the articles in english test

Guiding the 10th and 12th form students how to use articles in english

Guiding the 10th and 12th form students how to use articles in english

... consists of the definition of articles- definite and indefinite articles, the basic rules for using indefinite articles, the basic rules for using definite articles and the cases we not use articles ... lazy and the dog is intelligent Read the example and the tell the the use of these articles: + A/an: indefinite articles A/an + N (sing) + The: definite article The + N - Do the exercise in pairs ... by the uses of articles They appear in part E of Unit 13 of the textbook in English 10 and part E of Unit of the textbook in English 12-basic curriculum When teaching these points, I myself find

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2020, 05:57

24 69 0
Guiding the 10 and 12th form students how to use articles in english

Guiding the 10 and 12th form students how to use articles in english

... a/ a a, The the a/ the/ the the/ th the  10./ the 11 the/ the 12 the/ the/ 13 The/ the 17 / the  14 / a 18 The/ /  15 a/ the 19 The/ /  16 The/ 20 The/ the/ II Exercises for the 12th form ... consists of the definition of articles- definite and indefinite articles, the basic rules for using indefinite articles, the basic rules for using definite articles and the cases we not use articles ... Sundays my father stays in bed, reading Sunday papers a the/ the b a/ the c , x /the d the/ a 11.My mother goes to church in morning a the/ x b the/ the c x/ the d a church/ a 12.And in afternoon

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2022, 10:20

20 1 0
(SKKN mới NHẤT) guiding the 10th and 12th form students how to use articles in english

(SKKN mới NHẤT) guiding the 10th and 12th form students how to use articles in english

... consists of the definition of articles- definite and indefinite articles, the basic rules for using indefinite articles, the basic rules for using definite articles and the cases we not use articles ... .3 The Definition of Articles The basic rules for using Indefinite Articles Some exceptions in using Indefinite Articles - A/An .6 The basic rules for using Definite Articles ... lazy and the dog is intelligent Read the example and the tell the the use of these articles: + A/an: indefinite articles A/an + N (sing) + The: definite article The + N - Do the exercise in pairs

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2023, 04:35

24 4 0
Different ways to expres the death in english and in vietnamese

Different ways to expres the death in english and in vietnamese

... The& apos;'Conclusion'' part two Investigation Chapter 1: Theoretical preliminaries I.Background information 1. Lexical meaning of words: is defined as the individual meaning that each word has in the system of ... system of language. This meaning brings together the different forms of one and the same word, whereas the grammartical meaning ditinguishes between them. (line15, page30 An Introduction to Semantics-Nguyen ... the DEATH in English and in Vietnamese ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - in an interesting condition - in a delicate condition - in the family way - with a baby coming

Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2013, 14:16

45 578 1
literature in english test practice book

literature in english test practice book

... understand the directions before you take the test, you will have more time during the test to focus on the questions themselves. Test- Taking Strategies The questions in the practice test in this ... the Subject Tests 3 Content of the Literature in English Test 4 Preparing for a Subject Test 6 Test- Taking Strategies 6 What Your Scores Mean 7 Practice GRE Literature in English Test 9 Scoring ... as the dif culty of the test edition and the number of test questions included in the computation of your raw score. Based on recent editions of the Literature in English Test, the following

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 09:15

84 533 0
The passive in English a perspective from cognitive semantics (with reference to Vietnamese)

The passive in English a perspective from cognitive semantics (with reference to Vietnamese)

... main verb, i.e. the passive form of the utterance is in the head verb, leaving behind structures consisting of passive forms in other parts of the sentence, e.g. in the to infinitive, such as ... misunderstanding. However, the word ‘perspective’ in the title is used in purpose. The meaning of the word ‘perspective’ the author wishes to express is that of ‘view point,’ ‘standpoint,’ ‘angle,’ ... put in the appendices, were sent to English speaking people to test whether these sentences have a high acceptability in the English language More significantly, two native English

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:52

21 528 3
The articles in international business contract

The articles in international business contract

... many articles in an international How many articles in an international business contract? What are main business contract? What are main articles? articles? LOGO INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ... 20 21 Installation – Test run – Commissioning 18 Tranning 17 ặt LOGO ARTICLE 1 - COMMODITY  Including the scientific Including the scientific name name  Including local of Including local ...  Including name of Including name of manufacturer manufacturer  Including specifications Including specifications of goods of goods  Including uses’s goods Including uses’s goods  Including

Ngày tải lên: 04/09/2015, 21:17

32 608 2
An investigation into linguistic features of participants in the processes in english and vietnamese from the functional grammar aspect

An investigation into linguistic features of participants in the processes in english and vietnamese from the functional grammar aspect

... with both the modifier indicating the name of the saying and the modifier indicating the content of the saying Participants as Token and Value Halliday [9, p115] points that semantically the Token ... Vietnamese learners of English in their learning nominal groups or by finite and non finite clauses in English In Vietnamese, there is no concept of finite or non- finite clauses The Attribute, Identifier ... with the verbs of sensing, First of all, when describing the features of participants in the feeling, thinking such as love, like, think, remember… Behavier processes, we find out the distinctions

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:39

13 418 0
An investigation into visitor attraction articles in english and vietnamese electronic newspapers

An investigation into visitor attraction articles in english and vietnamese electronic newspapers

... differences in culture combine them skillfully Furthermore, their writing must be and customs are things teachers may take into consideration when appealing to five senses of readers, fall into their interest ... stimulate tourists, arouse their interest and to give them a general view of the place they intend to visit In fact, a VAA is a very special kind in the world of travel writing, for it is not only ... stylistics Furthermore, the differences in culture combine them skillfully Furthermore, their writing must be and customs are things teachers may take into consideration when appealing to five

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:40

13 432 0
A study on the adjective group denoting the beauty in english with reference to vietnamese (based on the bilingual novel  the thorn bird

A study on the adjective group denoting the beauty in english with reference to vietnamese (based on the bilingual novel the thorn bird

... pleasing, pretty, splendid, stunning, superb, wonderful The followings are what the study has reached in the course of investigating: There are many ways of expressing the meaning ―Beauty‖ in English ... analysis and findings discussion in the following chapters The Chapter Three is designed to describe the methods and procedures of the paper The Chapter Four presents the findings of the research ... different degrees of the beauty based in the view point of Vietnamese The study considers their view points on adjectives and adjectives denoting ―Beauty‖ in English as the criteria to investigate such

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2019, 23:22

89 313 3
A study on the adjective group denoting the beauty in english with reference to vietnamese (based on the bilingual novel the thorn bird)

A study on the adjective group denoting the beauty in english with reference to vietnamese (based on the bilingual novel the thorn bird)

... pleasing, pretty, splendid, stunning, superb, wonderful The followings are what the study has reached in the course of investigating: There are many ways of expressing the meaning ―Beauty‖ in English ... analysis and findings discussion in the following chapters The Chapter Three is designed to describe the methods and procedures of the paper The Chapter Four presents the findings of the research ... different degrees of the beauty based in the view point of Vietnamese The study considers their view points on adjectives and adjectives denoting ―Beauty‖ in English as the criteria to investigate such

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2019, 20:45

89 115 2
A comparative study of the politeness markers in the offering in English and Vietnamese = So sánh các chỉ tố lịch sự trong hành động ngỏ lời bằng tiếng Anh và tiếng Việt. Doctoral dissertation Linguistics: 62 22 15 01

A comparative study of the politeness markers in the offering in English and Vietnamese = So sánh các chỉ tố lịch sự trong hành động ngỏ lời bằng tiếng Anh và tiếng Việt. Doctoral dissertation Linguistics: 62 22 15 01

... and Rabinowitz J F [69], the offering involves offering a service or an item In other words, the offering to a full sense involves ? ?the offerer’s showing or expressing the willingness or intention ... an Interrogative instead of an Imperative offering, the use of the Interrogative form is constrained mainly by the politeness maxim rather than by the other maxims of the CP Under the constraint ... act including the offering in the two languages compared 1.5 structure of the thesis From the above-mentioned issues, this thesis could be organized into the following chapters: Chapter introduces

Ngày tải lên: 22/09/2020, 00:14

200 94 0
Teachers’ Use of Classroom-management Activities to Involve the Students in English-speaking Lessons at Thụy Hương High School, Hai Phong City

Teachers’ Use of Classroom-management Activities to Involve the Students in English-speaking Lessons at Thụy Hương High School, Hai Phong City

... whether the activity is effective in evolving the students in the lesson or not - Note down the comments on the level of students‟ participation in each speaking task  Keep observing until the ... identify the classroom-management activities that the teachers have used in their English- speaking lessons and the attitudes of these students towards their teachers‟ activities The research findings ... at all XII In your English- speaking lessons, after giving the instructions, the teacher asks you to practice in pair/group, you often: A Practice immediately to finish the task and then sit quietly

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 23:09

77 16 0
A comparative study of the politeness markers in the offering in english and vietnamese

A comparative study of the politeness markers in the offering in english and vietnamese

... and Rabinowitz J F [69], the offering involves offering a service or an item In other words, the offering to a full sense involves ? ?the offerer’s showing or expressing the willingness or intention ... an Interrogative instead of an Imperative offering, the use of the Interrogative form is constrained mainly by the politeness maxim rather than by the other maxims of the CP Under the constraint ... act including the offering in the two languages compared 1.5 structure of the thesis From the above-mentioned issues, this thesis could be organized into the following chapters: Chapter introduces

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2020, 15:52

206 28 0
A study on the validity of the current final english test for the 2nd semester non english majors at hanoi university of industry

A study on the validity of the current final english test for the 2nd semester non english majors at hanoi university of industry

... participate in designing the progress tests and final achievement exams 1.2 SCOPE OF STUDY The scope of this minor thesis is limited to a study on examining the validity of the current final test for second ... achieve the overview of language testing The synthesizing of the literature helps the author to make a framework for the study Questionnaires are sent to teachers and students involving in teaching ... and their students to gain more information on the appropriateness of the test 1.5 RESEARCH QUESTIONS The study is conducted to find the answers to the following research questions: Does the final

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 12:13

70 21 0
(Luận án tiến sĩ) a comparative study of the politeness markers in the offering in english and vietnamese

(Luận án tiến sĩ) a comparative study of the politeness markers in the offering in english and vietnamese

... and Rabinowitz J F [69], the offering involves offering a service or an item In other words, the offering to a full sense involves ? ?the offerer’s showing or expressing the willingness or intention ... an Interrogative instead of an Imperative offering, the use of the Interrogative form is constrained mainly by the politeness maxim rather than by the other maxims of the CP Under the constraint ... act including the offering in the two languages compared 1.5 structure of the thesis From the above-mentioned issues, this thesis could be organized into the following chapters: Chapter introduces

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2020, 15:03

200 38 0
Ellipsis in complex sentences in the novel “gone with the wind” in english and their vietnamese equivalents in  translated version

Ellipsis in complex sentences in the novel “gone with the wind” in english and their vietnamese equivalents in translated version

... sentences in the novel “Gone with the wind” in English and their Vietnamese equivalents in translated version by Vu Kim Thu 31 4.2 English elliptical noun phrase in the novel “Gone witht the Wind” ... learners of English master the elliptical phenomena in English complex sentences and use them more accurately and effectively In the thesis the theoretical background is based on the viewpoints of ... ELLIPSIS IN COMPLEX SENTNCES IN THE NOVEL “GONE WITH THE WIND” IN ENGLISH AND THEIR VIETNAMESE EQUIVALENTS IN TRANSLATED VERSION submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2020, 00:46

96 69 0
Ellipsis in complex sentences in the novel “gone with the wind” in english and their vietnamese equivalents in translated version

Ellipsis in complex sentences in the novel “gone with the wind” in english and their vietnamese equivalents in translated version

... sentences in the novel “Gone with the wind” in English and their Vietnamese equivalents in translated version by Vu Kim Thu 31 4.2 English elliptical noun phrase in the novel “Gone witht the Wind” ... learners of English master the elliptical phenomena in English complex sentences and use them more accurately and effectively In the thesis the theoretical background is based on the viewpoints of ... ELLIPSIS IN COMPLEX SENTNCES IN THE NOVEL “GONE WITH THE WIND” IN ENGLISH AND THEIR VIETNAMESE EQUIVALENTS IN TRANSLATED VERSION submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree

Ngày tải lên: 07/02/2021, 15:04

96 23 0
A study on euphemism used in expressing the death in english and vietnamese

A study on euphemism used in expressing the death in english and vietnamese

... and the setting of the sun in the West (http:\\ - “Kiss the dust/ bite the dust/ bite the dust”: To die; to be slain; to fall dead especially in ... In the past, the word 'Khuất núi' was often used It may refer to the image of the sun setting in the west, behind the mountain For some tribes, ' Go West' means died because in their view point, ... from the burden of original sins if they followed Jesus’ teachings and examples and believed in him as the Son of God Therefore, for them, death is regarded as being reunited with the Father

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2021, 08:08

58 8 0

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