... pronouns, the writers try to create the impression that the products and services they offer are out of the consideration of the reader‟s particular needs and benefits, and hence convince the reader ... Different models of World Englishes 2.3.1 A dualistic view of the status of English .7 2.3.2 A trinalistic view of the status of English 2.3.3 A monist view on the status of English ... Consequently, the lexical features in this study reflect both the characteristics of the tourism genre and those of Vietnamese English in the Expanding Circle Regarding the research question, the study
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2020, 14:23
... around the world, and have remained at the top of the world rankings for more than a decade Audiences around the world cherish the memories of the breath-taking rallies and thrilling matches that these ... Channel NewsAsia, besides The New Paper The New Paper, the SEA Games official media partner, even voted her as the top foreign star and among the best five athletes of the SEA Games It said on ... him XXVIII "The SEA Games was only the one in my competition plan this year There are many more to come The next one will be the world championships where I want to enter the final of the 400m IM
Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:11
A comparative study of the lexical means of modality employed in culture and sport editorials of commendation on the USAtoday com and the vietnamnews vn from 2010 to 2015
... around the world, and have remained at the top of the world rankings for more than a decade Audiences around the world cherish the memories of the breath-taking rallies and thrilling matches that these ... Channel NewsAsia, besides The New Paper The New Paper, the SEA Games official media partner, even voted her as the top foreign star and among the best five athletes of the SEA Games It said on ... him XXVIII "The SEA Games was only the one in my competition plan this year There are many more to come The next one will be the world championships where I want to enter the final of the 400m IM
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 12:07
(Luận văn thạc sĩ) a comparative study of the lexical means of modality employed in culture and sport editorials of commendation on the USAtoday com and the vietnamnews vn from 2010 to 2015
... around the world, and have remained at the top of the world rankings for more than a decade Audiences around the world cherish the memories of the breath-taking rallies and thrilling matches that these ... Channel NewsAsia, besides The New Paper The New Paper, the SEA Games official media partner, even voted her as the top foreign star and among the best five athletes of the SEA Games It said on ... him XXVIII "The SEA Games was only the one in my competition plan this year There are many more to come The next one will be the world championships where I want to enter the final of the 400m IM
Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2020, 07:55
(Luận văn thạc sĩ) the lexical features of english used in travel brochures in vietnam
... pronouns, the writers try to create the impression that the products and services they offer are out of the consideration of the reader‟s particular needs and benefits, and hence convince the reader ... Different models of World Englishes 2.3.1 A dualistic view of the status of English .7 2.3.2 A trinalistic view of the status of English 2.3.3 A monist view on the status of English ... Consequently, the lexical features in this study reflect both the characteristics of the tourism genre and those of Vietnamese English in the Expanding Circle Regarding the research question, the study
Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2020, 09:06
A comparative study of the lexical means of modality employed in culture and sport editorials of commendation on the usatoday co nd the vietnamnews vn from 2010 to 2015
... around the world, and have remained at the top of the world rankings for more than a decade Audiences around the world cherish the memories of the breath-taking rallies and thrilling matches that these ... Channel NewsAsia, besides The New Paper The New Paper, the SEA Games official media partner, even voted her as the top foreign star and among the best five athletes of the SEA Games It said on ... him XXVIII "The SEA Games was only the one in my competition plan this year There are many more to come The next one will be the world championships where I want to enter the final of the 400m IM
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2021, 07:51
The effect of using cross word, textual guess and wonder word on the lexical development of iranian students (2)
... Yousefpoori, 2002) One of the two main components of language teaching is vocabulary, the other one grammar The importance of vocabulary learning can be perceived by looking at the body of research done ... number of useful strategies to expand their vocabulary learning and to teach them how they can make use of these strategies (Khazaal, 2001) In response to different styles of learning, the use of ... usually know when they must use a word that will be new to their student readers So, they often include other words or phrases to help with the understanding of the new word These words or phrases
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2022, 16:17
The effect of using cross word, textual guess and wonder word on the lexical development of iranian students
... Yousefpoori, 2002) One of the two main components of language teaching is vocabulary, the other one grammar The importance of vocabulary learning can be perceived by looking at the body of research done ... number of useful strategies to expand their vocabulary learning and to teach them how they can make use of these strategies (Khazaal, 2001) In response to different styles of learning, the use of ... usually know when they must use a word that will be new to their student readers So, they often include other words or phrases to help with the understanding of the new word These words or phrases
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2022, 16:18
LV An investigation into the Semantics of THE ENGLISH VERB “GET” AND THE VIETNAMESE VERBS “LẤY, NHẬN”
... p.149] In conclusion, the exact meaning of the verb can be interpreted only in the context Due to the complexity in the semantics of the two verbs, and the lack of the context the learners are difficult ... between the target language and the language of learners One of the major problems in the learning of the second language is the interference caused by the difference between the mother tongue of the ... LIST OF TABLES Page Table 2.1 The Main Senses of the English Verb “Get” and the Vietnamese Verbs “Lấy” and “Nhận” .13 Table 4.1 Diagram of the Main Senses of “Get” .34 Table 4.2 Summary of
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2015, 10:03
Affectedness and direct objects the role of lexical semantics in the acquisition of verb argument structure
... make the change of fullness of the glass, rather than the motion of the water, the highlighted feature of the event (This effect is reinforced by the fact that within the rigid word order of English, ... objects for the first time if the intrinsic semantics of the verbs in the subclass is cognitively compatible with the semantics of the construction (e.g., if the object argument in the new construction ... small role in the acquisition of argument structure The child must learn details of the semantic structures language, of individual verbs, the kinds of verb and which kinds of verbs lexical rules
Ngày tải lên: 11/10/2022, 13:23
A study of the linguistic features of saying verbs used in political documents in english and vietnamese
... learners be able to use these verbs flexibly on the basis of mastering the meaning and the relationship among these verbs 1.6 THE ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY The thesis consists of five chapters, as ... continue or succeed Table 4.11: Verbs of Directing English Verbs of Directing Vietnamese Verbs of Directing In the process of saying these verbs of declaring are realized in the formula: [SAYER + V.P ... Learning the distribution of meanings possessed by saying verbs, I have From the results of the study on saying verbs used in political discovered the number of meanings of English saying verbs
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:19
Báo cáo khoa học: "The Morphological Abstraction of Russian Verbs" doc
... By establishing the matrices of similarity we could proceed to the theorem of prediction in terms of infor- mation theory as formulated by Tanimoto. The appli- cation of this theorem could prove ... starting point of alter- nation operations is always and only the one-position final of the listed base. Verbs of the type STAVIT6, LHBIT6, GRAFIT6 can be included in the category of Ø—L alternation. ... Three patterns of similarity and dis- similarity of functional alternants of verb bases have been established, in terms of the set of suffixes they can take: 1. Base-finals of the listed bases
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Tradeoff between Compositionality and Complexity in the Semantics of Dimensional Adjectives" potx
... lexical items with their own semantics, and to assume that the semantics of each sentence in (3) is a composi- tional function of the semantics of the morphosyntac- tic category and the semantics ... high as the table is long. We may view the relations expressed by these sen- tences as constraints on the measurements of the ob- ject axes (the width of the fridge, the depth of the cupboard, ... [Simmons, 1993]) p = number of parameters, c = number of constraints S = size of the system (the sum of the lengths of all of the constraints) * May not terminate if the system is inconsistent
Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 00:20
... By this the proofs of the part of the results (which require the rather long proofs) are given in Section 8.InSection 4, the main results are formulated, in Sections 5–7 the proofs of the main ... Consequently, the direct application of the method of [21] is not possible. The history of the motion equation from (1.1) is given in details in [21]. On the basis of the rheological relation of Jeffreys-Oldroyd ... system. 1. Introduction The purpose of the present paper is an extension of the result of [21] on the case of a changing domain. Let Ω t ∈ R n ,2≤ n ≤ 4 be a family of the bounded domains with
Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 00:20