talking about the future with your partner

talking about the future fun activities games grammar guides

talking about the future fun activities games grammar guides

... liking your dress Incorrect I like your dress Correct or incorrect? I am hating T.V Incorrect I hate TV Talking about the future  We can also use the present continuous to talk about what ... are  They are Activity Activity  Turn these verbs into future sentences Verbs Future tense Example (wash) I am washing my clothes tomorrow (cook) (play) (visit) (go) (drive)  Don’t write the ... try and write your own sentences in your books Activity  Verb Turn these verbs into future verbs Future verb (wash) (cook) (play) (visit) (go) (paint)  Finished? Now try and write your own sentences

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2020, 18:28

19 37 0
slide 1 matching 1 present simple 2 “be going to” 3 past simple 4 present perfect 5 present progressive a to talk about the future b with “since” or “for” c to show changes with “get” and “become”

slide 1 matching 1 present simple 2 “be going to” 3 past simple 4 present perfect 5 present progressive a to talk about the future b with “since” or “for” c to show changes with “get” and “become”

... the box C (10) -The box A is -The box A is as big asas big as the box B. the box B. -The box A is -The box A is the same asthe same as the box B. the box B. -The box B is -The box ... wood (9)- The box A is the box B - The box A is the box B - The box A is the - The box A is the box B box B - The box B is the box C - The box B ... Progressive a (to) talk about the future a (to) talk about the future b with “since” or “for” b with “since” or “for” c (to) show changes with c (to) show changes with “get” and “become”

Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2021, 11:38

14 29 0
best of toc 3e analysis and ideas about the future of publishing

best of toc 3e analysis and ideas about the future of publishing

... because they enable the user to act on the elements in the page directly through the HTML5 contenteditable attribute That allows ? ?the page’ to be the editing environment which in turn opens up the ... navigate to the Kindle font menu themselves and enable the Publisher Font option — which they may not know they need to Compare the rendering of the code block below on Kindle Paperwhite with Publisher ... want, who is to “blame”? Solutions to solve future problems Where to next? The risk of ceding the future to other players In the end, readers will drive the change It’s Time for a Publishing Incubator

Ngày tải lên: 04/03/2019, 13:42

176 68 0
best of toc 3e analysis and ideas about the future of publishing full

best of toc 3e analysis and ideas about the future of publishing full

... want, who is to “blame”? Solutions to solve future problems Where to next? The risk of ceding the future to other players In the end, readers will drive the change It’s Time for a Publishing Incubator ... Reimer) The plugin was made by including MathJax in the page and allowing the editor to interact with that This was not easily possible with previous WYSIWYG editors The progress on the equation ... for Kindle developers With the unveiling of the firstgeneration Fire tablet in late 2011 and the release of the KF8 Mobi format in early 2012, designing beautiful ebooks for the Kindle platform

Ngày tải lên: 04/03/2019, 16:16

266 79 0
ere are 10 predictions about the future of iot

ere are 10 predictions about the future of iot

... role The router is essentially the entry point of the internet into your home While many of your connected devices cannot be protected, the router has the ability to provide protection at the ... cầu người tiêu dùng sản phẩm them The computers are programmed in a way that focuses on data that they receive This new data can then help the machine “learn” what your preferences are and adjust ... average person what they know about 5G technology, the first thing that will pop into their head will likely be something to with cellphone technology And if you consider the 2019 rollout of

Ngày tải lên: 03/09/2020, 14:46

13 116 0
tiếng anh talk about the future plan

tiếng anh talk about the future plan

... 2_1 Talk about your future plan – kế hoạch du lịch I am a person with a passion for travel I live and work towards the goal of reaching all parts of the world Every year I will come up with travel ... 2_2 Talk about your plans for next week On Saturday morning I 'm going to my theory lesson I'm in the same class with my friend, Nick Then, I'm returning home and doing my homework In the afternoon, ... practicing the guitar and doing my English and German homework In the afternoon I'm going for a walk with my mum and dad In the evening I'm watching TV and I'm going to bed These are my plans for the

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2022, 20:57

10 203 0
The magpi  home automation with raspberry pi practical projects to take your home into the future   minecraft and tmux june 2018

The magpi home automation with raspberry pi practical projects to take your home into the future minecraft and tmux june 2018

... Weather Station Using this data, students must make decisions about what to for the plants with that information If the data shows the greenhouse is too hot, they open the doors and turn on the ... giving them a space to show off their work can only help them improve W Fun talks to inspire the Ninjas were held throughout the event The sky isn’t even the limit for CoderDojo Ninjas – they can ... Too cold and they turn on the heaters If the weather station shows the possibility of rain, they don’t water.” This is their first year, and Chris hopes next year to compare weather data and

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2019, 10:42

100 160 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Probability statements about the transmitting ability of progeny-tested sires for an all-or-none trait with an application to twinning in cattle" pptx

Báo cáo sinh học: "Probability statements about the transmitting ability of progeny-tested sires for an all-or-none trait with an application to twinning in cattle" pptx

... associated with the binary response y2! of the jth progeny of the ith sire. The variable 12! is modelled as: . where 1 /i is the location parameter associated with the population ... T is the value of the threshold, a the within sire standard deviation and 4)(.) the normal CDF evaluated at (r -1}i)/ae’ It is convenient to put the origin at the threshold ... selection index theory as the ratio of a within sire to a sire variance, since p(l - p)/(p2(.) is the asymptotic variance of the normit transformation of the frequency

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:20

18 313 0
own your future update your skills with resources and career ideas from microsoft

own your future update your skills with resources and career ideas from microsoft

... is your time to really shine Be gracious about your successes, and be clear about the successes of your team, how others have helped you, and who has been instrumental in your learning and your ... Identify the role you’re applying for immediately in your cover i ­nformation  And use the language the organization used when it posted the position Get Your Cover Letter Noticed n Start with your ... a suit then business casual No matter what your role will eventually be, presenting yourself well and caring about your attire tells the prospective employer that you are serious about your job

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2014, 14:30

126 449 2
Paleoclimate what can the past tell us about the present and future

Paleoclimate what can the past tell us about the present and future

... -the- tour-guide 13 Climate and CO2 over the last 400 Myr Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental ... 2007: The Physical Science Basis Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Figure 3.1 Cambridge University Press Used with ... 2007: The Physical Science Basis Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Figure 3.8 Cambridge University Press Used with

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2015, 00:37

36 244 0
dạy học theo chủ đề đạt giải quốc gia PHIẾU MÔ TẢ ĐỀ ÁN DẠY HỌC THEO CHỦ ĐỀ TÍCH HỢP 1. Tên hồ sơ dạy học Talking about endangered species English 12  2. Mục tiêu dạy học 2.1. Mục tiêu chung 	Sau khi hoàn thành dự án, học sinh có thể:  Hỏi và trả lời bằng

dạy học theo chủ đề đạt giải quốc gia PHIẾU MÔ TẢ ĐỀ ÁN DẠY HỌC THEO CHỦ ĐỀ TÍCH HỢP 1. Tên hồ sơ dạy học Talking about endangered species English 12 2. Mục tiêu dạy học 2.1. Mục tiêu chung Sau khi hoàn thành dự án, học sinh có thể: Hỏi và trả lời bằng

... Now we are reporting about tigers Tigers live in forests, grasslands and swamps in Siberia, Southeast Asia and Southern India There are only 6000 ones in the world They attain the height from 1.2 ... bamboo forests in the mountains in central and western China A: What is the population of pandas in the world? B: Only about 600 A: How tall are they? B: From 1.2 to 1.5 m A: How much they weigh? B: ... elephants Now they live in small areas of India, Sri Lanka, China and Southeast Asia and Sahara desert in Africa The population of elephant is about 700,000 They have average height of about to 4m

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2016, 14:41

21 785 2
The accounting firm of the future: building the bridge with HR practices

The accounting firm of the future: building the bridge with HR practices

... role in the Netherlands and in the rest of the Western world People and their skills, abilities, and knowledge are the driving spirit of the economy and the main source of value creation There ... employer They are positive about the opportunities that Ten Kate Huizinga offers them to develop themselves and are specifically satisfied with the amount of training and the level of training they ... necessary as an AA in the near future The competences in the categories ‘initiative’ and ‘knowledge’ will contribute to the value and uniqueness of the AA The most important near -future competences

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2016, 15:36

100 287 0
Acid soilaction investment for your soil now for the future

Acid soilaction investment for your soil now for the future

... strategies The kit has been designed and compiled by Carole Hollier, Agriculture Victoria, Rutherglen with the assistance of numerous colleagues in research, extension and industry The technical ... for their valuable contribution Suggestions for improving the manual are most welcome The kit has been funded by the Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation, as part of the ... assistance to you but the State of Victoria and its employees not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2017, 15:45

114 255 0
Bioenergy systems for the future 15   low temperature solid oxide fuel cells with bioalcohol fuels

Bioenergy systems for the future 15 low temperature solid oxide fuel cells with bioalcohol fuels

... electrode and the diffusion in the electrolyte The intercepts along the real axis are the sum of the ionic resistance of the electrolyte and the electronic resistance of the electrodes and the silver ... distinctly in the whole testing period, which demonstrates the stability of the cell with these fuels Because the performance of the cell may be reduced due to carbon deposition on the pores of the electrode ... (composite with electrolyte) The thickness of the cell is about mm, where the anode thickness is about 0.5 and 0.25 mm for the electrolyte and cathode The fuel cell is made by pressing the three

Ngày tải lên: 04/01/2018, 23:02

19 111 0
Davis et al   what they do with your money; how the financial system fails us and hot to fix it (2016)

Davis et al what they do with your money; how the financial system fails us and hot to fix it (2016)

... What They Do With Your Money What They Do With Your Money How the Financial System Fails Us and How to Fix It STEPHEN DAVIS JON LUKOMNIK DAVID PITT-WATSON Published with assistance from the Louis ... and out of stocks with scant attention to whether the companies they invest in are well managed, whether they contribute to climate change or corruption, or indeed whether they are poised to ... siphon savings from citizen nest eggs This book is about what “they”? ?the investment firms, banks, and pension plans—do with your money once it enters their world What happens can vary a lot from institution

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2018, 11:22

170 270 0
Kirchner   who can you trust with your money; get the help you need now and avoid dishonest advisors (2010)

Kirchner who can you trust with your money; get the help you need now and avoid dishonest advisors (2010)

... met him, he Trang 29 they typically did He had a tendency to talk about the future as if it were in the present As he once explained to me; talking about the future in the present tense is how ... advisors along the way Choosing the right advisors and understanding how to work with them is critical to your own financial success Trang 21 ® Open communication about finances with one’s signifi- ... wouldn't they? The more the broker makes, the more the broker/ dealer receives in compensation as the broker is typically paid out at a certain percentage of commissions and fees earned by the broker

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2018, 13:59

220 582 0
10 facts about jobs in the future

10 facts about jobs in the future

... The future of work 10 facts about jobs in the future Lee Rainie - @lrainie Director Internet and Technology Research at PRC IMF- World Bank Youth Dialogue on the future of work ... perform the jobs of the future? 70% “yes” 30% “no /the- future- of-jobs-and-jobs-training/ Theme 1) The training ecosystem will evolve, with a mix of innovation ... should have the most responsibility to make sure workers have the right skills % saying these groups should have _ responsibility in making sure that the American workforce has the right skills

Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2019, 15:28

16 143 0
Java deep learning essentials  dive into the future of data science and learn how to build the sophisticated algorithms that are fundamental to deep learning and AI with java

Java deep learning essentials dive into the future of data science and learn how to build the sophisticated algorithms that are fundamental to deep learning and AI with java

... personality the AI has or whether the AI becomes good or evil for humans depends on the person/people the AI has contact with One such typical example, in which AI was grown in the wrong way, is the ... often The following is one of the examples of the tests: Both are cited from Inputs to the model are the grayscale images on the left, outputs are the middle, and the ... this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied Neither the author, nor Packt

Ngày tải lên: 04/03/2019, 14:14

254 103 0
101 ielts speaking part two tasks about the past present and future

101 ielts speaking part two tasks about the past present and future

... Two tasks about the Past, Present and Future The most challenging and least likely tasks in the exam are the tasks that are mainly about the future (towards the bottom below), with the easiest ... and why Talk about a job someone you know does You should say: - How long they have had that job - What things they like about their job - What things they dislike about their job And ... there were in the building and the local area And say if you would like to study somewhere like that in the future or not, and why Describe a project you had to do on your own or with others...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 11:45

24 1,8K 9
Tài liệu ECTS Users’ Guide: Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union doc

Tài liệu ECTS Users’ Guide: Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union doc

... requirements of the component. The number of credits awarded to the learner is the same as the number of credits allocated to the component. The full number of credits is always awarded if the student ... consultation with relevant stakeholders. 14 On the basis of the qualification profile, the academ- ic sta design the curriculum by defining the learning outcomes and allocating credits to the programme ... ã other continents and thus plays a role in the grow- ing global dimension of the Bologna Process. 8 Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 03:20

64 424 0

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