the big two and the big one

Báo cáo khóa học: Selective release and function of one of the two FMN groups in the cytoplasmic NAD + -reducing [NiFe]-hydrogenase from Ralstonia eutropha pptx

Báo cáo khóa học: Selective release and function of one of the two FMN groups in the cytoplasmic NAD + -reducing [NiFe]-hydrogenase from Ralstonia eutropha pptx

... atmosphere The contents of the bottle were gently stirred at 30 °C in the dark Two controls were run also, one with 30 lM FMN instead of enzyme and the other with buffer alone After h, a sample of the ... study the oxidized SH was stable under aerobic conditions and did not lose any FMN upon dilution In the following we will refer to the FMN released upon reduction as FMN-a and the one located in the ... that one of the two groups could be selectively released upon reduction of the SH The H2-NAD+ activity was thereby lost, but the NADHdehydrogenase activity was not affected During this process the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

8 372 0
The Six Driving Forces That Affect Your Business Plan _ And How to Focus on the Best One for Your Company’s Needs

The Six Driving Forces That Affect Your Business Plan _ And How to Focus on the Best One for Your Company’s Needs

... management theorists Usually the wants and needs of the individual are compared to the wants and needs of the organization That takes you nowhere Too often the wants and needs of the organization and the ... functional and get the most from the six drivers you must select one as the principal focus and relegate the other five to secondary drivers Put the single focus in your strategic plan and save the other ... Status is the answer After all, there is only one Rolls, one Randall, and one Rolex A payoff-driven company understands there is a market of people with those attitudes It puts energy into the creation...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 09:20

28 826 0
Which interest rate scenario is the worst one for a bank? Evidence from a tracking bank approach for German savings and cooperative banks potx

Which interest rate scenario is the worst one for a bank? Evidence from a tracking bank approach for German savings and cooperative banks potx

... @IWTVAA —s The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author and need not reect the opinions of the Deutsche Bundesbank I thank Oliver Entrop, Barry Williams and the participants at the ... the yield ™urveD ie the shortEterm r—tes go up sh—rply —nd the longEterm r—tes ˜—rely moveD h—s the most neg—tive imp—™t on the ˜—nk9s net interest in™ome in the ye—r —fter the sho™k —nd in the ... interested in the e'e™ts of the interest r—te ™h—nges on the ˜—nks9 pro(t —nd loss —™™ounts in the ne—r futureD ie in —n horizon of one or two ye—rsF wostlyD the —™™ounting inform—tion of one point...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20

40 468 0
Báo cáo y học: " The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found onlin" pot

Báo cáo y học: " The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found onlin" pot

... of the time Even Greg’s right almost half the time Mink: Yes, I don’t understand why they made a big deal about this I mean, there’s no significant difference between 43% and 40% Clifford: If they ... quantitative and depending more and more on new techniques and tools that must come from the physical sciences, the real problem is that most biologists can’t understand chemists and physicists and hardly ... complaining that chemists can’t understand one another because the physical chemists speak a different jargon from synthetic organic chemists and so on And he says that biologists are better...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20

2 191 0
Báo cáo y học: "The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online" potx

Báo cáo y học: "The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online" potx

... [8], and in many types of cultured cells [7,9] The cleavage site is located at the carboxy-terminal end of the CRD domain, and generates two subunits that remain attached to each other by one ... the long-range activity of Wnts and Hhs [6,33] In the particular case of Hh, it has been proposed that the glypicans in lipophorins may promote the formation of ligand-receptor complexes in the ... addition to their localization on the cell membrane and in the extracellular environment, glypicans can also be found in the cytoplasm In particular, there have been several studies reporting the presence...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:21

6 391 0
Báo cáo y học: "The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at" pps

Báo cáo y học: "The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at" pps

... genome), the fur genes themselves (one copy in the Geobacter species and two copies in Desulfuromonas), and two hypothetical porins The first one, named psp, was found only in G metallireducens and ... lack some genes for the synthesis and salvage of the HET moiety (thiF, thiH and thiM), and D psychrophila, which has no thiF In most δ-proteobacteria there are two paralogs of the thiamine phosphate ... but not in other species The occurrence of CbiD/CbiG enzymes instead of the oxygen-dependent CobG/CobF ones suggests that these bacteria, consistent with their anaerobic lifestyle, use the anaerobic...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 14:21

27 357 0
Idioms with as   as in comparison with the vietnamese ones = nghiên cứu thành ngữ so sánh trong tiếng anh và tiếng việt

Idioms with as as in comparison with the vietnamese ones = nghiên cứu thành ngữ so sánh trong tiếng anh và tiếng việt

... in the articles/letters and listing them After one article/letter, the teacher ask the students to find the idioms and number them on the list in the order in which the students find them Then, ... they choose that one because if they understand the stories and understand the meanings of idioms, they will choose the right one Therefore, if the students have not understood the idioms yet, ... whenever the wind shifts The Vietnamese people not use the image weather to express this concept because the weather in Vietnam is steadier They can forecast the weather They also not use the image the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2013, 10:39

32 3,6K 6
Bride of the Dark One pptx

Bride of the Dark One pptx

... stood, and he could hear the cries of the people in the courtyard outside, and feel the trembling of the pillars, the very pillars of the Temple, and the groaning of stone on massive stone in the ... talked, and the mighty walls of the Temple reared themselves around his mind, and the music of the pleasure house became the chanting of the priests at the high altar H e stood at the rear of the ... Above all, the chanting before the altar of the Dark One, rising, rising toward hysteria And then, like a knife in the darkness, the scream, and the straining to see which of the maidens the sacred...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 00:20

22 352 0
Shaping the Next One Hundred Years potx

Shaping the Next One Hundred Years potx

... nature, these chapters should prove most relevant to analysts and analytically inclined decisionmakers whose responsibilities require them, on the one hand, to gather and interpret data and, on the ... methane, and a host of other gas molecules—trap excess heat in the atmosphere and warm the surface of the earth Once resident in the atmosphere, these gases can persist for decades or centuries The thermal ... the latest advances in computer technology in support of human reasoning and understanding ABOUT THE RAND PARDEE CENTER The RAND Frederick S Pardee Center for Longer Range Global Policy and the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

209 292 0
secrets of the old one - einstein, 1905

secrets of the old one - einstein, 1905

... possibilities presented themselves If the water does not drag the aether there is no effect If it totally drags the aether there is a maximum effect and if it partially drags the aether then there is a partial ... sound was produced in the tube by forcing wind through it If one was stationed in the plane of rotation of the tube one heard the shift, while if one stationed oneself on the axis of rotation, ... respect to the mass of the earth and the other celestial bodies No one is competent to say how the experiment would turn out if the sides of the vessel increased in thickness and mass till they were...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:27

202 756 0
“I’ll wait for the next one”: Một bi kịch dài từ 4 phút 34 giây docx

“I’ll wait for the next one”: Một bi kịch dài từ 4 phút 34 giây docx

... nhân vật nam, trước kết nằm mong muốn Bên cạnh đó, kết bất ngờ, theo quan điểm người viết này, thành công “I’ll wait for the next one nằm nghệ thuật cài đặt yếu tố đối lập hoán chuyển yếu tố cách ... cuốn, nhân vật nhìn thấy đôi trai gái hôn ngoái nhìn theo Hình ảnh đôi trai gái đặt giới hạn tiêu cự ống kính, trở nên mờ nhoè ảnh khoảng giây lại theo ánh mắt người phụ nữ sân ga Ống kính máy quay ... Phim ngắn thường nghệ thuật khoảnh khắc khoảnh khắc nghệ thuật Với I’ll wait for the next one, đạo diễn Phillippe Orreindy mang lại cho điện ảnh Pháp nói riêng điện ảnh giới nói chung...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 20:20

6 446 0
The fourth one period test- English 7

The fourth one period test- English 7

... b/ So am I c/ either d/ neither I 8/ Nga: I don’t really like watching the news on TV Tam: I don’t really like watching the news on TV,……………… a/ either b/ So I c/ I do, too d/ Neither am I 9/ ... gian: 45 phút Điểm Teacher’s notes I/ Listen to the passage and tick the correct option (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences: Ba gets up at……………………………… A/ 6.05 B/ 6.15 C/ 5.46 ... ……… B/ Answer the questions: 1/ Is life more comfortable today? …………………………………………………………………… 2/ Do the children like to watch cartoons? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3/ What the older people...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 06:00

5 916 0
Being the odd one outI took a final look at myself doc

Being the odd one outI took a final look at myself doc

... this one At home, my mother and I live among seven males They are my father, two of his brothers, my elder brother and three younger brothers I love their company I was again interrupted by the ... overturned pot I thanked him and sat, looking at the pitch black, moonless sky against the dark blue, calm waters I had been in the company of boys for a number of times but the occasions were never ... his deafening nags while we traveled to and fro in the car He stopped at the East Coast Park and told me to get down I was nearly in tears because I thought the barbecue was to be held at friend’s...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 03:21

7 346 0
Báo cáo y học: "The journal: one year later" pps

Báo cáo y học: "The journal: one year later" pps

... to the coming year, I remain positive about the direction of the journal and the Society We have more support than ever with the inclusion of new editors and new ideas We have added Jörg Bahm and ... specialty, another positive sign for future development of both the Society and the journal We will be planning the next meeting of the Society in 2008 and will make announcements as appropriate The staff ... voluntary and I must thank them for lending us their invaluable expertise and, more significantly, their time The act of assisting in this way truly shows a level of commitment and caring that is difficult...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:20

2 208 0
báo cáo khoa học: " To be or not to be the odd one out - Allelespecific transcription in pentaploid dogroses (Rosa L. sect. Caninae (DC.) Ser)" doc

báo cáo khoa học: " To be or not to be the odd one out - Allelespecific transcription in pentaploid dogroses (Rosa L. sect. Caninae (DC.) Ser)" doc

... Bivalent formation and thus recombination occurs always between chromosomes of the same two highly homologous sets, one transmitted by the pollen grain and the other by the egg cell The remaining ... synonymous and non-synonymous substitutions in the alignments of the coding region of LEAFY and cGAPDH and parameter estimates for the null hypothesis (H0) of the selection analyses (one ω for ... bivalents on the other hand The heterogeneous results from our analysis demand further research on the transcriptome of dogroses which considers a broader sampling of species and genes and accounts...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:21

14 349 0
Báo cáo y học: "Arginine vasopressin versus norepinephrine: will the stronger one win the race" pot

Báo cáo y học: "Arginine vasopressin versus norepinephrine: will the stronger one win the race" pot

... Ertmer et al and colleagues [1] and Gerstberger and colleagues [3] emphasize that the effects of vasoactive agents on the microcirculation are still not fully understood Therefore, the study of ... Friesenecker and colleagues [1] gives another important and interesting insight into the diversity of the microvascular response to vasoconstrictor agents With respect to the second conclusion, the study ... unresolved The fact that AVP infusion may impair gut mucosal microcirculation [6] and skin perfusion [7] suggests that the stronger one may not necessarily be the better one Competing interests The...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:24

2 149 0
Báo cáo y học: "Detecting volume responsiveness and unresponsiveness in intensive care unit patients: two different problems, only one solution" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "Detecting volume responsiveness and unresponsiveness in intensive care unit patients: two different problems, only one solution" ppt

... encountered in the ICU The first one is represented by the management of patients in the early phase of sepsis The Surviving Sepsis Campaign [17] recommends that fluid be administered until the central ... Critical Care Vol 13 No Teboul and Monnet on the flat part of the Frank-Starling curve, as does a failing heart In this condition, further fluid administration should dramatically ... would help to better assess the benefit/risk ratio of continuing such a strategy The second situation is represented by the management of patients with lung injury after the early stage has passed...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:22

2 187 0


... through when they were told they (5) not be able to travel because of the possiblity (6) _ boy could have rabies The family were devastated and the father went to the docks to watch the ship ... disappointment the father discovered how fortunate the family had been The son did not have rabies and a few days later the news came (10) the ship the Clarke family should have been on had sunk The ... B C D The shop assistant was very helpfully and I was able to buy what I wanted A B C D 10 The robber gave the victim with a hard blow A B C D IV Read the following passage and choose the word...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2016, 07:06

2 1,6K 1