the power of thinking without thinking

Thinking in LINQ harnessing the power of

Thinking in LINQ harnessing the power of

... hammer LINQ is powerful Powerful beyond measure I hope you will see some of that power by following the examples in the book Here is a brief walk-through of the chapters: • Chapter 1: Thinking Functionally ... project only the last names Because the full names are represented as strings, and the last name is a substring of the full name, it’s also a string Thus the result type of the projection is the same ... Chapter ■ Thinking Functionally With that in mind, imagine that you want a cup of coffee You go to the local coffee shop, but when you ask for coffee at the sales counter, you don’t

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2019, 10:42

259 94 0
Thinking in LINQ harnessing the power of

Thinking in LINQ harnessing the power of

... hammer LINQ is powerful Powerful beyond measure I hope you will see some of that power by following the examples in the book Here is a brief walk-through of the chapters: • Chapter 1: Thinking Functionally ... project only the last names Because the full names are represented as strings, and the last name is a substring of the full name, it’s also a string Thus the result type of the projection is the same ... Chapter ■ Thinking Functionally With that in mind, imagine that you want a cup of coffee You go to the local coffee shop, but when you ask for coffee at the sales counter, you don’t

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2019, 15:08

259 76 0
IT training thinking in LINQ  harnessing the power of functional programming in  NET applications mukherjee 2014 11 26

IT training thinking in LINQ harnessing the power of functional programming in NET applications mukherjee 2014 11 26

... hammer LINQ is powerful Powerful beyond measure I hope you will see some of that power by following the examples in the book Here is a brief walk-through of the chapters: • Chapter 1: Thinking Functionally ... project only the last names Because the full names are represented as strings, and the last name is a substring of the full name, it’s also a string Thus the result type of the projection is the same ... Chapter ■ Thinking Functionally With that in mind, imagine that you want a cup of coffee You go to the local coffee shop, but when you ask for coffee at the sales counter, you don’t

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2019, 14:30

259 137 0
The art of thinking in systems improve your logic, think more critically, and use proven systems to solve your problems   stra

The art of thinking in systems improve your logic, think more critically, and use proven systems to solve your problems stra

... any of a number of, or a combination of, possibilities, such as the quality of the soil, not receiving the proper amount of sunlight, the quality of the seeds that were planted, the length of the ... impacting the stock of the relationship Many feedback loops are at work at the same time, and all of them affect your stock Increasing your awareness of all of these loops and the roles they play ... in their very near future The gumballs threw them again, as they believed they might be marbles and part of a game we would play together They were torn between thinking that the icing was either

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2020, 07:52

55 66 0
The art of thinking in systems improve your logic, think more critically, and use proven systems to solve your problems   stra

The art of thinking in systems improve your logic, think more critically, and use proven systems to solve your problems stra

... any of a number of, or a combination of, possibilities, such as the quality of the soil, not receiving the proper amount of sunlight, the quality of the seeds that were planted, the length of the ... impacting the stock of the relationship Many feedback loops are at work at the same time, and all of them affect your stock Increasing your awareness of all of these loops and the roles they play ... in their very near future The gumballs threw them again, as they believed they might be marbles and part of a game we would play together They were torn between thinking that the icing was either

Ngày tải lên: 03/03/2020, 09:51

55 35 0
Its not about technology developing the craft of thinking for a high technology corporation (2005)

Its not about technology developing the craft of thinking for a high technology corporation (2005)

... The Semiconductor Value Chain 103 12 The Product Definition Context 109 13 The Economics Context 121 14 The Customer Context 135 15 The Design-in 147 PART FOUR: THE CRAFT AND THE MINDSET 16 The ... This page intentionally left blank CONTENTS Preface xi PART ONE: THE THINKING The Problem Organized But Dysfunctional The Awareness of an Engineer 11 23 Marketing’s Choice and Engineering Planning ... Undifferentiate A Product! The Semiconductor Company Context 63 CONTENTS viii PART TWO: THE FORWARD MOVEMENT LATENT IN EXECUTION A Glimpse At The Marketing Context 73 10 The Context of Execution 85 PART

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2020, 11:21

222 7 0
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

... wars, the rape of the planet, and all forms and expressions of human injustice After all, who in their right mind would harm another if they experienced that person as part of themselves? Stan Grof, ... that they contain a great deal of spiritual power, and they may become for you the most rewarding parts of the book Moreover, since every person carries the seed of enlightenment within, I often ... screen of thought that creates the illusion of separateness, the illusion that there is you and a totally separate "other." You then forget the essential fact that, underneath the level of

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2012, 20:47

20 967 5
The Power of “Independence”: Defending and Extending the Jurisdiction of Accounting in the UK pdf

The Power of “Independence”: Defending and Extending the Jurisdiction of Accounting in the UK pdf

... of the professions - such as the growth of corporate capitalism, the favourable terms of the Companies Acts, the closeness of accountants to their clients and the business organization of accounting ... neither the state-carved niche of insolvency business, nor the formation of a professional body, but the steady increase in audit work that was to be the making of the modern UK accountancy profession ... seek the local agency of one of the chartered banks, or to become secretary or treasurer of a private or a country bank This gave them position of unparalleled powers in the community over the

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:21

15 571 0


... feel that the values and beliefs of the main official institutions of the city are not the same as the values that they hold themselves Often people could not quite put their finger ... Scotland 2020 1 — the conclusion of the project of the same name. This made the case for the importance of story in imagining the future. The inspiration for Glasgow 2020 came out of this. We wanted ... PART 4 THE POWER OF STORY —65— THE DREAMING CITY GLASGOW 2020 AND THE POWER OF MASS IMAGINATION ‘ What, Glasgow? — The city, not the film — The city is the

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 08:20

122 455 0
X-rated - the power of mythic symbolism in popular culture

X-rated - the power of mythic symbolism in popular culture

... come out of the pop culture arena, not the Marxist one The comic-book... superego of Freudian psychoanalysis The expression of the profane instinct in the form of the carnival ... influential theorists was Theodor... plan of salvation and the indication of the evil from which mankind, or a chosen section of mankind, is to be saved.”29 I will return to theories of pop ... serious opera) The characters in opera buffa were common people who, unlike the professional singers in opera seria, represented the professions and the social classes of the times,

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 21:47

193 665 0


... Moving from Promise to Practice LEARNING FOR POWER THE THE OF INTERNET REPORT OF THE WEB-BASED EDUCATION COMMISSION TO THE PRESIDENT AND THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES Archived Information Honorable ... collectively move the power of the Internet for learning from promise to practice vi vii THE POWER OF THE INTERNET FOR LEARNING The Internet is perhaps the most transformative ... inner-city school district, to the Secretary of the U.S Army, they gave us a vision of the tremendous promise of the Internet, and they demonstrated its power. 1 2 And we listened

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20

185 408 0
The Power of Firebird Events 2005 pdf

The Power of Firebird Events 2005 pdf

... working, there is a potential problem when all the clients get the same event at the same time, and they all start to update at the same time, bringing a high load to the server. If this happens often, manual ... keep a record of the last ID from messages table they have read Once they read the records, they update their internal last_ID value Alternatively, last_ID value... inserted There are different ... done in either the client application or the database itself In any case, having an index on these fields would make the queries really quick The other approach would be to use the flags

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

23 634 0
Blink  the power of thinking without thinking

Blink the power of thinking without thinking

... Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking Malcolm Gladwell they’ve just met, based on the same categories By the end of one of their evenings, then, Fisman and Iyengar have ... away.” As it turned out, lots of the women there liked Ron the instant they met him, and lots of the men liked Lillian the instant they met her Both of them had a kind of contagious, winning spark ... together Some days they fight Sometimes they feel as though they could almost kill each Page 9/127 Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking Malcolm Gladwell other, but then...

Ngày tải lên: 17/05/2016, 10:31

127 626 1
here comes everybody the power of organizing without organization   clay shirky

here comes everybody the power of organizing without organization clay shirky

... seriousness of the London bombings; the man-made intervention of a military coup and the natural destruction of the tsunami The common thread is the complexity of gathering the photos The groups of photographers ... for most of the history of the Mermaid Parade, most pictures were seen only by the people who took them and a few of their friends The sponsor of the parade didrft provide any way for the photographers ... wonder no longer: the idea of limiting communications, so that they flow only from one layer of the hierarchy to the next, was part of the very design of the system at the dawn of managerial culture...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 15:42

112 481 0


... life because it has the power to so The power of positive thinking is strong and it works 17 Self Improvement Buff Series: The Power of Positive Thinking The Power of Positive Thinking at Work It ... Series: The Power of Positive Thinking Children not jump to the negative because they believe there is good out there They not know about all the bad that the world holds because you shelter them ... some work you will soon be able to put the power of positive thinking to work in your life Remember the story of John and how he used the power of positive thinking to get past a really tough time...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 01:14

22 997 0
The power of positive thinking

The power of positive thinking

... mind the kindliness of the people and the sincerity of their lives I can sit here and look at that church 36 and think of the hymns I heard there with my mother and father as we sat together in the ... ripening fruit The brilliant color of the royal poinciana, the flame of the forest trees, adds to the glamor of the scene; and the acacia trees are heavily with their exquisite white flowers The incredible ... are The life of strain is difficult The life of inner peace, being harmonious and without stress, is the easiest type of existence The chief struggle then in gaining mental peace is the effort of...

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2014, 17:15

286 863 1
The power of impossible thinking transform the business of your life and the life of your business by yoram wind and colin crook

The power of impossible thinking transform the business of your life and the life of your business by yoram wind and colin crook

... see the possibilities By understanding the power of mental models and the process of changing them, you can think impossible thoughts These thoughts can transform the way you approach the life of ... out of that jail.” John L Petersen President and founder of The Arlington Institute and author of Out of the Blue: How to Anticipate Wild Cards and Other Big Surprises The Power of Impossible Thinking ... Prahalad THE FORTUNE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PYRAMID Eradicating Poverty Through Profits Yoram (Jerry)Wind, Colin Crook, with Robert Gunther THE POWER OF IMPOSSIBLE THINKING Transform the Business of Your...

Ngày tải lên: 03/03/2017, 12:22

339 698 0
The power of impossible thinking transform the business of your life and the life of your business by yoram wind and colin crook

The power of impossible thinking transform the business of your life and the life of your business by yoram wind and colin crook

... see the possibilities By understanding the power of mental models and the process of changing them, you can think impossible thoughts These thoughts can transform the way you approach the life of ... out of that jail.” John L Petersen President and founder of The Arlington Institute and author of Out of the Blue: How to Anticipate Wild Cards and Other Big Surprises The Power of Impossible Thinking ... Prahalad THE FORTUNE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PYRAMID Eradicating Poverty Through Profits Yoram (Jerry)Wind, Colin Crook, with Robert Gunther THE POWER OF IMPOSSIBLE THINKING Transform the Business of Your...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2017, 10:26

339 849 0


... see the possibilities By understanding the power of mental models and the process of changing them, you can think impossible thoughts These thoughts can transform the way you approach the life of ... out of that jail.” John L Petersen President and founder of The Arlington Institute and author of Out of the Blue: How to Anticipate Wild Cards and Other Big Surprises The Power of Impossible Thinking ... with Robert Gunther THE POWER OF IMPOSSIBLE THINKING Transform the Business of Your Life and the Life of Your Business WHARTON SCHOOL PUBLISHING Editorial Board The Editorial Board of Wharton School...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 01:58

334 252 0
Tapping into the Power of Text Mining

Tapping into the Power of Text Mining

... element of the vector usually represents a word (or a group of words) of the document collection, i.e the size of the vector is defined by the number of words (or groups of words) of the complete ... from the number of clusters is the silhouette coefficient SC(P) (cf [KR90]) The main idea of the coefficient is to find out the location of a document in the space with respect to the cluster of the ... the document This may be described by the conditional distribution p(t1 , , tni |L(di )) of the ni words given the class Then the Bayesian formula yields the probability of a class given the...

Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2012, 16:46

37 1,3K 3