the ideal gas law

Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

... legal document becomes authoritative and no law- maker will be there to explain the wording and to guide the application of the rules in the law Therefore, the rules set out in legal documents have ... assessment of the English version of this law is thus desirable 2 Significance of the study The results of this study will help test the quality of the English translation of the Law on Investment ... unambiguous, on the one hand, to avoid misinterpretations and misapplications of them, and inclusive, on the other, to cover all the possible cases that can emerge within the governing scope of the law To...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:36

85 904 5
The Ideal Firewall

The Ideal Firewall

... flowing over the network, the must be administrator is going to be particularly careful about who can access the network and how they go about it The more money there is, the stricter the rules ... need to understand these rules and features because they form the building blocks of the logic that will either keep the hackers out or let them in Apply in Order When deciding whether or not to ... of them and appearing to come from the activating user The worm also rifles through the shared directory structure on the computer and propagates itself to other machines on the local network The...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 13:20

24 245 0
The Argument from Laws of Nature Reassessed

The Argument from Laws of Nature Reassessed

... Relativity, quantum theory, and a few other theories; or the laws of a Grand Unified Theory; or the laws of a Theory of Everything But what is meant by the claim that it is so governed; what is the truth ... “regularities earn their lawhood not by themselves, but by the joint efforts of a system in which they figure either as axioms or theorems.”8 The best system is the one that has (relative to rivals) the best ... a certain other kind, but where there were only one or two events of the former kind in the history of the universe No rational creature could discover such laws Or there could be laws governing...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20

15 343 0
Tài liệu The Language of Law School doc

Tài liệu The Language of Law School doc

... you, but the professor interrupts and gets very picky about who “they” are It turns out that the “they” who awarded the damages was the jury, but the “they” who reduced the damages was the judge ... form, the core argument of the book The second part takes the reader inside the law school classroom, sketching more concretely the kind of discourse found in U.S law teaching Our focus is on the ... examine the face of law on the ground, as it affects and is shaped by the people it governs.4 Scholars have often written of the difference between law “on the books” and law “in action,” as if these...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 13:15

327 551 9
Tài liệu The Ideal Headend Evolution to Carrier Class ppt

Tài liệu The Ideal Headend Evolution to Carrier Class ppt

... comes to doing the “heavy lifting” for the network If the power fails, the network fails If the network fails, customers look elsewhere for more reliable service In the ideal headend, the right power ... have to change their power structure Path to the ideal headend Primary Power Building/Facilities In the most basic terms, an ideal headend is the key to enabling MSOs to grow their system without ... actually needed to physically make the connection and what the technician actually has to work with As with other areas of the ideal headend, the data-center portion of the network must be completely...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 18:15

4 422 0
Tài liệu The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing pdf

Tài liệu The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing pdf

... Mind The Law of Perception The Law of Focus The Law of Exclusivity The Law of the Ladder The Law of Duality The Law of the Opposite 10 The Law of Division 11 The Law of Perspective 12 The Law ... Unpredictability 18 The Law of Success 19 The Law of Failure 20 The Law of Hype 21 The Law of Acceleration 22 The Law of Resources Warning About the Authors Credits Copyright About the Publisher Introduction ... Extension 13 The Law of Sacrifice 14 The Law of Attributes file:///F|/Business/Marketing/22 Immutable Laws Of Marketing.html 15 The Law of Candor 16 The Law of Singularity 17 The Law of Unpredictability...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 09:20

78 854 0
Tài liệu The Oil & Gas Bank - RBS & the financing of climate change pptx

Tài liệu The Oil & Gas Bank - RBS & the financing of climate change pptx

... North Gas Field is the largest pure gas reservoir in the world Projects currently in construction include the Dolphin Gas Project to develop a gas field and build two 400km pipelines, the $10bn ... RasGas II & III, $9.3bn Qatargas 2, $5.8bn Qatargas and $4.8bn Qatargas LNG liquefaction plants, and construction of the world’s largest dedicated fleet of specialist LNG tankers Gas from Qatargas ... and gas projects  Making it happen The RBS Oil & Gas Team “Whether your oil and gas finance requirements are straightforward or complex, RBS will bring its broad and deep experience of the hydrocarbon...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 10:20

32 447 1
Tài liệu The Passivity of Law doc

Tài liệu The Passivity of Law doc

... relate The legal expression of the nation takes place through the constitution and the other laws At the same time, Sieyès’s theory reads as a chronological tale of the birth of the legal order The ... One of the best examples remains the case law on the so-called ‘constitutionalisation’ of Community law. 70 In these cases, the ECJ interpreted the that the Member States agreed upon in the Treaties ... upon the Union in the Treaties remain with the Member States.’4 The principle says that the Union only has the power to act within the fields and by the means explicitly mentioned Therefore, the...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 11:20

188 646 0
Tài liệu The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing potx

Tài liệu The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing potx

... Mind The Law of Perception The Law of Focus The Law of Exclusivity The Law of the Ladder The Law of Duality The Law of the Opposite 10 The Law of Division 11 The Law of Perspective 12 The Law ... Unpredictability 18 The Law of Success 19 The Law of Failure 20 The Law of Hype 21 The Law of Acceleration 22 The Law of Resources Warning About the Authors Credits Copyright About the Publisher Introduction ... Extension 13 The Law of Sacrifice 14 The Law of Attributes file:///F|/Business/Marketing/22 Immutable Laws Of Marketing.html 15 The Law of Candor 16 The Law of Singularity 17 The Law of Unpredictability...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 09:20

78 355 0
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol - The GHG Protocol for Project Accounting doc

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol - The GHG Protocol for Project Accounting doc

... about the extent of the secondary effects to consider This principle takes into account the purpose of the GHG project and the decision-making needs of the project developers and may help them ... *For these project activities, there may or may not be equivalence in the type of product or service provided by the project activity and the baseline candidates **For these project activities, there ... exists, the year in which the break point occurred can be used to define the first year of the temporal range Once again the circumstances surrounding the project activity influence the choice...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

148 392 0
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard pdf

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard pdf

... its legal form The choice of the inventory boundary is dependent on the characteristics of the company, the intended purpose of information, and the needs of the users When choosing the inventory ... of the organization follow the same consolidation policy In the first step, the management of the parent company has to decide on a consolidation approach (i.e., either the equity share or the ... code), the number of customers in their car, the number of other stores they intended to visit at that shopping center that day, and whether they had access to public transportation to the store...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

116 377 1
Governing property, making the modern state Law, administration and production in Ottoman Syria pdf

Governing property, making the modern state Law, administration and production in Ottoman Syria pdf

... tax to the military or to other persons appointed by the sultan, but if they sell [their land], then the person appointed by the sultan to collect the tax takes part of the price And if they die ... on the second, but let us begin with the first Central to the making of property here are the court, the tapu office, and the governor’s office above them The court issues the basic notice of the ... sons, their sons take over the lands, but if they leave only daughters, the land reverts to the treasury As administrative agents of the sultan, they may sell [rights to] the land without the [other...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 23:20

321 1,5K 0
THE CONSTITUTION OF LAW Legality in a Time of Emergency potx

THE CONSTITUTION OF LAW Legality in a Time of Emergency potx

... by law presupposes the rule of law is controversial For example, the central theme of a recent collection of essays on democracy and the rule of law is the distinction between rule by law and the ... located within the law, justice in the administration of the law Authority and not truth makes law But one who wants to be an authority has to accept the constraints of the rule of law And these constraints ... ‘Taking the administrative state seriously’, focuses on the role of the executive in maintaining the rule of law Chapter 4, The unity of public law , weaves the threads of the entire argument of the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20

268 661 0
THE CONSTITUTION OF LAW Legality in a Time of Emergency docx

THE CONSTITUTION OF LAW Legality in a Time of Emergency docx

... by law presupposes the rule of law is controversial For example, the central theme of a recent collection of essays on democracy and the rule of law is the distinction between rule by law and the ... located within the law, justice in the administration of the law Authority and not truth makes law But one who wants to be an authority has to accept the constraints of the rule of law And these constraints ... ‘Taking the administrative state seriously’, focuses on the role of the executive in maintaining the rule of law Chapter 4, The unity of public law , weaves the threads of the entire argument of the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20

268 1,1K 0


... Old Poor Law in Historical Perspective The Historiography of the Poor Law Before 1834 The Poor Law Report of 1834 Fabian Interpretations of the Poor Law Polanyis Analysis of the Poor Law The Revisionist ... Conclusion The New Poor Law and the Agricultural Labor Market, 1834-1850 The Revision of the Poor Law Historians' Analyses of the New Poor Law An Economic Model of the Impact of Poor Law Reform ... The revisionist analysis of the Poor Law began in 1963 with the publication of Mark Blaug's classic paper "The Myth of the Old Poor Law and the Making of the New." The work of Blaug (1963; 1964),...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 03:20

311 406 0
The Global Administrative Law of Science doc

The Global Administrative Law of Science doc

... Consequently, the task of defining the term is part of the effort to design the subject matter itself There is no positivist approach or else given idea to the concept of international law of science ... and also apt to digest the various approaches that may exist in the legal sphere At any rate, the starting point is outside the law and lies in the historical depth of the term II Science in ... Administrative Law governance of science has not been analysed until now, whether in the social sciences or in international law3 5 The state-of -the- art still appears to be represented by the famous...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:20

153 538 0
The Wheel of Law pdf

The Wheel of Law pdf

... the center of the central white section Most non-Indians would identify the band of color running across the top of the flag as orange, but to the There had been a debate over the design for the ... call attention to the wheel in the center of the flag to explain the substance of the framers’ commitment Whatever significance others might attach to the colors on the flag, the Indian experiment ... Radhakrishnan, the distinguished philosopher and future president of India The Ashoka’s wheel represents to us the wheel of the Law, the wheel of the Dharma Truth can be gained only by the pursuit of the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 03:20

345 429 0


... Which the Law Review Contributes to the Development of the Law, ” Southern California Law Review 3(1930): 181–207; Michael L Closen and Robert J Dzielak, The History and Influence of the Law Review ... for wayward legal theorizing about the Constitution The other part of the explanation lies in the unique characteristics of the primary breeding ground for this theorizing: law reviews 87 Philip ... Michigan Law Review 91(October 1992): 34 Klare, The Law- School Curriculum in the 1980s,” 336 Bonsignore et al., Before the Law, 368 Vago, Law and Society, 330 For more on the history of the American...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 03:20

207 445 0
Maximum Influence: The 12 Universal Laws of Power Persuasion pptx

Maximum Influence: The 12 Universal Laws of Power Persuasion pptx

... made the man cling more tightly to his jacket The wind blew harder, and the man held on tighter The harder the wind blew, the more the man resisted The powerful blows of wind even knocked the ... car on the side of the road—it jars us back to reality If the persuader is skilled, he or she will use the Laws of Persuasion so the message is delivered below the radar Understanding the Laws ... few of them changed their original position Of the students who believed their papers were confidential, most altered their stance on the issue to agree with the persuasive speech The Law of...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 07:20

255 918 1
The Changing International Law of High Seas Fisheries docx

The Changing International Law of High Seas Fisheries docx

... on the Law of the Sea, Art 61(3) Ibid., Art 61(4) Ibid., Art 62(1) On Arts 61 and 62 of the Convention on the Law of the Sea, see generally The Law of the Sea: Conservation and Utilization of the ... that follow 2 The in¯uence of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea in the new regime of high seas ®sheries The Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea made a ... Article 62 of the Convention on the Law of the Sea, see Burke, The New International Law, at 62±68; and E D Brown, The International Law of the Sea, Vol I, at 222±224 Treaty for the Preservation...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 13:20

359 274 0