test yourself b english 10 unit 11

Slide english 10 unit 11 national parks _listening _Gv L.T.B Phuong

Slide english 10 unit 11 national parks _listening _Gv L.T.B Phuong

... ĐIỆN BIÊN TRƯỜNG PT DTNT THPT HUYỆN ĐIỆN BIÊN ĐÔNG B? ?I DỰ THI B? ?I GIẢNG ĐIỆN TỬ E-LEARNING TIẾNG ANH 10 - CHƯƠNG TRÌNH CHUẨN Unit 11: NATIONAL PARKS Lesson 3: Listening Người thực hiện: Lê Thị B? ?ch ... must the before continuing before continuing Submit Clear What can be seen in Cuc Phuong National Park? A) Butterflies, caves and the 1,000-year-old tree B) Butterflies and caves C) Butterflies ... mainly on bee keeping and farming F T T F F Unit 11: National Parks - Lesson 3: Listening Task Cuc Phuong National Park belongs to provinces: Ninh Binh, Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa F Unit 11: National

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2015, 16:55

66 704 0
Slide english 10 unit 11 national parks _reading _GV T.T.B Yen

Slide english 10 unit 11 national parks _reading _GV T.T.B Yen

... DIEN BIEN EDUCATION AND TRAINING DEPARTMENT HUYEN DIEN BIEN HIGH SCHOOL E-LEARNING LESSON English 10 Unit 11: National Parks Period 66: Part A: Reading Teacher: Trần Thị B? ??o Yến Email: baoyen1909@gmail.com ... National Park, Nairobi National Park, Everglades National Park Unit 11: National parks Period 66: Part A: Reading Unit 11: National parks Period 66: Part A: Reading Unit 11: National Parks Period ... Summarize the main points REFERENCES • Websites: + http://www.youtube.com + Violet.vn • Software: adobe presenter 7.0, proshow gold, imindmap • Book: English 10

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2015, 16:55

47 655 0
Slide english 10 unit 11 national parks _ THPT Muong Luan

Slide english 10 unit 11 national parks _ THPT Muong Luan

... answer is: You must the before continuing before continuing Submit Submit Clear Clear If some had been careful when walking in Huong Pogoda, they would not have got lost A) True B) False Correct ... is: You must the before continuing before continuing Submit Submit Clear Clear Quiz Your Score {score} Max Score {max-score} Number of Quiz {total-attempts} Attempts Question Feedback/Review Information ... answer the question before continuing before continuing Incorrect Click Incorrect Click anywhere to continue anywhere to continue Submit Submit Clear Clear READ OUT! 1.They went by coach, so most

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2015, 16:55

20 444 0
Giáo án English 10 - Unit 11: National Parks - Period 65: A-Reading

Giáo án English 10 - Unit 11: National Parks - Period 65: A-Reading

... Nairobi Lan - having many strange animals Everglades Lien - having plants and animals from both tropical and temperate zones (3) Unit 11: NATIONAL PARKS Period 66: B – SPEAKING I AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: ... model IV TEACHING AIDS: textbook, chalk, board V PROCEDURE: Stabilization: - Greeting - Checking about absence Checking up the previous knowledge: + Asks students to say about the special features ... like/love to -has sts write the table in the book -Yes,that’s a great idea -write the table -explains the table -Yes, I’d be delight to -I’m (10ms -Guides sts to complete letters

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2021, 18:30

11 8 0
English 10 Unit 11 Reading

English 10 Unit 11 Reading

... B? ?i 41: Tính   9 1 1 I x x dx    Giải:  Đặt t   x dt dx Đổi cận: x -1 t Khi đó:         0 1 9 2 9 11 10 1 0 12 11 10 1 2 1 1 2 0 12 11 10 12 11 10 ...         Đổi cận: x 2  t |a| |b| Khi đó:   2 2 2 1 b a b b a tdt I t b a a b t b a a b a           B? ?i 52: Tính 2 1 3 x I dx x     ... dx a cos x b x a x b x b a x a                Đặt       2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 sin sin sin sin tdt b a xcosxdx t b a x a t b a x a tdt xcosxdx b a      

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2021, 07:42

31 15 0
test yourself F english 11

test yourself F english 11

... it takes to be able to drive 1/ a sport team b team sports c sports team d sports teams 2/ a to be b having c be d to have 3/ a offered b to offer c offering d offer 4/ a on time b full-time ... weight arms to lift and place the blocks of stone The boat is believed to have been used to carry the body of Khufu in his last journey on earth before being buried inside the pyramid * Task : ... students are encouraged…(2) involved in athletics Schools often (3)…football, baseball and softball, basketball, volleyball, tennis, and soccer Some may even have sports like golf, swimming,

Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2015, 05:00

146 662 0


... Period: 40 UNIT 7: ECONOMIC REFORMS Speaking I Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Talk about changes the new economic reform has brought about - Express their ideas about measures ... Period: 42 UNIT 7: ECONOMIC REFORMS Writing I Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Describe information in a table - Write a report based on the information given in the table ... give the feedback before the class by asking a student to read the answers Contents Warm-up Give the words are used in listening : - inhabitants, expert, drug Before you listen *Vocabulary and

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2016, 00:12

28 768 0
slide 1 3 1 5 2 4 6 c fool a food d pool e pull b full f foot u u friday october 23rd 2009 english 10 unit 5 language focus listen and repeat put pull full foot look cook school tooth fool bo

slide 1 3 1 5 2 4 6 c fool a food d pool e pull b full f foot u u friday october 23rd 2009 english 10 unit 5 language focus listen and repeat put pull full foot look cook school tooth fool bo

... put my books?Could you tell me where you’ve put my books? 2. 2. Your bookshelf is full of books.Your bookshelf is full of books 3. 3. Look! The boy is looking at your book.Look! The boy is ... lights are on 6 Two bottles of water are laid on the table -> Tan has opened the door Tan Quang (9)=A new bridge has been built across the river They have built a new bridge across the river ... your book 4. 4. Miss June is looking at the Moon.Miss June is looking at the Moon 5. 5. Both your shoes and your boots are dirty.Both your shoes and your boots are dirty 6. (6)They have built

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2021, 07:12

29 44 0
test yourself b lop 11 giai bai tap tieng anh 11

test yourself b lop 11 giai bai tap tieng anh 11

... wars B to honor Zeus C to crown the best athletes D to sing songs about athletes When were the first Olympic Games held at the foot of Mount Olympus? A 676 B. C B 766 B. C C 786 B. C D 776 B. C Which ... TEST YOURSELF B I Listening (2.5 points) (Nghe 2.5 điểm) (Trang 76 tiếng Anh lớp 11) Listening and choose the best answer A, B, C or D (Nghe chọn câu trả lời tốt A, B, C D) Which ... 2003 championship finals were hosted by the United States Đáp án: C B B C B? ?i đọc chủ yếu nói nội dung gì? A Giải đấu World Cup B Tổ chức FIFA C Giải vơ địch b? ?ng đá nữ FIFA D World Cup nữ FIFA

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2022, 15:20

10 7 0
Review unit 6 unit 7 and test number 3 English 10

Review unit 6 unit 7 and test number 3 English 10

... spend in Bali 1 A found B held C took D stood 2 A lady B groom C maid D bride 3 A bridesmaid B bridegroom C bride D groom 4 A male B man C groom D bride 5 A ceremonyB party C celebration ... a is observed b must be observed c must have observed d had better observe 28 This letter , not handwritten a should be typing b should be typed c needn't type d needn't be typed ... put b should not be put c must put d must be putting 30 The last decision a will be made by the manager b needn't be finished / will be having c that will be made by the manager d must be

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2021, 22:29

26 2,4K 4
English 6 Unit 11 Period 65 A1

English 6 Unit 11 Period 65 A1

... Period 65: A1 Monday, February 16 th , 2009 Unit 11: Unit 11: What do you eat ? (A1) I. Vocabulary: box of chocolates : hép s«c«la bottle of cooking oil : chai dÇu ¨n bar of soap : xµ phßng store ... Vocabulary: Matching Unit 11: What do you eat (A1) a box of a kilo of a packet of a dozen a tube of beef tea toothpaste chocolates eggs I. Vocabulary: a packet of a kilo of a bottle of a box ... tea chocolates rice Unit 11: What do you eat (A1) grams of a dozen a can of a bar of a tube of .……… .……… .……… .……… .……… beef eggs peas soap toothpaste Unit 11: What do you eat

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2013, 01:11

23 526 2
10 unit 11 reading

10 unit 11 reading

... Unit 11: NATIONAL PARKS Unit 11: NATIONAL PARKS Lesson: Reading Lesson: Reading rainforest : butterfly : wilderness : abandon : threaten : toxic : (n) rừng mưa nhiệt đới (n) b? ?ớm. (v) b? ?? ... tháng năm 2 010 Hiệu Trưởng 21 22 Đặng Thị Xn – Trường PTCS Lê Đình huyện Lăk KẾ HOẠCH B? ?I HỌC Tuần 11 Ngày dạy 25 tháng 10 năm 2 010 Tên b? ?i dạy : Ôn tập A MỤC TIÊU : - n tập 5 b? ?i đã học ... Trưởng Ngày tháng năm 2 010 Hiệu trưởng 11 Đặng Thị Xn – Trường PTCS Lê Đình huyện Lăk KẾ HOẠCH B? ?I HỌC 12 Tuần 6 Ngày dạy 13 tháng 9 năm 2 010 Tên b? ?i dạy : Biết b? ?y tỏ ý kiến (T2 ) (Chuẩn

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2014, 00:00

18 696 0
english 10 unit 15

english 10 unit 15

... FOB FOB TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN TRUNG TRỰC TỔ TIẾNG ANH UNIT1 5 : CITIES WHERE DO THESE PICTURES MENTION? FOB FOB BEFORE YOU READ 4 3 2 1 Match a ,b, c,d with the pictures a.The Empire State Building ... Liberty, the Empire State Building, Wall street, and Broadway theatre district. Task 3: Answer the questions FOB FOB If you could visit NewYork,which places you would like to see ? FOB FOB ... Not covered with ice b. Mix with c. Get control of d. City abd large area around it e. Special FOB FOB 1. New York is the name of both a state and a city. 2. New York Harbour has a lot of ice

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2014, 06:00

12 416 0
writing english 10 unit 13

writing english 10 unit 13

... the film a. Filming place b. Based on e. The main characters d. The ending of the film Match the information in the column B with the suitable title in column A. A B Unit 13 FILMS AND CINEMA ... the film g.The contents of the film a. Filming place b. Based on e.The main characters d.The ending of the film Describing a film A B Unit 13 FILMS AND CINEMA Tuesday, March 26 th , 2013 Section ... CINEMA Unit 13 Period 80 Section D WRITING Describe the film Contents: the fights between a cat and a mouse Based on: real life of the cat and the mouse Tuesday, March 26th, 2 013 Unit

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2015, 12:00

24 718 5
English 8 - Unit 11 - Speak

English 8 - Unit 11 - Speak

... approx. 11am – 11pm Stamps and Coins Market Open 10am – 7pm Vegetarian ( n) chế độ ăn chay Revolutionary (a) tính chất cách mạng Botanical (a) thuộc về thực vật học • Markets Thai Binh Market Ben ... How about going to Thai Binh Market? I suggest going to Ben Thanh Market. Museums History Museum Open 8am – 11. 30am, and 1pm – 4pm daily ( except Monday) Revolutionary Museum Open 8am – 11. 30am, ... Open approx. 11am – 11pm • Stamps and Coins Market Open 10am – 7pm • Museums History Museum Open 8am – 11. 30am, and 1pm – 4pm daily ( except Monday) Revolutionary Museum Open 8am – 11. 30am, And

Ngày tải lên: 21/04/2015, 20:00

13 500 3
English 6 Unit 11 B1,3,4

English 6 Unit 11 B1,3,4

... O W E K I L D L U CROSSWORDS : Unit 11 What do you eat? I. Numbering the food : a b 2 c 4 d e 1 5 f g h 7 i 3 j 6 k l 8 What would you like for breakfast? I’d like some noodles. ... Unit 11What do you eat? Lesson 4 B1 ,3,4 Our school will shine today Our school will shine Our school will shine ... for breakfast? S2: I’d like some noodles. breakfast some noodles III. Practice: * Word Cue Drill : What would you like for lunch? I’d like some chicken. 1. lunch// chicken 2. dinner// beef

Ngày tải lên: 22/04/2015, 06:00

12 650 5
English 6 Unit 11 A2-3

English 6 Unit 11 A2-3

... (A2-3) Friday, February 18 th , 2 011 Ba Salesgirl 1.Vocabulary: - salesgirl (n): - need (v): - anything else: Ex: I need some beef. cÇn, muèn thø g× kh¸c n÷a ng êi b? ?n hµng 2. ... Structures: a. How much beef do you want ? - I want two hundred grams b. How many eggs do you want ? - I want a dozen Five kilos a. How much rice do you want ? I want five kilos b. How many oranges ... oranges a b 3. Practice: Ask and answer with “How much ?/ How many ? 500 grams How much chicken do you want ? I want five hundred grams How many bananas do you want ? I want four bananas

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2015, 01:00

24 520 4
Slide english 10 unit 10 conservation _reading _Gv D.T Hien

Slide english 10 unit 10 conservation _reading _Gv D.T Hien

... (in the Workbook- Page 58) -Prepare the next lesson (Unit 10- Speaking) Unit 10: REFERENCES - Software: Adobe presenter... Click anywhere to continue continue before continuing before continuing ... nature’s defence F Unit 10: I Before you read New words II While you read 1 Task 1 2 Task 2 3 Task 3 Task 3: Choose the most suitable main idea for each paragraph Unit 10: A The loss of forest ... continuing Clear Clear Unit 10: Task 1 Your Score {score} Max Score {max-score} Number of Quiz {total-attempts} Attempts Question Feedback/Review Information Will Question Feedback/Review Information

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2015, 16:55

32 554 0
Test of English 10-unit 1-5-

Test of English 10-unit 1-5-

... music B. singer C. sacrifice D. singular 5. A. men B. bed C. pencil D. fat 6. A. remember B. temperature C. because D. before 7. A. determine B. prejudice C. ambitious D. language 8. A. birthday B. ... history 8. A. usually B. bicycle C. international D. traffic 9. A. entertainment B. problem C. holiday D. hobby 10. A. chemistry B. comfortable C. biology D. company II. 11. I’d like to stay at ... impossible D. intelligent 7. A. Literature B. History C. English D. Biography 8. A. family B. condition C. teacher D. children 9. A. alphabet B. province C. element D. disable 10. A. pronounce B. ...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2013, 01:26

20 1,9K 8
Test of English 10-unit 1-5-

Test of English 10-unit 1-5-

... history 8. A. usually B. bicycle C. international D. traffic 9. A. entertainment B. problem C. holiday D. hobby 10. A. chemistry B. comfortable C. biology D. company II. 11. I’d like to stay at ... plentiful B. broad C. considerable D. lasting 50. A. current B. new C. present D. modern 51. A. behind B. slow C. delayed D. overdue 52. A. take up B. fill out C. go through D. pass by 53. A. partly B. ... information B. important C. impossible D. intelligent 7. A. Literature B. History C. English D. Biography 8. A. family B. condition C. teacher D. children 9. A. alphabet B. province C. element D. disable 10. ...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2013, 03:10

20 1K 2

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