the emerging digital economy

Tài liệu The Emerging Digital Economy II ppt

Tài liệu The Emerging Digital Economy II ppt

... industries rank in the top 15 by both measures, with the Telecommunications industry ranking first in both cases. The Emerging Digital Economy II Electronic Commerce in the Digital Economy Page 9 30 Address ... 1995, and at the same rate again from 1995 through the first quarter of 1999. Electronic Commerce in the Digital Economy Page 13 43 "GDP and the Digital Economy: Keeping Up With the Changes," ... while the following chapters examine IT industries and their impact on various facets of the U.S. economy. The value of e-commerce transactions, while still small relative to the size of the economy, ...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 03:15

58 398 0
Understanding the Digital Economy pot

Understanding the Digital Economy pot

... Kahin The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England GDP and the Digital Economy: Keeping up with the Changes Brent R. Moulton The perception is widely held that the growth of the digital economy 1 ... in the official statistics. Some features of the digital economy are captured perfectly well by the same data collections that regularly provide information about the rest of the economy. The ... chapter focuses on the data needs and measurement chal- lenges associated with the emerging digital economy. We must start, however, by defining what we mean by the digital economy. The dramatic growth...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

408 904 0
The emerging International Polar Navigation Code bi-polar relevance

The emerging International Polar Navigation Code bi-polar relevance

... the Polar Code’s application to the Southern Ocean. Expanded reference to the Antarctic within the Code seemed necessary to gain further acceptance from the Antarctic community. The Environmental ... of the North Atlantic. From Labrador to Greenland, polar waters are north of 60° North; the boundary then proceeds from the southern tip of Greenland to Keflavik, Iceland, and then from the northern ... might operate in the Southern Ocean. Another specific difference posed by the Polar Code involves the exemp- tion of certain ships. While the Polar Code exempts warships (among others), it 256 Lawson...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 09:20

19 318 0
Tài liệu Digital Economy: Impacts, Influences and Challenges doc

Tài liệu Digital Economy: Impacts, Influences and Challenges doc

... the players in the economy and society irrespective of whether they reside and work in the developed countries or in the developing coun- tries. The digital economy is transforming the lives of ... periphery due to their inappropriate education or skills. They are further marginalized as the gap in the knowledge attained between themselves and those in the formal sectors (using the Internet ... welfare from the use of the technology by different sectors of the economy. The chapter focuses on the direct benefits of ICT growth, paying special attention to the service sector. But the role...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 11:16

425 380 0
Tài liệu The gloabal internet economy pdf

Tài liệu The gloabal internet economy pdf

... files over the Internet, so their editor could become a Web browser, too. I told them I would give them the software outright; they would just have to hook it in. But they said the only way they would ... all these participants who had to give so much of their time to learn about the Internet, to gather the facts, and then to write their interpretations of what they observed. We thank as well the ... participants. The Internet economy is also the digital economy. The content of cul- tural and material life increasingly became encoded in bits. A generation of children ‘‘growing up digital ’ understood the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 04:20

540 438 0
Tài liệu The Global Internet economy docx

Tài liệu The Global Internet economy docx

... files over the Internet, so their editor could become a Web browser, too. I told them I would give them the software outright; they would just have to hook it in. But they said the only way they would ... pur- chased at the lowest price. Yet, the problem for the infomediary was the same for the other businesses, that it ‘‘unbundled.’’ How can an infome- diary earn money if other companies can o¤er the same ... participants. The Internet economy is also the digital economy. The content of cul- tural and material life increasingly became encoded in bits. A generation of children ‘‘growing up digital ’ understood the...

Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 15:20

540 868 0
Tài liệu Digital Economy 2000 pdf

Tài liệu Digital Economy 2000 pdf

... on the digital economy. The first two reports were titled, The Emerging Digital Economy. This third edition has a new title, because the digital economy and digital society are no longer emerging. ” ... Chapter II ELECTRONIC COMMERCE: THE LEADING EDGE OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMY * The resurgence of the U.S. economy coincides with the growing use of the Internet, including the rapid growth of electronic ... points overall. 2 The rapid increase in these industries’ share of the economy after 1994 is particularly impressive in view of both the rapid growth of the economy as a whole and the accelerated...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 05:20

85 342 0


... beyond the scope of the present paper. Second, the option of extending the length of Executive Director’s terms on the Board is not considered since it falls outside the three categories of the ... shareholders in the Bank were granted the right to appoint their own Executive Director, while the other seven were elected Executive Directors, based on country constituencies. Over the years, the total ... that they undermine the legitimacy of the World Bank. 13. ere is, therefore, a pressing need for the World Bank to get its voice reform process back on track. Unfortunately, the evolution of the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 10:20

68 455 0
Tài liệu The Role of Community Banks in the U.S. Economy pdf

Tài liệu The Role of Community Banks in the U.S. Economy pdf

... were not there, other financial services providers might readily step in to take their place. This article examines the role of community banks in the U.S. economy. The first section of the article ... declining steadily since the mid-1980s, the number of new bank charters in the United States increased sharply during the second half of the 1990s, surpassing 200 at the end of the decade before falling ... the modest economies of scale that currently appear to exist in banking. III. CONCLUSIONS Community banks play an important role in the financial system of the U.S. economy. They complement the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 11:20

29 601 1


... computer networks has led to the emerging “information society”. The need for workers to acquire a range of skills and to continuously adapt these skills underlies the “learning economy . The importance of knowledge ... regarding the implications of the knowledge-based economy for employment and the role of governments in the development and maintenance of the knowledge base. Identifying “best practices” for the knowledge-based ... knowledge-based economy is a focal point of OECD work in the field of science, technology and industry. This report discusses trends in the knowledge-based economy, the role of the science system and the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 16:20

46 361 0
Tài liệu K–12 Education in The U.S. Economy pdf

Tài liệu K–12 Education in The U.S. Economy pdf

... Education in the U.S. Economy The equations in the earlier studies estimating earnings had assumed that what was important was just the num- ber of years of schooling and not whether the workers ... fight poverty in the developing world. 7 Much of this section draws on the work of Haveman and Wolfe and the articles they cite in their studies. 8 This refers to the size of the economic pie ... in the state’s housing values, given the mobility of others from other states. Brasington (1999) conducted another study that is rel- evant to measuring the tangible economic benefits of the quality...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 19:20

58 406 0
Tài liệu China’s Holdings of U.S. Securities: Implications for the U.S. Economy pptx

Tài liệu China’s Holdings of U.S. Securities: Implications for the U.S. Economy pptx

... mattress. The influence is mutual.” Who needs the other more varies with American and international financial conditions. The more money the U.S. borrows, the more the American economy needs the ... If the value of the dollar depreciated, the trade deficit would decline, as the price of U.S. exports fell abroad and the price of imports rose in the United States. 52 The magnitude of these ... decline in the trade deficit and dollar would not be troublesome for the overall economy. In fact, a slow decline could even have an expansionary effect on the economy, if the decrease in the trade...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 20:20

22 586 0


... services The output method is theoretically the best way to meas- ure the Internet’s contribution. It is the approach used to calculate the contributions of most traditional sectors in the economy. ... G The U.K. Internet economy is enabled by a group of com- panies which allow traditional companies to conduct busi- ness online. These companies are the engine of the Inter- net economy. They ... analysis. Note: The sub-indices are scaled so that the geometric mean equals 100.  T B C G In addition the Internet creates ripples which move through the rest of the economy These...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

40 389 0
Sri lanka the emerging wonder of asia mahinda Chintana Vision for the future pot

Sri lanka the emerging wonder of asia mahinda Chintana Vision for the future pot

... Asia roleof the publicsectorinpoultrydevelopmentwill bearegulatoryfunctionfocusingonanimaldisease preventionandqualityassurance.   In the early70s,localmilkproductionmet80percent oflocalconsumptionneeds.But the openeconomic policyandagrowingdemandresultedinasharp increaseinimportsofmilkandmilkproducts.Asof 2009,localmilkproductioncoversonly33percent of the nationalconsumption.63,876mtofmilkand milkproductsvaluedatoverRs.30billion(US$296 mn.)hasbeenimportedin2009anditrepresented 2.1percentofSriLanka’sfoodimports.Hence,with the aimofreducing the drainon the country’sforeign exchangeresourcesandsupportingemployment generationandfamilyincome,dairyindustrywillbe promotedascomplementaryeconomicactivityacross the widesectionof the populationbyintroducing improvedbreeds,feedresources,betteranimalhealth,a welldevelopedcollectionandprocessingnetwork,good researchandextensionservices. The income the dairyfarmersearnfromtheircows’ milkdependson the marketand the collectionsystems. Basedon the availabledata, the formaldairyprocessing industrycollectsonlyaround50-60percentof the totalproduction.Inmostareas,milkiscollectedonce adayduetounavailabilityofapropercoldchain. Thus, the milkmarketingandprocessingatalllevels neededtobedevelopedthroughestablishingproper coldchainswith the supportof the privatesectorand privatepublicpartnerships.Withthiseffort, the total milkproductionwillbeincreasedto the levelofself sufciency.   Indicator ...                   The AgriculturesectorinSriLankaplaysakeyrolein the country’seconomicdevelopmentanditsnewrole in the futurehasnowbeenredenedin the lightof the newdevelopmentvisionand the futureaspirationsof the nation.Atpresent,agriculturecontributesabout13 percentto the country’sGDPandemploysabout33 percentofitsworkforce. The governmenthasgiven the prioritytoenhance the domesticproductioninwhich the successofsuchapolicywaswelldemonstrated during the periodwheretherewasaworldfoodcrisis. Of the totalcultivableland(2.9mnha),65percent (1.9mnha)iscultivatedwithagriculturalcrops.Paddy occupies40percentof the agriculturalland.Coconut, teaandrubbertogetheraccountfor39percent. The remainder(21percent)isaccountedforallothercrops; othereldcrops,horticulturalcropsandotherexport crops. IZ]]r -) Hma^k +* M^Z *+ Kn[[^k 0 <h\hgnm +) 17  ... Diversicationofproductionandexploitation ofoffshoreanddeepseasheriesthrough the introductionofmoderntechnologygivinghigh prioritytoefcientshingmethods.Itisalsoplanned toreducepressureoncoastalresourcesthrough the implementationofsherymanagementprogrammes.   SriLankapossessessuitablewaterbodiesthroughout the countryfordevelopingaviableinlandshing. Thus,developmentsoffreshwatercapturesheries andaquacultureininlandwaterbodieshavealsobeen identiedasaviableindustry.Thiscanbeimplemented throughincreasingshseedproductionand introducingthemintominorandseasonaltankswith the supportofcommunitybasedsherymanagement. 18  - The Emerging Wonder of Asia Thereisalso the necessityfordevelopingacompetitive andregulatedseedindustrybyinvolving the private sectorinseedproductionanddistribution.Strict quarantiningregulationswillbeputinplacewhen importingseedsbyenacting the SeedActinorderto protectandsafeguarddomesticagriculture.  The traditionalroleofbankcreditinagricultureto fundseasonalproductionwillbereversedwith the budgetarydecisionof10percentmandatorylendingto the agriculturesectorbycommercialbanks. The Central Bankwillalsopromoterenanceschemeswithaview tosupportingagriculturaldevelopmentinseveral districts.Inordertofurtherstrengthenthissector, newcreditschemeswillbeintroducedto the farmers inadditionto the 10percentmandatorylending requirement.    Agriculturalbiodiversitywillbestrengthenedby accelerating the conventionalbreedingof the agriculturalsectortoensurehigheryield.   Researchanddevelopmentrelatingto the agriculturewill beexpandedforproblemsidenticationandproductivity improvementin the sector.Researchinstituteswillbe developed,providingnecessaryinfrastructurefacilities andnewtechnologicalequipment.Humandevelopment willalsobestrengthenedbylinking the knowledgehubs. Extensionapproacheswillbedevelopedusingsocial marketingconceptstoaddvaluethroughinformation andcommunicationtechnology.Inaddition,awareness programmeswillalsobearrangedtodisseminate researchndingsamong the farmersand the potential farmercommunity. +)**...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 23:20

318 361 0

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