teaching culture in the efl classroom

Teaching Culture in the Foreign  Language Classroom

Teaching Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom

... Techniques for Teaching Culture, Culture Defined I Introduction In recent years, there have been many studies by scholars interested in the process of learning culture in the foreign language classroom ... learning, it should make a positive contribution to learners' overall achievement in the foreign language classroom 84 Teaching Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom III The process of teaching ... teach culture in the FL classroom? What elements of culture should be taught in a FL course? How could culture be incorporated in a FL curriculum? What are the techniques and methods of teaching culture

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2022, 11:13

14 6 0
The importance of teaching culture in the foreign language classroom

The importance of teaching culture in the foreign language classroom

... ‘[a]lthough meanings are ? ?in the mind,” they have their origins and their significance in the culture in which they are created’. And he adds, ‘human beings do not terminate at their own skins; they are ... beliefs infusing the literary texts of the target culture is instrumental in defining and redefining those obtaining in the home culture (Gantidou,... control of their own learning ... also the paralinguistic patterns and the kinesics of his or her culture. The implications of Buttjes’ findings for the teaching of culture are evident. Language teaching is culture teaching and

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2015, 18:05

25 1,4K 0
A study on teacher’s politeness in the EFL classroom – nghiên cứu về chiến thuật lịch sự của giáo viên trong lớp học tiếng anh như một ngoại ngữ

A study on teacher’s politeness in the EFL classroom – nghiên cứu về chiến thuật lịch sự của giáo viên trong lớp học tiếng anh như một ngoại ngữ

... utterances in the EFL classroom 61 4.1.3 Other findings 63 4.2 Discussion 67 CHAPTER CONCLUSION 73 5.1 Summary of the findings 73 5.2 Implications of the findings ... strategies used in the classroom 44 vii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION This chapter introduces the research area and outlines the background and the rationale for the current study It briefly review teacher’s ... semi-structured interviews The data analysis was based on Brown and Levinson’s politeness theory (1987) The results revealed that the teacher employed certain types of politeness in her teaching English,

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2020, 07:32

130 129 0
A study on teacher’s politeness in the EFL classroom

A study on teacher’s politeness in the EFL classroom

... utterances in the EFL classroom 61 4.1.3 Other findings 63 4.2 Discussion 67 CHAPTER CONCLUSION 73 5.1 Summary of the findings 73 5.2 Implications of the findings ... strategies used in the classroom 44 vii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION This chapter introduces the research area and outlines the background and the rationale for the current study It briefly review teacher’s ... semi-structured interviews The data analysis was based on Brown and Levinson’s politeness theory (1987) The results revealed that the teacher employed certain types of politeness in her teaching English,

Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2020, 23:07

130 61 0
A study on teacher’s politeness in the EFL classroom – nghiên cứu về chiến thuật lịch sự của giáo viên trong lớp học tiếng anh như một ngoại ngữ

A study on teacher’s politeness in the EFL classroom – nghiên cứu về chiến thuật lịch sự của giáo viên trong lớp học tiếng anh như một ngoại ngữ

... utterances in the EFL classroom 61 4.1.3 Other findings 63 4.2 Discussion 67 CHAPTER CONCLUSION 73 5.1 Summary of the findings 73 5.2 Implications of the findings ... strategies used in the classroom 44 vii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION This chapter introduces the research area and outlines the background and the rationale for the current study It briefly review teacher’s ... semi-structured interviews The data analysis was based on Brown and Levinson’s politeness theory (1987) The results revealed that the teacher employed certain types of politeness in her teaching English,

Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2020, 20:05

130 31 0
A study on teacher’s politeness in the EFL classroom

A study on teacher’s politeness in the EFL classroom

... utterances in the EFL classroom 61 4.1.3 Other findings 63 4.2 Discussion 67 CHAPTER CONCLUSION 73 5.1 Summary of the findings 73 5.2 Implications of the findings ... strategies used in the classroom 44 vii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION This chapter introduces the research area and outlines the background and the rationale for the current study It briefly review teacher’s ... semi-structured interviews The data analysis was based on Brown and Levinson’s politeness theory (1987) The results revealed that the teacher employed certain types of politeness in her teaching English,

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 15:00

132 21 0
(Luận văn thạc sĩ) a study on teacher’s politeness in the EFL classroom

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) a study on teacher’s politeness in the EFL classroom

... utterances in the EFL classroom 61 4.1.3 Other findings 63 4.2 Discussion 67 CHAPTER CONCLUSION 73 5.1 Summary of the findings 73 5.2 Implications of the findings ... strategies used in the classroom 44 vii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION This chapter introduces the research area and outlines the background and the rationale for the current study It briefly review teacher’s ... semi-structured interviews The data analysis was based on Brown and Levinson’s politeness theory (1987) The results revealed that the teacher employed certain types of politeness in her teaching English,

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2020, 08:00

130 18 0
Using technology in the EFL classroom an investigation into non english major classes at an giang university

Using technology in the EFL classroom an investigation into non english major classes at an giang university

... used in many fields, including teaching and learning and it also brings some significant benefits In an English language classroom, the effectiveness of using technology in teaching and learning ... females) The mainly aim of the study was to investigate the reality of using technology as well as find out the benefits and difficulties of using technology in teaching and learning English to these ... materials in advance Increasing the time of using technology in class Decreasing the time of using technology in class Using technology as present Facilities should be well-equipped in the classrooms

Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2021, 19:48

120 8 0
Fostering verbal interaction in the efl classroom

Fostering verbal interaction in the efl classroom

... committed to teaching and learning the communication skills The study is an effort to fulfill the practicability of language teaching and learning III TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I Certificate of originality ... verbal interaction in the EFL context of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology The survey respondents include 104 freshmen and 13 teachers of General English at Linh Trung branch Results indicate ... FOSTERUtG VERBAL I"TERACTIO" I" THE EFL CLASSROOM is my own work , and that it has not been submitted for the award of any degree or diploma in any other institution Ho Chi Minh City, October 30, 2005

Ngày tải lên: 23/05/2021, 21:59

142 7 0
Luận văn thạc sĩ a study on teacher’s politeness strategies in the EFL   classroom

Luận văn thạc sĩ a study on teacher’s politeness strategies in the EFL classroom

... utterances in the EFL classroom 61 4.1.3 Other findings 63 4.2 Discussion 67 CHAPTER CONCLUSION 73 5.1 Summary of the findings 73 5.2 Implications of the findings ... strategies used in the classroom 44 vii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION This chapter introduces the research area and outlines the background and the rationale for the current study It briefly review teacher’s ... semi-structured interviews The data analysis was based on Brown and Levinson’s politeness theory (1987) The results revealed that the teacher employed certain types of politeness in her teaching English,

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2021, 20:39

130 8 0
(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) a study on teacher’s politeness in the EFL classroom

(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) a study on teacher’s politeness in the EFL classroom

... utterances in the EFL classroom 61 4.1.3 Other findings 63 4.2 Discussion 67 CHAPTER CONCLUSION 73 5.1 Summary of the findings 73 5.2 Implications of the findings ... disturbing phenomenon in which intermediate and upper-intermediate L2 students were often reluctant to raise their voice in English in the classroom In retrospect, I found myself in the same situation ... semi-structured interviews The data analysis was based on Brown and Levinson’s politeness theory (1987) The results revealed that the teacher employed certain types of politeness in her teaching English,

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2022, 10:22

130 7 0
Teachers'' and students'' perceptions of the use of L1 in the EFL classroom at Dalat University (Lam Dong Province)

Teachers'' and students'' perceptions of the use of L1 in the EFL classroom at Dalat University (Lam Dong Province)

... complete this thesis vi Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the teacher’ and students' perceptions of the use of L1 in the EFL classroom at Da Lat University in the central hinghland ... 25 2.6.1 Maintaining classroom discipline or exercising control 26 2.6.2 Drawing students’ attention 26 2.6.3 Giving instructions and explaining administrative issues ... THU HIEN, being a candidate for the degree of TESOL accept the requirements of the University relating to the retention and use of Master’s Theses deposited in the Library In terms of these conditions,

Ngày tải lên: 11/11/2022, 11:10

108 4 0
Luận văn thạc sĩ VNU ULIS a study on teacher’s politeness in the EFL classroom

Luận văn thạc sĩ VNU ULIS a study on teacher’s politeness in the EFL classroom

... utterances in the EFL classroom 61 4.1.3 Other findings 63 4.2 Discussion 67 CHAPTER CONCLUSION 73 5.1 Summary of the findings 73 5.2 Implications of the findings ... rather disturbing phenomenon in which intermediate and upper-intermediate L2 students were often reluctant to raise their voice in English in the classroom In retrospect, I found myself in the ... semi-structured interviews The data analysis was based on Brown and Levinson’s politeness theory (1987) The results revealed that the teacher employed certain types of politeness in her teaching English,

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2022, 22:15

130 5 0


... asteachers and any training they mighthave Each of these influences thedecisions individual teachers make inplanning and managing the learningprocess; each of them teaches theteacher something about how ... environment.Perhaps it is the same idea we find inthe Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle,where the act of measuring somethinginherently causes inaccuracy in themeasurement In the case of Englishcontests, ... Ourmother reveals the importance of thegroup in Korean culture as opposedto the importance of the individual inwestern culture Adherence to thesevalues gives the individual a place androle in society

Ngày tải lên: 17/05/2024, 14:07

38 0 0
Is this english  race, language, and culture in the classroom

Is this english race, language, and culture in the classroom

... Learning and Teaching Through Inquiry GORDON WELLS, Editor Teaching Mathematics to the New Standards: Relearning the Dance RUTH M HEATON Teacher Narrative as Critical Inquiry: Rewriting the Script ... (2001), “Why are you doing this?”: Acknowledging and transcending threat in critical inquiry classrooms, Research in the Teaching of English, 36(1), 9–37 Chapter originally appeared in a somewhat altered ... Anything”: Power, Gender, and Identity in a Primary Classroom KAREN GALLAS Learning in Small Moments: Life in an Urban Classroom DANIEL R MEIER Interpreting Teacher Practice: Two Continuing Stories

Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2017, 19:09

189 584 0