the design and development process

The Design and Development of a Wireless Robotic Networked Aquatic Microbial Observing System

The Design and Development of a Wireless Robotic Networked Aquatic Microbial Observing System

... the boat receives and processes the inputs from GPS, compass, sensors and the network, makes decisions, and sends appropriate navigation commands to the navigation module The basic stamp in the ... converts these into appropriate commands for the motor controllers, which are connected to the rudder and the propeller By sending appropriate commands, the boat can navigate in both forward and reverse ... two-thirds of the lake Maximum temperature at the northern edge of the lake approached 25˚C Water enters the lake at the northeast end and passes through an adjacent marsh area before reaching the lake

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 05:58

23 6 0


... teaching topics The article proposes /develops the design and organizes process of the integrated teaching topics in a specific, tight and easy to apply way to train high school teachers and pedagogy ... mơn, quy trình thiết kế, giáo viên DEVELOPING THE DESIGN AND ORGANIZING PROCESS OF THE INTEGRATED TEACHING SUBJECT IN TEACHER TRAINING Summary: In the general education curriculum has been promulgated, ... teachers need to design more integrated topics accordingly In order to be able to design and organize teaching effectively of topics, teachers / students must have the capacity to design integrated

Ngày tải lên: 06/12/2022, 16:16

10 1 0
SPE 59029 MS design and development of hydrocarbon surface production facilities and pipelines based on process and transport simulators

SPE 59029 MS design and development of hydrocarbon surface production facilities and pipelines based on process and transport simulators

... provided the informacion related to the size of the equipment, the internal diameter, length and topographic profile of the pipeline • On the other hand, taking into account the characteristics of the ... construction of the models These figures indicate the way the produccion of gas and condensated, originated from the different facilities is gathered, and the physical characteristics of the available ... all of the above a team of engineers carried out the modelation of the systems, particularly concerning the managing of the gas and the condensates in the Region Sur This modelation has the purpouse

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2018, 22:45

10 104 0
Decarbonising product supply chains design and development of an integrated evidence based decision support system the supply chain environmental

Decarbonising product supply chains design and development of an integrated evidence based decision support system the supply chain environmental

... framework and analysis, and aggravate the system boundary issue and data truncation problem further Therefore, there is the need for an integrative approach to carbon emission accounting and management ... the supply chain, transportation activities, energy use and waste production within the supply chain These raw data provide the network structure for the supply chain map and the input into the ... in the process LCA system (Lenzen and Dey 2000, Wiedmann 2009) The integration of the two base approaches leads to the development of a more robust methodology, that is, the hybrid LCA In the

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2020, 09:18

19 41 0
Lecture Web technologies and programming – Lecture 2: The web application development process - Web project management - TRƯỜNG CÁN BỘ QUẢN LÝ GIÁO DỤC THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH

Lecture Web technologies and programming – Lecture 2: The web application development process - Web project management - TRƯỜNG CÁN BỘ QUẢN LÝ GIÁO DỤC THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH

... (5)5 • Development Process model – software development process activities • Requirement for a web development process model • Rational unified process model (RUP) – A modern process model ... short development time • Web engineering does not have its own mature development process model • SE development process models are (13)13 • Handling Short development cycles – Development ... Establish the business case for the system • Elaboration – Develop an understanding of the problem domain and the system architecture • Construction – System design, programming and testing

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2021, 02:15

20 3 0
The Next Generation Adaptive Optics System at the W. M. Keck Observatory A Proposal for Design and Development

The Next Generation Adaptive Optics System at the W. M. Keck Observatory A Proposal for Design and Development

... for the current proposed point design The terms left out of the PSF modeling account for about ~80 nm in the higher order error budget of the point design The terms included in the point design ... budget and in the simulations total for the same seeing conditions would total about ~70 nm in the point design In order to achieve the mandated 120 nm for the simulations of the PSF, the AO ... The Next Generation Adaptive Optics System at the W M Keck Observatory A Proposal for Design and Development June 17, 2006 Version 18 The Next Generation Adaptive Optics System Design and Development

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2022, 23:24

227 12 0
design and development of novel bioadhesive niosomal formulation for the transcorneal delivery of anti infective agent in vitro and ex vivo investigations

design and development of novel bioadhesive niosomal formulation for the transcorneal delivery of anti infective agent in vitro and ex vivo investigations

... achieve the effective 62 concentration of it in eye This leads to the need for frequent installation of the drug into eye 63 and hence patient discomfort and patient non-compliance Therefore, there ... of the major problems encountered with most of the eye drops is the rapid and 38 extensive elimination of drugs from the precorneal lachrymal fluid by solution drainage, 39 lachrymation, and ... vehicles have the major disadvantage of providing 48 blurred vision, they are nowadays mainly used for either night time administration or for 49 treatment on the outside and edges of the eyelids

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2022, 09:18

31 4 0
Design and development of major balance of plant components in solid oxide fuel cell system

Design and development of major balance of plant components in solid oxide fuel cell system

... the afterburner and combusted with the cathode off-gas The combustion process recovers the unspent energy from the fuel exiting the SOFC and uses this energy to minimize the load imposed on the ... limits the harmful emissions of the SOFC system The design route is calculated beforehand by using GCTool to conduct the SOFC system design and the optimal operating conditions between thermal ... detailed understanding of the optimal operating temperature, pressure and mass flow rate in all of the major BOP components, i.e., the gas distributor, the afterburner, the reformer and the heat exchanger

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10

12 586 0
báo cáo hóa học: " The design and testing of a novel mechanomyogram-driven switch controlled by small eyebrow movements" docx

báo cáo hóa học: " The design and testing of a novel mechanomyogram-driven switch controlled by small eyebrow movements" docx

... designed the perfor- mance tests, performed data collection, analyzed the data, and drafted the manuscript. TC conceived the study, advised on the design and coordination of the experiments, and edited ... a manner that they normally would when seated at a desk: they were free to blink, sway their chair slightly, move their head and talk without moving their eyebrows or the strap. The number of ... when the coefficients of at least j scales exceed their thresholds, i.e. and where K baseline are the samples corresponding to the baseline MMG signals and γ is the threshold-scaling fac- tor. The

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

10 501 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Extending basic principles of measurement models to the design and validation of Patient Reported Outcomes" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" Extending basic principles of measurement models to the design and validation of Patient Reported Outcomes" docx

... MEI and SEI models, the direction of the arrows is reversed and the model lacks error term for each of the observed indicators. A disturbance term (ς 1 ) on the latent construct indicates the ... is the latent construct, x i represents the meas- ured causal indicators, λ 1i is the coefficient weight linking the causal indicators to the latent construct and ς 1 is the disturbance in the ... is the single causal indicator, λ 11 is the coefficient connecting the single indi- cator to the latent constructs, and ς 1 is the variance not explained in the latent construct. Like the

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:20

12 523 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article WING/WORLD: An Open Experimental Toolkit for the Design and Deployment of IEEE " ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article WING/WORLD: An Open Experimental Toolkit for the Design and Deployment of IEEE " ppt

... for the mesh network The latter action disables the current backhaul link and use the multihop wireless backhaul as default route to the Internet The performances of the self-configuring and selfhealing ... time is spent in the PPP negotiation phase with the UMTS carrier On the other hand, in restoring a backhaul link, the mesh gateway can first complete the IP negotiation phase and then it can switch ... and going toward the edges of the network A multiradio conflict graph model [30] is used to estimate and model the interference within the network and also between the network and other colocated

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

17 523 0
Dissertation for doctor of philosophy in agriculture study on the growth and development ability of some imported soybean varieties and cultivation techniques for prospect variety in thai nguyen

Dissertation for doctor of philosophy in agriculture study on the growth and development ability of some imported soybean varieties and cultivation techniques for prospect variety in thai nguyen

... changes in area and yield, the output increased gradually through the years. In 1995, the output of whole country was 125.5 thousands tons and reached the highest in 2005 at 292.7 thousands tons. ... - A28 The higher rate resulted in the longer growing duration, the higher plant height, LAI and the level of Bean pyramid and Lima bean podborer The yield components and yield ... thousands hectare in 2008. In 1995, the yield of whole country was 1.03 tons/ha and continuously increased through the years and reached the highest in 2007 at 1.47 tons/ha. Although there

Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2014, 13:23

26 376 0
System Analysis, Design, and Development Concepts, Principles, and Practices phần 1 pptx

System Analysis, Design, and Development Concepts, Principles, and Practices phần 1 pptx

... Book Scope Part II: System Design and Development Practices Part II builds on the system analysis concepts of Part I and describes the system design and development practices ... products, and services However, system development requires more than simply implementing a standard framework You must understand the System Analysis, Design, and Development, ... Concept Synthesis 23 System Analysis Synthesis 241 v Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - Part II System Design and Development Practices System Development

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

84 397 0
System Analysis, Design, and Development Concepts, Principles, and Practices phần 2 ppsx

System Analysis, Design, and Development Concepts, Principles, and Practices phần 2 ppsx

... implemented via design and components becomes the basis for engineering analysis and design? ??with the application of mathematical and scientific principles. Next, we need a control mechanism for the LIGHT ... tailored application of the standard system levels. The left side of the figure represents the standard system levels; the right side represents an orga- nization’s tailoring of the standard system levels. ... information. Therein lies a fundamental problem for the engineering of systems. Being able to understand and frame/structure the problem is 50% of the solution. The organizational framework of the System

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

84 515 0
System Analysis, Design, and Development Concepts, Principles, and Practices phần 3 ppsx

System Analysis, Design, and Development Concepts, Principles, and Practices phần 3 ppsx

... Figure 17 .3 To keep the example simple, assume the calculator consists of two SUBSYSTEMS, 1 and 2 The User and each of the SUBSYSTEMS have an INITIAL State and FINAL State and conditional ... systems, the NATURAL ENVIRONMENT, and the INDUCED ENVIRONMENT. This brings us to our next mission analysis task: bound and specify the OPERATING ENVIRONMENT. Step 5: Bound and Specify the Mission ... formed to accomplish the phase-based mission objectives. These tasks ultimately provide the basis for capabilities the SOI must provide to accomplish the mission. Therefore the mission analysis

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

84 411 0
DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTATION A Practical Perspective of the Design, Construction, and Test of Medical Devices docx

DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTATION A Practical Perspective of the Design, Construction, and Test of Medical Devices docx

... Chebyshev, and Bessel. Each of these filter responses has advantages and disadvantages, and it is the designers task to find a suitable compromise that best fits the task at hand. Table 2.5 sum- marizes the ... 1.1, is the difference between the upper cutoff frequency f 2 and the lower cutoff frequency f 1 . The gain at these cutoff frequencies is 0.707 of the gain in the midfrequency plateau. If the percentile ... 30Hz. The Butterworth response (also known as maximally flat) is nearly flat in the passband and rolls off smoothly and monotonically. In addition, it has virtually no ripple in either the passband...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 11:20

478 528 2


... system, the licensing, the availability of source, the build system, and so on. Emdebian is Debian optimized by size. The Debian core remains the same; only the way packages are built differs and the ... was the Apollo guidance computer developed by Charles Draper and his team. Later they found their way into the military, medical sciences, and the aerospace and automobile industries. Today they ... to the above problems. After reading this book the reader will Ⅲ Understand the embedded Linux development environment. Ⅲ Understand and create Linux BSP for a hardware platform. Ⅲ Understand the...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2012, 14:23

429 1,7K 2
The Design and Implementation of a Log-Structured File System

The Design and Implementation of a Log-Structured File System

... sequen- tially, then writes 100 Mbytes randomly to the existing file, then reads 100 Mbytes randomly from the file, and finally reads the file sequentially again. The bandwidth of each of the five phases ... clean. The policy rates each segment according to the benefit of cleaning the segment and the cost of cleaning the segment and chooses the segments with the highest ratio of benefit to cost. The benefit ... for the log can be generated either by copying the old blocks or by threading the log around the old blocks. The left side of the figure shows the threaded log approach where the log skips over the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:05

15 1,4K 0
Software Design and Development (A guide) is help you how to managed IT Project. Especially for Design and Develop software project.

Software Design and Development (A guide) is help you how to managed IT Project. Especially for Design and Develop software project.

... Definitions and Overview Day 2 - Software Design Software Development Day 2 - Software Design Reviewing the design - objective  The objective is to increase the likelihood that the design is the ... analysis of the component requirements plus create, lay out and describe, review, improve, and approve the design. Day 2 - Software Design Design includes an evaluation of the adequacy of the ... Software Design Day 2 - Software Design Analyze requirements Create design Analyze and review Correct and improve Utilize prototype to investigate and resolve key requirements and design issues Reused Designs DB ...

Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2013, 23:13

88 649 0

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