teachers teaching vocabulary see appendix 4

Teachers' typical difficulties in teaching vocabulary to upper secondary school students of ethnic minority and suggestions for solution

Teachers' typical difficulties in teaching vocabulary to upper secondary school students of ethnic minority and suggestions for solution

... to twenty English teachers in Dien Bien Upper-secondary Schools; the teachers in this survey are both male and female aged from 24 to 42 and they have taught English from to 24 years, most of ... large, moreover, the teaching materials are not available for all of the students III .4. The instruments The study aims to find out teachers' difficulties in teaching English vocabulary to minor ... ISP, IP, URL… (Harmer, J: 1993: 159) II.1.3 What should be taught in teaching vocabulary? According to Jeremy Harmer, in teaching vocabulary, the teacher should pay attention to the word meaning,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:45

42 837 3
Teachers’ attitudes towards using checking techniques in teaching vocabulary at Bac Ninh specialized high scholl, Bac Ninh province

Teachers’ attitudes towards using checking techniques in teaching vocabulary at Bac Ninh specialized high scholl, Bac Ninh province

... consists of the definition of vocabulary, classification of vocabulary, principles of vocabulary teaching, techniques of vocabulary teaching currently used, strategies to teach vocabulary, memory and ... www.linguisticsplanet.com/techniques-in-revising-and-consolidating -vocabulary 23 Nation, P (2008), Teaching Vocabulary: Strategies and Techniques, Cengage Learning 24 Nation, P (19 94) , New ways in Teaching Vocabulary Bloomington: Pantagraph ... University Press 44 Virginia F Allen, (1983), Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary, Oxford University Press 45 Wilkins, D.A (1972), Linguistic in Language Teaching, London, Edward Arnold 46 Wilson, N...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:40

8 428 2


... 24 2 .4. 1 The Nature of Teachers Beliefs 24 2 .4. 2 Research on Teachers Beliefs and Teaching Practices .27 2 .4. 2.1 Correspondence between Beliefs and Practices .27 2 .4. 2.2 Discrepancy ... Design 34 3 .4 Procedures 39 3.5 Analysis of the Data 40 CHAPTER RESULTS & ANALYSIS 42 4. 1 Self-Reported VLS & Vocabulary Teaching Practices 42 4. 2 Quantitative ... 21 2.3 .4 Consolidation Strategies 22 2.3 .4. 1 Memorization Strategies .22 2.3 .4. 2 Cognitive Strategies 23 2.3 .4. 3 Metacognitive Strategies 24 2 .4 Teachers Beliefs...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2016, 14:34

89 618 0


... including Vocabulary in teaching and learning English; Teaching vocabulary; Methods and approaches of teaching vocabulary at university and Theoretical background of CLT approach 1.2 Vocabulary in teaching ... 13 1.3 .4. 3 The role of the teacher in CLT 13 1.3 .4. 4 Challenges for applying CLT in Viet Nam 14 1.3 .4. 5 Some principles of employing CLT in teaching vocabulary ... of vocabulary 1.2 .4 The role of vocabulary in language skills 1.2 .4. 1 In communication 1.2 .4. 2 In other skills 1.3 Teaching vocabulary...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:04

60 1,6K 9
Teaching Vocabulary

Teaching Vocabulary

... passes to another S If a S misses a lesson, the box can be checked for any new words SS can see their vocabulary expanding If not in their heads, at least in the box Periodically vocab can be revised ... Divide SS into two teams, one noughts and the other crosses Toss a coin to see which team starts and nominate a ‘volunteer’ to choose any word from the grid That S must use...

Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2013, 23:10

4 302 2
Teaching Vocabulary pptx

Teaching Vocabulary pptx

... Eliciting New Vocabulary Visuals Mime Realia Situation/Explanation Example Synonym/Antonym Translation Visuals  Example 1: PLOUGH  Example (2): PLOUGH  Example (3): a plot of land  Example (4) : HARROW ... meaningful way  Make A4 pictures of new words you are going to teach  Put the pictures in a file  Get Ss to come to the front & choose one of the pictures  Make sure nobody else can see which picture ... the correct words there to see if everyone agrees Example: Topic SCHOOL SUBJECTS HSICPSY= LYGIOBO= RUTELARITE= THAMS= TYHOSIY= Matching Aim: To get Ss to match the new vocabulary with definitions,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 09:20

32 511 11
pre-teaching vocabulary u 12 music

pre-teaching vocabulary u 12 music

... METHODOLOGY Pre-teach vocabulary solemn (adj): Trang nghiêm Pre-teach vocabulary mournful (adj): Tang thương Pre-teach vocabulary delight (v): làm vui sướng, hài lòng Pre-teach vocabulary lull (v):...

Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2014, 01:00

15 404 0
Teaching vocabulary tips

Teaching vocabulary tips

... softly) Page of Teaching Vocabulary: Two Dozen Tips & Techniques © 1995 J Pettigrew IV Things to with the vocabulary in a reading passage Guessing word meaning from context - See suggestions ... The bell in the old church tower tolled four o’clock Page of Teaching Vocabulary: Two Dozen Tips & Techniques © 1995 J Pettigrew V Teaching students how to guess word meaning from context Types ... College Reading Skills] Page of Teaching Vocabulary: Two Dozen Tips & Techniques © 1995 J Pettigrew VI Miscellaneous Word sheets A simple but effective way to review vocabulary from a given unit...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2014, 19:00

8 313 0
Đề tài: Dạy từ vựng tiếng Anh cho trẻ em mẫu giáo bằng tranh ảnh  STUDY: TEACHING VOCABULARY THROUGH PICTURES TO THE KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS

Đề tài: Dạy từ vựng tiếng Anh cho trẻ em mẫu giáo bằng tranh ảnh STUDY: TEACHING VOCABULARY THROUGH PICTURES TO THE KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS

... master the vocabulary to improve the language skills Vocabulary becomes a major problem in learning English, teachers of kindergarten emphasizes on this matter earlier In teaching vocabulary, ... pdfMachine Get yours now! Vocabulary is one of important aspects in teaching language, as stated by Edward in his book : “ Vocabulary is one of the important factor in all language teaching, student ... learning vocabulary, teachers must make the students able to memorize such words in English language and group of new words The statements above mean, vocabulary is important to teach and teachers...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2014, 16:50

48 1,9K 5
the effectiveness of using pictures in teaching vocabulary at smart-kids school in bac ninh province = hiệu quả của việc sử dụng tranh ảnh trong việc dạy từ vựng tại trường smart-kids, tỉnh bắc ninh

the effectiveness of using pictures in teaching vocabulary at smart-kids school in bac ninh province = hiệu quả của việc sử dụng tranh ảnh trong việc dạy từ vựng tại trường smart-kids, tỉnh bắc ninh

... vocabulary teaching, it is necessary to describe stages in vocabulary teaching 1.1.1 Stages in vocabulary teaching Basically as proposed by Doff (1988:98), there are four stages in teaching vocabulary ... 41 Limitations and recommendations for further studies 41 REFERENCES 43 APPENDIX I APPENDIX I APPENDIX IV APPENDIX ... students % remember and words Week 40 10 66.7 Week 46 .7 10 66.7 Week 60 11 73.3 Week 46 .7 10 66.7 Week 46 .7 11 73.3 Week 46 .7 14 93.3 Week 53.3 13 86.7 Week 60 14 93.3 Table 1: The number of students...

Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2015, 11:54

64 880 4
A study on the effectiveness of using task-based approach in teaching vocabulary in ESP to the second year students at Construction School N04

A study on the effectiveness of using task-based approach in teaching vocabulary in ESP to the second year students at Construction School N04

... Stages in teaching vocabulary ……………………………… 1.3 .4 Techniques in teaching vocabulary ………………………… 10 1.3.5 Teaching vocabulary in ESP………………………………… 12 1 .4 Task-based language teaching ……………………………………… ... their teachers ESP vocabulary teaching, so they had no ideas about whether 20 their teachers ESP vocabulary teaching affect their ESP vocabulary learning or not The others stated their teachers ... attitudes of teachers and students at Construction School N 04 about the importance of ESP vocabulary teaching? What is the real situation of teaching vocabulary in ESP at Construction School N 04? How...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:27

102 761 2
Teaching vocabulary to primary children by using story telling method = Dạy từ vựng cho học sinh tiểu học thông qua phương pháp kể chuyện

Teaching vocabulary to primary children by using story telling method = Dạy từ vựng cho học sinh tiểu học thông qua phương pháp kể chuyện

... The role of vocabulary in English teaching and learning 1.2.1 The value of teaching vocabulary to primary children through stories 1.2.2 The characteristics of teaching vocabulary ... motivation in learning Teachers common techniques in teaching and learning vocabulary through telling story With such amount of vocabulary taught in each vocabulary lesson, teachers at the 5th ... learning and teaching vocabulary? ‟ as follows: 60 54% 50 40 33% 30 20 10% 10 3% Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Table 8: The frequency of telling story in presenting vocabulary Teachers frequency...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:34

67 1,2K 12
Teaching vocabulary explictly to first - year students at Yen Bai medical college = Dạy từ vựng cho sinh viên năm thứ nhất bằng cách cho nghĩa trực tiếp tại trư

Teaching vocabulary explictly to first - year students at Yen Bai medical college = Dạy từ vựng cho sinh viên năm thứ nhất bằng cách cho nghĩa trực tiếp tại trư

... to vocabulary teaching …… 10 1.2 .4. 1 Explicit approach ……………………………………… 11 1.2 .4. 2 Implicit approach ……………………………………… 13 1.3 Principles for explicit approach to vocabulary teaching …………… 14 1 .4 ... examine how teachers choose vocabulary items to teach and what aspects of vocabulary they focus on in teaching vocabulary - To find out the explicit vocabulary teaching techniques teachers frequently ... explicit vocabulary teaching held by the teachers working at YBMC and how they teach vocabulary explicitly The objectives of the study are: - To understand teachers' ideas of explicit vocabulary teaching...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:31

72 482 0
Teaching vocabulary in reading comprehension lessons to the 10th form students at Thanh Ha Upper Secondary school Dạy từ vựng trong các bài đọc hiểu cho học sin

Teaching vocabulary in reading comprehension lessons to the 10th form students at Thanh Ha Upper Secondary school Dạy từ vựng trong các bài đọc hiểu cho học sin

... vocabulary in EFL teaching and learning 1.1 .4 The place of vocabulary in EFL learners' reading comprehension 1.2 Principles in teaching and leaning vocabulary 1.2.1 Selection of vocabulary ... of teaching vocabulary 26 2 .4. 2 Unfavorable vocabulary teaching environment 26 2 .4. 3 Students' poor background knowledge and limited vocabulary size 27 2 .4. 4 Bad habits and ineffective ... the teachers of English 25 2 .4 Problems facing the 10th students at TH-USS in learning vocabulary in RC lessons 26 2 .4. 1 Rigid, insufficient and ineffective ways of teaching vocabulary...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:31

63 711 2
Teaching vocabulary to the young learners through miming a study at Hi Language school center = Nghiên cứu dạy từ vựng cho trẻ em thông qua điệu bộ tại

Teaching vocabulary to the young learners through miming a study at Hi Language school center = Nghiên cứu dạy từ vựng cho trẻ em thông qua điệu bộ tại

... Difficulties in applying miming in teaching vocabulary Figure The teachers keenness on miming in teaching vocabulary to the young learners Figure Usefulness of miming in teaching vocabulary to the young ... miming in teaching vocabulary Figure 14 Word classes used in miming to teach vocabulary Figure 15 Class organizations when vocabulary is taught via miming Figure 16 Preparation for teaching vocabulary ... the teachers I Appendix 2: Questionnaire for the young learners VII Appendix 3: Interview questions for the teachers and the young learners V Appendix 4: Interview for the teachers...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:31

75 2,1K 3


... theoretical aspects of vocabulary teaching and the second section of this chapter is about pictures in language teaching 1.1 VOCABULARY TEACHING 1.1.1 Stages in vocabulary teaching Presentation ... group Number of students % remember and words 40 11 10 66.7 Week 46 .7 10 Week 60 11 Week 46 .7 10 Week 46 .7 11 Week 46 .7 14 Week 53.3 13 Week 60 14 Table 1: The number of students remembers and ... pictures in teaching vocabulary There are many studies which have been conducted on teaching vocabulary through pictures Firstly, a M.A minor thesis named “using pictures in teaching vocabulary...

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2015, 16:43

19 2,9K 4
The exploitation of pictures in teaching vocabulary according to communicative approach for first year students at Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Economics and Business

The exploitation of pictures in teaching vocabulary according to communicative approach for first year students at Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Economics and Business

... Disagree (4 pts) 3 2 2 (3pts) 2 3 (2pts) 0 1 4 Strongly disagree (1pts) 0 1 1 On average 4. 55 4. 73 4. 4 3.73 3. 54 3.09 2.55 2. 64 2 .4 Table 2: Advantages of using pictures in teaching vocabulary ... pictures in teaching vocabulary as perceived by teachers and students? What are the main difficulties in exploiting pictures in teaching vocabulary as perceived by teachers and students? Do teachers ... A) Students’ responses B) Teachers responses 3.1.2 Teachers ways to exploit pictures in teaching vocabulary Figure 3: Teachers ways to exploit pictures to teach vocabulary 3.2 Advantages of...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:41

9 673 2
Teaching vocabulary explictly to first - year students at Yen Bai medical college

Teaching vocabulary explictly to first - year students at Yen Bai medical college

... Language, Cambridge: CUP 14 Nation, P (2005) "Teaching Vocabulary" , Asian Journal (3), pp 47 - 54 15 National Reading Panel (2000), Report of the National Reading Panel: Teaching children to read: ... August 20th, 2012 from: http://edc 448 uri.wikispaces.com/file/view/Coxhead+2000+Acad+Word+List.pdf Folse, K (20 04) , "Myths about Teaching and Learning Second Language Vocabulary: What Recent Research ... English Language Teachers, London: Arnold Publisher 12 Nation, P (19 94) , New Ways in Teaching Vocabulary, Pantagraph Printing, Bloomington, Illinois USA 13 Nation, P (2001), Learning Vocabulary in...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:41

4 299 0
Using pictures in teaching vocabulary of English to the second year students of Mechanical Department at Haiphong Industrial Vocational College

Using pictures in teaching vocabulary of English to the second year students of Mechanical Department at Haiphong Industrial Vocational College

... the topic of the research: Vocabulary theory consists of definitions of vocabulary, the classification of vocabulary, the roles of vocabulary, the stages in teaching vocabulary and picture theory ... (1990) Teaching and learning English New York: New Burry House Nation, P (2000) Teaching vocabulary Asian EFL Journal Retrieved February 03 2010, from engengine.googlepages.com/teachingvocabularybyPaulNation.pdf ... and students encounter in teaching and learning vocabulary That is the reason why the author would like to carry out this research entitled: “Using pictures in teaching vocabulary of English to...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:42

4 561 3