the asia pacific regional arbitration group



... large declines in the Asia- Pacific equity markets as investors cashed in their holdings. Financial-market contagion thus spread from the United States to the Asia- Pacific region. There was also ... developing economies in Asia and the Pacific. At the same time, the region’s developed economies grew at 2.2 per cent in 2007, unchanged from the previous year. Asia- Pacific economies are well ... cent for the Philippines. Countries in the region therefore have lost competitiveness in their exports not only to the United States but also to their other trading partners. Since 2006, the countries...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 01:20

40 477 0
World Vision’s Little Book of Maternal and Child Health in the Asia Pacific pdf

World Vision’s Little Book of Maternal and Child Health in the Asia Pacific pdf

... to the group. After that they take on the responsibility themselves, cooking khichuri in their own houses and starting new groups of their own. Sorufa says “Previously we used to cut the ... since their birth. So we had to start right from the beginning.” “Since then, we have seen a positive increase in the interest of the mothers in their children’s health. Every month the clinic ... mobilisers are very involved in the clinic arrangements every month. They visit every house in the area and inform them beforehand of the clinic day. They also come on the day in case language becomes...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 10:20

48 673 0
Gender-based Violence and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Looking at the Health Sector Response in the Asia-Pacific Region doc

Gender-based Violence and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Looking at the Health Sector Response in the Asia-Pacific Region doc

... of the Philippines Diliman. Cited in EnGendeRights, 2009, Shadow Letter to the Committee on the Rights of the Child: Supplementary information on the Philippines scheduled for review by the ... the UNFPA Asia Pacic Regional Oce and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). It is a peer-reviewed thematic bulletin that aims to contribute a Southern /Asia- Pacic, ... Further, 78% of girls and 77% of boys reported that after participating in the GEMS intervention, they feel more comfortable with students of the opposite sex. Notions of sexuality and the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 17:20

16 708 0
1.2 PREFACE One the many challenges facing the countries in the Asia-Pacific potx

1.2 PREFACE One the many challenges facing the countries in the Asia-Pacific potx

... with the need to make their societies competitive in the emergent information economy. The e-ASEAN Task Force and the UNDP Asia Pacific Development Information Programme (UNDP-APDIP) share the ... and friends. 2 PREFACE One the many challenges facing the countries in the Asia- Pacific today is pre- paring their societies and governments for globalization and the information and communication ... cases where the connection between the activity and the injury is not clear, courts also look for evidence that the activity was “purposefully directed” at the resident of the forum State or that the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 20:20

45 554 0
Spiny lobster aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region

Spiny lobster aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region

... plankton net installed on the crest of the barrier reef. While metamorphosis occurs in the ocean, these pueruli come into the lagoon by crossing the barrier reef, through the breakers at night, to ... size (≥1 kg). There are good opportunities to explore other tropical regions of the world to assess the potential for the aquaculture of other species of spiny lobster based on the harvest of ... along the edge of the northern Great Barrier Reef (Figure 2). This north- bound current eventually joins the Hiri Current that flows eastward past the southern edge of PNG and out into the Coral...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 11:20

163 1,5K 1


... for achieving MDG 4, the Regional Office for the Western Pacific in collaboration with the UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office has developed a joint WHO/UNICEF Regional Child Survival ... the other, child survival has often been at the loosing end. Without significantly increased human and financial resources to match the magnitude of the problem, there is little hope that the ... directly measure the coverage of the key elements of the package and to generate benchmarks for stepped-up advocacy and resource mobilization are at the heart of the Regional Strategy. Their regular...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 10:20

36 371 0
Asia and Pacific Regional Economic Outlook––October 2012 Update potx

Asia and Pacific Regional Economic Outlook––October 2012 Update potx

... role in strengthening Asia s economic fundamentals and allowing the region to lead the global recovery and weather the global economic turbulence of recent years. However, many Asian economies ... October 11, 2012 Asia and Pacific Regional Economic Outlook––October 2012 Update Growth in the Asia- Pacific region has slowed. External headwinds played a major role, as the recovery in advanced ... exposes them to the risk of falling into the “middle income trap,” which is the phenomenon of hitherto rapidly growing economies stagnating at middle-income levels and failing to graduate into the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 05:20

5 311 0
Tài liệu FlexWave™ MMW 125 - Asia Pacific pptx

Tài liệu FlexWave™ MMW 125 - Asia Pacific pptx

... many links can co-exist in the same vicinity without causing interference to one another. FlexWave MMW is driving Ethernet beyond the office and into the metro enabling the move towards a single, ... Reducedcostperbitdueto the inherentcost-anddata-efficiencyofnativeEthernet • Samecostasmicrowavewith10timeshigherbandwidth • Simpleandquicktoinstall FlexWave ™ MMW 125 - Asia Pacific Millimeter ... metro access capacity by taking advantage of the recently allocated licensed 71-86 GHz spectrum. By using the unique propagation characteristics and the wide bandwidth of that spectrum, FlexWave...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 07:17

4 247 0
Report and Recommendations of the Cross-border Bank Resolution Group potx

Report and Recommendations of the Cross-border Bank Resolution Group potx

... bear a share of the burden. This assessment will also be affected by whether the jurisdiction is the home country of the financial institution or group or, if a host, whether the institution ... In the context of these proceedings, the secured and privileged (domestic and foreign) creditors of the bank will be paid. The remainder of the liquidation proceeds will be turned over to the ... insurance or other guarantee coverage;  Determination of the competent authority for the resolution proceedings of all component parts of the group and for the coordination of these proceedings,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 09:20

50 455 0
Economic Impacts of Los Angeles International Airport and the LAX Master Plan Alternatives on the Los Angeles Regional Economy pdf

Economic Impacts of Los Angeles International Airport and the LAX Master Plan Alternatives on the Los Angeles Regional Economy pdf

... the Los Angeles Regional Economy 45 4.1 The Structure of the Regional Economy 45 4.1.1 General Structure of the Regional Economy 46 4.1.2 The State and National Outlook to 2015 50 4.1.3 The Regional ... policy or other changes. This second forecast is called the alternative forecast, or the simulation. The differences between the control forecast and the simulation represents the effects of the policy ... impact on the regional economy, and other impact studies prepared for other airports around the nation. It provides a description of the REMI econometric models of Los Angeles County and the other...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 04:22

129 2,9K 0

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