the analysis of challenges and opportunities in brand extension

recent advances and uses of monolithic columns for the analysis of residues and contaminants in food

recent advances and uses of monolithic columns for the analysis of residues and contaminants in food

... Quinolones: arbofloxacin, norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, danofloxacin, difloxacin, oxolinic acid, flumequine, enrofloxacin Fluoroquinolones: ciprofloxacin, difloxacin, danofloxacin, enrofloxacin ... antibiotics: amoxicillin, ampicillin, penicillin G, oxacillin, cloxacillin, dicloxacillin Fluoroquinolones: ofloxacin, lomefloxacin, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin Application Spin-column (centrifugal device) ... specimens (urine and serum) [65–67] Very few examples of the application of these devices in the analysis of food can be found in the literature of the last five years, basically due to the complex

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2022, 16:07

17 1 0
The analysis of theme and rheme in  little house on the prairie = sự phân tích về đề ngữ và thuyết ngữ, thông qua truyện ngôi nhà nhỏ trên thảo nguyên

The analysis of theme and rheme in little house on the prairie = sự phân tích về đề ngữ và thuyết ngữ, thông qua truyện ngôi nhà nhỏ trên thảo nguyên

... their studying and using. - To study the utilities of Theme- Rheme in the book "Little House on the Praire" with certain and notable types. 3. Scope of the Study Clearly, Theme and Rheme ... although " ;The Analysis of Theme and Rheme in "Little House on the Prairie" is shown as the theme of the study. 4. Method of the Study - A great number of documents and materials ... studied and stated by many linguists. Though points of view of many linguists and scholars of different schools can be included in this thesis, of which, Halliday (1994) should be considered the main

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 12:59

101 1,5K 5
The Role of Law in the Green Economy Challenges and Opportunities for the Liberalization of Environmental Goods and Services

The Role of Law in the Green Economy Challenges and Opportunities for the Liberalization of Environmental Goods and Services

... definition of the green economy and the role that trade plays in promoting it, then examining the legal challenges facing liberalization of EGS Considering the lack of progress of liberalization of EGS ... acknowledging the need to further mainstream sustainable development at all levels.4 The green economy in the context of sustainable development was one of the two overarching themes of the conference, ... for the promotion of international trade in such a way as to ensure sustainable and sound management of the environment, in accordance with other undertakings in this area, including the international

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 08:13

16 311 0
Hochiminh city challenges and opportunities in the new era

Hochiminh city challenges and opportunities in the new era

... Hochiminh city challenges and opportunities in the new era Nguyen Ngoc Hieu & Tran Hoang Nam, 2016 DEVELOPMENT BACKGROUND HISTORICAL REVIEW DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES CITY PLANNING FOR FUTURE ... old centre Sprawling to the South Eastern economic region: 30.000km2, 16 mill, in provinces Source: author using census data 2009 2016 Nov 01 - Asian City Forum Landsat map, internet, 2015 Nguyen ... transport intensive investment Metro lines Rail link 2016 Nov 01 - Asian City Forum Nguyen Ngoc Hieu & Tran Hoang Nam 32 KEY CITYPROJECTS PLANNING FOR FUTURE Transportation Metro line Ben Thanh

Ngày tải lên: 08/06/2019, 20:54

42 61 0


... accept the requirements of the College relating to the retention and use of Bachelor’s Graduation Paper deposited in the library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper ... means of communication due to its effectiveness in conveying messages In the movie industry, the mission of the film posters is not only introducing the upcoming films to the public, but also interacting ... consists of more visual elements than verbal texts Therefore, the focal point of this study is put on the interpretation of pictures instead of verbal elements Putting the objective of the research into

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2021, 15:40

62 70 2
An analysis of Loyalty and Satisfaction in Banking Service – The case of Retail Banks in Ho Chi Minh City

An analysis of Loyalty and Satisfaction in Banking Service – The case of Retail Banks in Ho Chi Minh City

... HOCHIMINH CITY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS BACHELOR THESIS DEFENSE Topic: An analysis of Loyalty and Satisfaction in Banking Service – The case of Retail Banks in Ho Chi Minh City ... Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty (in term of Quality) in Banking Service? • Q2: Which are the main factors that influence on the overall Customer Satisfaction? • Which are the main factors that influence ... on the overall • To understand the overall picture of Banking Service in Ho Chi Minh City; • To identify quality factors affecting Customer Satisfaction in Banking Service; • To determine and

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2022, 16:03

36 5 0
Assessing the role of determinants and evfta in shaping vietnams wood export to eu countries insights from a gravity model analysis

Assessing the role of determinants and evfta in shaping vietnams wood export to eu countries insights from a gravity model analysis

... countries and how each of them plays the role in altering the exporting data, using the gravity model After analyzing and explaining results, suggestions of policy implications and business strategies ... that the distance needed for transportation was the main factor affecting the volume of trade in the wooden product sector The study also found that a number of other variables, including the ... variables, including the size of the importing country, relative prices, the level of development and the availability of wood in the exporting country, and the overall volume of trade between countries,

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2023, 18:55

33 4 0
Vietnam In The Indo-Pacific _ Challenges And Opportunities In A New Regional Landscape.pdf

Vietnam In The Indo-Pacific _ Challenges And Opportunities In A New Regional Landscape.pdf

... Report examines Vietnam’s role in the evolving Indo-Pacific regional order Bringing together a mix of leading Australian and Vietnamese authors, it offers an up-tothe-minute analysis of the opportunities ... contested, such as the increasing rivalry between the US and China alongside emerging maritime disputes in the South China Sea Indeed, the very concept of who and what constitutes the Asian region ... central player in security developments in the region, particularly in the maritime and non-traditional security spaces For the first time since the conclusion of the Indochina Wars in the late 1980s,

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2023, 12:56

120 1 0
(Tiểu luận) assessing the role of determinants and evfta in shaping vietnams wood export to eu countries insights from a gravity model analysis

(Tiểu luận) assessing the role of determinants and evfta in shaping vietnams wood export to eu countries insights from a gravity model analysis

... countries and how each of them plays the role in altering the exporting data, using the gravity model After analyzing and explaining results, suggestions of policy implications and business strategies ... that the distance needed for transportation was the main factor affecting the volume of trade in the wooden product sector The study also found that a number of other variables, including the ... variables, including the size of the importing country, relative prices, the level of development and the availability of wood in the exporting country, and the overall volume of trade between countries,

Ngày tải lên: 30/01/2024, 05:09

33 3 0
A computational study to investigate the effects of insulation and EGR in a diesel engine

A computational study to investigate the effects of insulation and EGR in a diesel engine

... reduce the extent of burning of last portions of fuel injected into the prechamber The unburned fuel in the prechamber may therefore increase with load, but its burning rate in the main chamber ... because of the increase of injection pressure and the increase of the injected fuel mass due to the increased effective flow area with increased nozzle needle lift Therefore, as shown in Figure ... (BSFC) of the IDI engine to increase and the total engine efficiency to decrease compared to that of a DI diesel engine Because of these disadvantages of the IDI diesel engines, most engine research

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11

20 644 0
Tài liệu AGRICULTURAL TRADE IN THE GREATER MEKONG SUB-REGION: The Case of Cassava and Rubber in Cambodia pdf

Tài liệu AGRICULTURAL TRADE IN THE GREATER MEKONG SUB-REGION: The Case of Cassava and Rubber in Cambodia pdf

... the leadership of the Ministry of Commerce and with support from UNDP and other donors, the. .. vary between the western and eastern parts of the country and are summarised ... to meet the demands of China’s market and provide competitive prices 3.2.5 Constraints and Opportunities According to Burger and Smith (2001), the economies of key buyers and sellers ... Opportunities Challenges Constraints in cassava market chains are several First is the lack of market information, especially among farmers The price of cassava keeps increasing, and this

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 04:20

62 557 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Tertiary structure in 7.9 M guanidinium chloride ) the role of Glu53 and Asp287 in Pyrococcus furiosus endo-b-1,3-glucanase pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Tertiary structure in 7.9 M guanidinium chloride ) the role of Glu53 and Asp287 in Pyrococcus furiosus endo-b-1,3-glucanase pot

... role in protein stability [8], and their involvement in interactions with cations offers new perspective in the analysis of the contribution of ions as cofactors in protein folding [38] and in the ... those observed for the wild-type, indicating the involvement of Glu53 and Asp287 in the interaction with the cation (Fig 1E,F) The regain of aromatic chirality at 295 nm and in the 260–270 nm region ... [2] The solid lines through the mutants unfolding data points (filled symbols) are intended to guide the eye of the reader and not represent the fitting of the data Reversibility points are indicated

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 04:20

13 462 0
The Effects of Sensitization and Habituation in Durable Goods Markets ppt

The Effects of Sensitization and Habituation in Durable Goods Markets ppt

... to change the point in the quality space where the discontinuities occur In the case of end-point optima, the resulting quality level offered in the market would increase accompanied ... determine the boundaries of the sub-spaces of the quality variable. These correspond to the quality levels offered in the past at which consumers had made purchases. Then, for each of these ... with the initial stages of consumption. At this stage, customers become increasingly interested in consuming the product as they experience the promised benefits. Sensitization results in an increase

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 09:20

29 370 0
From certainty to uncertainty the story of science and ideas in the 20th century

From certainty to uncertainty the story of science and ideas in the 20th century

... in our understanding of the world,... confirmed by generations of scientists, and it explained everything from the orbits of the planets to the times of the tides, the ... Bohr and Heisenberg over the interpretation of the uncertainty principle In the early days of quantum theory Werner Heisenberg tried to explain the origins of uncertainty ... created the Tabulating Machine Company to speed up the processing of data using a system of punched cards In 1911 the company’s name changed to International Business Machines The

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2014, 16:38

247 412 0
The Analysis of Firms and Employees Part 1 ppt

The Analysis of Firms and Employees Part 1 ppt

... results and understanding the context in which the results are embedded This combined method expands the “insider econometrics” approach to the industry level of analysis Industries ... review of the impact of technological change on the work and wages of individuals... from the LEHD program The detailed industry knowledge facilitates interpreting of the results ... to further fruitful analysis of the incidence and effect of HR practices using increasingly available matched administrative employer-employee data One of the great benefits of this

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 14:20

55 259 0
The Analysis of Firms and Employees Part 2 ppsx

The Analysis of Firms and Employees Part 2 ppsx

... collection in the panel study of new hires, in parallel with the construction of the data sets for the statistical case study and the initial generation of modeling from these data. Then there will ... describing the U.S. trucking industry and the role of the TL seg- 46 Stephen V. Burks et al. signers of the field experiments used in the project thank Catherine Eckel and Kate Johnson for sharing ... against each other, with higher expenditure in one area low- ering the expenditure in another. The firm’s goal can then be construed in the standard manner: it is to find the cost-minimizing mix of

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 14:20

62 336 0
The Analysis of Firms and Employees Part 3 doc

The Analysis of Firms and Employees Part 3 doc

... carried out in a consortium involving the Ministry of Labor (DARES), the Ministry of Industry (SESSI), the Ministry of Agriculture (SCEES), and the National Institute of Statistics and Economic ... from printing, press, and publishing and ship- building, aircraft, and railways have a lower probability of being inter- viewed. The intensity of computerization favors evaluation interviews of collective ... 2, and 1 according to the intensity of the pressure. Work overload is also measured through a binary indicator telling whether the employee of- ten has to interrupt one task to carry out another

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 14:20

26 347 0


... sustainable development, including in addressing climate change. They also recognised the importance of promoting incentives in favour of, and removing disincentives to, energy eciency and the ... capacity-building requirements, including sourcing of funds to assist with and ease the transition to a green economy; and ã regionalandinternationalco-operationand support including in sharing knowledge and good ... Pontifex, and S. Andréfouët. 2009. Planning the Use of Fish for Food Security in the Pacific. Marine Policy, 33(1): 64–76. SIDSFOCUSED GREEN ECONOMY: AN ANALYSIS OF CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Synthesis...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:20

28 383 0
The Duality of Memory and Communication in the Implementation of a Multiprocessor Operating System

The Duality of Memory and Communication in the Implementation of a Multiprocessor Operating System

... only in the organization of distributed and parallel applications, but in the implementation of the operating system kernel itself. Mach uses memory-mapping techniques to make the passing of large ... copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Association of Computing Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, ... validation - Finally, the kernel informs the hardware physical map module of the new virtual to physical mapping. With the exception of the hardware validation, all of these steps are implemented in a...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:05

23 1,3K 1
The concepts of art and poetry in Emmanuel Levinas’s writings

The concepts of art and poetry in Emmanuel Levinas’s writings

... experi- encing the limits of the human, which for Levinas means the limits of the ethical. a poetics of proximity In the experience of the workof art, Levinas says, we enter into ‘a mode of being to ... we inhabit. Poetry is anarchic in the orig- inal sense of the word. In the Republic Plato formalized this link between poetry and anarchy (and, in the bargain, instituted the dis- cipline of ... disinterestedness and repose. Regarding the experience of the modern workof art, recall Kant’s account of the experience of the sublime: In presenting the sublime in nature the mind feels agitated, while in...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20

28 645 1