the best of both worlds part 1 2



... 19 95 and 20 09 at the. .. rate (Fig 13 ) 350 300 25 0 4 20 0 19 95 42 60 45 NHBD 26 3 24 5 25 3 22 3 21 6 21 8 22 2 22 3 24 3 21 6 22 6 20 01 23 8 22 7 19 6 21 4 19 3 38 8 20 00 23 0 19 94 15 0 10 0 28 ... liver 35 DBD liver 30 25 18 20 15 10 5 0 31 33 19 6 19 95 22 21 25 20 29 21 22 11 5 2 19 97 19 99 20 01 20 03 20 05 20 07 13 20 09 Fig 14 c Fig 14 Proportion of DCD/DBD donors (a), ... History) 25 60 DCD Number of procurements 50 DBD 40 33 30 43 29 20 27 33 27 10 30 25 21 19 26 22 30 25 10 1 20 02 0 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 3 20 03 2 2004 20 05 7 8 20 06 20 07

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:21

58 449 0
The Gist of Emergency Medicine - part 1 ppsx

The Gist of Emergency Medicine - part 1 ppsx

... Encourage them to stay, as there will be the occasional surprise (e.g new diabetic, K+ 2. 7) † Implementation of the Ottawa Ankle Rules JAMA 19 94; 2 71: 82 7-8 32 The Gist of Emergency ... ALLERGY 13 2 XIV. INFECTIONS 13 8 XV. POISONING 14 3 XVI. ENVIRONMENTAL INJURIES 15 6 XVII. TRAUMA 16 8 XVIII. PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS 17 7 REFERENCES 17 9 A REQUEST FOR FEEDBACK 18 0 INDEX 18 1 The ... anticipate and show the appropriate concern for the psychological, the sociological, and the economic needs † of the patient, the relatives, and the significant others. Refer to the patient by

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A practical guide to the management of medical emergencies - part 1 ppt

A practical guide to the management of medical emergencies - part 1 ppt

... cardiologist 21 22 C O MMO N P RESENTATI ONS T A B L E 4 1 Broad complex regular tachycardia: differential diagnosis and management Broad... s and then release: a capillary refill time of >2 s ... management of the airway 2 Respiratory rate Respiratory rate 30/min Give oxygen (initially 60 10 0%) Check arterial oxygen saturation and blood gases (pp 98 10 3, 587) See Table 1. 5; pp 10 4–9 ... algorithm (p 13 ) No Key observations (Table 1. 2) Oxygen, ECG monitor, IV access Focused assessment (Table 3 .1) Patient unstable? Yes No Stabilize airway and... the AV node and back via the accessory

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Human Physiology: The Mechanism of Body Function - part 1 pdf

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... Concept 16 17 17 16 4 4 15 12 12 Transcription of a Gene Protein Synthesis Protein Synthesis Transcription of a Gene... Length 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 meter ... Muscular/Histology/Smooth Muscle xxvi 1 1- 4 1 1- 5 1 1- 6 1 1- 8 1 1- 1 2 1 1- 1 5 1 1- 1 8 1 1- 1 9 1 1- 2 0 1 1- 3 1 1 1- 3 2 Muscular/Histology/Skeletal Muscle ... 11 1 1- 8 Tape 5 1 1- 1 2 Tape 5 1 1- 1 6 Tape 5 Chapter 15 1 5-6 Tape 5 1 5-8 Tape 1 1 5 -2 5 Tape 5 Chapter 16 1 6-6 Tape 5 1 6 -1 4 Tape 5 Chapter 6 6 -1 6 -1

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... do They see the defect from the other side of the room The defect (or deformity, as they term it) hails them, flags them down, implores their assistance They see, in other words, the ... parental value in their own eyes and in the eyes of the world The failed child is a sign of parental neglect of some kind They are clucked 10 / The Patient’s Body over by the parents’ ... in the end is just beauty itself While the number of potential partners may increase, this is perhaps not the goal but rather the proof of beauty, the approving stares and the

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... L V E D D < 70mm Louie (19 91) 22 • > CO 50 LVESVI< 10 0 ml 40 LVESVI> 10 0 ml 30 20 1 0 -1 1 0 6 — I — 12 18 1 24 30 36 Time (Months) Yiffirtft ("ompan son of survival for patients ... 10 .0 15 .0 20 .0 25 .0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 EF Change (%) Kigure -4 Histogram ofEFchanjie The number ofpatients is on they-axis and the magnitude of HI' changed on the X-axis The line ... Academic Publishers, 10 1 Philip Drive, Norwell, MA 020 61, U.S.A. In all other countries, sold and distributed by Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 322 ,3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Printed

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 15:20

20 411 0
The Coming of Materials Science Part 1 potx

The Coming of Materials Science Part 1 potx

... Integration of Parepistemes 72 82 83 84 91 93 94 98 1 04 10 5 10 5 11 0 11 5 11 9 12 1 12 4 12 9 13 0 13 1 13 4 13 8 14 0 15 9 15 9 16 0 16 0 16 6 17 1 17 6 17 9 18 1 CHAPTER ... CHAPTER 3 PRECURSORS OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 3 .1 The Legs of the Tripod 3 .1. 1 Atoms and Crystals 3 .1 I 1 X-ray Diffraction xi 3 3 8 11 13 21 21 23 32 35 41 45 47 50 57 57 57 ... Conductors 11 .3 .1. 3 Modern Storage Batteries (Resumed) 11 .3 .2 Fuel Cells 11 .3.3 Chemical Sensors 11 .3.4 Electrolytic Metal Extraction 11 .3.5 Metallic Corrosion 425 425 427 428 43 1 43 1

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

36 303 0
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.2: Quy định chung, kết cấu chịu lửa (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 2 e 2005 Design of steel structures part 1.2: Structural fire design)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.2: Quy định chung, kết cấu chịu lửa (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 2 e 2005 Design of steel structures part 1.2: Structural fire design)

... B of EN 19 91- 1 -2; the flame temperature [K] from annex B of EN 19 91- 1 -2, level with the bottom of the beam; the flame temperature [K] from annex B of EN 19 91- 1 -2, level with the top of the beam ... Iz ,1 = Iz ,2 = EN 19 93 -1- 2: 2005 (E) O3 d1 d1 O3 O4 O2 O2 d2 d2 O1 O1 Opening O4 Flame section elevation 1) Beam perpendicular to wall 2) Beam parallel to wall O3 d1 O3 d1 O4 O2 d2 h z d2 O1 O1 Flame ... V(Tz ,14 + Tz ,24 ) /2 C4 Hz,4 V(Tz ,14 + Tz ,24 ) /2 (B .22 c) (B .22 d) To Tz ,1 is is is Tz ,2 is the emissivity of the flame with respect to face i of the beam, see B.5 .2; the temperature at the opening

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 17:34

84 723 6
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC4: Kết cấu bê tông cốt thép liên hợp phần 1.2: Kết cấu chịu lửa (Eurocode4 BS EN1994 1 2 e 2005 Design of composite structures part 1.2: General rules and Structural fire design)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC4: Kết cấu bê tông cốt thép liên hợp phần 1.2: Kết cấu chịu lửa (Eurocode4 BS EN1994 1 2 e 2005 Design of composite structures part 1.2: General rules and Structural fire design)

... General rules — Structural fire design The European Standard EN 19 94 -1- 2: 2005 has the status of a British Standard ICS 13 .22 0.50; 91. 010 .30; 91. 080 .10 ; 91. 080.40 12 &23 ... x, University of Glamorgan, Mon Apr 23 19 :04: 52 GMT+00:00 20 07, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BRITISH STANDARD Eurocode — Design of composite steel and concrete structures — Part 1- 2: General rules

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2016, 12:03

114 524 5
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC5: Kết cấu gỗ phần 1.2: Kết cấu chịu lửa (Eurocode5 EN1995 1 2 e 2004 Design of timber structures part 1.2: General structural fire design)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC5: Kết cấu gỗ phần 1.2: Kết cấu chịu lửa (Eurocode5 EN1995 1 2 e 2004 Design of timber structures part 1.2: General structural fire design)

... 6 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 23 23 26 27 28 29 30 30 30 30 30 31 32 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 EN 19 95 -1- 2: 2004 (E) 5 .1 General 35 5 .2 Analysis of load-bearing ... 13 63 -1 EN 13 65 -1 EN 13 65 -2 EN 19 90 :20 02 EN 19 91- 1 -1: 20 02 EN 19 91- 1 -2: 20 02 EN 19 93 -1- 2 EN 19 95 -1- 1 EN 12 369? ?1 EN 13 1 62 ENV 13 3 81- 7 EN 13 986 EN 14 0 81- 1 EN 14 080 EN 14 374 1. 3 Oriented strand boards ... (6) EN 19 95 -2 refers to the General rules in EN 19 95 -1- 1 The clauses in EN 19 95 -2 supplement the clauses in EN 19 95 -1 1 .1. 2 Scope of EN 19 95 -1- 2 (1) P EN 19 95 -1- 2 deals with the design of timber

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2016, 12:09

69 432 2
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC6: Kết cấu gạch đá phần 1.2: Kết cấu chịu lửa (Eurocode6 EN1996 1 2 e 2005 Design of masonry structures part 1.2: General rules and structural fire design)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC6: Kết cấu gạch đá phần 1.2: Kết cấu chịu lửa (Eurocode6 EN1996 1 2 e 2005 Design of masonry structures part 1.2: General rules and structural fire design)

... range of 900 – 20 0 kg/m³ 72 EN1996 -1- 2: 20 05 24 22 λa (T); λa (20 oC ) = 1, 0 W/m K 20 ρ (T); ρ (20 oC) = 16 00 -20 00 kg/m3 ca (T); ca (20 oC) = 10 20 J/kg K 18 16 14 (1) 12 10 0 10 0 20 0 300 400 500 ... 0, 21 W/m K 18 ca (T); ca (20 oC) = 11 70 J/kg K ρ (T); ρ (20 oC) = 600 -10 00 kg/m3 16 14 12 (1) 10 0 10 0 20 0 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10 00 11 00 12 00 T (o C ) Figure D .1. (c): calculation values of ... density range of 900 – 20 0 kg/m³ 75 EN1996 -1- 2: 2005 εT (‰) 12 11 10 0 10 0 20 0 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10 00 11 00 12 00 T (o C ) Figure D .2( c): Calculation values of thermal strain εT of calcium

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2016, 12:20

81 415 4
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC9: Kết cấu nhôm phần 1.2: Kết cấu chịu lửa (Eurocode9 BS EN1999 1 2 e 2007 structural fire design Design of aluminum structures part 1.2: Structural fire design)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC9: Kết cấu nhôm phần 1.2: Kết cấu chịu lửa (Eurocode9 BS EN1999 1 2 e 2007 structural fire design Design of aluminum structures part 1.2: Structural fire design)

... Design of aluminium structures — Licensed copy:PONTYPRIDD COLLEGE, 12 / 01/ 20 08, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI Part 1- 2: Structural fire design The European Standard EN 19 99 -1- 2: 2007 has the status of a ... design The European Standard EN 19 99 -1- 2: 2007 has the status of a British Standard ICS 91. 010 .30; 91. 080 .10 12 &23

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... time of five hours and thirty-nine minutes Average number of deaths (per map) Medium Easy FIGURE 14 .6 Hard 19 14 ep1_c17_06 Exit 17 ep1_c17_05 ep1_c17_02a ep1_c17_02b ep1_c17_ 02 Urban flight ep1_c17_ 01 ... Urban flight ep1_c17_ 01 ep1_c17_00a Lowlife ep1_c17_00 ep1_citadel_04 Direct intervention ep1_citadel_03 ep1_citadel_02b ep1_citadel_ 02 ep1_citadel_ 01 Undue alarm ep1_citadel_00 © 20 08, Valve Corporation ... Interface 2 21 Breaking it Down 22 3 The Loop of Interaction 22 8 Channels of Information 23 4 Other Interface Tips 24 0 14 Experiences Can

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Ebook Sepsis - Definitions, pathophysiology and the challenge of bedside management: Part 1

Ebook Sepsis - Definitions, pathophysiology and the challenge of bedside management: Part 1

... Cell 2 010 ;14 0(6):805– 20 doi :10 .10 16/j.cell .2 010 . 01. 022 43 Chan JK, Roth J, Oppenheim JJ, et al Alarmins: awaiting a clinical response J Clin Invest 2 0 12 ; 12 2(8) :2 711 –9 doi :10 .11 72/ JCI 624 23 44 ... 20 04;364 (9433):545–8 doi :10 .10 16/S 014 0-6736(04 )16 815 -3 8  Sepsis-Induced AKI 13 9 14 KDIGO.  Section 2: AKI definition Kidney Int Suppl 2 0 12 ;2 (1) :19 –36 doi :10 .10 38/ kisup .2 011 . 32 15 Hoste EAJ, Schurgers ... Nephrol 2 013 ;10 (1) :37–47 doi :10 .10 38/nrneph .2 013 .23 2 29 Rajendram R, Prowle JR. Venous congestion: are we adding insult to kidney injury in sepsis? Crit Care 2 014 ;18 (1) :10 4 doi :10 .11 86/cc13709

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Ebook The science of stem cells: Part 1

Ebook The science of stem cells: Part 1

... Circulation Research 11 2, 12 72? ? ? 12 87 Medvinsky, A., Rybtsov, S and Taoudi, S (2 011 ) Embryonic origin of the adult hematopoietic system: advances and questions Development 13 8, 10 17? ?10 31 Poole, T.J., Finkelstein, E.B ... Developmental Dynamics 24 0, 5 01? ?? 520 Zaret, K.S and Grompe, M (20 08) Generation and regeneration of cells of the liver and pancreas Science 322 , 14 90? ?14 94 Zong, Y and Stanger, B.Z (2 0 12 ) Molecular mechanisms of liver and bile ... source of BMP and the adjacent cardiac mesoderm is a source of FGF Both these factors are needed for the formation of the liver from the endoderm and for the suppression of formation of the ventral pancreas The early cells of the liver are hepatoblasts: bipotent cells which can form

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Ebook Service extraordinaire unlocking the value of concierge medicine: Part 1

Ebook Service extraordinaire unlocking the value of concierge medicine: Part 1

... Classification: LCC R 728 W 615 2 018 | DDC 610 .68 /1 dc23 LC record available at /2 017 035959 Visit the Taylor & Francis Web site at  and the CRC Press ... Raton : Taylor & Francis, 2 018 | Includes bibliographical references and index Identifiers: LCCN 2 017 035959| ISBN 97 811 38035584 (hardback : alk paper) | ISBN 97 813 1 526 6 923 (ebook) Subjects: LCSH: ... (Finkelstein, 2 017 ) The concierge model is another option to remedy the stress from the pace of traditional medical practices Chapter Lessons from Other Industries Like other aspects of health care—for

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Best of both worlds   chua xac dinh

Best of both worlds chua xac dinh

... PERFECT 14 ONE IN A MILLION 15 PUMPIN’UP THE PARTY 16 ROCK STAR 17 SEE YOU AGAIN 19 THE OTHER SIDE OF ME 20 THIS IS THE LIFE 21 TRUE FRIEND 22 WE GOT THE PARTY 23 WHO SAID 24   BEST OF BOTH WORLDS ... the best of both worlds Chill it out, take it slow Then you rock out the show You get the best of both worlds Mix it all together and you know YOU'VE GOT the best of both worlds The best of both ... get the best of both worlds Chill it out, take it slow Then you rock out the show You get the best of both worlds Mix it all together and you know that it's the best of both You know the best of

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Báo cáo khoa học: "The Best of Both Worlds – A Graph-based Completion Model for Transition-based Parsers" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "The Best of Both Worlds – A Graph-based Completion Model for Transition-based Parsers" pot

... et al., 2 010 ) 93 .26 T (baseline) 92. 7 G 2a (baseline) 92. 89 T 2a 92. 94 91. 87 T 2ab 93 .16 92. 08 T 2ab3a 93 .20 92 .10 T 2ab3b 93 .23 92 .15 T 2ab3c 93 .17 92 .10 T 2ab3abc+ 93.39 92. 38 G 2a+ 93 .1 (Koo ... 88 .22 /90.36 T 2ab 90 .26 / 92. 56 83 .22 /88.34 88. 31/ 90 .24 T 2ab3a 90 .20 /90. 51 83. 21 . 88.30 88 .14 /90 .23 T 2ab3b 90 .26 / 92. 57 83 .22 /88.35 88.50/90.59 T 2ab3abc 90. 31/ 92. 58 83. 31/ 88.30 88.33/90.45 G 2a+ 90.39/ 92. 8 ... 20 09)† 88.79/- 80.38 87 .29 (Bohnet, 20 09) 89.88/- 80 .11 87.48 T (Baseline) 89. 52/ 92 .10 81. 97/87 .26 87.53/89.86 G 2a (Baseline) 90 .14 / 92. 36 81. 13/87.65 87.79/90 . 12 T 2a 90 .20 / 92. 55 83. 01/ 88 . 12 ...

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... 24 2 24 3 19 The British Isles 27 8 27 9 20 Treaty of Bretigny, 13 60 28 7 21 French Possessions of the English King in 14 24 29 4 22 France under Louis XI 29 8 29 9 23 Voyages of Discovery 349 24 ... Suzerains of the Counts of Champagne 11 3 11 France at the Close of the Reign of Philip Augustus 12 9 12 The Plantagenet Possessions in England and France 14 1 13 Europe about A.D. 10 00 15 2 15 3 14 Italian ... Italian Towns in the Twelfth Century 17 5 15 Routes of the Crusaders 19 0 19 1 16 The Crusaders' States in Syria 19 3 17 Ecclesiastical Map of France in the Middle Ages 20 5 18 Lines of Trade and...

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... 19 9 Development,nationalismandthepost-colonialstate204 Developmentandthereformofinternationallaw207 Permanent sovereignty over natural resources and theNewInternationalEconomicOrder 21 1 The 19 62 Resolution on PSNR 21 6 The1 974CharterofRightsandDutiesAmongStates 220 Colonialismandtheemergenceoftransnationallaw 223 Sources ... Legality of the Threat or use of Nuclear Weapons Petroleum Development Ltd. v. The Sheikh of Abu Dhabi (19 51) 18 I.L.R. 14 4 22 6 Questions of Interpretation and Application of the 19 71 Montreal ... 10 0 3Colonialismandthebirthofinternational institutions: the Mandate System of the League of Nations 11 5 Introduction 11 5 The creation of the Mandate System 11 9 vii Introduction The empires of our time were...

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