the environment of surgical training and education

Tài liệu Determinants of Productivity for Military Personnel - A Review of Findings on the Contribution of Experience, Training, and Aptitude to Military Performance pdf

Tài liệu Determinants of Productivity for Military Personnel - A Review of Findings on the Contribution of Experience, Training, and Aptitude to Military Performance pdf

... personnel must also handle large amounts of paperwork and complete other administrative tasks The result of all of these demands on personnel time is that senior members of the force are often in short ... personnel and to answer a range of questions on the utilization of the individual, the conduct of job training, and the individual’s overall performance The supervisor was first asked to describe the ... levels and the experience of personnel; NEWCREW to define the percentage of personnel with less than one year in the Navy; and TIME_CO to be the number of months that the ship’s commanding officer...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

87 628 0


... specifications include mother’s and father’s age at the time of the child’s birth in quadratic, indicators of whether the mother or father is currently a smoker, indicator of whether the mother smoked during ... specifications include mother’s and father’s age at the time of the child’s birth in quadratic, indicators of whether the mother or father is currently a smoker, indicator of whether the mother smoked during ... levels of higher education The LFS data, on the other hand, include a continuous educational measure Table A1 in the Appendix compares the age at which mothers and fathers left full-time education...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 09:20

33 448 0
Na+, k+ ATPase in single skeletal muscle fibres and the effects of ageing, training and inactivity

Na+, k+ ATPase in single skeletal muscle fibres and the effects of ageing, training and inactivity

... IIa, IIa/x or IIx) The MHC isoform present will dictate the speed that the fibre contracts and thereby the rate of cross bridging cycling and maximal shortening velocity of the fibre In human ... functions of each isoform, as a knockout of either of the three α isoforms leads to the death of rats and mice before or immediately following birth (Lingrel et al., 2007) Research using isoform ... isoforms (α1-3, β1-3) of the NKA are expressed The basic function of each isoform is listed below in Table 1.1 Table 1.1 Basic functions of the NKA isoforms in skeletal muscle NKA Function isoform...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2015, 13:59

188 370 0
The role of language in adult education and poverty reduction in Botswan

The role of language in adult education and poverty reduction in Botswan

... improve the quality of life of the poor and rural people adult education programs should include as one of its components the observation and imitation of the artisans and other skilled persons in the ... maintains the hegemony and the gap between the poor and the rich, the major and minority groups In order to redress poverty the adult education program needs to be aware of the social functions of language ... fighting poverty The adult education program can thus harness the local languages and indigenous knowledge of the minority and poor people and use them to mobilize the poor and minorities who...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2012, 16:27

5 838 1


... Weapons, pp 3–4 For a discussion of these early days of nuclear physics and the lives, education and work of Rutherford and Bohr see the chaps and in: Rhodes, The Making of the Atomic Bomb, pp 29–77 ... statements, and memoranda have dealt with the status, function, and the (il)legality of the use and possession of this category of ‘weapons of mass destruction’,1 and almost all of them agree ... between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, together with Annexes, Protocols, Memorandum of Understanding,...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 13:20

459 524 0
Health education in schools - The challenge of teacher training pdf

Health education in schools - The challenge of teacher training pdf

... which training for teachers is developed, in the specific area of health education The second defines the field of health education in schools, and the role of teachers The third contains the theoretical ... find their own way in their own specific contexts The hope is that it will help to support professionals in their work in the service of education and of public health HEALTH EDUCATION: ONE OF THE ... express themselves and think for themselves The aim of this first section is to make explicit the way in which the issue of the training of teachers in health education is approached As there...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 20:20

146 480 0
báo cáo sinh học:" Call for manuscripts: "Towards a scaling-up of training and education for health workers" ppt

báo cáo sinh học:" Call for manuscripts: "Towards a scaling-up of training and education for health workers" ppt

... will training by protocol differ from, and complement, traditional community health worker training? • How can the health professional training be better aligned with local health needs and be ... reforms had on the local health workforce? • What is the status of existing efforts to train health workers using innovative methods, including distance learning and various forms of information ... tries What has been their impact and what have been their problems? • What effective strategies have been developed and tested for customizing the workforce skill mix to local health...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

2 415 0
báo cáo sinh học:" Final call for papers: "Towards a scaling-up of training and education for health workers" potx

báo cáo sinh học:" Final call for papers: "Towards a scaling-up of training and education for health workers" potx

... in the Millenium Declaration and those of WHO's priority programmes • How can the health professional training be better aligned with local health needs and be more socially accountable? The ... conditions, the deteriorating health of the workforce in many developing countries, urban/rural and workforce imbalance, and migration of the workforce from developing to developed countries • What is the ... inadequate educational opportunities for health workers and a lack of relevance of their training to community health care practice Additional contributing factors include: inadequate compensation and...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

2 370 0
báo cáo sinh học:" Equity-oriented toolkit for health technology assessment and knowledge translation: application to scaling up of training and education for health workers" pptx

báo cáo sinh học:" Equity-oriented toolkit for health technology assessment and knowledge translation: application to scaling up of training and education for health workers" pptx

... policy environment These techniques assess the power and position of key political actors, and then display the supporters, opponents and non-mobilized players in a political 'map' of the policy ... is the former Director of Migration Health for the International Organization of Migration PW is the Coordinator of the Technical Working Group on the Task Force for Scaling Up Education and Training ... incorporate the distribution of both HRH and burden -of- illness inequities A toolkit offering approaches and methods to address the five recommendations from the Working Group within the context of equity...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

7 513 0
Professional standards for the Accreditation of Schools, Colleges, and Departments of Education pdf

Professional standards for the Accreditation of Schools, Colleges, and Departments of Education pdf

... They understand the importance of using research in teaching and other professional roles and know the roles and responsibilities of the education profession Candidates for all professional education ... the use of performance assessments in their own work They are assessing the effects of their teaching on the learning of candidates and using their findings to strengthen their own practice They ... about the meaning of the conceptual framework(s) and the six NCATE standards Rubrics that accompany each standard address the critical elements of the standard and describe different levels of performance...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 08:20

61 420 0
From Conflict to Peacebuilding The Role of Natural Resources and the Environment pdf

From Conflict to Peacebuilding The Role of Natural Resources and the Environment pdf

... emerged from the growing realization of the need to put the poor and all aspects of their lives and means of living at the centre of development and humanitarian work, while maintaining the sustainability ... equality, the rule of law and respect for and protection of human rights […] Recognizing the need to strengthen the important role of the United Nations in the prevention of violent conflicts, and ... and development activities, and requests the Secretary-General to submit a detailed review of the capacity of the United Nations system in the context of the report on the implementation of the...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 19:20

50 468 0
7Microbial Enzymes in the Biocontrol of Plant Pathogens and aEnzymes in the Environment: Activity, Ecology and Applications - Chapter 7PestsLeonid Chernin and Ilan ChetThe ppt

7Microbial Enzymes in the Biocontrol of Plant Pathogens and aEnzymes in the Environment: Activity, Ecology and Applications - Chapter 7PestsLeonid Chernin and Ilan ChetThe ppt

... catalyzing the random hydrolysis of 1,4-β linkages of GlcNAc at internal sites over the entire length of the chitin microfibril The products of the reaction are soluble, low-molecular-mass multimers of ... the binding of Cre1 to both fragments of the ech42 promoter The presence of two and three consensus sites for the binding of Cre1 in the two ech42 promoter fragments used is consistent with these ... the amdS gene and its own chit33 gene under the control of a constitutive promoter from T reesei There was no correlation between the number of integrated copies and the level of expression of...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 15:20

56 675 1
báo cáo khoa học:" Combination of surgical excision and custom designed silicon pressure splint therapy for keloids on the helical rim" ppt

báo cáo khoa học:" Combination of surgical excision and custom designed silicon pressure splint therapy for keloids on the helical rim" ppt

... revision of bibliography and helped with editing of the manuscript PB: Helped in preparing the draft BM: Edited most of the manuscript PA: Revised and edited the manuscript and helped in preparing the ... Literature search and edited part of the manuscript FGB: Surgeon who performed the operation and edited part of the manuscript and helped in preparing the draft Acknowledgements The written consent ... easy task where the amount of skin is limited, as on the anterior side of the ear Hence, we utilized multi-modal standard therapy forms in this patient Discussion Surgical excision and postoperative...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 23:22

4 311 0
The Influence of Gender and Ethnicity on the Use of ICT in Higher Education  A Case of Arts and Social Sciences Students in Universiti Malaya

The Influence of Gender and Ethnicity on the Use of ICT in Higher Education A Case of Arts and Social Sciences Students in Universiti Malaya

... understanding of the influence of gender and ethnicity on the use of ICT among the students in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in Univerisiti Malaya in Kuala Lumpur the capital of Malaysia ... territories of the British East India Company in the Southeast Asian region including Penang, Melaka, modern day Singapore, and the islands of Dinding and Province Wellesley) and the increased demands ... understand the complex ethnic composition of the country, it was important to take a brief look at the history of these three ethnic groups in the region The Malays While examining the dynamics of the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2015, 12:09

125 441 0
Native and Non-Native approaches to teaching English as a Global Lingua Franca as perceived by teachers and students at the Faculty of English Language Teacher Education, ULIS – VNU

Native and Non-Native approaches to teaching English as a Global Lingua Franca as perceived by teachers and students at the Faculty of English Language Teacher Education, ULIS – VNU

... as the research background leading to the formation of research needs The impetus for the study and a brief review of some key studies in the field were discussed prior to the introduction of ... includes the summary of key points developed throughout the paper, the pedagogical recommendations, the explanation of study limitations, and finally some suggestions for further studies to all of ... Seidlhofer, B (1999) Double standards: teacher education in the expanding circle World Englishes 18/ 2, 233-245 Seidlhofer, B (2001) Closing a conceptual gap: The case for a description of English...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:39

12 821 7
The training management of the university of industrial economics and techniques meets the requirement of the human resources in the red river delta zone

The training management of the university of industrial economics and techniques meets the requirement of the human resources in the red river delta zone

... meets the demand of human resources of the university - Object of study: Training management of University of Economics Technology for Industries meets the demand of human resources of the red ... to improve effectiveness of training management and quality of the university to meet the demand of human resources of the red river delta 10 Structure of thesis The thesis includes Introduction, ... RENOVATION OF TRAINING MANAGEMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY TO MEET THE DEMAND OF HUMAN RESOURCES OF RED RIVER DELTA 3.3.1 Organization of building training program to meet the demand of human resources of red...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2015, 16:45

27 361 0
The dynamics of literary representation and interpretation in a multilingual environment  a study of selected malaysian and singaporean novels in english

The dynamics of literary representation and interpretation in a multilingual environment a study of selected malaysian and singaporean novels in english

... concentration The vision of the candles, oil lamps, the hordes of monks, the cold granite floor, the huge images of Buddhas, the ringing bells, the clash of cymbals, and the reverberations of the gongs, ... told?’ said the midwife, meaning the father (3 – 4) 24 After this, the point of view changes to the father of the child The switch from the narrator to other points of view is rather rapid and confusing ... transcriptions and the use of different levels of Singapore-Malayan English The introduction provides the rationale for the selecting of novels and the theoretical basis for the discussion of the text...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 08:30

249 440 0
 Báo cáo y học: "The association of meat intake and the risk of type 2 diabetes may be modified by body weight"

Báo cáo y học: "The association of meat intake and the risk of type 2 diabetes may be modified by body weight"

... the amount consumed in lians (50g/lian) per unit of time A lian is the unit of weight in China equivalent to 50 g The reproducibility and validity of the FFQ was assessed in a random sample of ... For other participants the average of the baseline and follow-up FFQ data were used in the analyses The average daily intake of individual food items (g/day) was combined to compute intake of red ... knowledge there are no other reports of a direct link between poultry consumption and risk of diabetes or of interactions between poultry consumption and BMI and the risk of type DM Red meat consumption...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 16:49

8 702 0
Henrietta: The story of love, tennis, and thaking chances

Henrietta: The story of love, tennis, and thaking chances

... leg, and the other leg is bent at the knee, and the calf is horizontal to the ground His sink is a miracle of detritus There were a couple of cans of Edge Gel shaving cream with the tops off both ... ran There were thousands of entries Then the other notebook told the date he played someone a tennis match, the name of the someone, and the set scores Hugo’s a tennis pro Then there were coin wrappers ... shaving cream with the tops off both of them and the top of the cans were rusty There was a box of Qtips There were used safety razors There were stacks and stacks of old pari-mutuel tickets that...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 17:33

11 448 0