... The girl who won the foot race is happy The girl who lost the foot race isn’t happy The man who was listening to the radio heard the news bulletin The man who was sleeping didn’t hear it The ... Students could write these and then correct each other’s papers, or they could be written on the board by the students ANSWERS: The man who(m)/that/Ø I told you about is over there The man about whom ... with the object (in this case husband) preceding the subject and verb ANSWERS: There is the woman whose cat died Over there is the man whose daughter is in my English class Over there is the woman
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 07:21
The online english grammar
... to Using English ● Writing Letters ● A Guide to English Pronunciation ● Grammar Games Pack We are also in the process of working on Version 2.0 of the PDF Version of the Online English Grammar ... available. The update subscription is valid for one year from the date you purchased the item from us. WHAT ELSE IS PLANNED? After the outstanding response to our release of the Online English Grammar ... our website at http://www .English4 Today.com and you will be notified of their release as we publish them. At the moment we have the following under development: ● English grammar worksheets for
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 13:40
The online english grammar
... to Using English ● Writing Letters ● A Guide to English Pronunciation ● Grammar Games Pack We are also in the process of working on Version 2.0 of the PDF Version of the Online English Grammar ... available. The update subscription is valid for one year from the date you purchased the item from us. WHAT ELSE IS PLANNED? After the outstanding response to our release of the Online English Grammar ... our website at http://www .English4 Today.com and you will be notified of their release as we publish them. At the moment we have the following under development: ● English grammar worksheets for
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 13:40
... lunch we went to the zoo we went to the zoo before we ate our picnic lunch the children played games after they did their work the children played games after they did their work 10 the lions killed ... +walked (verb + -ed) we they EXERCISE 7: Complete the sentences Use the words in the list; use the SIMPLE PRESENT or the SIMPLE PAS? I ~t often yesterday rain5 famed in the morning ~t I to school ... purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark (the weather \ hot in New York City \ last summer) A: B: Yes, It was very hot (the weather \ cold in Alaska \ in the winter)
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Betty Azar - Basic English Grammar 2e-chapter6 pdf
... see that? B: What? the man in the blue shirt A: The man in the red shirt (hit) B: Really? A: Were you late for the movie? at 7:30, and we (get) B: No The movie (begin) to the theater at 7:26 d ... Rachel are brother and sister Right now their parents (be) with their grandmother They abroad on a trip, so they (stay) (like) to stay with her She (make, always) wonde&l food for them And she ... (go) them stories every night befoe they to bed Before Peter and Rachel (go) co bed last night, they (ask) The Grandma w tell them a stoly She (agree) children (put) on their pajamas, (brush) their
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Betty Azar - Basic English Grammar 2e-chapter3 pdf
... back of the bus The man is behind the bus The man ia in the back of the bus The man is in the front ofthe bus In I and K ,the man is ind& the bus The man is in front ofthe bus In H and J, the man ... No, (The girls aren't playing in the street.) A: Where B: In the park (They're playing in the park.) A: Why B: Because they don't have school today (They're playing in the park because they don't ... s t I, The apple isn't near the glass It is @ the glass @ Yp"is two glasses I the glass , ,, ' J , ,, I , I , / i :,.?? :!!:.+gj;(d the car The dog is in of the car The dog is in of the car
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Betty Azar - Basic English Grammar 2e-chapter9 pdf
... her hair his hair (straight) 12 Japanese grammar English grammar (d~ficult) that one (Pod) 10, the weather here the weather in my hometown lbad) my brother (thin) EXERCISE 12-ORAL (BOOKS CLOSED): ... a person mine a weed H EXERCISE 10: Complete the sentences Use the COMPARAT~VE form of the words in italics good The weather today is bad The weather yesterday was it is today funny This story ... the correct answers by looking at the Table of Statistics on page 410 - PART I What is the longest river in the world? A the~ angtzeB the Amazon C theNile D the Mississippi ; -' , +,L,+,.~!~,,
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 08:20
the online english grammar
... to Using English ● Writing Letters ● A Guide to English Pronunciation ● Grammar Games Pack We are also in the process of working on Version 2.0 of the PDF Version of the Online English Grammar ... - other,another Keywords: other, another distributives - each, every, either, neither Keywords: each, every, either, neither distributives - menu Keywords: all, both, half, each, every, either, ... for items starting with the letter 'C' has returned the following list The item may appear in the top heading,... clauses The Full PDF Online English Grammar V1.1 © copyright
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 08:07
Oxford practice grammar part 5 pdf
... picture. 3 The calculator is broken. Someone…………………………… the calculator. 4 United are the winners. United …. the game. 5 There's no more wine in the bottle. We all the wine. 6 The floor ... or past simple? (1) The present perfect tells us about the past and the present. United have won the Cup, so it's theirs now. The past simple tells us about the past, a time which ... today are on the radio and TV news. Give the news using the present perfect and past simple. ► the Prime Minister / visit Luton University / speak to students there / earlier today The Prime
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 11:20
Oxford practice grammar part 11 pdf
... or the violin, or the guitar, or ?) What musical instrument do you play ? ? (Did you go to the Little Theatre or the Theatre Royal?) Which theatre did you go to ? 1 (Did you take the ... are these bricks for? ~ We're going to build a wall. What are they digging the road up for? ~ They're repairing a gas pipe. What for means the same as why. Why are they digging up the ... Columbus was not the first European to travel to the New World. We don't know who was, but the Vikings had sailed there around the year 1000, and probably others before them. In 1492 Columbus
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 11:20
Oxford practice grammar part 38 pdf
... accept the offer. Nevertheless/All the same, she turned it down. I don't want to be late for the meeting. On the other hand, I don't want to get there too early. 'So': The ... typical of written English. They are consequently, furthermore, however, in addition, nevertheless and therefore. C Other linking words and phrases Rephrasing: Jessica isn't the most popular ... time for the journey in case there are traffic hold-ups. (in case there are hold-ups = because there may be hold-ups) C But, although and in spite of We use these words to express the idea
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 11:20
the-briefest english grammar ever
... considered These verbs... regular They go their own individual ways Participles There are two other verb forms in English that you may find it useful to know about They are called participles There ... determiners) a an the some any this that these those other another (and a few more) Not all the grammarians agree about some of these, so you may find some dictionaries classify them differently ... Page v Preface When English speakers begin to learn other languages they often find themselves being taught via methods that assume they have a basic knowledge of English grammar. Some of us,
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 10:27
schaum s outline of english grammar 2nd edition phần 8 pptx
... as nouns: the high and mighty, The Best and the Brightest, The Naked and the Dead, The Just and the Unjust, the rich, the poor, the destitute 12 In the following sentences, underline the adjectives ... repaired (The phrase in the living room modifies the noun chair The preposition in has room as its object Room is modified by the living.) The one in the rearis my choice (in the rear modifies the ... ensure clarity They usually are placed immediately after the words they modify 7 In the following sentences, underline the adjective phrases as shown in these examples: The girl with the flaxen hair
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 05:20
schaum s outline of english grammar 2nd edition phần 7 ppsx
... neither Carole nor Susan has received yet 5 Either the brothers or the sister will have to pay her debt before the credit manager will give additional credit 6 Either the sister or the brothers ... are joined by or or nor, the pronoun agrees in number with the antecedent that is closer Either Barbara or the twins will have to do what they can Neither the salesmen nor the manager learned that ... The French themselves are abusing their language The French are abusing their language themselves The magazine itse/fis of little value The magazine is of little value itself 7 In the following
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 05:20
schaum s outline of english grammar 2nd edition phần 5 doc
... because the action of the participle is occurring at the same time as the action of the verb knew In the second sentence, the action of the participle having told precedes the action of the main ... another sentence element Consider the following sentences: To mow the entire lawn required three men (The infinitive phrase Jo mow the entire lawn is the subject of the verb required Within the ... is the object of to mow The entire modifies lawn ) Kate hoped to row the choppy lake (The infinitive phrase to row the choppy lake is the object of hoped Within the infinitive phrase, lake is the
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 05:20
schaum s outline of english grammar 2nd edition phần 2 pptx
... and verb Consider the following sentences: The house with the gabled roof belongs to the parson (In this sentence, the phrase with the gabled roof modifies house; the phrase to the parson modifies ... that there is no subject or verb in either multiple-word modifier.) The man who entered the room hastened to the hostess (In this sentence, the clause who entered the room modifies man; the phrase ... underline the multiple-word modifiers as shown in these examples: mo 1ð ® YwYN n Gloria clung to the arm of the boy in the football uniform The expert who identified the forgeries was rewarded by the
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 05:20
... at a time In the previous edition, the phrasal verbs came at the ends of various chapters in order to intersperse them through the term Now they are gathered in an appendix to allow the teacher ... the student is supposed to do: cover the answers and complete the sentences first, then cover the answers and the sentences and complete the reference list Rather than simply giving a list, the ... class time available, discuss the verbs in the footnote They are useful, too They are in a footnote because the chart itself lists only the verbs used in the exercises • The word that has no semantic
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 07:21
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