... some fun and laughter into their lessons It contains 65 photocopiable activities drawn from Peter Watcyn-Jones' years of experience in using humour to teach language more effectively The activities ... Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE ISBN 0 582 42785 1 First published 2000 Copyright © Peter Watcyn-Jones 2000 Designed by Mackerel Tustrations by Mark Davis Printed in Spain by Mateu Cromo, ... Publishers Photocopying notice The pages in this book marked From FUN CLASS ACTIVITIES: Book | by Peter Watcyn- Jones © Penguin Books 2000 FH OTOC-OF!ASt-& may be photocopied free of charge for classroom
Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 03:28
Longman english test your prepositions
... 1Tes t /YourPrepositions PETER WATCYN-JONES JAKE ALLSOP Trang 2T e st /Your PrepositionsTest Your Prepositionsis part of the highly successful Test Your series devised by Peter Watcyn -Jones ... to phrasal verbs and idioms. Test Your Prepositions forms part of the Test Your Vocabulary series and, in keeping with the series, the emphasis is on variety, with tests ranging from gap-filling ... learn or consolidate a large number of prepositions But in order for the new prepositions to become "fixed" in your mind, you will need to test yourself again and again Here is one method
Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2019, 22:45
... the actual test, gives a detailed explanation of each idiom It is hoped that students using this book will find the learning of idioms both stimulating and enjoyable Peter Watcyn-Jones Trang ... learnt as complete phrases, each with its own unique (often unexpected) meaning Test Your Idioms contains sixty tests covering over 900 of the most common and useful idioms in English The book ... stopped living with your parents and got a flat of your own? can’t afford to go out with you tonight Trang 23 Just for fun 1 Complete the crossword All the idioms are found in Tests 1-9 Across
Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2024, 22:44
Test Check Your Vocabulary forI ELTS-130p.PDF
... International English Language Testing System (IELTS) This workbook has been written to help you improve your vocabulary when working towards the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) ... Thank you for your letter you B Thanks a lot for your letter C It was great to hear from you you general vocabulary Writing a letter * g... say? do you A I had a horrible time at your hotel ... unhappy about your hotel C I would like to complain about the service I received at your hotel recently 4 You have sent a letter of application to a college, together with your curriculum
Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2015, 11:37
Watcyn jones peter top class activities 1
... выложено группой vk.com/create_your_english выложено группой vk.com/create_your_english выложено группой vk.com/create_your_english
Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 13:02
Test Your Vocabulary 4
... Trang 1Test Your Vocabulary 4 Test Your Vocabulary is the best-selling series of vocabulary practice books by Peter Watcyn-Jones They are ideal for use in the classroom ... colloquial expressions Test Your Vocabulary 4 contains 58 tests Cover photograph © Photonica S.0.A START TESTING YOUR VOCABULARY BEGINNER / ELEMENTARY 850 WORDS ‘TEST YOUR VOCABULARY 1 ELEMENTARY ... WORDS ‘TEST YOUR VOCABULARY 3 INTERMEDIATE / FCE 950 WORDS TEST YOUR VOCABULAR' D22 110002 002212 1000 WORDS © PENGUIN Published and distributed by Pearson Education Limited Vocabulary PETER
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 11:21
Penguin Books Test Your Start Testing Your Vocabulary
... has ten new tests To facilitate self-study there is a full Answer Key Students using Test Your Vocabulary will find leaming vocabulary both stimulating and enjoyable Start Testing Your Vocabulary ... become ‘fixed’ in your mind, you need to test yourself again and again Hete is one method you can use to help you learn the words 1 Read through the instructions carefully for the test you are going ... going to try, Then try the test, writing your answers in pencil 2 When you have finished, check your answers and correct any mistakes you have made Read through the test again, paying special
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:56
Penguin test your vocabulary 1
... Trang 1 Test Your |⁄ © TTestYourl⁄ Ô Test Your Vocabulary 7 is the first in a series of Cover designed by five best-selling Test Your Vocabulary books This Gv) fully ... copyright © Peter Watcyn-Jones 1980, 2002 Text copyright © Olivia Johnston 2002 Designed and typeset by Pantek Arts Ltd, Maidstone, Kent Test Your format devised by Peter Watcyn-Jones Illustrations ... time you will probably be much quicker The tests in this book clo not get harder as you go from Test 1 to Test 60 However, the five books in the Test Your Vocabulary series are carefully graded
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 19:42
Test Your Professional English - Business General_phần 1
... of: Test Your Professional English: Accounting Test Your Professional English: Business General Test Your Profassional English: Business Intermediate Test Your Professional English: Finance Test ... Finance Test Your Professional English: Hotel and Catering Test Your Professional English: Law Test Your Professional English: Management Test Your Professional English: Marketing Test Your Professional ... : = a [he You walk to the You give your name to the 3 7 8 You have an You a your name in the visitors’ with Mr Power at 9 book 9 10 You pin your to your coat 11 12 Mr Power meets you 13
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 06:20
Test Your Professional English - Business General_phần 2
... Mary has filled in an internal company form But if she had wanted a job with your company, which information could your company ask for? And which information could it not ask for? For example, ... is i Vmthe Trang 10 35 Using visual aids You have to show this visual aid to the peopie at your presentation Can you say where each place is? Make complete sentences Example: The main office ... bottont of the page Ef you are our workforce by almost 15% r 8 newsletter not entirely satisfied with your and continued to increase the 2 order form goods, we shall be happy to range of products
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 06:20
Test Your Professional English - Marketing_phần 3
... any order) WO aN AMA bề G2 B2 Test 7 f e d h 5 i b a c Test 8 1 goods 5 mix 2 free 6 plan 3 research 7 trends 4 demand 8 analysis Test 9 Test 10 A brand identity brand name brand image own-brand ... for a product 12 True un Test 21 1 unit cost 2 retail margin 3 selling costs 4 price war Test 22 1h 2f 3a 5 budget-priced 6 going rate 7 demand curve DO rad sc GON og Test 27 A Buying things ... Internet the Internet Test 23 la 5b Qa 2€ 64 10 a 3a 7b 11b 4b 8e l2 a Test 24 1 producer 2 haulage company 3 distributor 4 agent 5 sales representative 6 retailer 7 customer Test 25 A 1 goods 6
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 06:20
37320 Test Your Vocabulary - musical instruments
... shoulder Jose heart tongue-twister tongue-tied Keep your hair on! be up in arms over/about — tongue-in-cheek something 1 To means that you spend all your money as $0on as you get it and never save ... sound complicated t vegetarian Lo =EREE EERE EERE Er err Trang 18 Answers TEST t awl fork goblet 4 tea caddy 10 TEST 4 barrel 7 bread bin 2 1 headline crate 12 2 action replay filing cabinet ... documentary 13 chat show TEST2 14 serles 15 capuon 1 (~e) 16 leader 2 (9-k} 17 cartoon strip 3 (12-g) 18 cartoonist 4 (Le 19 quiz 5 (6-)) 20 gossip column 6 (11-b) 7 G-l TEST5 8 (2Ð 9 (Œ-d) 1 occupation
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20
Test Your Vocabulary - The body - internal organs
... come across break down 1 I do wish you wouldn’t , Charles I'm trying to (interrupt) talk to your father 2 When my grandmother died, I Vy quite a lot of (inherited) money 3 The only teacher ... by January, the attendance had (decreased) by as much as 50 % 8 I see they’re going to a book of Peter's poems (publish) in the autumn 9 They were planning to hold a Pop Concert in one of the parks ... to grow out of his jeans I'd better them for him this weekend 9 It was extremely of you to leave your library books on the bus 10 Although pubs usually close between 10.30 and 11 pm., they are
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20
Test Your Test Your Vocabulary For Fce - Education
... talk about your school, your favourite subjects or extra-curricular activities at school or your attitudes towards education You May also have to describe the educational system in your country ... Reading Paper In the Speaking Test or Writing Paper you may be asked to give your opinion on the state of the environment and what can be done to save it 0328 Also:.Test.29, ANIMALS ANG DIAS oo ... English classes? 12 How do you practise your listening skills? ¡13 What’s the best way to remember new words? 14 Did you learn Italian at school? 15 How* your English? 16 How’s Mary’s Portuguese?
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20
Test Your Vocabulary 2_Bits and pieces 1
... cheques, your name are things yOu 22 Money, your mind, Jobs are things you 23 A border, a room, a road are things you 24 Christmas, your birthday, victories are things you 25A promise, your leg, ... When something goes wrong with your car, you can always try to repair it your- Trang 3 13 Ifyou don’t know where to go on holiday, why don’t you get a holiday from your nearest Travel Agency? ... t © O0 ïm ho TEST 14 enter vanished purchased đetests tripped accomplish altered recollect 9 put off 10 scare 11 spoilt 12 moaning 13 occurred 14 inform 15 bragging OANA MW wn — TEST 15 Building
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 12:20
Test Your Vocabulary 2_Things in the home 1
... by carrying your clubs and giving you advice 3 This person looks after a block of flats or an office 4 When you have a legal problem, you can always go to this person 5 He carries your bags for ... tơ their children nowadays a prow up b foster _ € develop d_ bring up 6 To to inform you that your mother died ten minutes ago a sorry b- regret c apologise d pity 7 Ithink everyone should ... person to drive you around 9 This person keeps animals and grows crops 10 If you have a problem with your speech, this person can help you overcome it Miss Reesisac Mrs Plodisap Mr Berryisac Mrs
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 12:20
Tài liệu QUẢN LÝ TRONG THỜI ĐẠI BÃO TÁP Peter F.Drucker pdf
... - - QUẢN LÝ TRONG THỜI ĐẠI BÃO TÁP (Peter F.Drucker) QUẢN LÝ TRONG THỜI ĐẠI BÃO TÁP Peter F.Drucker Lời nói đầu Các nhà quản lý đối mặt với thời đại bão táp ... quản lý phải có khả từ hôm nay, đánh giá kết quản lý nhiều lĩnh QUẢN LÝ TRONG THỜI ĐẠI BÃO TÁP Peter F.Drucker vực khác nhau, có tính định cho kết ngày mai cuả kinh doanh “Những bão táp” định ... trường cũ Chúng làm thay đổi nhanh chóng tồn cung lao động buộc QUẢN LÝ TRONG THỜI ĐẠI BÃO TÁP Peter F.Drucker phải xem xét lại quan điểm lứa tuổi nghỉ hưu bắt buộc Một vấn đề đặt cho công tác
Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 13:16
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