the effects of technology on social interaction

The Effects of Technology on Engagement and Retention Among Upper Elementary Montessori Students

The Effects of Technology on Engagement and Retention Among Upper Elementary Montessori Students

... not be at the expense of the traditional Montessori materials, they should be used in conjunction with the materials There are limited peer reviewed studies or researches on the effects of integrating ... effects of technology integration on student engagement and retention of information on students in the Montessori upper elementary environment? Running  head:  TECHNOLOGY  IN  THE  MONTESSORI ... and retention of information Running  head:  TECHNOLOGY  IN  THE  MONTESSORI  CLASSROOM     The philosopher Socrates once said, “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.”

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2022, 16:40

33 2 0
the effects of perception on social media behavior of the public of sta rosa laguna towards the conservation of philippine ecotourism

the effects of perception on social media behavior of the public of sta rosa laguna towards the conservation of philippine ecotourism

... perception on their behavior on social media and how these two variables will affect the conservation of the Philippine eco-tourism The first frame presents the perception of the public of Santa ... in the video c 13.3% or 12 of the respondents under the category, reinforcement This group of people is the ones who were moved into the action of what they saw in the video Most of the respondents ... concernsResearch Questions and HypothesesThis study specifically sought to answer two central questions 1 What are the effects of the public's perception of conservation on the public's behavior on social media

Ngày tải lên: 25/06/2024, 09:31

64 3 0
evaluation of the effects of nonlinear soil-structure interaction on the inelastic seismic response of pile-supported bridge piers

evaluation of the effects of nonlinear soil-structure interaction on the inelastic seismic response of pile-supported bridge piers

... translation of foundation - s« sec sec 117 Figure 6.2: Contribution of the foundation translation to the total displacements of the Figure 6.4: Contribution of the foundation rotation to the total ... understand the role of the foundation response in the overall system response In Chapter 7, the effects of SSI on the response of the piers are discussed by directly comparing the demands of the piers ... estimation of the effects of SSI on the nonlinear displacements of systems, which in return requires simultaneous consideration of nonlinear soil behaviour, nonlinear soil-foundation interaction,

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2014, 13:48

208 240 0


... 1970-1993 The Effects of Primary Education on Economic Growth The Effects of Secondary Education on Economic Growth The Effects of Tertiary Education on Economic Growth 7: Discussion and Conclusions ... assumption that the effects of education on economic growth are uniform Rather, the effects of education on the economy may differ greatly between nations, by level of development, educational level, ... processes as conditional on the relation of education to the economy The results of the study indicate that the structure and shape of education in both countries substantially dependends on class

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 03:20

168 483 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "The effects of lifting on mobilisation and new assimilation of C and N during regrowth of transplanted Corsican pine seedlings. A dual 13C and 15N labelling approach" docx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "The effects of lifting on mobilisation and new assimilation of C and N during regrowth of transplanted Corsican pine seedlings. A dual 13C and 15N labelling approach" docx

... the beginning of root regeneration (day 13), and on days 27 and 41. The significance of the effects of lifting and time and their interaction are indicated for the different variables; ns, non ... strongly correlated with their N concen- tration even if the relationship between N concentration and CO 2 assimilation capacity is weaker in conifers than in other species due to lower rates of ... growth of new components, pointing to the absence (1) of consumption of C reserves for respiration and (2) of no important N release in the soil after lifting as pre- viously demonstrated on Quercus

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:22

11 400 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Use of stem diameter variations for detecting the effects of pathogens on plant water status" pptx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Use of stem diameter variations for detecting the effects of pathogens on plant water status" pptx

... tion treatment and the period of the assay. Because of the interaction, two additional one-way ANOVA tests were made for each variable, selecting either the inoculation ... experiment isolations were made from all the plants to confirm the presence of the pathogens in the inoculated plants. Reisolations were made from the point of inoculation and 3 ... with the pathogens Botryosphaeria stevensii and Hypoxylon mediterra- neum, to determine the suitability of this method to detect the effects of the infection process. Con-

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21

10 267 0
báo cáo khoa học: "The effects of β-glucan on human immune and cancer cells" pptx

báo cáo khoa học: "The effects of β-glucan on human immune and cancer cells" pptx

... phages via the complement receptor (CR)-3. The immune response will then be turned on, one of the actions is the phagocytosis of the monoclonal antibody tagged tumor cells. Journal of Hematology ... Department of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong and 2 Department of Health Technology and Informatics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic ... changes of the can- cer patients without addressing on the change of cancer status. In addition, most of the related studies used either crude herbal extracts or a fraction of the extracts instead of

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 22:20

11 515 0
Báo cáo y học: " The characteristics of the synonymous codon usage in hepatitis B virus and the effects of host on the virus in codon usage pattern" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: " The characteristics of the synonymous codon usage in hepatitis B virus and the effects of host on the virus in codon usage pattern" ppsx

... a the synonymous codon usage pattern of human cell was calculated based on the data of the synonymous codon usage frequencies of human cell The codon usage bias of HBV suggests that some synonymous ... case, the codon usage variation might be one of factors to drive HBV evolution The effect of mutation pressure on codon usage of HBV To analyze if the evolution of HBV is shaped by mutation pressure ... translation selection exists in the processes of HBV evolution The synonymous codon usage pattern of HBV is a mixture of coincidence and antagonism to that of host cell But the difference of genetic

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:22

20 454 0


... achieved by the ability of insulin to stimulate the redistribution of the insulinresponsive glucose... Building upon fundamental findings in the field presented next, my thesis research ... functions in many tissues 3 throughout the body A primary function of insulin entails the regulation of postprandial glucose homeostasis In the post-prandial state, an elevation of ... insulin activation of the PM fraction of the in vitro reaction is the essential step in GSV/PM fusion (79) For example, several TIRFM analyses have provided strong evidence for a

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2014, 12:27

198 407 0
The effects of games on students at Can Duoc high school in learning English grammar

The effects of games on students at Can Duoc high school in learning English grammar

... bad result of the students at the end of the course is nearly undeniable and leads to failure Without good grammar, the lack of confidence would be seen at the end of the course of the English ... teaching; otherwise, the activities may fail or be boring Grammar games consist of games played on structures or rules, games played on prepositions, games played on the expressions Among them are the ... Teachers can give the rules then the examples (deductive method), or conversely the examples then the rules (inductive method) The students just listen and write down the lessons on their notebooks

Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2014, 02:27

118 513 0
The effects of games on helping high school English learners retain word meaning = Hiệu quả của trò chơi trong việc giúp học sinh THPT ghi nhớ nghĩa từ vựng

The effects of games on helping high school English learners retain word meaning = Hiệu quả của trò chơi trong việc giúp học sinh THPT ghi nhớ nghĩa từ vựng

... Part A: Introduction Part A – Introduction- provides the background to the study and statement of the problem, the aims, the research question, the scope of the study as well as the research methodology ... which represents the research question, describes the design of the study then presents the data analysis and discussion Part C - Conclusion: summarizing the major findings of the experiment, ... set up the theoretical framework for further investigation The first section of this chapter is devoted to theoretical aspects of vocabulary teaching and learning and the second section of this

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:32

59 767 0
Some observations of the effects of time on the capacity of piles driven in sand R. J. JARDINE, J. R. STANDING and F. C. CHOW†

Some observations of the effects of time on the capacity of piles driven in sand R. J. JARDINE, J. R. STANDING and F. C. CHOW†

... depth: these are more extensive in the region of the jet-grouted pile (section A–A) than around the control pile (section B–B) The CPT programme allowed these variations in ground conditions to ... average penetration depth for reaction pile driving EFFECTS OF TIME ON CAPACITY OF PILES DRIVEN IN SAND 233 around ten months of their installation The make-up and test histories of the CLAROM piles ... driving allow another way of checking potential variations between the reaction piles Fig 10 presents the plots for the test to failure on R6 along with the proof load tests on R3, R4 and R5

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2015, 10:38

19 449 0
The effects of simvastatin on central dopaminergic systems

The effects of simvastatin on central dopaminergic systems

... from the National University of Singapore. Publications and main honors ii PUBLICATIONS AND MAIN HONORS 1. Wang Q, Wang Ling-Zhi, Boon-Cher Goh, How-Sung Lee, P. T.-H. Wong. Effects of simvastatin ... presentation for 15 minutes. 3. The 6th Biennial Meeting of the Asia Pacific Society for Neurochemistry (Feb 4th -7th, 2004, Hong Kong): The travel award iii Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ... protein level expression of prefrontal cortex by Western blot among control,... up-regulation of dopamine receptors These results strongly indicated that up-regulation of the dopamine receptors

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 08:30

174 283 0
the effects of probiotics on quality postlavae of white leg shrimp (litopenaeus vannamei)

the effects of probiotics on quality postlavae of white leg shrimp (litopenaeus vannamei)

... into the farming water of the incubators of turbot larvae (Scophthalmus maximus) promoted the maintenance of the bacteria in the environment, as well as the colonization of the digestive tract of ... lead to the loss of effectiveness of the product Accordingly, the addition of a given probiotic in the farming water of aquatic organisms must be constant, because the conditions of environment ... 75.40% of total production of white leg shrimp and 63.30% of the total farming area Meanwhile, the South accounted for only 17.4% of the total production and 19.00% of the total area Trang 16of farming

Ngày tải lên: 22/09/2015, 16:22

41 484 0


... head: THE EFFECTS OF EYEBLINKS ON AUDITORY PROCESSING THE EFFECTS OF EYEBLINKS ON AUDITORY PROCESSING CHING SHI MIN, APRIL (B.Sci,(Hons.),NTU) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SOCIAL ... of the EEG markers of interest, and finally a description of the hypotheses. The Visual Effects of Blinks Blinking is the rapid closing and opening of the eyelid which serves to lubricate the exposed ... to determine whether blink suppression was a unimodal or multimodal phenomenon by concentrating on the effect of blinks on the processing of sounds. THE EFFECTS OF EYEBLINKS ON AUDITORY PROCESSING 14 Another

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2015, 17:14

62 206 0
The effects of gardening on quality of lif

The effects of gardening on quality of lif

... social role and the family role For the social role, the interaction of plant and gender difference was significant For the family role, the significant effects were found on interaction of plant with ... found in the current review of the literature exploring the influence of onset time on the quality of life of patients after therapeutic gardening activities Other authors have discussed the benefits ... Due to the limited scientific evidence of the effects of gardening on people with stroke, we explored these effects on combinations (2 levels of gender X levels of stroke stage X levels of plants)

Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2016, 18:24

11 413 0
The effects of gardening on quality of life

The effects of gardening on quality of life

... Register of Controlled Trials were searched using a combination of specific search terms The last electronic search was performed on 15 June, 2014 Manual searching of the relevant journals and of the ... evaluation of bone biopsies at months’ follow-up showed greater bone formation when platelet concentrates were used, as compared to control cases (P [...]... periodontitis by socio-economic status ... extraction J Oral Implantol 2010;36:11–23 de Marco Antonello G, Torres de Couto R, Comis Giongo C, Britto Correa M, Chagas OL Jr, Lemes CHJ Evaluation of the effects of the use of platelet-rich

Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2016, 18:24

12 226 0
The Effects of Stress on Short-Term and Long- Term Memory

The Effects of Stress on Short-Term and Long- Term Memory

... short term and long term ability differently depending on the source of the stress, the duration of the stress, the intensity of the stress, and the timing that the stress occurs in the memory phase ... of the body that cause the secretion of cortisol in response to stress (Cazacoff) When one really starts to notice the effects of stress on the brain is when it has encountered a form of chronic ... consequences of stress on the brain The central nervous system, containing both the brain and the spine, along with the peripheral nervous system control most of our every day functions The brain

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2016, 17:12

12 321 0
The effects of innovation on firm performance of supporting industries in Hanoi – Vietnam

The effects of innovation on firm performance of supporting industries in Hanoi – Vietnam

... participation and return of questionnaires Prior to the launch of the official questionnaires, a pilot test of the questionnaire was administered to five firms and experts of the fields of this ... innovation activities Conclusions and Implications This study focuses on the impacts of innovation activities on the different aspect of innovation performance and in its turn, their effects ... modifications were made in several question constructs related to the layout of the questionnaire and some theoretical ambiguities Out of the 150 questionnaires sent out, 131 were returned Among the

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 17:22

19 196 0
Tài liệu Osteoporosis in Men: The Effects of Gender on Skeletal Health Second Edition pptx

Tài liệu Osteoporosis in Men: The Effects of Gender on Skeletal Health Second Edition pptx

... with the inhibition of bone formation (confirmed by bone histomorphometry) and lower concentrations of bone for- mation markers (especially OC) [60, 61]. By contrast, data on bone resorption markers ... for the prediction of the accelerated bone loss in men similarly to the data found in women. Weakness of the association between the BTM levels and the rate of bone loss can depend on the ... Organization of the Skeleton, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1986. 5. R. Baron, Importance of the intermediate phases between resorption and formation in the measurement and under- standing of the bone...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 21:20

698 10,7K 1