the basics of corporate finance

Fundamentals of corporate finance brealey chapter 04 the time value of money

Fundamentals of corporate finance brealey chapter 04 the time value of money

... $20,000 as the Price of Car, $350 as Down Payment, $350 as Monthly payment of lease, 36 months as Lease term, 10% Rate of return, and $10,000 as the value of the car at the end of the lease The calculator ... lease The calculator will calculate the value of alternative investments at the end of lease term of $11,510 which is more than the value of the car at the end of the lease ($10,000) Thus, lease ... $40,000 (the cost of buying a truck) Therefore, if the first payment on the lease is due immediately, it is cheaper to buy the truck than to lease it a Compare the PV of the payments Assume the product

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2018, 08:34

35 272 0
Fundamentals of corporate finance brealey chapter 12 the cost of capital

Fundamentals of corporate finance brealey chapter 12 the cost of capital

... 10.47% d If the company wishes to expand its present business then the WACC is a reasonable estimate of the discount rate since the risk of the proposed project is similar to the risk of the existing ... implicitly treats the discount rate for the project as the cost of debt if the project is debt financed, and as the cost of equity if the project is equity financed In fact, if the project poses ... instead of current yield to calculate cost of debt [This answer assumes the value of the debt provided is the market value If it is the book value, then 12.5% would be the average coupon rate of outstanding

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2018, 08:34

14 264 0
Lecture Managerial finance - Chapter 11: The basics of capital budgeting: Evaluating cash flows

Lecture Managerial finance - Chapter 11: The basics of capital budgeting: Evaluating cash flows

... independent, if the cash flows of one are  unaffected by the acceptance of the other mutually exclusive, if the cash flows of one  can be adversely impacted by the  acceptance of the other   Cash Flows for Franchise L  ... -100.00 10 60 80 70 50 20 L’s CFs: S’s CFs: 10% 10% -100.00   NPV: Sum of the PVs of all  cash flows n NPV = ∑ t=0 CFt (1 + r)t Cost often is CF0 and is negative n NPV = ∑ t=1 CFt CF (1 + r)t   What’s Franchise L’s NPV? ... Chapter 11 The Basics of Capital  Budgeting:  Evaluating Cash Flows   Topics   Overview and “vocabulary” Methods

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2020, 19:33

46 136 0
Lecture Essentials of corporate finance (2/e) – Chap 4: Introduction to valuation: the time value of money

Lecture Essentials of corporate finance (2/e) – Chap 4: Introduction to valuation: the time value of money

... Introduction to valuation: The time value of money Chapter 4-1 Key concepts and skills Be able to compute the following: • The future value of an investment made today • The present value of cash to be received ... Essentials of Corporate Finance 2e by Ross et al Slides prepared by David E Allen and Abhay K Singh 4-6 Time line of cash flows •Tick marks at ends of periods • Time is today • Time is the end of Period ... Essentials of Corporate Finance 2e by Ross et al Slides prepared by David E Allen and Abhay K Singh 4-3 Basic definitions • Present value (PV) – The current value of future cash flows discounted at the

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2020, 13:09

47 99 0
Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 4: Introduction to valuation: the time value of money

Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 4: Introduction to valuation: the time value of money

... Introduction to Valuation: The Time Value of Money Chapter Key Concepts and Skills • Be able to compute the future value of an investment made today • Be able to compute the present value of cash to be received ... must equal for the I/Y to be the period rate Interest is entered as a percent, not a decimal N = number of periods Remember to clear the registers (CLR TVM) after each problem Other calculators ... 1000 + 50 + 50 = $1100 FV with compound interest = $1102.50 The extra $2.50 comes from the interest of 0.05(50) = $2.50 earned on the first interest payment  Copyright ª 2007 McGraw­Hill Australia Pty Ltd 

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2020, 14:17

35 101 0
Lecture Economics - Chapter 30: The basics of finance

Lecture Economics - Chapter 30: The basics of finance

... Determinants of investment • Investment decisions are based on the tradeoff between the potential profits and the costs of borrowing • Expectations about the future profitability of current investments ... quantity of savings that people are willing to supply depends on the price they receive • The quantity of investment funding that people demand depends on the price they must pay • The interest ... value of some other asset • The most common example of a derivative is a futures contract – The buyer of a futures contract agrees to pay the seller based on the future price of some asset –

Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2020, 14:25

13 16 0
Lecture Essentials of corporate finance (2/e) – Chapter 4: Introduction to valuation: the time value of money

Lecture Essentials of corporate finance (2/e) – Chapter 4: Introduction to valuation: the time value of money

... Introduction to valuation: The time value of money Chapter 4-1 Key concepts and skills Be able to compute the following: • The future value of an investment made today • The present value of cash to be received ... Essentials of Corporate Finance 2e by Ross et al Slides prepared by David E Allen and Abhay K Singh 4-6 Time line of cash flows •Tick marks at ends of periods • Time is today • Time is the end of Period ... Essentials of Corporate Finance 2e by Ross et al Slides prepared by David E Allen and Abhay K Singh 4-3 Basic definitions • Present value (PV) – The current value of future cash flows discounted at the

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2020, 03:11

47 43 0
Test bank Finance Management chapter 10 the basics of capital budgeting

Test bank Finance Management chapter 10 the basics of capital budgeting

... MIRR, we need the PV of the cash outflows and the FV of the inflows The MIRR is the discount rate that equates the two Step 1: 117 Calculate the present value of the outflows: Enter the following ... calculate the MIRR, we need to find the present value of all the outflows and the future value of all the inflows The discount rate that equates the two is the modified internal rate of return PV of ... levels of risk b If the two projects have the same risk they will have the same NPV, even if the two projects are of different size c If the two projects have the same size (scale) they will have the

Ngày tải lên: 22/11/2016, 11:02

98 3,1K 2
The Basics of Water Pollution potx

The Basics of Water Pollution potx

... The Basics of Water Pollution 1 The Basics of Water Pollution The Basics of Water Pollution Cooperative Extension Bringing the University to You Audiovisual – 05-11 S. Donaldson The Basics of ... your community now and into the future. The Basics of Water Pollution 8 The pollutants in polluted runoff The pollutants in polluted runoff The pollutants in polluted runoff ¾ ¾ Nutrients Nutrients ¾ ¾ Pathogens Pathogens ¾ ¾ Sediment Sediment ¾ ¾ Toxic ... with this type of pollution. We have done a good job of identifying, controlling or eliminating this type of pollution via the provisions of the Clean Water Act. The Basics of Water Pollution

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20

30 488 0
The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Investment Recommendations ppt

The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Investment Recommendations ppt

... than would otherwise have been the case. The rest of the paper proceeds as follows. In the next section we review the prior literature on CSR, sell-side analysts and then draw from the neo-classical ... expectations of value creation, our work broadens the scope of the CSR and stakeholder theories, by linking them... whereas the investment costs of such strategies are incurred in the ... purposes of comment and discussion only. It may not be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder. Copies of working papers are available from the author. The Impact of Corporate

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 23:20

46 482 1
The Economics of Structured Finance ppt

The Economics of Structured Finance ppt

... rated corporate bonds. We argue that both of these features of structured finance products – the extreme fragility of their ratings to modest imprecision in evaluating underlying risks and their ... measured by the likelihood of default and the magnitude of loss incurred in the event of a default – to satisfy the guidelines set forth by the credit rating agencies. Structured finance allows ... vehicle. The special purpose vehicle is separate from the originator’s balance sheet to isolate the credit risk of its liabilities – the tranches – from the balance sheet of the originator. If the

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 05:21

37 356 1


... is part of the Division of Library and Information Services of the Department of State. The Secretary of State is the official holder of the Great Seal of the State of Florida and official ... stability to maintain the viability of the records for the duration of their retention period? • What records are vital to the continued operation of the organization? • Are these vital records ... involving the records has been started before the expiration of the retention period and the disposition of the records, the records must be retained until completion of the

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 13:20

54 597 0
teach yourself the basics of aspen plus

teach yourself the basics of aspen plus

... the software and leads the student through a hands-on introduction to the various features of the software designed to facilitate the setup of simple problems Features such as the ... of the proprietary nature of the software, I have described the functionality One should recognize that Aspen Plus is proprietary software and that the source... resides on the ... button on the main Aspen Plus display The philosophy of the book is based on the idea that once a chemical engineer becomes thoroughly facile in the use of the software and

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 10:57

220 907 1
Tài liệu Basics of Corporate Finance pptx

Tài liệu Basics of Corporate Finance pptx

... true, hence the term "balance" sheet. The value of the assets equals the amount of money borrowed by the company plus the value of the owner's investment in the company. The stockholders' ... estimate of the value of those assets for the remainder of their useful lives. These principles will also be important in the next section as we analyze the Cash Flow Statement. • On the Income ... On the Balance Sheet, it is the sum of all depreciation charges over the life of the fixed assets. On the Income Statement, it represents the portion of the value of a fixed asset that has been...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 16:15

417 477 0
Tài liệu McGraw.Hill - Brealey & Myers - Principles of Corporate Finance, 6th Edition Slides docx

Tài liệu McGraw.Hill - Brealey & Myers - Principles of Corporate Finance, 6th Edition Slides docx

... Simple 10% Compound 20 Rate of Return Rule w Accept investments that offer rates of return in excess of their opportunity cost of capital. Example In the project listed below, the foregone investment opportunity ... and The Opportunity Cost of Capital Principles of Corporate Finance Brealey and Myers Sixth Edition Chapter 2 41 Short Cuts w Sometimes there are shortcuts that make it very easy to calculate the ... required-PV=NPV 1 0 5 Who is The Financial Manager? Chief Financial Officer Comptroller Treasurer 22 Opportunity Cost of Capital Example You may invest $100,000 today. Depending on the state of the economy,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 02:20

816 1,3K 7
Tài liệu The Quality of Corporate Credit Rating: an Empirical Investigation docx

Tài liệu The Quality of Corporate Credit Rating: an Empirical Investigation docx

... (SIC) of the Sample The table describes the one digit standardized industrial classification of the issuers of all bonds in the sample and the occurrence of default since the issue of the new ... classifications of these industries. The rate of cases of default in this group (19.5 percent of the bonds and 26.3 percent of the firms) is greater than that of the sample (9.0 percent of the bonds ... (SIC) of the Sample Part a describes the 2 digit standardized industrial classification (SIC) of the issuers of all bonds in the sample and the occurrence of default since the issue of the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 03:20

78 711 0
Tài liệu The Basics of Social Marketing - How to Use Marketing to Change Behavior docx

Tài liệu The Basics of Social Marketing - How to Use Marketing to Change Behavior docx

... grand- mothers as the appropriate source for the intervention. The grandmothers who participated in formative research developed the chitterlings cleaning method for their peers. Having the grandmothers ... by offering the audience benefits they want in return for making the desired behavior change. For example, you give them a sense of being cool and accepted by their peers if they give you themselves ... transmission?” The women in the focus groups identified hygiene breaks, either during refrigeration or during the long hours of cleaning the chitterlings, as the likely method of transmission...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 02:20

25 605 0


... fraction of the value of the firm plus the coupon, the value of the bond is identical whether one discounts promised payments at the corporate spot rate or discounts risk-neutral payments at the government ... equal to a fraction of the market value of an equal maturity corporate bond in the same risk class plus the same fraction of the coupon, then the risk-neutral valuation gives the same valuation ... showing the number of issuers in each cell. The table shown below is the average of these tables over the 10-year period 1987 to 1996. It shows the average number of issuers per annum undergoing the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:20

52 496 0
Mobilizing Climate Finance - A Paper prepared at the request of G20 Finance Ministers potx

Mobilizing Climate Finance - A Paper prepared at the request of G20 Finance Ministers potx

... countries and evaluation of the revenue and other implications of their reform;  A review of options for strengthening the effectiveness of carbon offset markets, and broadening their scope, reach ... led the work stream on sources of public finance. The OECD contributed the analysis of fossil fuel support, monitoring and tracking of climate finance and other inputs. The IFC and EBRD led the ... Development, the European Investment Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank). The IMF led the work stream on sources of public finance. The OECD contributed the analysis of fossil fuel...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:21

56 494 0
Brilliant At The Basics of Business 100:1 pdf

Brilliant At The Basics of Business 100:1 pdf

... day? Could they make one do per day by writing their name on it? They could. There are loads of other ways of both saving the company money and respecting the planet. Brainstorm them. 91. Be ... will cause them to really love or to really hate you. 87. Pinch the best ideas from your competition. Then build upon them. 88. Walk right across the open-plan of ce of every one of your teams. ... points of margin? Or employee satisfaction? Brilliant At The Basics of Business 1 00: 49. What happens to the data in the complaint’s file? Hopefully it has a hot link to the actions for the quality...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

10 501 0

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