the main emphasis of buddhism is placed on

a study on the main features of short jokes and implications for teaching speaking to students of grade 12 at ngoc tao upper secondary school

a study on the main features of short jokes and implications for teaching speaking to students of grade 12 at ngoc tao upper secondary school

... INTRODUCTION, presents the rational, the aim, the scope and the methods of the study as well as the organization of the study Part Two is the DEVELOPMENT, which consists of three chapters Chapter One: ... mainly based on 11 Alison Ross‟s framework These three theories of humour will be one by one discussed in turn The Incongruity Theory focuses on the art of using language while the Superiority ... brown overcoat.” In this joke, there is an ambiguity in syntax: the listener interprets the structure as finishing on the noun “light”, with the name of the person added on The punchline shows

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2015, 17:19

57 673 0
After reading this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions: What are generally accepted accounting principle? What kind of information is reported on each financial

After reading this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions: What are generally accepted accounting principle? What kind of information is reported on each financial

... Graph return against the year, with the years listed on the horizontal axis - The more compressed the graph, the more pronounced the peaks and valleys - See following graph of margin and turnover ... measure of profitability Derived from the interest calculation of: Trang 8 Return on Investment and Risk - In evaluating Investments, risk must also be considered - Risk relates to the range of ... 2 How Is return on investment calculated and why Is it important? 3 What is the DuPont model and what do margin and turnover mean? 4 What is the significance of return on equity and how Is It

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2020, 14:22

23 42 0
I made this report after researching clearly about ICT  improving the awareness of the aspects about asphalt and hydroelectric plants is the main purpose of this report

I made this report after researching clearly about ICT improving the awareness of the aspects about asphalt and hydroelectric plants is the main purpose of this report

... board The number of products sold over the months is uneven because of the monthly turnover is quite dependent on the demand of the market The CEO is responsible for weighing and adjusting the ... In addition, the construction of the Chiem Hoa plant also gives Vietnam the record of building the fastest hydroelectric plant with only 30 months of construction Following the success of Chiem ... In the next section, I will show the association of the correlations between the different functions and the correlation between them By the beginning I will explain the structure of ICT, then

Ngày tải lên: 07/06/2022, 18:49

12 5 0
Population is the main driver of war group size and conflict casualties

Population is the main driver of war group size and conflict casualties

... function of group population (P) as presented in the equation C = MðWÞY [3] M is a normalization constant and represents the proportions of WY killed in the conflict, while the exponent Y serves ... | Published online December 11, 2017 | E11105 PNAS PLUS The variation in the distribution of W, C, and G (Fig 2) is captured in both the normalization constants K, M, and O and the exponents ... population size (P) as presented in the equation G = OðPÞZ [5] Here, O is a normalization constant and represents the proportions of PZ killed in the overall conflict, while the exponent Z serves

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 18:01

10 3 0
(TIỂU LUẬN) i made this report after researching clearly about ICT  improving the awareness of the aspects about asphalt and hydroelectric plants is the main purpose of this report

(TIỂU LUẬN) i made this report after researching clearly about ICT improving the awareness of the aspects about asphalt and hydroelectric plants is the main purpose of this report

... board The number of products sold over the months is uneven because of the monthly turnover is quite dependent on the demand of the market The CEO is responsible for weighing and adjusting the ... In addition, the construction of the Chiem Hoa plant also gives Vietnam the record of building the fastest hydroelectric plant with only 30 months of construction Following the success of Chiem ... In the next section, I will show the association of the correlations between the different functions and the correlation between them By the beginning I will explain the structure of ICT, then

Ngày tải lên: 02/12/2022, 18:33

12 2 0
The campaign will be involved jobs during tet holiday and promoting on social medias with the main sale online platform is tiki

The campaign will be involved jobs during tet holiday and promoting on social medias with the main sale online platform is tiki

... terms of local approach and customization factors In this context, the digital application strategy at the end of the year will be demonstrated by an example of one of the most popular confectionery ... Moreover, if they are too occupied with their work to prepare Tet’s gifts to their loved ones, the special gift collection in this campaign would the cherish mission on behalf of them Phạm Nguyệt ... Selected content marketing The most suitable content for this campaign is inspirational content Other contents seem to suit for making business which is not the tendency of the campaign Moreover, the

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2023, 11:58

14 2 0
(Tiểu luận) why do nations subsidize exports (identify the main functions of subsidy)   explain why subsidy is morepopular and is preferred trade policy in many countries  to what problems do these subsidies give rise

(Tiểu luận) why do nations subsidize exports (identify the main functions of subsidy) explain why subsidy is morepopular and is preferred trade policy in many countries to what problems do these subsidies give rise

... however, there is only a small increase in demand. Quantity restrictions imposed by the government of one nation on imports from other nations The primary goal of export subsidies is to reduce ... environmental protection and labor rights - The rise of non-tariff measures reflects the changing dynamics of international trade and the increasing importance ofregulatory considerations beyond ... Keiretsu are large groups of Japanese companies linked together often through one main affiliated bank4 Explain the rise of Non-tariff measures in Global Trades.- The rise of non-tariff measures (NTMs)

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2024, 09:32

20 2 0
topic describe the main contents of the wto agreement onagriculture aoa and make six specific recommendations to thevietnamese government on agricultural policy

topic describe the main contents of the wto agreement onagriculture aoa and make six specific recommendations to thevietnamese government on agricultural policy

... establishment of the Agreement on Agriculture, whichcame into force in 1995 This agreement is a pivotal component of theWorld Trade Organization's efforts to foster fairer competition and reducedistortions ... Zen Noh control over 80% of maize sales from the US (which inturn has some 40% of the world maize market) .The external effects of farm production (the impact agriculture has on theenvironment, ... to distort trade andproduction; the blue box comprises less distorting forms of support, subjectto certain conditions; and the green box encompasses policies that areminimally or non-trade-distorting,

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2024, 15:58

20 5 0
Báo cáo y học: "Towards the uniform distribution of null P values on Affymetrix microarrays" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Towards the uniform distribution of null P values on Affymetrix microarrays" doc

... evaluate the null hypothesis that the distribution of P values from each statistic is identical to the uniform distribution of P values. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is a nonparametric test and can therefore ... n is the sample size (the number of arrays in the condition), SD is the standard deviation as it is usually calculated, and SDWindow is the average of the standard deviation of ... 2 is the estimate of standard error for each gene, as in the denominator for the t statistic in Equation 1. On the other hand, θ 2 is an estimate of the standard error of every gene on the

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:21

16 255 0
The contingent effects of corporate political strategies on firm outcomes

The contingent effects of corporate political strategies on firm outcomes

... context of this study, Chinese steel firms often rely on political connections to facilitate their acquisitions during the industry’s consolidation However, since the economic... on the ... (the Web site of the state-run newspaper, People’s Daily) To test the effects of acquirers’ political connections on their likelihood of acquisition, I constructed a sample consisting ... political actors’ discretion over the allocation of resources in markets. As such, this dissertation contributes to a complete, comprehensive, and contingent perspective on the effects of corporate

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:31

123 248 1
The influence of the evapotranspiration process of green roof tops on PV modules in the tropics

The influence of the evapotranspiration process of green roof tops on PV modules in the tropics

... by the growth conditions and the age of the leaf. In terms of resistance, the soil resistance increase when its condition is lack of water. The soil evaporation depends on the wetness of the ... tropics – one main benefit is to extend the maintenance intervals of the roof materials – this helps to lower the running cost and it is one of the main costly factors on the overall LCC of the installation. ... Communication (PLC) is deployed. This concept is promising because it can control the use of energy. In terms of the integration into the façade, the application depends on the local condition. For tropical

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:23

236 400 0
The hyperconnected economy  how the growing interconnectedness of society is changing the landscape for business

The hyperconnected economy how the growing interconnectedness of society is changing the landscape for business

... Hyperconnected economics Business and consumers in the hyperconnected economy Conclusion 12 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 The hyperconnected economy About this research This report ... on their heads by the growing interconnectedness of everything © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014 The hyperconnected economy Business and consumers in the hyperconnected economy The ... customised and more automated production runs The transformational potential of this third phase of hyperconnectivity is immense, but the jury is out on how long that transformation will take Professor

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2015, 00:25

15 253 0
the goal definition of energy saving base on establishmentenergy management system following guideline of iso 50001 2011

the goal definition of energy saving base on establishmentenergy management system following guideline of iso 50001 2011

... large multinational corporation Our organization has the two distribution chain, the first is the retail product and another is the professional product in the both local production and import ... development is issued the equipment list of significant energy using to meet Pareto rule 80:20 for control electric consumption Management development is issued the objectives and target is compliance ... operated time of machine 3- Checklist report of machine Delegate on/ off to mixing production area 48.10 4.16 12.5 84 12.5 Follow the maintenance plan Follow the maintenance plan On 8:30 AM and off 16:30

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2016, 09:51

46 264 0
Presentation of the main points of the regional synthesis report

Presentation of the main points of the regional synthesis report

... TNP3-D Conference West - Friday 29 June 2007, Southampton Presentation of the main points of the regional synthesis report on Linguistic and cross-cultural skills and ... [...]...Diversity of linguistic contexts 3 types of groups (2/3) Ireland/UK • • • • • • • Role of English in the global market place Companies and sizable section of population: unawareness of the ... multicultural contexts (i.e with an awareness of intercultural differences in communication) Sub-project Conference West Diversity of linguistic contexts and effects on the perception of language

Ngày tải lên: 01/12/2016, 23:18

16 156 0
Carbon Financial Accounting: Evaluating The “Disciplinarian Effect” Of Standards And Markets On Disclosure Practices Of Eu-15 Listed Firms

Carbon Financial Accounting: Evaluating The “Disciplinarian Effect” Of Standards And Markets On Disclosure Practices Of Eu-15 Listed Firms

... regulations Building on this background, the aim of this study is twofold: to confirm the existence of a “disciplinarian effect” of accounting standards and, to test the existence of a “disciplinarian ... of markets, both concerning disclosure on GHG emission allowances in the annual accounts (carbon financial disclosure) To that end, it was considered either the harmony in, or the level of disclosure ... encouragement all through the period of the study In spite of her strong contribution, any errors or omissions remaining in the analysis are of my own responsibility Next, I wish to express my gratitude

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2016, 13:32

298 165 0
M-insurance Overcoming Privacy Concerns in the Consumer Use of Insurance Services based on Mobile Technologies

M-insurance Overcoming Privacy Concerns in the Consumer Use of Insurance Services based on Mobile Technologies

... A majority of consumers considers the disclosure of personal information as essential in modern life The disclosure of personal information is however contrary with the definition of privacy; ... verified the negative effect of perceived privacy concerns on the intention of use online and mobile services As the disclosure of personal information is often necessary in obtaining online and ... of personal information Hereby, secondary use is operationalized as the unauthorized use of personal information for personalized advertisement Respondents are willing to sell their privacy of

Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2017, 09:03

163 340 0
DSpace at VNU: Pliocene-Quaternary evolution of the continental shelf of central Vietnam based on high resolution seismic data

DSpace at VNU: Pliocene-Quaternary evolution of the continental shelf of central Vietnam based on high resolution seismic data

... Although the mechanism of the opening of the South China Sea and the formation of the continental shelf of central Vietnam are still debated it has been agreed that the evolution of the continental ... Fault, which is the southern continuity of the Red River Strike-slip fault The strike-slip motion on the 110° Fault together with the opening of the South China Sea is considered the most important ... sedimentary architecture Therefore interpretations of the depositional environments are primarily based on the conventional types of seismic reflection terminations and configurations (Vail et al., 1977;

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 02:38

11 178 0


... small, c) the establishment of economic services and stability for the industry and the public it 1Within the limit of a thesis, for the most part of the study, the term “regulation” implies economic ... attempts of the state members to build a single aviation market in the future The protectionism adopted by the largest economy in the region – Indonesia, which is illustrated by its disapproval of the ... projections, the author would give some implications on policies to promote the development and competitiveness of the market Scope of the study Within the framework of a graduation thesis, the author

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2019, 16:32

83 128 3
The philosophical roots of anti capitalism essays on history, culture, and dialectical thought

The philosophical roots of anti capitalism essays on history, culture, and dialectical thought

... works on religion) Ed P Hodgson Nashville University Press: 1993 —Lectures on the History of Philosophy, Vol I London: Kegan Paul, 1892 —Lectures on the History of Philosophy, Vol III London: Kegan ... Marx’s Concept of Intrinsic Value? ?On the Unity of Value, Fetishism and the Analysis of Capitalist Production in Capital Chicago: News and Letters, 2003 —Reclaiming Marx’s Capital—A Refutation of the ... Marxism University of Illinois Press: 1995 —Marx at the Margins: On Nationalism, Ethnicity and Non-Western Societies University of Chicago Press: 2010 Anderson, Perry Zones of Engagement London:

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2020, 10:16

145 49 0

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