tapered fibers and specialty fiber microcomponents



... CONTINUOUS PART III DISCONTINUOUS AND WOVEN 131 136 I36 FIBERS FIBERS FROM THE SOL-GEL PROCESS 140 Sumio Sakka introduction Variations of Sol-Gel Fiber Preparation Fibers Through Low Temperature ... Modified Ai203-B,Oa-Si02 Fibers Leached A120s-B,Os-Si02 Fibers Cermet Fibers Summary References xvii 177 I77 177 179 179 179 180 182 I82 CONTINUOUS FILAMENT FIBERS BY THE SOL-GEL ... Silica Fiber 188 Mixing Prereaction 18 189 Sol Aging Drawing 19 191 Silica Fiber Properties 191 As Drawn Fibers 192 Consolidated Fibers 194 TiOz, ZrOz, and Binary...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 12:20

424 343 2


... Warocquier, and M D Nagel COTTON AND PROTEIN INTERACTIONS 49 Steven C Goheen, J Vincent Edwards, Alfred Rayburn, Kari Gaither, and Nathan Castro ELECTROSPUN NANOFIBERS FROM BIOPOLYMERS AND THEIR ... new food for thought The fields of medical and specialty fibers include a wide array of natural and synthetic textiles, medical devices, and specialty paper and wood products Research in these areas ... areas of fiber and enzyme and surface physics and issues that present new research concepts on the molecular engineering and physics of cellulosic fibers Chapter The Future of Modified Fibers J Vincent...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 11:20

239 323 0
Textile fibers - Definition of Fiber and Textile Fibers

Textile fibers - Definition of Fiber and Textile Fibers

... thousand years, the usage of fiber was limited by natural fibers such as flax, cotton, silk, wool and plant fibres for different applications Fibers can be divided into natural fibres and man-made ... note pratical fibers as they are stiff and brittle Cohesiveness:  It may also be termed as spinning quality of fiber  It is the property of an individual fiber by virtue of which the fibers are ... to be the oldest and the most used natural fibre since ancient times Classification of Fibres  Natural Fibers  Vegetable Fibres  Animal Fibres  Mineral fibers Man Made fibers Regenerated...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2015, 13:08

49 535 0
Device and Specialty Firewalls

Device and Specialty Firewalls

... strip Java, ActiveX, and cookies, but no more than that Its packet filter, port blocking and redirection, and VPN configuration are first rate and easy to configure Cost and Support SonicWALL ... it, and then use it There's not a whole lot to configure, just the interface addresses and what ports you want to let in and out If you want a VPN, you set up the shared secret IKE keys and the ... SecurID, and CRYPTOCard) • VPN (proprietary, DES, 3DES, IPSec/IKE, PPTP) • VPN client software (Windows 98/NT/2000/XP, Unix, Linux) • Bandwidth control and quality of service • Logging and e−mail...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 13:20

29 388 0
Tài liệu Đề tài " Hypersurface complements, Milnor fibers and higher homotopy groups of arrangments " ppt

Tài liệu Đề tài " Hypersurface complements, Milnor fibers and higher homotopy groups of arrangments " ppt

... = if and only if d = n + and up to a linear coordinate change we have i (x) = xi−1 for all i = 1, , n + 1; (b2) bn (D(Q)) = if and only if d = n + and up to a linear coordinate change and re-ordering ... Hattori’s general position class, and also the (aspherical) fiber-type arrangements of Falk and Randell [FR]; see [JP1] It follows from [JP1, Def 1.8 and Prop 1.10] and [JP2, Cor 3.1] that the (essential) ... will use Q-coefficients ∗ ∗ and the resolution from Proposition 22(ii) Denote by {Bq }q∈Z and {Kq }q∈Z 504 ALEXANDRU DIMCA AND STEFAN PAPADIMA respectively, the q-boundaries and the q-chains of the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 16:20

36 323 0
Nutraceutical and Specialty Lipids and their Co-Products doc

Nutraceutical and Specialty Lipids and their Co-Products doc

... nutrition, and health aspects of specialty fats and oils and their co-products and to address stability issues and their potential application and delivery in functional foods and geriatric and other ... Fereidoon Shahidi Nutraceutical and Specialty Lipids and their Co-Products, edited by Fereidoon Shahidi DK3305_title 2/8/06 10:07 AM Page Nutraceutical and Specialty Lipids and their Co-Products Edited ... Effects on Absorption and Metabolism of Nutraceutical and Specialty Lipids Armand B Christophe 387 24 Lipid Oxidation in Specialty Oils Karen Schaich 401 25 Trans Fatty Acids in Specialty Lipids G.R...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 11:20

579 519 0
Stainless Steels and Specialty Alloys for Modern Pulp and Paper Mills pptx

Stainless Steels and Specialty Alloys for Modern Pulp and Paper Mills pptx

... construction, and maintenance? We may finally see widespread standardization of equipment, pumps, bearings and other frequently replaced equipment, i.e., standardization of wrought and cast materials and ... steels and alloys in pulp and paper industries: Industrial references and filed test results,” NACE Corrosion 94 Conf., 1994, Paper No 420 Stainless Steels and Specialty Alloys for Pulp and Paper ... will continue to demand more disciplined, informed maintenance practices and more predictability.The smart ones will get it Stainless Steels and Specialty Alloys for Pulp and Paper INTRODUCTION...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 00:20

152 320 0
Four wave mixing in optical fibers and its applications by  osamu aso , masateru tadakuma  and  shu namiki

Four wave mixing in optical fibers and its applications by osamu aso , masateru tadakuma and shu namiki

... coordinate of the fiber, α is the attenuation coefficient of the fiber, and Ep, Eprobe and Eidler are the electric field of the pumping, probe and idler waves γ is the nonlinear coefficient, and is obtained ... Long-Length Fibers In applying the method described above to long-length fibers, the attenuation coefficient has to be taken into account For this reason an approximation, in which pumping light and ... the fiber should be minimized; and (c) states of polarization of the pump and signals must coincide As has already been argued in the literature, 6), 7) in order to broaden the conversion bandwidth,...

Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2014, 08:55

6 454 0
Báo cáo y học: " Vitamin A deficiency alters the pulmonary parenchymal elastic modulus and elastic fiber concentration in rats" pptx

Báo cáo y học: " Vitamin A deficiency alters the pulmonary parenchymal elastic modulus and elastic fiber concentration in rats" pptx

... mechanisms Dilated alveoli and alveolar ducts increase the spacing between elastic fibers, elastic fibers are disarrayed and are abnormally connected, and the remaining alveolar walls and ducts are stretched ... airway-parenchymal interactions [9] The elastic fibers in the walls of alveoli and alveolar ducts, which form a continuous network with elastic fibers in the small and larger airways, are an important structural ... coordinately reverse abnormalities in the elastic fibers and in the bulk and shear moduli The elastic fiber length per unit volume was decreased in VAD rat lungs and may have contributed to the observed...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 18:21

14 300 0
Fiber Connectivity and Cable Management

Fiber Connectivity and Cable Management

... patch cords, multifiber cable assemblies, and intrafacility fiber cable (IFC) to and from fiber splice enclosures, fiber distribution frames, and fiber optic terminal devices The FiberGuide system ... LX.5® and LC connectors and adapters double the capacity of the panel by terminating two fibers at each adapter For use with LX.5® and LC Mounting kit shipped unattached if other than standard ... H R K Y Adapters only fiber softwall bundle fiber Maxi-Strip 12 fiber ribbon 12 fiber softwall bundle2 12 fiber Maxi-Strip Mounting Style3 A B C D E F 19" (48.26 cm) standard (19.6" [49.78 cm]...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 19:15

34 329 0
LoopStar® 700 Ethernet and TDM Services Over Fiber to Multiple Customers and Locations

LoopStar® 700 Ethernet and TDM Services Over Fiber to Multiple Customers and Locations

... retention and expanded service opportunities Flexible interfaces The LoopStar 750 and LoopStar 720 can provide uplinks of NxT1/E1, DS3, OC-3c/STM1, OC-12c/STM4, 100Base-FX Ethernet and Gigabit ... Gigabit Ethernet On the subscriber side, copper and fiber Ethernet interfaces are supported, as well as T1/E1s Any combination of Ethernet and TDM bandwidth can be supported, up to the payload rate ... interface Streamlined management and provisioning Because a single, universal platform supports packet and TDM services – both in the PoP and throughout in-building and campus networks – carriers...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 19:15

4 350 0
Fiber Cable Assemblies and Accessories Patch Cords, IFC Assemblies, Attenuators, FasTerm® Connectors and Adapters

Fiber Cable Assemblies and Accessories Patch Cords, IFC Assemblies, Attenuators, FasTerm® Connectors and Adapters

... 144 -fiber stranded NA 12 -fiber ribbon HA 24 -fiber ribbon JA 48 -fiber ribbon DS 72 -fiber ribbon LA 96 -fiber ribbon LH LSX, 72- and 96-position Assembly Length for Connector to Stub 96 -fiber stranded ... 96- and 144-position Cable Type Assembly Length for Connector to Stub AB 12 -fiber stranded 62.5 µm BB 24 -fiber stranded 62.5 µm VB 72 -fiber stranded 62.5 µm LB 96 -fiber stranded 62.5 µm FT 144 -fiber ... number of fibers range from 12 to 144 Standard IFC assemblies are riser rated and meet UL-1666 OFNR Two types of IFC are available: stranded and ribbon With stranded cable, individual 900 µm fibers...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 01:15

28 468 0
Fiber Cable Assemblies and Connectors (FCC)

Fiber Cable Assemblies and Connectors (FCC)

... Fibers) Fiber Connections between FOT and Rear Side ODF in XConn Environments 4, 6, 8, 12, 24 Standard Wall, Soft Wall, Thick Wall and Thin Wall Multimode Multifiber Patch Cords (4 to 24 Fibers) Fiber ... mm and 900 micron Multimode F/O Patch Cords Equipment Jumper between FOT and Patch Panel/CrossConnect Jumper @ ODF to 2 mm, 1.7 mm and 900 micron Singlemode Multifiber Patch Cords (4 to 24 Fibers) ... 52- 93 - 8 • 1- 0 -3 6 -3 91 Fiber Cable Assemblies and Connectors Type Best Application No of Fibers Jacketing Singlemode F/O Patch Cords Equipment Jumper between FOT and Patch Panel/CrossConnect...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 13:15

4 322 0
Tài liệu ADC KRONE - Guide - FO - Laser Optimized Fiber better in Price, Bandwidth, and Distance ppt

Tài liệu ADC KRONE - Guide - FO - Laser Optimized Fiber better in Price, Bandwidth, and Distance ppt

... or 62.5µm fiber A 10GbE signal at a wavelength of 850nm is only guaranteed for 26 meters on standard 62.5µm fiber and for 86 meters on standard 50µm fiber Standard laseroptimized 50µm fiber can ... referred to as OM3 fiber, laser-optimized fiber is specifically designed, developed, and tested for effective use with 850nm VCSELs With standard fiber, defects and variations in the fiber core can ... specified by all major standard bodies, most notably under IEEE 802.3 and ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B Following is a table of IEEE GbE and 10GbE standards with related fiber types and bandwidths/distances...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 02:15

4 399 0
Tài liệu Fiber Cable Assemblies and Accessories docx

Tài liệu Fiber Cable Assemblies and Accessories docx

... Source and Patch Cords Available in any standard length or connector style, TracerLight patch cords have the same functions, optical performance and stringent environmental requirements as our standard ... cords TracerLight patch cords are installed in the same manner as standard patch cords and can be pulled through ADC‘s FiberGuide® fiber cable management system with ease The compact power source ... 70-150 meters in 10 meter increments Fiber Type S Standard singlemode P Reduced bend radius singlemode (blue)* LEAVE 2.0 mm standard singlemode BLANK Cable Type Standard singlemode M 2.0 mm single...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 17:15

6 362 0
Tài liệu Fiber Optic Cable Ruggedized Simplex and Duplex Cables doc

Tài liệu Fiber Optic Cable Ruggedized Simplex and Duplex Cables doc

... 8 • - 0 - 6 - Fiber Optic Cable Construction Characteristics: Strand Count Cable Diameter mm in 2.95 0.116 4.2 x 7.5 0.165 x 0.295 Simplex Duplex Optical Performance: Multimode Fiber Maximum ... 0001RUGSFHXXX 7001RUGSFHYYY 0002RUGDUPXXX 7002RUGDUPYYY *Replace XXX or YYY with Fiber Type below: XXX = Fiber Type YYY = Fiber Type 050 = 50/125/500 µm Multimode 010 = Singlemode 100 = 100/140/500 ... Fiber Optic Cable Ruggedized Simplex and Duplex Cables Ruggedized Simplex & Duplex Cables Specifications Simplex Cable...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 18:15

4 404 0
Tài liệu Fiber Optic Cable Simplex and Duplex Loose Tube Cables pptx

Tài liệu Fiber Optic Cable Simplex and Duplex Loose Tube Cables pptx

... • + - - - 8 • - 0 - 6 - Fiber Optic Cable Construction Characteristics: Strand Count Cable Diameter mm in Fiber 4.2 0.165 Fiber 4.2 0.165 Optical Performance: Multimode Fiber Maximum Attenuation ... Fiber Optic Cable Simplex and Duplex Loose Tube Cables Simplex & Duplex Loose Tube Cables Specifications Fiber Cable Polyurethane Outer Jacket Aramid ... in Simplex 4.2 0.165 0001LTDSFHXXX Duplex 4.2 0.165 0002LTDDUPXXX *Replace XXX with Fiber Type below: XXX = Fiber Type 010 = Singlemode 062 = 62.5/125/245 µm Multimode 62E = 62.5/125/245 µm Enhanced...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 18:15

4 370 0
Tài liệu LoopStar® 711 Leveraging a Full Suite of Ethernet and TDM Services to Cost-Effectively Utilize Fiber Networks doc

Tài liệu LoopStar® 711 Leveraging a Full Suite of Ethernet and TDM Services to Cost-Effectively Utilize Fiber Networks doc

... Leveraging a Full Suite of Ethernet and TDM Services to Cost-Effectively Utilize Fiber Networks Ethernet and Legacy Services for True Convergence Providers of all sizes and types are worried about revenue ... 711 Fiber Extension LS 711 T-1 Ethernet T-1 Ethernet 100FX LS 711 T-1 Ethernet PBX 01/06 • The LoopStar 711 allows providers to leverage and extend their footprint by delivering Ethernet and ... services over existing fiber connections w w w a d c c o m • + - - - 8 • - 0 - 6 - LoopStar® 711 Leveraging a Full Suite of Ethernet and TDM Services to Cost-Effectively Utilize Fiber Networks Specifications...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 19:15

4 406 0
Tài liệu Copper and Fiber Labeling Software and Labeling Sheets docx

Tài liệu Copper and Fiber Labeling Software and Labeling Sheets docx

... ADC’s C5e and C6 silk screen patch panels Each label sheet contains 125 individual labels www.adc.com • +1-952-938-8080 • 1-800-366-3891 TrueNet® Copper and Fiber Labeling Software and Labeling ... for ADC’s C6 HighBand 25 and CopperTen 20-Pair termination blocks Each label sheet contains 18 individual labels SH 6462 408-00 ADCLS-HB25C Paper label for ADC’s C6 Ultim8 and CopperTen 8-Pair ... TrueNet® Copper and Fiber Labeling Software and Labeling Sheets Ordering Information Description UOM Products that use the label...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 19:15

4 534 0


... different working and protect modules, or different near and far-end modules One part number does it all, reducing investment in spare inventory and simplifying circuit provisioning and installa tion ... communications and the ability to effectively manage information are seen as strategic components in developing and maintaining a competitive edge Growing demands for faster service, more features and higher ... Employer N I D OFFICE BUILDING QFLC and Mounting Chassiss Remote Pedestals As fiber deployment extends into the loop, remote pedestals and cabinets are being fed with fiber optic cable from a hut or...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 05:18

8 420 0