the 800 most commonly used idioms

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "K" Idioms doc

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "K" Idioms doc

... among themselves The men were convicted by a kangaroo court in the town and nobody agreed with the decision. Katie bar the door - get ready for trouble, a desperate situation is at hand The ... your holiday." keep the lid on (something) - restrain something, keep something quiet The hospital worked hard to keep the lid on the drug scandal keep the wolf from the door - maintain ... begin/launch/start... I know the material for the exam like the back of my hand know (something) backwards and forwards - know something very well I know the names of the people in my history

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

28 497 1
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "L" Idioms pdf

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "L" Idioms pdf

... provocatively When the man in the bus looked at the other man cross-eyed they seemed like they were going to have a fight look at the world through rose-colored glasses - see only the good things ... in the day to change our plans 456 laugh all the way to the bank - make money in a way that other people think is impossible I was laughing all the way to the bank with the ... clothing store buying clothes the last straw - the last insult or mistake that one can endure and which then causes some reaction The fourth time that the girl came to work late was the last straw and

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

56 398 1
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "M" Idioms doc

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "M" Idioms doc

... voyage - the first voyage of a ship or boat The maiden voyage of the new cruise ship was popular with many people. 510 the main drag - the most important ... make hay while the sun shines - do something at the right time, take advantage of an opportunity You should make hay while the sun shines and paint the house while the weather is good not ... something or somewhere The audience made a break for the doors as soon as the concert was over. make a bundle/pile - make a lot of money My father made a bundle on the stock market several

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

42 383 0
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "N" Idioms doc

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "N" Idioms doc

... been charged by the police with stealing money from his company. the name of the game - the main part of a matter The name of the game is selling cars and not worrying about other things. ... or contest The two teams were neck and neck in the race to win the national championship. neck of the woods - an area or part of the country He has never been to my neck of the woods since ... a definite group The man's opinions were neither fish nor fowl and nobody could put them into an identifiable category. neither here nor there - not relevant to the thing being discussed,

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

28 313 0
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "O" Idioms ppt

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "O" Idioms ppt

... right The cost estimate for the new train station was off the mark. off the record - to be private, to be unofficial He told the reporters off the record about the problem with the budget ... interesting to someone The man who works at the gas station is of interest to the police in their investigation of the murder. of late - lately Of late there has been almost no rain in our ... of the team members off the top of his head. off the track - to be not concerned with the topic under discussion My friend was off the track when he suggested that the problem was caused

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

58 264 0
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "P" Idioms ppt

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "P" Idioms ppt

... say something The student piped up with a comment from the back of the class piping hot - extremely hot The food from the kitchen was piping hot when the waiter brought it to the table a pip-squeak ... resistance - the easiest way I took the path of least resistance and decided to quit the class rather than try to pass the course. 644 pave the way for (someone ... for the new frames for my glasses. pay as you go - to pay costs as they occur or as you buy some goods The small business was forced to pay as they go when the bank began to look at their

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

67 312 0
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "Q-R" Idioms docx

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "Q-R" Idioms docx

... spent the entire evening rambling on about his problems at work. rank and file - the members of a group and not the leaders, regular soldiers and not the officers The rank and file of the ... the concert. rain or shine - no matter whether it rains or the sun shines We plan to go to the beach tomorrow rain or shine. rain (something) out - to spoil something by raining The ... the boy did not shut the door his mother asked him if he had been raised in a barn. rake in the money - to make a lot of money My cousin's new pizza franchise has been raking in the

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

42 291 0
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "S" Idioms ppsx

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "S" Idioms ppsx

... anybody a ticket for the dinner until I saw the color of their money see the handwriting on the wall - to know that something is certain to happen We saw the handwriting on the wall and we ... and there and all over for someone or something The company is scouting around for a new warehouse for their products. scrape the bottom of the barrel - to take whatever is left after the ... left after the best has been taken The company is scraping the bottom of the barrel if they must give that woman a job. scrape (something) together - to gather small amounts of money or something

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

113 372 0
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "T" Idioms doc

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "T" Idioms doc

... wagging the dog - a situation where a small part controls the whole thing It is like the tail wagging the dog when the receptionist is able to control everything in the office. take Idioms ... (somewhere) - the subject of conversations somewhere The new theater production is the talk of the city talk oneself out - to talk until one can talk no more I met my friend at the coffee shop ... turn for the better - to start to improve or get well The medical condition of my uncle has recently taken a turn for the better. take a turn for the worse - to start to get worse The condition

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

88 241 0
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "U" Idioms pdf

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "U" Idioms pdf

... work under the circumstances - because of the circumstances The girl was very sick and under the circumstances did not have to take the exam under the counter - secretly bought or sold The drugs ... to the mark - meeting normal standards, equal to the usual level or quality The work was not up to the mark and the company would not pay for it 954 up-to -the- minute - the ... people, the highest class of people The private club was full of what looked like the upper crust of the city upper hand - controlling power, advantage The union members have the upper hand in their

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

11 347 0
An investigation into the stylistic devices commonly used in the novel to kill a mockingbird by harper lee

An investigation into the stylistic devices commonly used in the novel to kill a mockingbird by harper lee

... includes the rationale, the aims and objectives, the scope of the study, the research questions, the significance, and the organization of the study - Chapter 2: Literature Review and Theoretical ... like the Ewells At the bottom of the ladder lies the black community The issues of social status and racism make Scout and Jem struggle 11 to understand the life as they grow up At the end of the ... this way, the influence of the moon's gravity on the tides is being used, and the phrase could also suggest an impersonal process The most important rhetorical aspect of the quotation is the way

Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2020, 11:08

26 34 0
An investigation into the stylistic devices commonly used in the novel to kill a mockingbird by harper lee

An investigation into the stylistic devices commonly used in the novel to kill a mockingbird by harper lee

... includes the rationale, the aims and objectives, the scope of the study, the research questions, the significance, and the organization of the study - Chapter 2: Literature Review and Theoretical ... like the Ewells At the bottom of the ladder lies the black community The issues of social status and racism make Scout and Jem struggle 11 to understand the life as they grow up At the end of the ... this way, the influence of the moon's gravity on the tides is being used, and the phrase could also suggest an impersonal process The most important rhetorical aspect of the quotation is the way

Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2020, 11:10

26 14 0
An Investigation into the Stylistic Devices Commonly used in "De Men Phieu Luu Ky" and Their English...

An Investigation into the Stylistic Devices Commonly used in "De Men Phieu Luu Ky" and Their English...

... QUESTIONS The study tried to find the answers to the following questions: What are the commonly used stylistics devices in “De men phieu luu ky” and “Diary of a Cricket” by Dang The Binh? What are the ... to discover the similarities and differences of the use of stylistics devices in the two languages with the following topic:“An investigation into the stylistic devices commonly used in “De men ... of cricket” by Dang The Binh However, the thesis just focused on comparing the similarities and differences of stylistic devices and the loss and gain occurs in meaning in the translation process

Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2023, 06:03

26 1 0
An Investigation into the Stylistic Devices Commonly used in “Nhat ky Dang Thuy Tram”  and Their Eng...

An Investigation into the Stylistic Devices Commonly used in “Nhat ky Dang Thuy Tram” and Their Eng...

... highlight the similarities and differences of the stylistic devices in the two languages concerned On the other hand, the data are described and analyzed, and then the contrastive analysis is used ... into the stylistic devices commonly used in “Nhat Ky Dang Thuy Tram” and their English translational equivalents in “Last Night I Dreamed of Peace” (The Diary of Dang Thuy Tram) for the thesis ... 2014 Venue: The University of Danang The original of the thesis is accessible for purpose of reference at: - The College of Foreign Languages Library, The University of Danang - The Information

Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2023, 06:03

26 5 0
Master thesis in The English language: An investigation into commonly used stylistic devices in English and Vietnamese political quotations

Master thesis in The English language: An investigation into commonly used stylistic devices in English and Vietnamese political quotations

... justification, the scope of the study, the research questions and organization of the study o Chapter 2, the literature review, presents the previous study related to the paper, the theoretical ... to the following research questions of the study: What are the features of stylistic devices commonly used in English political quotations? What are the features of stylistic devices commonly used ... Superlative The most commonly used superlative words are best and worst thanks to their general meaning and special influence (Harry S Truman) The double comparison with the structure the+ comparative,

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2020, 22:57

13 99 0
an investigation into stylistic devices commonly used in the novel to kill a mockingbird by harpe

an investigation into stylistic devices commonly used in the novel to kill a mockingbird by harpe

... frequently used in Harper Lee‘s novel To Kill a Mockingbird An analysis was made to find out the commonly used stylistic devices and and point out the devices used the most The data of the study were the ... includes the rationale, the aims and objectives, the scope of the study, the research questions, the significance, and the organization of the study - Chapter 2: Literature Review and Theoretical ... was.” —Then why didn’t the other children hear you? Where were they? At the dump?” —Where were they?” No answer —Why didn’t your screams make them come running? The dump’s closer than the woods,

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2021, 09:03

99 12 0
Procedures in the english translation of stylistic devices commonly used in lục xì by vũ trọng phụng

Procedures in the english translation of stylistic devices commonly used in lục xì by vũ trọng phụng

... English Therefore, he tries to explain in a simple way to help the foreign readers get the meaning of the author In this sentence, the reduction procedure is used for omit the word “thâm khuê” Furthermore, ... translators to maintain all the meanings from the SL to the TL, especially the meaning of metaphorical images In the example (4.51), the noun “tình” is the main word to set the metaphor but it is ... Malarney In fact, the thesis is of great success if it deals with all stylistic devices used in the work However, due to the time, resource constraints and ability of my own, the thesis just investigates

Ngày tải lên: 04/09/2021, 09:19

26 20 0
The 800 most commonly used idioms in america

The 800 most commonly used idioms in america

... ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The 800 Most Commonly Used Idioms in America 12 © 2005 - 2007, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED at the corporate meeting. It was a feather in his cap.  ... RESERVED The 800 Most Commonly Used Idioms in America 32 © 2005 - 2007, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED and I wasn’t surprised to hear that their marriage is on the rocks.  ... RIGHTS RESERVED The 800 Most Commonly Used Idioms in America 13 © 2005 - 2007, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED     195. – get angry. Her mother ew o the handle...

Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2014, 16:50

53 1,4K 2
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs

... my friend at the top of my lungs. at the top of the hour - at the beginning of the hour - 12:00, 1:00 etc. (like the top of a clock) The radio news always starts at the top of the hour. ... the outset of the meeting there were problems between some members of the group. at the present time - now, at present At the present time there are no extra helpers available. at the ... black sheep of the family - the worst member of a family The boy was the black sheep of the family and nobody liked him. blast off - to shoot into the sky (used for a rocket) The rocket...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2014, 20:36

994 659 0
Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "V-Z" Idioms potx

Commonly-Used Idioms, Sayings and phrasal verbs - "V-Z" Idioms potx

... and they want for nothing. warm one`s blood/heart - make one feel warm or excited The sight of the small boy helping the old woman warmed the heart of the people on the street. warm the ... a job The vice-president was forced to walk the plank when the new president joined the company. walk the plank - be forced by pirates to walk a long plank from the ship out over the water ... during the speech which caused the audience to start laughing. 988 X X marks the spot - this is the exact spot We looked at the map and saw that X marked the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 20:20

32 411 2

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