the world cup lesson 1 reading english 10

Giáo án English 10 - Unit 14: The world cup - Lesson 2: Speaking

Giáo án English 10 - Unit 14: The world cup - Lesson 2: Speaking

... now in the 1998 World Cup + Italy is the champion in the 2006 World Cup and it is the fourth time this team won in the World Cup + Germany has won the World Cup three times (1954, 1974, 1990) ... to the teacher - write task in the notebook - prepare for listening (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) HAND-OUT A Year Host country 1930 1950 1986 Mexico 1998 ... talk about the World Cup winners, using the information in the table in task (P 147) - read and explain the example of the task in the textbook Example: - read the example The first World Cup was

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2021, 20:06

10 30 0
unit 1 a day in the life of lesson plan english 10 unit 1 a day in the life of lesson 1 reading period 2nd i aims reading for specific information about a day in the life of a farmer ii ojectives by

unit 1 a day in the life of lesson plan english 10 unit 1 a day in the life of lesson 1 reading period 2nd i aims reading for specific information about a day in the life of a farmer ii ojectives by

... that the boy did his homework 5 It was not until the lights were on that the football match started Exercise 4: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a The the an A a The the the 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 the ... STUDENTS’ 10’ 10’ 10’ 10’ 5’ A WARM UP: Greeting B NEW LESSON : 1 Pre- reading : VOCABULARY: _ captain: the player who leads and directs the other players on the field _ goalkeeper: the player ... Procedures: 5’ 10’ 10’ 10’ 10’ A.WARM UP: Greeting. B.NEW LESSON: 1.Pre- listening: Discuss the following questions. 1 The whale is a mammal because it raises its young on milk Because they want

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2021, 00:42

151 141 1
Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 12: The asian games - Lesson 1: Reading

Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 12: The asian games - Lesson 1: Reading

... (11) (12) (13) (14) Task Answer the questions Answers: The purpose of the Asian Games is to develop intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia 9,919 participants ... (10) Task Complete the following table Answers: (1) 1951 (2) The 2nd Asian Games in Manila, the Philippines (3) 1958 (4) Squash, rugby, fencing and mountain biking (5) 2002 ... the 14th Asian Games They won the gold medals in bodybuilding, billiards and woman’s karatedo at the Busan Games (15) wushu karate (16) cycling mountain biking

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2021, 20:33

20 24 0
unit 16 the wonders of the world page 153 nguyen duc canh high school teacher phi thi hue april 25th 2009 period 43 unit 16 the wonders of the world a period 1 reading i objectives students can compre

unit 16 the wonders of the world page 153 nguyen duc canh high school teacher phi thi hue april 25th 2009 period 43 unit 16 the wonders of the world a period 1 reading i objectives students can compre

... the answer - Expected answers : the Great Pyramids in Egypt and Taj Mahal in India - listen carefully Trang 2- leads in the topic of the lesson : The tilte of the Unit 16 is ‘The wonders of the ... give their knowlege of the wonder - leads in the topic of the writing : - close the textbook - look at the photo and give information about the wonder in the photo - listen carefully Trang 11Today ... about the Great Pyramid of Giza you have learned and other wonders of the world II Pre- speaking (13minutes)  Task 1: - lets Ss to open their textbooks - tells Ss classify the sentences in Task 1

Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2021, 16:36

14 9 0
Giáo án English 10 - Unit 14: The world cup - Period 84: A-Reading

Giáo án English 10 - Unit 14: The world cup - Period 84: A-Reading

... - Uses the collection of the cups Unit 14: 14 THE - Asks some questions to lead WORLD CUP students into the lesson: Period 88: 1) What’s it? (Pointing the largest Look and answer the LANGUAGUE ... about the World Cup you like best New lesson STUDENTS’ CONTENT OF THE TIME TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES LESSON 5ms Warm up Answer Unit 14: THE WORLD CUP Gets sts to look at the photos ... ACTIVITIES LESSON 5ms Warm up Unit 14: THE WORLD CUP Gives pictures of famous Match the football Period 85: football players and their teams in players with their teams B - SPEAKING the world 1.New

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2021, 18:11

11 9 0


... students of four groups is the same with 40 students During the lesson 10A7 10A8 10A9 10A10 Attention 35 (87,5 %) 22 (55%) 25 (62,5 %) 37 (92,5 %) Inattention (12,5%) 18 (45%) 15 (37,5 %) (7,5 %) STATEMENT ... (The group I haven't applied teaching aids method in the lesson) Group 10A9 (The group I haven't applied teaching aids method in the lesson) Group 10A10 (in which I used music in the lesson) The ... choosing the topic Aims of the study Scope of the study II Content / Development Theoretical background Practical background The solutions 11 The discussion 17 III Conclusion 18 IV References 19 THE

Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2019, 20:16

21 105 0
How to motivate students at lang chanh high school to learn english by using pairwork and groupwork in the lesson unit 6  an excursion part a  reading, english 10 textbook

How to motivate students at lang chanh high school to learn english by using pairwork and groupwork in the lesson unit 6 an excursion part a reading, english 10 textbook

... number of students of four groups is the same with 40 students During the lesson 10A2 10A6 10A7 10A10 38 20 25 37 Attention (95 %) (50%) (62,5 %) (92,5 %) 20 15 Inattention (5%) (20%) (37,5 %) ... during the lesson) Group 10A7 (in which I don't have students work in pairs or group during the lesson) Group 10A10 (in which I have students work in pairs or group during the lesson) The number ... in the lecture Solutions 3.1 The lesson plan Date of preparing: 02/11/2019 Date of teaching: 07/11/2019 PERIOD 32 UNIT AN EXCURSION PART A: READING (Time allowed: 45 minutes) I AIMS OF THE LESSON:

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2020, 11:36

22 46 0
Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10 - Unit 14: The world cup (Reading)

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10 - Unit 14: The world cup (Reading)

... to the song: 1.What is the name of the song? The Cup of Life What is the song about? The song is about football or World Cup JAPAN SOUTH KOREA Where was the 2002 World Cup held? The 2002 World ... of the …….finalists 32 2002 It……………………………………………… was the first time the World Cup was played in Asia/ hosted by nations 1904 13 1930 17 32 2002 •1904 is the year when FIFA was set up 13 is the ... played in the final match of the 2002 World Cup T Vs BRAZIL GERMANY 5.Brazil is the country that has played five times in the World Cup F Brazil is the country that has won the World Cup five

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2020, 04:26

48 91 0
unit 1 friendship english 11 141 unit 1 friendship lesson 1 reading period 1st i aims help ss understand the passage about friendship identify the main idea guess the meaning in context express their

unit 1 friendship english 11 141 unit 1 friendship lesson 1 reading period 1st i aims help ss understand the passage about friendship identify the main idea guess the meaning in context express their

... English 11 -1UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP Lesson 1: Reading Period: 1st I/ AIMS: Help Ss - Understand the passage about friendship - Identify the main idea - Guess the meaning in context - Express their ... report the results Gets the Ss have a look at their roles on p 16 and the suggestions on p.17 Elicits the questions they may ask Work in pairs Present their answers to the class Understand these ... hight the BB The first member to slap at the correct part of the body gets Slap the mark After minute, the group with more marks wins the correct part of game the work they hear B NEW LESSON

Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2021, 17:47

179 31 0
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 unit 14: The World cup

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 unit 14: The World cup

... 10 UNIT 14: THE WORLD CUP The 82th period Prepare; Grade 10 Theme: The World Cup Unit 14: READING Time: 45 minutes I Objectives: Educational aim: Students can read and know about history of World ... -Keys : 1F (the World Cup was held in 1930-line8) 2F (the World Cup is held every years-lines12) 3T(line7) 4T(lines16-17) 5F(Brazil has won, not played the WC timesline17) Post-reading: (10 minutes) ... close their books and practise telling about the World Cup using the figures 1904 ,13 ,1930 ,17 ,32 ,2002 - Let students read the passage quickly to find evidence from the passage to relate to these

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 16:17

10 550 0
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 unit 14: The World cup

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 unit 14: The World cup

... Giáo án English 10 Period : 83 Class 10… Date of teaching UNIT 14: THE WORLD CUP LESSON : READING Students absence Notes 10… 10… I Objectives: - Students know more about the World Cup II.Language ... ……………………………………………………………………………………… Giáo án English 10 UNIT 14: THE WORLD CUP LESSON : SPEAKING Period : 84 Class 10… Date of teaching Students absence Notes 10… I Objectives: - Students know about the World Cup II Language ... Giáo án English 10 UNIT 14: THE WORLD CUP LESSON : LISTENING Period : 85 Class 10… Date of teaching Students absence Notes 10… 10… I Objectives: - Sts know some information about Pele, the most

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 16:18

19 494 3
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 unit 14: The World cup

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 unit 14: The World cup

... in the text + In 1904 FIFA was set up - Stick a poster on the board + There were only 13 teams competing in the first World Cup + In 1930 the 1st World Cup was held + By the year 2002, the world ... world had witnessed 17 World Cup + Today the final tournament of the World Cup has 32 teams * Homework: (2mn) + The 2002 World Cup final was -Write the events mentioned in the text, using jointly ... move to the new lesson, The World Cup * Pre-reading: (10mn) a/ New words: *Show a globe and check the meaning globe (n) = earth * Stick poster on the board and have Ss work in pairs to guess the

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 16:22

10 586 1
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 unit 14: The World cup

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 unit 14: The World cup

... Post-reading: (10 minutes) and take turn to talk about -Ask students to close their books and practise history of the World Cup telling about the World Cup using the figures 1904 ,13 ,1930 ,17 ,32 ,2002 ... Homework (4 minutes) - Reread the passage and summary the main point (about 75 words) Tiếng anh 10 – giáo án The 13th period Date : Grade 10 Theme: The World Cup Unit 14 Speaking: Time: 45 minutes ... activities - Listen to the song and try to answer the questions 1, “The Cup of life” 2,The song is about football /World Cup - Listen to the teacher and then discuss in their groups - Some students

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 16:27

12 416 2
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 unit 14: The World cup

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 unit 14: The World cup

... was the score of the match? Task 3: Talking about the World Cup winners Sts work in groups, take turn to talk T asks sts to talk about the winners of the 18 about the champions of 18 World Cup World ... champions of 18 World Cup World Cup tournaments using the information Giáo án Tiếng anh 10 in the table in task Ex: - The 1st World Cup was held in Uruguay in 1930? 15’ - The final match was between ... read the tasks carefully, guess the content of the tape, listen to the tape and the tasks Task 1: Filling in the table Sts as inquired Year (1) 1940 Events Born in Brazil Giáo án Tiếng anh 10 13’

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 16:28

10 494 0
Unit 14 the world cup (1)

Unit 14 the world cup (1)

... e r e r u p n World Cup tournament World Cup Unit 14: Lesson 1: Questions: When was the World cup interrupted? World War II return Questions: He had the most goals in the World cup 2006 Miroslav ... World cup 2006 1.Where was the 2006 2.3.Which Which teams went into team won? Which team failed? world cup held? the final match? Germany Host-nation ... return Questions: The World cup 1998 was held here France Host nation return Questions: He was known as the King of football Pelé return Questions: He was the famous captain of English team, his

Ngày tải lên: 06/12/2016, 11:25

15 264 0
Giải bài tập SGK tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 14 THE WORLD CUP

Giải bài tập SGK tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 14 THE WORLD CUP

... phí Giải tập SGK tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 14 THE WORLD CUP A Reading (Trang 142-143-144 SGK Tiếng Anh 10) Before you read (Trước bạn đọc) Work with a partner Answer the following questions (Làm việc ... is the number of teams which take part in the World Cup now - 2002 is the year when the World Cup final was held jointly by Japan and South Korea B Speaking (Trang 145-146-147 SGK Tiếng Anh 10) ... when FIFA was set up - 13 is the number of teams which took part in the first tournament - 1930 is the year when the first World Cup was held - 17 is the number of World Cup tournaments that were

Ngày tải lên: 04/05/2017, 09:24

11 715 0
English 10. Unit 14. The World Cup

English 10. Unit 14. The World Cup

... Argentina 3 -1 Netherlands 12 19 82 Spain Italy 3 -1 West Germany 13 19 86 Mexico Argentina 3-2 West Germany 14 19 90 Italy West Germany 1- 0 Argentina 15 19 94 The USA Brazil 0-0 Italy 16 19 98 France ... Hungary 19 58 Sweden Brazil 5-2 Sweden 19 62 Chile Brazil 3 -1 Czechoslovakia 19 66 England England 4-2 West Germany 19 70 Mexico Brazil 4 -1 Italy 10 19 74 West Germany West Germany 2 -1 Netherlands 11 19 78 ... Listen to the song What you know about this song? Listen to the song Its the official song in the 19 98 World Cup The cup of life, sung by Ricky Martin Unit 14 The World Cup B Speaking...

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2013, 10:10

22 3,9K 17
English 10 nc Unit 12 Lesson 1 Reading

English 10 nc Unit 12 Lesson 1 Reading

... What singer or musician you like the most? Give reasons Unit 12 : Lesson 1: Reading Activity 1: Work in pairs Discuss and match each of the descriptions to a type of music Type of music Description ... while the song is transmitted by words of mouth In the 19 50s He was known as the “King of Rock-‘n’-Roll” It comes from rock-‘n’-roll Electric guitars Activity 3: Fill in the gaps with the missing ... _ music in the (7) (8) _ by the “King of Rock-’n’roll” Rock developed in the 19 60s from (9) _, strong beat, based on a solo voice and electric guitars Satisfaction by (10 ) _ CORRECT...

Ngày tải lên: 04/05/2015, 05:00

13 286 0
Slide english 10 unit 14 the world cup _speaking _GV L.T.N Thanh

Slide english 10 unit 14 the world cup _speaking _GV L.T.N Thanh

... Germany World Cup Mascots World CupCupWorld in Germany World Cup 19 98 in in Mexico WorldWorld 2006 Cup 19 86 in Mexico World 19 7 0Cup 19 66 in England Cup 19 90 in World CupWorldinCup2 010 and Germany World ... 2 -1 Netherlands 11 19 78 Argentina Argentina 3 -1 Netherlands 12 19 82 Spain Italy 3 -1 West Germany 13 19 86 Mexico Argentina 3-2 West Germany 14 19 90 Italy West Germany 1- 0 Argentina 15 19 94 The ... Czechoslovakia 19 66 England England 4-2 West Germany 19 70 Mexico Brazil 4 -1 Italy 10 19 74 West Germany West Germany 2 -1 Netherlands 11 19 78 Argentina Argentina 3 -1 Netherlands 12 19 82 Spain Italy 3 -1 West...

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2015, 16:56

27 528 0
Unit 14: The world cup: Reading( E.10)

Unit 14: The world cup: Reading( E.10)

... Teacher:Bui Trong Nhan English group Lesson plan 10 a.Holand b.Germany c.Italy d.Japan 4.When did the first World Cup take place? a .19 30 b .19 51 c .19 66 d .19 98 5 .The World cup is watched by millions ... 10 A6 Class 10 A7 The 83 th period Date Date Date UNIT 14 :THE WORLD B SPEAKING CUP I.OBJECTIVES: Aims: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to practise asking and answering about World Cup ... in the final tournament 5.F->Brazil was awarded the gold cup in the 2002 World cup _ Do homework Teacher:Bui Trong Nhan English group Lesson plan 10 Gretting class Who’s absent to day ? Class 10 ...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2015, 21:00

15 762 2