Sum insured fact sheet 2
... insured includes any additional features and additional costs Unhappy with a claim outcome? Tell your insurer you have a complaint Go through your insurer’s internal complaints process What should I ... Read your renewal notice and insurance policy carefully Check the m2 of your home and any other buildings on your property Get a letter of “deadlock” Identify any additional features or special ... is available on most insurers’ websites These calculations estimate how much it would cost to rebuild the average house, using the information you provide The questions asked are an indication...
Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2016, 11:12
... 5.499 2. 916 1.035 100 53 19 18,8% 42% -2. 3% 6.7 62 2.853 1. 522 100 22 ,97% 42, 2 -2. 16% 22 ,5 47,05% 1.5 12 32, 5 1.548 28 2, 4% 2. 387 35,3 Cho vay đồng tài trợ 54 ,2% Nguồn: Báo cáo tổng kết năm 20 08, 20 09, ... cáo tổng kết năm 20 08, 20 09, 20 10 Biểu đồ 2. 1: Cơ cấu nguồn vốn tín dụng NH TMCP Bắc Á giai đoạn 20 08 -20 10 20 09 20 10 20 08 32, 5 % 44,5 % 28 % 35.3 % 42. 2 % 53% 23 % 19% 22 .5 % Hoạt động tín dụng bám ... 31.1 12 -8 21 8. 529 13,8 157.673 60.856 16,7 6,7 Năm 20 10 Tăng giảm Số tiền (%) 23 9.835 14,3 8.034 45 10. 525 21 9.094 64 13 .27 7 46 30.178 -3 28 .367 -6 25 7.14 184.950 72. 190 17,67 17,3 18,6 29 2.00 20 8.993...
Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2012, 16:42
... Đất Việt 20 03, 20 05, 20 07, 20 08, 20 10… • Chứng nhận xuất sắc Chất lượng vượt trội hoạt động Thanh toán quốc tế Standard Chartered Bank, Citibank, American Express Bank, Wachovia Bank Bank of New ... Nam CÁC SỐ LIỆU VỀ THẺ TỪ 20 03 ĐẾN 20 10 Năm 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 Số lượng 11 851 81 163 403 22 6 030 116 754 467 510 354 994 347 694 347 thẻ Số lượng phát 11 851 69 3 12 322 ... VISA 20 07: Thẻ ATM kỷ 21 DongA Bank chứng nhận “Kỷ lục Việt Nam” với chức nhận - gửi tiền trực tiếp thu đổi ngoại tệ Doanh số toán quốc tế DongA Bank vượt tỷ đô la Mỹ DongA Bank lọt vào danh...
Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2012, 16:46
Báo cáo y học: " Evaluation of Lumbar Facet Joint Nerve Blocks in Managing Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial with a 2-Year Follow-U"
... into a closed space such as an intraarticular space or epidural space or over a nerve has not been appropriately evaluated Carette et al24 showed that patients responded similarly to an intraarticular ... Tech 20 07; 20 : 539-45 Schwarzer AC, Wang SC, Bogduk N, et al Prevalence and clinical features of lumbar zygapophysial joint pain: A study in an Australian population with chronic low back pain Ann ... 0.16 0. 32 ± 0.153 0 .22 0.45 ± 0. 125 0 .29 8 .22 ± 0.78 3.83 ± 3* 1 .29 3.48 ± 8* 1.36 7.93 ± 0.99 3. 52* ± 1.11 3 .28 * ± 0.83 0 .2 ± 0.085 28 0.1 16 0.3 ± 0.153 32 0 .2 22 0 .2 ± 0.3 32 20 0 .2 21 12 months...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:07
Effect of sensory education on school children’s food perception: A 2-yearfollow-up study
... limppu, Malax Limpan Ltd.) and grainy wheat toast (Jyväinen IsoPaahto, Vaasan and Vaasan Oy); in the third followup two premium breads, garlicky cheese ciabatta (Artesaani, Primula Oy) and grainy rye ... 2. 4.1.1 Free odor naming and ratings for pleasantness and intensity (Task 1) The test included five aqueous aroma solutions: strawberry, carrot, vinegar, cardamom, and vanilla (Table 2) The samples ... Netherlands; (2) Givaudan, Switzerland; (3) Rajamäki, Finland Table Mean ratings (SD) of pleasantness and intensity of the aroma solutions in the free odor naming at the baseline (Task 1) Aroma/ingredient...
Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2013, 21:07
P.7 UNIT 2 LOP 7 ( A 1 A 2 A 3)
... between Hoa and Lan HOA LAN HOA LAN 26 2 019 Thanks I’ll call you soon Yes , Lan ? Excuse me, Hoa What’s your telephone number ? III Model sentences : What’s your telephone number ? 26 2 019 NOTES ... 351 793 23 7 041 821 6 52 VI PRODUCTION : * SURVEY No NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER H NHAT 25 Ton Dan street 21 1 799 Learn by heart new words and the form Ask and answer about the phone number ... NOTES : •Ta dùngcâu hỏi để hỏi số điện thoại người •Ta thay YOUR HIS hay HER hay NAME’S • 26 2 019 : EIGHT TWO SIX TWO OH ONE NINE IV PRACTICE : ĐÀO VĂN AN 345 610 PHẠM THẠCH ANH 25 1 654 VŨ...
Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2013, 23:20
UNIT 7: LESSON 2 A.2- A.3
... V A C AT I ON 45 Wednesday , November 26 th , 20 08 Unit 7: THE WORLD OF WORK A A student’s work Period 41: Lesson : A2 - A3 A. 2 A letter from America Hoa has a letter from her American pen-pal, ... Year on January 1st Our most important vacations are Easter, 4th of July, Thanks giving and Christmas We usually spend time with our families on these vacations What other vacations you have? ... students have fewer vacations than American students F Answer the questions: a Which vacation is the longest in America ? - Summer vacation is the longest in America b What does Tim during his vacation?...
Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2013, 01:25
dong nam a 2
... nhiều ở Đông Nam In đô xi Em cao su: công nghiệp Thái Lan, Á? a, Mã la xi a, Việt Nam - Cây cà phê, tiêu: trồng nhiều Việt Nam, In - đô xi - a, Mã - la - xi - a, Thái Lan - Ngoài ra: ĐNA nơi cung ... nghiệp Đông Nam Em cho biết chiến hướng liên doanh, liên kết Á? với nước ngoài, đại h a thiết bị Khu coâng nghieäp Vieät Nam- Xin-ga-po chuyển giao công nghệ đào tạo kĩ thuật cho người lao động, ... nhiều ăn Ca cao Cây nốt (Căm-pu-chia) Cạo mủ cao su Cây tiêu Cây cao su Chăn nuôi, đánh bắt nuôi trồng thủy hải sản - Ngành ch a trở thành ngành - Vật nuôi: + Trâu, bò + Lợn + Gia cầm - Thủy...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2013, 11:44
Unit 4 leson 2 a 2-3 read
... There are 20 classrooms h There are 900 students Answer the questions Where’s Phong’s school? Where’s Thu’s school? How many classrooms are there in Phong’s school? How many classrooms are there ... is big There are twenty classrooms There are nine hundred student in the school Correct answers Phong’s school a It’s small d It’s in the country e There are classrooms g There are 400 students ... lesson A3 -5 P45 - 46 Let’s predict Phong’s school a b c d e f g h Thu’s school It’s small It’s big It’s in the city It’s in the country There are classrooms There are 20 classrooms There are 400...
Ngày tải lên: 30/06/2013, 01:28
Đề thi tin học căn bản trình độ A - 2
... Cả a, b sai Câu 21 Để thoát khỏi Windows : a) Alt + F4 c) Cả a, b b) Start , Shut down d) Cả a, b sai Câu 22 Nhấp nút c a sổ chương trình để : a) Đóng c a sổ kết thúc chương trình c) Cả a, ... View, Toolbars, Drawing b) View, Ruler d) Cả a, b, c Câu 32 Trong Winword, để đổi văn chọn thành in hoa, ta dùng lệnh : a) Format, Change Case c) View, Replace b) Format, Replace d) Table, Undo ... nếu: a) Tất đối số TRUE (đúng) c) Cả a, b b) Có đối số TRUE (đúng) d) Cả a, b sai Câu 55 Trong Excel, hàm tính max ô thuộc vùng C 12: C15 a) Max(C 12; C15) c) Max(C 12: C15) b) Max(C2:C15) d) Max(C 12, C15)...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2013, 01:26
E 7 Unit3 A 2,3
... TALKING A; WHAT AN AWFUL DAY! IT'S VERY COLD B:COME AND SIT HERE, PLEASE! A: WHAT A LOVELY ROOM! A; WHAT AN AWFUL DAY! IT'S VERY COLD B:COME AND SIT HERE, PLEASE! A: WHAT A LOVELY ROOM! 2/ CONCEPT ... Awful/ Day GUESSING GAME: IS THERE+ A/ AN+N? ARE THERE ANY+ N(S/ES)? IV/ HOMEWORK: Make sentences with " What+ a/ an+ adj+N! A. The film is very interesting B.This shower is very awful C.The tub is ... CHECK: A/ MEANING: B/FORM: WHAT+ A/ AN+ADJ +N! C/USE:Đ A RA LỜI KHEN HOẶC LỜI PHÀN NÀN II PRACTICE:WORD CUE DRILL Terrible/Sink Interesting/Shower Lovely/Dog Delightful/Tub Delicious/Food Awful/ Day...
Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2013, 01:27
English 7 UNIT ONE - A 2
... Hoa unhappy? Because she misses her friends and her parents very much Transformation writing Write the text again and change the subject “ Hoa ” to “ I” Homework - Write a short paragraph about ... uncle and aunt in Hanoi F She doesn’t have any friends in Hanoi F She is unhappy LUCKY NUMBER a Where is Hoa from? Hoa is from Hue LUCKY NUMBER b Who is she staying with? She is staying with ... False statements prediction Hoa is from Hue She lives with her parents in Hanoi now She has a lot of friends in Hanoi She misses her friends in Hue She is happy now checking Correct false statements...
Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2013, 01:10
UInit7 (Á,2)
... your yard? Hoa : Yes, there are Minh: Are there any trees? Hoa : No, there aren’t Unit 7: Lesson 1: A1 -2/ p. 72- 73 Vocabulary a vegetable garden: vên rau any (a) : mét Ýt, chót, vµi old (a) : cò, giµ ... there a yard ? Is there a well ? Are there any flowers in your yard? Are there any trees behind your house? Unit 7: Lesson 1: A1 -2/ p. 72- 73 A1 -Listen and practice with a partner ... are two gardens T F Listen to the letter A. 2 /P.73: 10 A. 2 /P.73 Unit 7: Lesson 1: A1 -2/ p. 72- 73 Listen and read Dear Lan, Thank you for your letter I’m in the country with my friend, Thanh She...
Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2013, 06:10
Unit 15: A 1+ A 2
... CHINA WHICH COUNTRY IS IT? CANADA WHICH COUNTRY IS IT? JAPAN LISTEN AND REPEAT: My name’s laura I’m from Canada LISTEN AND REPEAT: My name’s Marie I’m from France LISTEN AND REPEAT: My name’s ... China Mr Lee LISTEN AND REPEAT: My name’s John I’m from the USA LISTEN AND REPEAT: My name’s Yoko I’m from Japan LISTEN AND REPEAT: My name’s Susan I’m from Great Britain LISTEN AND REPEAT: ... IN PAIR ASK AND ANSWER ABOUT: 1.LAURA 2. MARIE 3.LEE 4.JOHN 5.YOKO 6.SUSAN 7.BRUCE 8.MINH LISTEN AND READ: My name’s Minh I’m from Viet nam I speak Vietnamese Minh is from Viet Nam He speaks vietnamese...
Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2013, 20:10