easy to generate and have good auto- and cross- correlation properties. Good autocorrelation means ... ACQUISITION AND TRACKING [1] Before data demodulation and detection can be accomplished in a spread spectrum system, the spreading code must be generated at the receiver (called the local code) and aligned
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20
Fundamentals of Spread Spectrum Modulation phần 4 pot
... that code acquisition and de-spreading take place before carrier acquisition or data demodulation because this allows the benefits of spread spectrum to be realized, in particular, resistance to ... figure of Fig. 8), the signal s ( t ) is mostly de-spread and of high spectral level and of bandwidth approximately equal to the modulated signal bandwidth (as opposed to the spread signal bandwidth). ... Assume that the input bandpass filter bandwidth is 24 kHz and that the false alarm penalty is 100T i . Is there an optimum value of V T ? Solution: The propagation delay uncertainty gives a value
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20
Fundamentals of Spread Spectrum Modulation phần 5 pot
... literature [12]. Example9. Compare serialsearch and digital matched filter acquisition under ideal conditions of P d = 1andP fa = 0, an initial code uncertainty of 10,000 half-chips, and a chip rate ... the fine code tracking and data detection. The bandpass matched filter (it could be realized at quadrature baseband) is matched to K chips of the spreading code modulating the IF carrier, so its ... Mobk087 August 3, 2007 13:15 42 FUNDAMENTALS OF SPREAD SPECTRUM MODULATION Envelope detector Threshold comparator Bandpass matched filter Spreading code generator Received signal plus noise Start
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20
Fundamentals of Spread Spectrum Modulation phần 6 ppt
... partial band or single frequency jamming signal so that it appears as wideband Gaussian noise to the data demodulator. Similar arguments can be made for virtually any type of data modulation as ... at least mathematically, although the implementation of the hardware is decidedly different. 6 PERFORMANCE OF SPREAD SPECTRUM SYSTEMS OPERATING IN JAMMING—NO CODING The performance of a spread ... Mobk087 August 3, 2007 13:15 FUNDAMENTALS OF SPREAD SPECTRUM MODULATION 53 As alluded to above, one could deduce the performance of FH spread spectrum in barrage noise jamming in a similar manner.
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20
Fundamentals of Spread Spectrum Modulation phần 8 pot
... convolutional code can be characterized in various ways, including an encoder block diagram, its code generators, a state transition diagram, or a trellis diagram. Figure 31 shows an example block diagram ... property of spread spectrum systems is called code-division multiple-access (CDMA) capability. To investigate some of the aspects of this book Mobk087 August 3, 2007 13:15 FUNDAMENTALS OF SPREAD SPECTRUM ... book Mobk087 August 3, 2007 13:15 64 FUNDAMENTALS OF SPREAD SPECTRUM MODULATION r For a linear code the sum of any two codewords is also a codeword. This means that we can characterize the error-correction
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20
Allied growth development company help 400 SC a latest generation of broad spectrum fungicide a critical analysis of long term marketing communication campaign proposals
... Brand Awareness Promotional Awareness Used Brand Favorite Brands Reasons of stop using a Brand Brand Funnel Tank mix Frequency of Tank Mixing Mixing Pattern Rationale of Mixing ... The campaign is a good ideal in areas/provinces which ADC wants to increase brand awareness or push up sales ADC should also consider campaign’s costs to turnover 3.4.5 TV talk and demo TV talk, ... resistant management Through market research, ADC would find out which newspaper farmers are prefer and what they want to read, it’s useful to define approach As survey of Kynatec, there is no awareness
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2017, 07:55
Democratic theory of fundamental rights as a reference for the inclusion of marginalized and invisible people
... Fato é que para a garantia da democracia, as políticas públicas devem pautar-se pela inclusão e, não, exclusão cidadão O Estado deve criar garantias para www.ijaers.com assegurar que não haja ... plano Cumpre ressaltar que a democracia alcanỗada pelos direitos fundamentais encontra uma aliada na norma infraconstitucional, que nada mais é, no presente caso, que a extensóo da manifestaỗóo ... impactam a vida dos cidadóos como saỳde, educaỗóo, cultura, lazer etc Analisando a condiỗóo humana de Hannah Arendt, Bethania Assy expừe que o agir humano corresponde a aỗừes, seja no plano da aỗóo
Ngày tải lên: 11/10/2022, 16:42
Evaluating The Effectiveness of Elements of Integrated Marketing Communications A Review of Research
... their marketing communication programs Many marketers, as well as advertising agencies, are embracing the IMC paradigm and developing integrated campaigns that use a variety ways to communicate ... and research in this area is still limited In fact, some scholars have argued that been critical of IMC labeling it as a management fashion that lacks definition, formal theory construction and ... of marketing in one form or another for more than 100 years There are several conceptualizations of HOE models which have received a great deal of attention among practitioners as well as academicians
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 21:42
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article Spectrum Sharing in an ISM Band: Outage Performance of a Hybrid DS/FH Spread Spectrum System with Beamforming" docx
... 4.2. Partial-Band Interference. Partial-band interferers occupy part of the hoped bandwidth. A partial-band interferer to a DS/FH signal is the same as a partial-band jammer to a spread spectrum ... the impact of sidelobes and the effect of any specific beam patterns. Reference [17]providesa beamforming model with a triangular pattern to characterize the mainlobe of a beam. In [18], a beamforming ... T Piboongungon, and V A Aalo, Performance of DS-CDMA receivers with MRC in nakagamim fading channels with arbitrary fading parameters,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 19:20
A hypercube model of ICT (information and communications technology) strategy towards a theory of competency maturity
... novat ion A t tr ac t co m pe t ing des i gn A t tr ac t f ol l owe r Exp a nd in vest m en t A t tr ac t r ela t ed in novat ions Th r ea t en ex i st i ng in dust r y C r ea t e of ... C r ea t e of co m m u ni t ies D e st r oy ex ist ing in dust r y s t ruc t u r e I ndust r y Sh a keou t R e jec t ed des i gns D o m i nan t D e sign D om i nant D e s ign/ S tanda Yes ... &" A c t ivi ti e s Inno va ti on Cyc le T ec hnolog ACT IVI T IE S y C y cl e Pe r ce i ved oppo rt uni t y I PO I nnova t ion deve l op m en t T ech n olog ica l D is c o ntinu itie s Launc
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 21:50
The special and general theory of relativity a einstein
... GENERAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY XVIII Special and General Principle of Relativity XIX The Gravitational Field XX The Equality of Inertial and Gravitational Mass as an Argument ... corresponding to that of a university matriculation examination, and, despite the shortness of the book, a fair amount of patience and force of will on the part of the reader. The author has spared himself ... Experimental Confirmation of the General Theory of Relativity,” has been written specially for this translation. Apart from these valuable additions to the book, I have included a biographical note
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:28
The Science of Art A Neurological Theory of Aesthetic Experience pot
... works that the artist himself was aware of. Often paintings contain homages to earlier artists and this concept of homage fits what we have said about caricature: the later artist makes a caricature ... Ramachandran and William Hirstein The Science of Art A Neurological Theory of Aesthetic Experience We present a theory of human artistic experience and the neural mechanisms that mediate it. Any ... produce beautiful drawings. The animal drawings of the eight-year old artist Nadia, for instance, are almost as aesthetically pleasing as those of Leonardo da Vinci! (Plate 8). We would argue that this
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20
Đề tài " Toward a theory of rank one attractors " doc
... Annals of Mathematics Toward a theory of rank one attractors By Qiudong Wang and Lai-Sang Young* Annals of Mathematics, 167 (2008), 349–480 Toward a theory of rank one attractors By ... A THEORY OF RANK ONE ATTRACTORS. .. ∗ Qk (a ) := dˆk ∗ x da (a ) k−1 (fa∗ ) (ˆ1 (a )) x dq dˆ1 ∗ x → (a ) − (a ) = da da ∞ i=0 a fa (ˆi (a )) |a= a∗ x i ) (ˆ (a )) (fa∗ x1 A ... hyperbolic in a controlled way and to admit natural invariant measures called SRB measures. This is the content of Part II of this paper. The purpose of Part III is to establish existence and abundance.
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 07:20
... spectra of the indicates that the real and are imaginary components of are uncorrelated and, hence, independent and have the same variance Since the density of a complex- valued random variable ... otherwise, and Since the real and imaginary components of are jointly Gaussian, this random process is a complex-valued Gaussian random variable. Straightforward calculations using (1-40) and the ... possible paths. At any node, only the partial path reaching that node with the largest partial metric is re- tained, for any partial path stemming from the node will add the same branch metrics to all...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 06:20
Theory of stochastic local area channel modeling for wireless communications
... channels of a certain type. Chapter 3 discusses the basic form that a stochastic local area channel model must take. Great care is taken in defining a local area and a stochastic local area channel, ... illustrates the parallel nature of these operations in baseband and passband. f f f f -f C f C f y: H: x: x: H: y: ~ ~ ~ Baseband Passband 0 0 0 Figure 2.4: Spectral diagram of baseband and passband ... the act of modulating a carrier wave by a band-limited data signal. Thus, modulation converts a baseband signal to a passband signal. To represent the act of modulation, we will use the modulation...
Ngày tải lên: 20/11/2012, 11:36
A study on english reading strategies employed by second year bridge and road students university of transport and communications
... categories of learning strategies and a number of secondary categories. The primary classification includes an active task approach, realization of language as a means of communication and interaction, ... textual meaning as a whole, and react to the text. Local strategies were: paraphrase, reread, question meaning of a clause or a sentence, question meaning of a word and solve a vocabulary problem. ... strategies: (1) knowing about language (relating to what language and language learning involves, (2) planning (relating to the what and how of language learning) and (3) self-evaluation (relating...
Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:33