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using gnu fortran ebook

using gnu fortran ebook

... conformance to the Fortran 95, Fortran 2003 and Fortran 2008 standards, respectively; errors are given for all extensions beyond the relevant language standard, and warnings are given for the Fortran ... informally known as Fortran 2008 The official version is available from International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or its national member organizations The the final draft (FDIS) can ... ‘-finit-real=’ (which also initializes the real and imaginary parts of local COMPLEX variables), ‘-finit-logical=’, and ‘-finit-character=n’ (where n is an ASCII character...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 20:54

294 660 0
Báo cáo toán học: " Electrochemical performance of NixCo1-xMoO4 (0 [less than or equal to] x [less than or equal to] 1) nanowire anodes for lithium-ion batteries" pptx

Báo cáo toán học: " Electrochemical performance of NixCo1-xMoO4 (0 [less than or equal to] x [less than or equal to] 1) nanowire anodes for lithium-ion batteries" pptx

... as-prepared hydrate samples was analyzed by thermogravimetric analysis [TGA] (DTG-60H, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) For TGA, the samples were heated from room temperature up to 800°C at a heating rate ... one-dimensional nanostructure Introduction Among the types of anode materials available for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, graphite has been commercialized However, because of its drawbacks, such as ... method to prepare hydrate nanowires, followed by postannealing of the as-prepared hydrate nanowires Although α- and β-phases coexisted in all of the nanowire samples, no secondary phases were detected,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

14 391 0
Exemptions for Advisers to Venture Capital Funds, Private Fund Advisers With Less Than $150 Million in Assets Under Management, and Foreign Private Advisers pptx

Exemptions for Advisers to Venture Capital Funds, Private Fund Advisers With Less Than $150 Million in Assets Under Management, and Foreign Private Advisers pptx

... activities are not interwoven with U.S financial markets‖) See also Group of Thirty, Financial Reform: A Framework for Financial Stability, January 15, 2009, at (discussing the need for registration ... potentially evolving) business practices that may vary from what commenters characterized as typical venture capital fund practice.56 Some argued that a limited basket for such atypical investing activity ... (2007), at 16-17 (―van den Burg‖); Sahlman, supra note 186, at 517 See also Tax Legislation: CRS Report, Taxation of Hedge Fund and Private Equity Managers, Tax Law and Estate Planning Course Handbook...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 14:21

208 400 0
Less Than Zero -The Case for a Falling Price Level in a Growing Economy (Hobart Papers) docx

Less Than Zero -The Case for a Falling Price Level in a Growing Economy (Hobart Papers) docx

... well-known argument for deflation as a means for achieving an 'optimum quantity of money' is distinct from earlier arguments for falling prices As we shall see, it actually calls for deflation at a rate ... help achieve a full-information ideal for resource allocation, my argument also contradicts the claim that a variable inflation rate is the worst kind as well as the claim that an uncertain price ... bias inherent in available data The BLS estimates may, t.herefore, be about right after all For a comparison of alternative measurements of total factor productivity see Bureau of Labor Stat.istics,...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 12:20

83 323 0
Marketing in Less Than 1000 Words Probably the most condensed primer ppt

Marketing in Less Than 1000 Words Probably the most condensed primer ppt

... rubbish marketing they can only judge what your product is like based on that - even if your actual product is vastly superior to the quality of your marketing materials Again, marketing is about ... it and find a product you really can believe in Any marketing failure is a learning opportunity Use it wisely The history of all trade is about finding something where it’s abundant and taking ... Every business has a rate of attrition Your marketing goal is to beat whatever rate of attrition you have Look after and grow your reputation What people say about you to each other behind closed...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 23:20

3 192 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Necklace bisection with one cut less than needed" pptx

Báo cáo toán học: "Necklace bisection with one cut less than needed" pptx

... Fan, A generalization of Tucker’s combinatorial lemma with topological applications, Annals of Mathematics, 56 (1952), no 2, 431–437 [5] K Fan, Evenly distributed subsets of Sn and a combinatorial ... proof For proving Theorem we just have to translate (routinly) the proof of Alon and West [2] that uses a classical form of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem into one using another classical form, the so-called ... a a direct generalization of the original necklace bisection theorem Indeed, if we have beads of k colors and we can use k cuts then we can apply Corollary by adding a fictitious extra color and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 15:22

5 189 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Maximal Nontraceable Graphs with Toughness less than One" pps

Báo cáo toán học: "Maximal Nontraceable Graphs with Toughness less than One" pps

... U A graph G is hamiltonian if it has a hamiltonian cycle (a cycle containing all the vertices of G), and traceable if it has a hamiltonian path (a path containing all the vertices of G) If a ... following additional adjacencies: w1 and w2 are adjacent to all vertices in C, w1 and w3 are adjacent to all vertices in D, u1 and u2 are adjacent to all vertices in E, u1 and u3 are adjacent to all ... hypohamiltonian if G is nonhamiltonian, but G − v is hamiltonian for all v ∈ V (G) A graph that is MNH as well as hypohamiltonian is called maximal hypohamiltonian (MHH ) We can replace any of...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 15:23

19 208 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Buccal mucosa carcinoma: surgical margin less than 3 mm, not 5 mm, predicts locoregional recurrence" pps

Báo cáo khoa học: " Buccal mucosa carcinoma: surgical margin less than 3 mm, not 5 mm, predicts locoregional recurrence" pps

... Cherian T, Sebastian P, Ahamed MI, Jayakumar KL, Sivaramakrishnan P, Jeevy G, Sankaranarayanan R, Nair MK: Evaluation of salvage surgery in heavily irradiated cancer of the buccal mucosa Cancer ... nodal disease Adjuvant RT was indicated for single risk factor except positive margin and extracapsular nodal spread For 78 irradiated patients, post-operative Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy ... radiotherapy and chemotherapy for high-risk squamous-cell carcinoma of the head and neck N Engl J Med 2004, 350:1937-1944 Nason RW, Binahmed A, Pathak KA, Abdoh AA, Sandor GK: What is the adequate margin...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 09:20

8 196 0
Báo cáo y học: " Bioprosthetic mitral valve thrombosis less than one year after replacement and an ablative MAZE procedure: a case report" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: " Bioprosthetic mitral valve thrombosis less than one year after replacement and an ablative MAZE procedure: a case report" ppsx

... update incorporated into the ACC/ AHA 2006 guidelines for the management of patients with valvular heart disease: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force ... current anticoagulation guidelines following bioprosthetic valve replacement and a radioablative MAZE procedure The 2008 American Heart Association (AHA) and American College of Cardiology (ACC) ... surgical ablation of atrial fibrillation Heart Rhythm 2007, 4(6):816-61 Vahanian A, Baumgartner H, Bax J, Butchart E, Dion R, Filippatos G, Flachskampf F, Hall R, Iung B, Kasprzak J, Nataf P,...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:20

4 235 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Clinical significance of 4 patients with chronic hepatitis B achieving HBsAg clearance by treated with pegylated interferon alpha-2a for less than 1 year: a short report" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Clinical significance of 4 patients with chronic hepatitis B achieving HBsAg clearance by treated with pegylated interferon alpha-2a for less than 1 year: a short report" pot

... sequential therapy with pegasys and entecavir(Baraclude) Pegasys was administered at a dose of 180 ug intracutaneously one time per week Baraclude was administered at a dose of 0.5 mg orally one ... help eradicate HBV infectious hepatocytes by dual anti-viral and immunomodulatory mode of action[10] In contrast to nucleoside analogues, pegylated interferon alpha- 2a has a higher rate of HBeAg ... pegasys is paused, so the advantageous efficacy of pegasys could be brought into play as much as possible By analyzing above materials, we had observed one phenomenon that the clearance of HBsAg...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:21

3 328 0
Stress measurement in less than one minute

Stress measurement in less than one minute

... Suggestions applicable to research as well as to practical interventions 54 9.3 Practical clinical and coaching suggestions 55 360° thinking Discover the truth at www.deloitte.ca/careers © Deloitte ... high demand Enjoy the supportive working atmosphere within our global group and beneit from international career paths Implement sustainable ideas in close cooperation with other specialists and ... Interpretation of ESRQ results 33 6.1 heoretical measurement considerations 33 6.2 Practical measurement considerations related to the ESRQ 34 Two additional forms of the ESRQ 35 7.1 ESRQ-Moral stress...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2014, 22:17

97 161 0
BÀI LUẬN TIẾNG ANH HAY   write a short story based on the pictures below in not less than 100 words 4

BÀI LUẬN TIẾNG ANH HAY write a short story based on the pictures below in not less than 100 words 4

... not less than 100 words The heavy rain for the past few days had wreaked havoc in Selama village Many villagers were waiting for evacuation As they waited for their turn, they could see some ... being washed away The rescue boat came with two rescue workers A woman and her two small sons stepped in They carried their barest necessities with them The younger son was barely years old and ... mother screamed in horror when she realized what had happened One of the rescue workers dived into the water The little boy was struggling and crying He was also getting weaker and was drowning...

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2015, 15:20

2 834 4
BÀI LUẬN TIẾNG ANH HAY   write a short story based on the pictures below in not less than 100 words 7

BÀI LUẬN TIẾNG ANH HAY write a short story based on the pictures below in not less than 100 words 7

... door and ran quickly towards a policeman nearby the kidnappers could not anything except to make a quick getaway Krishnan's family were relieved to have Krishnan back The kidnappers were later caught ... village headman had something important to announce and that she had to be present When Mak Som came, she was given the seat of honor The village headman then announced that the new house was a ... their ransom money, they agreed As they approached the clinic, the kidnapper cut the ropes on Krishnan's hands and legs At the traffic-light junction, Krishnan made a dash for it He opened the car...

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2015, 15:20

4 1,3K 4
BÀI LUẬN TIẾNG ANH HAY   write a short story based on the pictures below in not less than 100 words 8

BÀI LUẬN TIẾNG ANH HAY write a short story based on the pictures below in not less than 100 words 8

... shells She wanted the shell necklace to be as beautiful as the pearl one she had seen at the shop At last, the necklace was ready She placed it in a box and wrapped it up The next day was her mother's ... Cathy's mother Cathy wanted to give her something very special She had been searching for the appropriate gift but none was to her liking At last, she saw one It was a beautiful pearl necklace ... the beach, she noticed a very beautiful shell, smooth and of a soft red hue She had an idea She was going to make her mother a necklace using sea shells Cathy then began hunting for similar looking...

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2015, 15:20

3 742 3
BÀI LUẬN TIẾNG ANH HAY   write a short story based on the pictures below in not less than 100 words 9

BÀI LUẬN TIẾNG ANH HAY write a short story based on the pictures below in not less than 100 words 9

... him an ice-cream and he ran ahead of his parents to greet his animal friends Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks There was a new addition to the zoo The sign said that it was an orangutan Ali laughed ... it against the orangutan's cage to distract it Another warden threw some food into its cage Fortunately, the orangutan decided to let Ali go Ali was crying for his hand was bleeding His parents ... delight and started jumping up and down To his surprise, the orangutan imitated his actions When Ali scratched his head, the orangutan did just that too Ali was so happy that he decided to share...

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2015, 15:20

2 705 2
BÀI LUẬN TIẾNG ANH HAY   write a short story based on the pictures below in not less than 100 words part 2

BÀI LUẬN TIẾNG ANH HAY write a short story based on the pictures below in not less than 100 words part 2

... BÀI LUẬN TIẾNG ANH HAY THEO CHỦ ĐỀ verandah a raised, covered, sometimes partly closed area, often made of wood, on the front or side of a building ...

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2015, 15:21

2 633 1