the culture of technology savants context and perspectives

ancient literacies the culture of reading in greece and rome feb 2009

ancient literacies the culture of reading in greece and rome feb 2009

... in Athens early democracy; then the case of the merchant and the possibility of commercial literacy or list literacy; and nally return to the question of types of citizen literacies in Athens, ... mobility of the trader, the uidity of business, the absence of a secure and permanent base, and of security in land; and above all, the need to make agreements with strangers Greek and 26 See ... list of names and occupations, superbly legible and clearly laid out (IG ii2 10, now Rhodes-Osborne no 4) There were the lists of the war dead, the lists of the sixtieth of the tribute paid to Athena,...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 10:40

447 334 0
development of independent creativity for students of the universities of technology via teaching and studying organic chemistry.

development of independent creativity for students of the universities of technology via teaching and studying organic chemistry.

... feasible and effective Structure of thesis Apart from introduction, conclusion, reference document and appendix, the content of thesis include chapters: Chapter 1: The theoretical basis and practical ... morality, the awareness to serve people, the knowledge and professional ability that are equal to training level, the well-being to build and protect their nation ” In the current times, when the perception ... Mathematical statistic method to solve the results of Pedagogy experiments New contributions of thesis Had contributions in terms of theoretical and practical aspects as follows: - Systemized and...

Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 14:39

31 273 0
Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of an English Achievement Test for Third-year Non- major students at the University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh National University and some suggestions for chan

Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of an English Achievement Test for Third-year Non- major students at the University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh National University and some suggestions for chan

... criteria of good tests and theoretical ideas on test reliability and validity as well as achievement tests Chapter 3- The study is the main part of the thesis showing the context of the study and the ... assessment of the test reliability and validity These conclusions are as follows: The test with chosen items is compatible with the aims of the courses and the objectives of the syllabus and the test ... kind of software in a server Before the examinations, the person who is in charge of preparing the tests will use the software to mix the test items in the item bank and print out the tests All the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:05

38 1,9K 15
HIPAA Privacy Rule Accounting of Disclosures Under the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act potx

HIPAA Privacy Rule Accounting of Disclosures Under the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act potx

... or other identification of the individual who accessed the record, the name or other identification of the record that was accessed, the date, the time, and the area, module, or screen of the ... compromise the privacy or security of the information), then the accounting may indicate that the disclosure was to ‘‘another patient.’’ We believe that the alternative of providing the name of the ... of a change to their notices of privacy practices within 60 days of the effective date of the change In the Department’s notice of proposed rulemaking to implement the privacy provisions of the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:20

25 592 0
ACCELERATING TECHNOLOGY TRANSITION Bridging the Valley of Death for Materials and Processes in Defense Systems potx

ACCELERATING TECHNOLOGY TRANSITION Bridging the Valley of Death for Materials and Processes in Defense Systems potx

... include making the technology profitable and demonstrating to customers that they need the technology; • The use of expanded mechanisms of open and free communication—especially involving the ability ... deliberations on the themes emerging from the workshop The committee acknowledges the outstanding support of the National Research Council staff and, in particular, the leadership and professional ... by the Governing Board of the National Research Council, whose members are drawn from the councils of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 11:20

69 531 0
essays in the economics of technology and innovation, and development economics

essays in the economics of technology and innovation, and development economics

... Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without ... permission Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without ... permission Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 01:27

131 429 0
Humanitarian DeminingInnovative Solutions and the Challenges of Technology..Humanitarian ppt

Humanitarian DeminingInnovative Solutions and the Challenges of Technology..Humanitarian ppt

... addition, there is no accurate estimate on the size of the contaminated land and the number of mines laid in it Humanitarian Demining and the Challenge of Technology The diversity of the mine ... Innovative Solutions and the Challenges of Technology of terrains and environmental conditions in which mines are laid and because of the wide variety of landmines There is wide range of terrains (rocky, ... freely above the ground The solution to this problem is very difficult because, given the nature of landmines, the associated problems and the demand for high standards in terms of accuracy and reliability...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 12:20

402 228 0
Humanitarian Demining Innovative Solutions and the Challenges of Technology pdf

Humanitarian Demining Innovative Solutions and the Challenges of Technology pdf

... addition, there is no accurate estimate on the size of the contaminated land and the number of mines laid in it Humanitarian Demining and the Challenge of Technology The diversity of the mine ... Innovative Solutions and the Challenges of Technology of terrains and environmental conditions in which mines are laid and because of the wide variety of landmines There is wide range of terrains (rocky, ... freely above the ground The solution to this problem is very difficult because, given the nature of landmines, the associated problems and the demand for high standards in terms of accuracy and reliability...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 15:20

402 309 0
The culture of Duong Yen village, Xuan Non commune, Dong Anh district, Ha Noi . The orientation of preservation and development = Văn hóa làng Đường Yên, xã Xuâ

The culture of Duong Yen village, Xuan Non commune, Dong Anh district, Ha Noi . The orientation of preservation and development = Văn hóa làng Đường Yên, xã Xuâ

... to preserve and develop of Duong Yen culture in future The purpose of the research - The thesis aims to gather and systematize the study of resource Duong Yen, from the study of the geographical ... directing and funeral if someone dies in them, their secretary: recording and storing their records, recording the minutes of the meeting Their church was built on the campus of their heads and offered ... cultural, social ), and the synthesis, analysis, comparison to essay writing The lay out of the thesis Besides the introduction, conclusion, references and appendices, the content of the thesis is organized...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2015, 14:48

110 634 0
The relationship between the use of vocabulary learning strategies and learner autonomy of the first year non-major English students at Thainguyen University of Technology

The relationship between the use of vocabulary learning strategies and learner autonomy of the first year non-major English students at Thainguyen University of Technology

... of the study The researcher hopes that the findings of the study would help her to know the level of vocabulary learning strategy use and degree of learner autonomy of the TNUT students and the ... measured  The relationship between TNUT first year students’ use of vocabulary learning strategies and learner autonomy is decided Scope of the study The focus of the study is on the level of TNUT ... students’ use of vocabulary learning strategies; students’ degree of learner autonomy and the relationship between the students’ use of English vocabulary learning strategies and their level of learner...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:41

5 476 1
Advantages and challenges of the spray drying technology for the production of pure drug particles and drug loaded polymeric carriers

Advantages and challenges of the spray drying technology for the production of pure drug particles and drug loaded polymeric carriers

... evaluate the effect of the formulation components and the spray-drying process on the PT immunogenicity of the HAC1 vaccine Based on the in vitro evaluation of the antigen RI content (process loss and ... adjust the solubility of the polymer and the drug and the boiling point that results in particles with the desired properties In the latter case, the advantage of water is associated with the non-toxicity ... is the concentration of a substance in solution, t is the time, dC/dt is the PT dissolution rate, D is the diffusion coefficient of the substance, S is the surface area of RI the solid, V is the...

Ngày tải lên: 02/09/2015, 13:31

70 488 0
Change and continuity in the culture of singapores primary school teachers from 1959 to 2006

Change and continuity in the culture of singapores primary school teachers from 1959 to 2006

... in the development 27 of the self-concept and the socialization process and the ability of individuals to take the role of others in planning their own actions”13 (Torres:2003, 207) The range of ... questions of the thesis on the factors of change and continuity in the culture of a social group, the process by which change and continuity in this social group occurs, and the consequences of such ... my husband (Dave) and children (Fei and Ali) and the extended family for their abiding support and love through the “ups and downs” in the preparation of the thesis iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 08:19

391 341 0


... of meaning can also be useful in vocabulary teaching and learning They show how the meaning of one item relates to the meaning of others These are various relationships and here are some of the ... helps them know how to use words in authentic contexts Most of them (88.24%) declare that the texts help them remember words better and more than half of them (67.06%) say that they can know other ... introduced and gave clear instructions of the supplementary reading program to the participants so that they knew about the aims, objectives and procedures of the SRP Therefore, to investigate the effect...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 09:29

76 636 1
The use of credit scoring models and the importance of a credit culture

The use of credit scoring models and the importance of a credit culture

... -Assess the yield in the U.S market on the modified BRE of the emerging Market credit, then add the sovereign yield spread Finally, compare the resulting required yield with the yield in the market ... Rate One can measure the cumulative mortality rate (CMR) over a specific time period (1,2,…, T years) by subtracting the product of the surviving populations of each of the previous years from ... cumulative defaults 10 Marginal and Cumulative Mortality Rate Equation MMR(t) = Total value of defaulting debt in year (t) total value of the population at the start of the year (t) MMR = Marginal...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 10:26

90 922 0
Assessment of technology transfer capability and rd capability the case study of vietnamese food enterprises

Assessment of technology transfer capability and rd capability the case study of vietnamese food enterprises

... Research_Thesis _HoangVu_03042 ASSESSMENT OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CAPABILITY AND R&D CAPABILITY THE CASE STUDY OF VIETNAMESE FOOD AND ENTERPRISES Under the guidance and approval of the committee, and ... accounted for the largest in the industry, delivered more profit and contribution to the national GDP The development of the FPI has also influenced other ancillary and supported other industries’ ... Effectiveness (TTE) and each of them focuses different factors There are also journals and a few of research about TT and R&D in Vietnam However, none of them study about the acquiring Technology Transfer...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2015, 13:28

111 481 0


... the food stocks, and the mood of the garrison The tactics of the Daily Mail captured the attention of the nation; the newspaper dramatized the situation of the town by emphasizing the danger that ... examine both the role of the press in the formation of public opinion about imperialism and the role of the press in the formation of the concept of public opinion itself Mafeking Night marks the powerful ... powerful beginning of the New Journalism at the same time as it marks the beginning of the end of the New Imperialism The coincidence of these occasions arises from the nature of the South African...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:54

221 932 3
Báo cáo y học: "An unusual case of gout in the wrist: the importance of monitoring medication dosage and interaction. A case report"

Báo cáo y học: "An unusual case of gout in the wrist: the importance of monitoring medication dosage and interaction. A case report"

... in the wrist due to gout [6,8,9] The prevalence of gout in the USA ranges between 0.5–2.8% in men and 0.1–0.6% in women [2] The prevalence rises to 4.4% of men and 1.8% of women over the age of ... at the carpal-metacarpal joint at the base of the thumb The report stated that the radiographs were otherwise normal The patient's symptoms worsened with increased pain and swelling over the ... incidence of gout has been reported in the USA and New Zealand over the past 30 years, while the prevalence of gout has been reported to have risen three-fold in the UK over 20 years of follow-up...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:06

5 801 0