... Sublists of the Academic Word List Each word in italics is the most frequently occurring member of the word family in the Academic Corpus. For example, analysis is the most common form of the word ... List access accessed accesses accessibility accessible accessing inaccessible adequate adequacy adequately inadequacies inadequacy inadequate inadequately annual annually apparent apparently approximate approximated approximately approximates approximating approximation approximations attitude attitudes attribute attributable attributed attributes attributing attribution civil code coded codes coding commit commitment commitments commits committed committing communicate communicable communicated communicates communicating communication communications communicative communicatively uncommunicative concentrate concentrated concentrates concentrating concentration confer conference conferences conferred conferring confers contrast contrasted contrasting contrastive contrasts cycle cycled cycles cyclic cyclical cycling debate debatable debated debates debating despite dimension dimensional dimensions multidimensional domestic domestically domesticate domesticated domesticating domestics emerge emerged emergence emergent emerges emerging error erroneous erroneously errors ethnic ethnicity goal goals grant granted granting grants hence hypothesis hypotheses hypothesise hypothesised hypothesises hypothesising hypothesize hypothesized hypothesizes hypothesizing hypothetical hypothetically implement implementation implemented implementing implements implicate implicated implicates implicating implication implications impose imposed imposes imposing imposition integrate integrated integrates integrating integration internal internalise internalised internalises internalising internalize internalized internalizes internalizing internally investigate investigated investigates investigating investigation investigations investigative investigator investigators job jobs label labeled labeling labelled labelling labels mechanism mechanisms obvious obviously occupy occupancy occupant occupants occupation occupational occupations occupied occupier occupiers occupies occupying option optional options output outputs overall parallel paralleled parallelled parallelling parallels unparalleled parameter parameters phase phased phases phasing predict predictability predictable predictably predicted predicting prediction predictions predicts unpredictability unpredictable principal principally prior professional professionally professionals professionalism project projected projecting projection projections projects promote promoted promoter promoters promotes promoting promotion promotions regime regimes resolve resolution resolved resolves resolving unresolved retain retained retaining retainer retainers retains retention retentive series statistic statistician statisticians statistical statistically statistics status stress stressed stresses stressful stressing unstressed subsequent subsequently sum summation summed summing sums summary summaries summarise summarised summarises summarising summarisation summarisations summarization summarizations summarize summarized summarizes summarizing undertake undertaken undertakes undertaking undertook Sublist ... granting grants hence hypothesis hypotheses hypothesise hypothesised hypothesises hypothesising hypothesize hypothesized hypothesizes hypothesizing hypothetical hypothetically implement implementation
Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2015, 14:34
IELTS 4000 necessary academic word list
... antagonist: one who contends with another, especially in combat; an adversary; opponent antarctic: opposite to the northern or arctic pole; relating to the southern pole or to the region near it antibiotic: ... http://zim.vn Sưu tầm & tổng hợp : Admin Group IELTS SHARE https://www.facebook.com/groups /ielts. share/ weather: endure the effects of weather or other forces; come through safely; survive weave: ... variance: an event that departs from expectations; the expected value of the square of the deviations of a random variable from its mean value variant: varying in from, character, or the like; variable;
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2016, 12:45
Ielts 4000 academic word list
... IELTS 40 00 Academic Word List Sưu tầm & tổng hợp : Admin Group IELTS SHARE - 2013 https://www.facebook.com/groups /ielts. share/ IELTS 40 00 Academic Word List This academic word list is ... for IELTS test takers, especially who are working for high scores The 40 00+ words reflect the essential vocabulary level of IELTS academic test We remind you this list is based on general word list ... fatigued 180 Sưu tầm & tổng hợp : Admin Group IELTS SHARE https://www.facebook.com/groups /ielts. share/ weather: endure the effects of weather or other forces; come through safely; survive weave:
Ngày tải lên: 26/12/2023, 21:50
... is itself the work of two scribes The Cotton MS of The Owl and the Nightingale is a well-known example of the latter, and in this case the place where one scribe finished and the other began ... Norfolk, they are usually also found to the south The incidence of these more southerly variants is greater in Havelok than in Cleopatra C vi; therefore, Havelok may be from somewhere to the south ... scholars, they have pointed out that some of the variation encountered may be inherent in the written language of one particular scribe, and they have mentioned the acceptability of variant forms to the
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 13:40
Mastering the craft of science writing part 4
... for the most part, the best scientists agree on the current best theory, which they recognize because, well, it fits. It an- swers the most questions with the greatest precision and the fewest loose ... kinds of things with this theory. The first thing I calculated was the rate of disintegration of the muon and the neutron. They should be connected to- gether, if this theory was right, by a certain ... words or even to make words up, an idea of which I was reminded by the word “flob” in the last item. Did you know what I meant by flob? I am sure you did. Is the word in the current Random House
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15
Tài liệu Book grammar for IELTS part 4 doc
... 6 Scientists announced the launch of the new drug last week They - for five years 7 By the time I got to the meeting they (already) the important issues and they the big decisions without ... even if the weather is bad 3 The team will be pleased with the accommodation in Athens 4 The two countries are going to provide very different experiences 5 The team manager is holding a party ... advanced beyond the design stage Each had their own faults, but the major difficulty was the ink: if the ink was thin, the pens leaked, and if it was too thick, they clogged Depending on the climate
Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 11:15
Tài liệu Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS part 4 docx
... blood clot in the brain) had paralysis of the right half of their body. He noted that since the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right half of the body, and vice versa, the brain damage ... to remove the wax and extract the honey from the (18) . After the honey collection, the old hives are rejected. Good double hives are (19) and re-queened and the beekeeper transports them to their ... In boxes 24- 27 write. YES if the statement agrees with the information given NO if the statement contradicts the information given NOT GIVEN if there is no information about this 24 The Egyptians
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 23:20
Tài liệu The Project Management Life Cycle Part 4 pptx
... document expense 142 expense forms 141 ? ?42 register expense 142 , 144 cost management roles 144 ? ?45 project administrator 144 , 145 project manager 144 , 145 project staff member 144 ? ?45 critical path ... xvi, 6, 36, 44 ? ?49 , 95, 135, 137, 138, 144 , 1 64, 165, 170, 177, 183, 190 experience 47 performance criteria: KPIs 48 personality 47 ? ?48 purpose of role 44 qualifications 47 relationships 46 project ... leaders 46 project sponsor 46 review group 46 team members 46 responsibilities 44 ? ?45 project closure 45 l 233 project execution 45 project initiation 45 project planning 45 salary 48 skills 46 ? ?47
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 11:20
Supply Chain, The Way to Flat Organisation Part 4 pdf
... associate the word attribute with the RFQ and bids i.e. the buyer declares in the RFQ various attributes of the goods. We use the word criteria to indicate the objectives defined by the buyer ... constraints but the other goals lead to only one each. The + g γ measures the deviation away from the goal in the positive direction and − g γ is for the negative direction. The above goal ... deviational variables. The buyer specifies the weight −+/ g κ for goal g. The weights measure the relative importance of satisfying the goals. The GP (29) will then be the following single
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20
How to trade the new single stock future Part 4 doc
... sell it to. In the end, it is the individual stuck with the hot potato who pays the price of being the greatest fool. These, then, are some of the objections to technical analysis. On the positive ... knowing the external circumstances. •Technical analysis is a self-fulfilling prophecy and clearly typ- ifies the greater fool theory. The “greater fool theory” is the belief that if you buy a particular ... of stock for the same $ 14 commission, then why not be more aggressive? Why not trade in large positions if you have the margin money? Why not increase the base of operations if the commission
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 05:20
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 4 pot
... Thus only part of aesthetics is the philosophy of art. The rest, which might be termed the philosophy of the aesthetic, centres on the nature of aesthetic responses and judgements. The philosophy ... to like the object if we recognize the aes- thetic value in it, but, for the realist, whether we recognize it and whether it is there are two separate questions. Departing from this realist starting ... by the artist, and exists primarily in the artist’s mind. At the other end have been a number of views in literary theory, including the notion of the *inten- tional fallacy and the *death-of-the
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20
The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book On Value part 4 pdf
... bad results for the future.” 4 2. What Has Happened Since 19 64 The major change since 19 64 has been the rise in interest rates on first-grade bonds to record high levels, although there has since ... price, or whether for cash or on margin. Compare this with the attitude of the public toward common stocks in 1 948 , when over 90% of those queried expressed themselves as opposed to the purchase ... and the risks therein must be assumed by someone.* There is intelligent speculation as there is intelligent investing. But there are many ways in which speculation may be unintelligent. Of these
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 15:20
Another word a day part 4 ppsx
... words that have continued to do their job despite their age, as you can see in the examples. They are old-fashioned but serviceable, and that’s the reason they are still making the rounds. They ... player (19 54? ??) Unsurpassable If there could be a poster child for the word passible, it has to be the princess in Hans Christian Anderson’s 1835 story ? ?The Princess and the Pea.” The princess ... a few words that defeat the spell-checker. You could use them to your advantage: to defeat your opponents in a game of Scrabble. These words appear to be misspellings of common words but they
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20
342 Toeic vocabulary tests meanings by word Episode 2 Part 4 pot
... bombastic; pompous; garish 48 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 1 24 TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 1 24 (Answer... ability; area of expertise 4 72 PHOTOCOPIABLE ... complete; undamaged A4 adj weak definition (a)... abandoning; placement 47 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 1 14 TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 1 14 (Answer Keys) ... collectively; act or process of printing 46 4 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 1 04 TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 1 04 (Answer Keys) A1 adj. outdoor definition
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 01:21
Charlie Bone and the Shadow (The Children of the Red King, Book 7) Part 4 pot
... the same for Runner Bean When the sound of the horn blew across the grounds, 126 the boys began to run back to the school Neither of them saw Dagbert Endless moving out of the ... At the far end of the hall, a dim light could be seen in the room at the base of the music tower... are you, Charlie? There's nothing a good night's sleep won't cure." 139 The ... Billy often wandered up to the ruined castle in the woods. He felt safe behind the massive red stone walls, with the open sky for a roof and the comforting sense that the Red King and his queen
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21
Charlie Bone and the Beast (The Children of the Red King, Book 6) Part 4 pps
... the warm 1 34 stove humming quietly in the background and the candle flames bathing the room in a comforting glow And then Charlie had to go and close the curtains, and the ... But the day when that happens will be the end " Billy crept up to them. " ;The end of what?" " ;The world?" Charlie's gaze was held by the smooth black water. " ;The ... indigestion It was the only drawback to visiting Charlie, the gut-churning scenes with Grandma Bone 131 The rest of the meal passed very pleasantly By the time they'd reached the plum
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21
The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 4 ppsx
... described the southern part of Asia we will turn to the northern part/ Up to now we have described the northern part; next we will turn to the southern 219 Elizabeth Closs Traugott The first nu ... inside, there shall be drink and play (Or 1.20 14) The land of the Ests is very large, and there are very many fortresses there, and in each fortress there is a king And there is very much honey There ... changes in the syntax during the OE period and they will be summarised at the end, but for the most part, the changes represent tendencies toward greater or lesser use of a particular pattern rather
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21
The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 5 Part 4 doc
... Gil lists the following six dialects, with the caveat that he ' does not know all the idioms of these': the general, the northern, the southern, the eastern, the western and the ... the Dublin slums, have an instinctive love of word- play Their characteristically... 38 80 52 20 10 0 10 15 40 55 50 30 79 90 20 10 1 0 13 43 54 40 33 17 three phonetic values in the ... would otherwise use [t] or [t9] in words of the thin group (Wells 1982: 43 1). Palatalisation processes also complicate the distribution of dental, alveolar and velar segments. Words of the tune,
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 14:20
Imperialism, Sovereignty and the Making of International Law Part 4 pot
... in the final analysis, European. 244 The question... International Mandates, pp 43 44 , 53 Hall, Mandates, p 94 Hall, Mandates, p 94 This scheme was the result of a confrontation between ... sought to strengthen further the protection of the natives This was provided both by the general formula that the mandatory ‘shall undertake to promote to the utmost the material ... in which the non-European world is the past and the European world the future. Thus, while the non-European world may illuminate aspects of the past of the European world that may otherwise remain
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:20
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