... of tones than other instruments. In particular, the piano has a very broad range. From the lowest tone (the key on the far left of the keyboard) to the highest (the key on the far right), the ... through G), and how they relate to each other. We also tossed around the word “scale” to describe all seven of those notes together. In this chapter we further examine the concept of the musical scale, ... a tone into the microphone, the oscilloscope will measure the frequency of the tone. This is actually a measurement of how fast the molecules of air are vibrating; the faster the vibrations, the...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 13:38
... repeatedly. Tip: Tape a strip of paper to the bottom of the screen so that you can’t read the subtitles. That way, you will be forced to listen to the dialog! Shortcuts to Success Rule 1: Be Confident! Okay, ... and easy! You simply add -to to a person to show the “with” rela- tionship: JoN-ga Tomu -to Pari-ni iki-masu. “John will go to Paris with Tom.” Some particles function the same as English preposi- tions, ... what takes you to the end of the tunnel is you. Self- confidence is the most important key to success. To maintain self-confidence, you need to occasionally make sure that you’re on the right track....
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... Complete Idiot's Guide to MBA Basics by Gorman, Tom(Author) Indianapolis, IN, USA: Alpha Books, 1998. Page v. Complete Idiot's Guide to MBA Basics by Gorman, Tom(Author) Indianapolis, ... 1998. Page 74. Complete Idiot's Guide to MBA Basics by Gorman, Tom(Author) Indianapolis, IN, USA: Alpha Books, 1998. Page 7. Complete Idiot's Guide to MBA Basics by Gorman, Tom(Author) Indianapolis, ... 1998. Page 28. Complete Idiot's Guide to MBA Basics by Gorman, Tom(Author) Indianapolis, IN, USA: Alpha Books, 1998. Page 8. Complete Idiot's Guide to MBA Basics by Gorman, Tom(Author) Indianapolis,...
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The Facts on File Guide to Research, 2nd Edition
... references to research. Are the facts veri able? Is there a bibliography? Documentation adds to the authenticity of the material, and also makes the author’s claim credible. It’s important, then, to ... in the docu- ment and referred to in the bibliography to determine the authenticity of the article. Another step is to critically review the material and see if the evidence presented is authoritative ... you have uncovered t the purpose of your topic? Also, what is the purpose of the document? It is it to inform? To persuade? To present opinions? To report research? To demonstrate any bias? You...
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Tài liệu Complete Idiots Guide to Linux pptx
... screen ã The taskbar at the top of the screen ã The desktop The Panel The panel is the bar with icons at the bottom of your screen. It is used to launch applications; each of the icons represents ... Go! About the Authors Part 1—Working with Linux in a Graphical Environment The KDE Desktop Chapter 1 The First Login on the KDE Desktop Logging In The KDE Desktop The Panel The Taskbar The Desktop Applications Using ... click and then Shift+click the selection’s end.) To select text, click the mouse where you want to begin a selection… Complete Idiot's Guide to Linux :The First Login on the KDE Desktop http://www.itknowledge.com/reference/standard/078971826x/ch01/016-020.html...
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... the stick at the equator. The stick at the equator will have no shadow, and the stick at the North Pole will cast a shadow at an angle of 90 degrees from the stick. Now, move the stick from the ... Pole to a latitude of 45 degrees. The shadow will now fall at an angle of 45 degrees from the stick. As the stick that was at the North Pole gets closer and closer to the equator (where the other ... sphere—which con- tained the stars—rotating, and not the individual stars. All the stars, they noticed, moved together, their positions relative to one another remaining unchanged. (That the stars “move”...
Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:22
The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_2 pptx
... to compare them. ■ The call buyer has the right to buy the underlying, consequently the call seller may have the obligation to sell the underlying. ■ The put buyer has the right to sell the ... cent from the sale of the put. You may decide to sell the April 18.00 put as an alternative to buying the stock. If the stock remains above 18.00, then you are content to collect the 0.52 premium. ... components. The first of these is the amount equal to the difference between the strike price and the price of the underlying, and it is termed the intrinsic value. The second component is the time...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20
The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_3 pot
... change in the underlying ■ the passage of time ■ a change in the implied volatility. Options theory is able to quantify exposure to these variables. The terms that are applied to the calculations ... of delta There are four ways to think of delta; the first is the definition, and the following three are the uses: ■ the rate of change of the option with respect to a small change in the underlying ... at the ends of the bell curve. There are two types of volatility used in the options markets: the histori- cal volatility of the underlying, and the implied volatility of the options on the...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20
The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_5 doc
... If the underlying suddenly moves to the short strike that was formerly furthest out-of -the- money, the first solution is to buy back that strike. The second solution is to buy the out-of -the- money ... to 5.00 points. We have also placed our break-even point further from the underlying. How to manage the risk of the long ladder The risk of the long ladder is managed similarly to that of the ... seldom want to know about theory.) Then together we devised trade recommendations which the brokers passed on to their clients. The clients did well. One of them took one of our recommendations...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20
The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_7 doc
... with the butterfly There are other risks with the butterfly. The first is pin risk, which is unlikely, but possible. The two short strikes may expire at -the- money. It is best to close the butterfly ... 5. The profit on the long 95–100 call spread pairs off against the loss on the short 100–105 call spread. The butterfly is then worth- less, and the cost of the butterfly is taken as a loss. There ... is the strike price of the higher put minus the total income from the spread, or 340 – 5.5 = 334.5. The maximum downside loss is the difference between put strikes minus the income from the...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20
The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_9 potx
... to risk. In order to cover their risk, the market-makers need to widen their bid–ask spreads. Under these circumstances, to ask the market-makers to tighten their spreads is to ask them to ... cannot hedge the positions that retail customers want them to assume. They may be forced to carry the positions in their inven- tory for periods of weeks or months, and during this time they are ... market-makers cannot hedge. In order to cover their risk, they need to widen their markets to correspond to the wide range of the underlying’s prices. You would do the same. Common problems with straight...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20
The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_10 ppt
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20
The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_11 pot
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20
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