table 5 1 allowed parameters for the moviesservlet

Tài liệu Activity 5.1: Identifying Keys in the Logical Model pdf

Tài liệu Activity 5.1: Identifying Keys in the Logical Model pdf

... Specify the keys in a logical data model Review the ER diagram on the next page Identify the areas of the ER diagram for which keys are necessary Write the keys in the space provided on the ER ... Activity 5. 1: Identifying Keys in the Logical Model Exercise 1: Identifying Keys In this exercise, you will identify primary, foreign, and composite keys for a logical data model based on the Ferguson ... using the following syntax: Primary Key: (PK) Foreign Key: (FK) Composite Key: (CK) Draw a line under the attributes used to define the composite key, and then label their types as Primary or Foreign...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:16

4 391 0
Practice Parameters for the Management of Rectal Cancer (Revised) potx

Practice Parameters for the Management of Rectal Cancer (Revised) potx

... Postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy for resected stage II or III rectal cancer Prac- Vol 48, No 12 0 12 1 12 2 12 3 12 4 1 25 12 6 12 7 12 8 12 9 13 0 13 1 PRACTICE PARAMETERS FOR RECTAL CANCER ... the association of proce- 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Dis Colon Rectum, March 20 05 dure volume and surgical outcomes Ann Intern Med 2003 ;13 9: 658 – 65 Devereux DF, Deckers PJ Contributions ... Asian J Surg 19 95; 18 :19 6–2 01 113 Welch JP, Donaldson GA Perforative carcinoma of colon and rectum Ann Surg 19 74 ;18 0:734–40 11 4 Colorectal Cancer Collaborative Group Adjuvant radiotherapy for rectal...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 01:20

13 572 0
Báo cáo khoa học: A characteristic Glu17 residue of pig carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 is responsible for the low Km for carnitine and the low sensitivity to malonyl-CoA inhibition of the enzyme docx

Báo cáo khoa học: A characteristic Glu17 residue of pig carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 is responsible for the low Km for carnitine and the low sensitivity to malonyl-CoA inhibition of the enzyme docx

... ± 1. 90 4.43 ± 2.98 15 . 28 9.42 9.43 10 .59 4 .16 4.49 ± ± ± ± ± ± 7.84 6. 31 2. 71 5. 36 2.86 1. 70 Malonyl-CoA IC50 (lM) 0.804 ± 0. 15 7 0.096 ± 0. 057 35. 56 39 .19 0 .19 0 0.3 25 0. 359 0. 457 ± ± ± ± ± ± 1 .58 a ... (carnitine = Km) IC50 (lM) 19 7 .58 ± 42. 45 683. 05 ± 1 95. 64 0.804 ± 0. 15 7 0.096 ± 0. 057 0 .55 0 ± 0.070 0 .11 7 ± 0.009 6 05. 95 ± 82.67b 769 . 51 ± 46. 91 0.297 ± 0.078b 0.279 ± 0. 055 a 0.284 ± 0.037b 0.246 ... promoter (GAPp), in the pHW 010 plasmid [6,32], to produce P50H–pHW 010 , P128H–pHW 010 , H50P–pHW 010 , H128P–pHW 010 , PigE17D–pHW 010 , and HumanD17E–pHW 010 These constructs were linearized in the GAPDH gene...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 04:20

9 551 0
oracle database quick installation guide 10g release 1 ( for the solaris operating system (x86)

oracle database quick installation guide 10g release 1 ( for the solaris operating system (x86)

... Library (libm) patch ■ 11 2234 -12 , SunOS 5. 9_x86: Kernel Patch ■ 11 3986-08, SunOS 5. 9_x86: linker Patch ■ 1 15 1 14 -02, SunOS 5. 9_x86: Patch for assembler ■ 14 11 6 013 -02, SunOS 5. 9_x86: ps utility patch ... SUNWsprot SUNWi15cs SUNWxwfnt SUNWi1of SUNWi1cs SUNWlibm The following patches (or later versions) must be installed: ■ 11 1 713 -06, SunOS 5. 9_x86: Shared library patch for C++ ■ 11 1728-03, SunOS 5. 9_x86: ... Database 10 g Products To install Oracle Database 10 g Products, follow these steps: As the root user, mount the Oracle Database 10 g Companion CD CD-ROM or the Oracle Database 10 g DVD-ROM For more information...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 15:52

48 439 0
State of Illinois REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION #1 FINANCIAL AUDIT FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2009 Performed as Special Assistant Auditors for the Auditor General, State of Illinois_part1 pdf

State of Illinois REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION #1 FINANCIAL AUDIT FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2009 Performed as Special Assistant Auditors for the Auditor General, State of Illinois_part1 pdf

... Lindbergh, Ste 10 1 St Louis, MO 6 312 3 ( 314 ) 8 45- 7999 Fax ( 314 ) 8 45- 7770 2 05 S Main Columbia, IL 62236 ( 618 ) 2 81- 4999 Fax ( 618 ) 2 81- 953 3 Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming ... the aggregate remaining fund information of the Regional Office of Education #1, as of June 30, 2009, and the respective changes in financial position, thereof for the year then ended in conformity ... in the accompanying Schedule of Findings to be a material weakness This is trial version 6240 S Lindbergh, Ste 10 1 St Louis, MO 6 312 3 ( 314 ) 8 45- 7999 Fax ( 314 ) 8 45- 7770 2 05 S...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

10 339 0
State of Illinois REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION #1 FINANCIAL AUDIT FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2009 Performed as Special Assistant Auditors for the Auditor General, State of Illinois_part2 doc

State of Illinois REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION #1 FINANCIAL AUDIT FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2009 Performed as Special Assistant Auditors for the Auditor General, State of Illinois_part2 doc

... 1, 278,292 2008 $ 1, 134 ,11 6 92,869 260 ,18 6 14 2,726 237,983 59 1 2, 012 ,647 1, 808,222 1, 702, 314 237,983 2,046,2 05 242,423 1, 944,737 (33 ,55 8) 59 0 ,13 6 55 6 ,57 8 $ 79,3 81 257 ,16 4 14 3,878 242,423 14 ,11 6 ... 30 ,59 8 Restricted for teacher professional development 30, 710 50 3 ,50 8 Unrestricted 52 6,9 91 22,472 32,4 35 $55 6 ,57 8 Total net assets $59 0 ,13 6 The ROE's combined nets assets decreased by $33 ,55 8 ... Activities 2009 Current and other assets 2008 $58 1, 799 30 ,59 8 Total liabilities 6,784 55 , 819 Other liabilities 59 6,920 55 , 819 Total assets 30, 710 612 ,397 Capital assets $56 6, 210 6,784 Net assets: Invested...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

10 269 0
State of Illinois REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION #1 FINANCIAL AUDIT FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2009 Performed as Special Assistant Auditors for the Auditor General, State of Illinois_part3 pot

State of Illinois REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION #1 FINANCIAL AUDIT FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2009 Performed as Special Assistant Auditors for the Auditor General, State of Illinois_part3 pot

... Payroll taxes and liabilities payable 4,700 47,4 41 3,678 55 , 819 14 9 ,56 3 258 ,823 11 7 ,59 4 52 5,980 14 9 ,56 3 TOTAL LIABILITIES 258 ,823 11 7 ,59 4 52 5,980 FUND BALANCES Fund balance - reserved Fund balance ... 212 ,328 7,0 75 12 ,490 1, 023 12 1,272 $ 58 1, 799 3,678 $ 55 , 319 50 0 204 682 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES LIABILITIES Accounts payable Payroll taxes and liabilities payable 4,700 47,4 41 3,678 55 , 819 ... 30 ,59 8 30 ,59 8 612 ,397 LIABILITIES Current liabilities Accounts payable Payroll taxes and liabilities payable Total current liabilities TOT AL LIABILITIES $ $ 55 , 319 50 0 55 , 819 55 , 819 NET ASSETS...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

10 316 0


... that pollute the environment can endanger animals Hunters kill some animals Hunters kill rhinoceroses for their ( 35) ……………… They kill tigers for their skins They kill elephants for their ivory ... ……………… areas such as parks and national forests where the animals can live They keep the animals safe from hunters and other dangers 34 A extinction 35 A horns 36 A problem 37 A to drain 38 A ... cut down rain forests to build farms, roads, and towns They (37) ……………… water from wetlands Gorillas and koala bears are endangered because of destruction of the forests in which they live Can...

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 15:20

2 553 0
Báo cáo y học: "Anorexigen-induced pulmonary hypertension and the serotonin (5-HT) hypothesis: lessons for the future in pathogenesis" pps

Báo cáo y học: "Anorexigen-induced pulmonary hypertension and the serotonin (5-HT) hypothesis: lessons for the future in pathogenesis" pps

... work performed on 5- HTT in our laboratory has been supported by INSERM and the Fondation de France References 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Kay JM, Smith P, Heath D: Aminorex and the pulmonary ... cell in culture Circ Res 19 91, 68 :13 62 -13 68 Lee S, Wang W, Fanburg BL: Dexfenfluramine as a mitogen signal via the formation of superoxide anion FASEB J 20 01, 15 : 13 24 -13 25 Eddahibi S, Hanoun N, ... lacking the 5- hydroxytryptamine transporter gene J Clin Invest 2000, 1 05: 15 5 5- 15 6 2 Eddahibi S, Adnot S, Frisdal E, Levame M, Hamon M, Raffestin B: Dexfenfluramine-associated changes in 5- hydroxytryptamine...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 18:20

4 189 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Restricted maximum likelihood estimation of genetic parameters for the first three lactations in the Montbéliarde dairy cattle breed" pptx

Báo cáo sinh học: " Restricted maximum likelihood estimation of genetic parameters for the first three lactations in the Montbéliarde dairy cattle breed" pptx

... 7 -11 19 74, vol 1, Editorial Garsi, Madrid, pp 54 1 -56 3 Meyer K (19 83a) Maximum likelihood procedures for estimating genetic parameters for later lactations of dairy cattle J Dairy Sci 66, 19 88 -19 97 ... Meyer (19 84, 19 85a) and Swalve and Van Vleck (19 87) The first data set consisted of the daughters of sampling bulls born in 19 75 and the second of the daughters of sampling bulls born in 19 76 For ... Meyer K (19 83b) Scope for evaluating dairy sires using first and second lactation records Livest Prod Sci 10 , 53 1 -55 3 Meyer K (19 84) Estimates of genetic parameters for milk and fat yield for the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:20

14 212 0
Unit 1- Meeting people for the first time

Unit 1- Meeting people for the first time

... 'mi:t_ju ] What you do? Bạn làm nghề gi? [ 'wɔt də jə 'du: ] Part - LESSON (bài học) Meeting people for the first time (gặp gỡ lần đầu tiên.) Introducing yourself (cách tự giới thiệu) Dễ Các bạn việc ... thường bắt tay giới thiệu, nữ giới bắt tay After the introduction (sau giới thiệu) Các bạn xem lại đối thoại thấy câu hỏi sau: Have you eaten here before? Cô ăn nhà hàng chưa? What you do? Anh làm ... funded by AusAID (the Australian Government's aid agency) and produced by Radio Australia Vietnamese Service in cooperation with Voice of Vietnam Script advice was provided by the English Language...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 18:00

6 526 0
Bài giảng công cụ thu nhập cố định   chương 5 1  trái phiếu có thể mua lại

Bài giảng công cụ thu nhập cố định chương 5 1 trái phiếu có thể mua lại

... theo forward rate 5, 25 5, 25 10 0 + 5, 25 + + = 10 2,0 75$ (1, 0 35) (1, 04 01) (1, 0 454 1) 5, 25 5, 25 10 0 + 5, 25 + + = 10 2,0 75$ (1, 0 35) (1, 0 35) (1, 0 452 3) (1, 0 35) (1, 0 452 3) (1, 055 80) Bổ sung: Biến động lãi ... (Forward rate) 3 ,50 3 ,50 0 4, 01 4 ,52 3 4 ,54 1 5, 580 • Lưu ý: Lãi suất kỳ hạn spot rate tương lai • Hai cách định giá cho kết quả: chiết khấu dòng tiền theo spot rate theo forward rate 5, 25 5, 25 ... nhận 10 4$ bị mua lại) • Nếu TP 10 năm, 13 % có lợi suất thị trường 6%, bị mua lại sau năm với giá 10 4$; lợi suất TP năm 5% , nhà đầu tư đặt giá bán theo lợi suất TP năm: (6 ,5$ /1, 1 25) + 11 0 ,5$ / (1, 0 25) 2...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2015, 12:13

55 613 1
Building Websites with Joomla! 1.5: The best-selling Joomla! tutorial guide updated for the latest 1.5 release potx

Building Websites with Joomla! 1.5: The best-selling Joomla! tutorial guide updated for the latest 1.5 release potx

... Contact Manager 14 9 14 9 15 0 15 1 15 2 15 3 15 4 15 4 Details Information Parameters Creation of a Menu Link for the Website Categories News Feeds Feeds [] 15 5 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 9 16 0 16 0 Simpo PDF Merge ... Popular Search Administrator Module 16 7 16 7 16 8 16 9 17 1 17 1 17 2 17 2 17 3 17 4 1 75 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 7 17 8 17 8 17 8 17 9 17 9 17 9 18 0 18 1 18 1 18 2 Logged in Users Popular Recent added Articles Menu ... 249 2 51 2 51 253 254 256 256 257 257 258 258 259 259 260 260 2 61 2 61 263 2 65 2 65 2 65 2 65 2 65 Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - Table of Contents Chapter 15 : ...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 00:20

380 394 0
 Báo cáo y học: "PARP-1 inhibitors: are they the long-sought genetically specific drugs for BRCA1/2-associated breast cancers"

Báo cáo y học: "PARP-1 inhibitors: are they the long-sought genetically specific drugs for BRCA1/2-associated breast cancers"

... inhibitor, AG143 61, on BRCA1 mutant and control cancer cells (A) Clonogenic survival assay Five hundred 780 (BRCA1 11 / 11 ), and 52 5 (BRCA1-/-), and NEU (BRCA1+/+) cells were exposed to AG143 61 for 10 consecutive ... inhibitors: AG143 61, NU10 25, and 3aminobenzamide (3AB) [36] We first tested a BRCA1 mutant ES cell line [BRCA1trEx 11/ 11 that carries one BRCA1 mutant allele truncated at exon 11 [37] and one ... regard, we showed that HCC1937 (58 32insC) and SUM1 315 M02 (18 5delAG), which both produce a truncated and inactive form of BRCA -1 which together account for up to 85% of BRCA -1 pathogenic mutations...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 16:57

7 415 0
A study on the techniques for the improvement to the teaching of oral skills in light of communicative english language teaching for junior high school teachers in quang ngai province part 1

A study on the techniques for the improvement to the teaching of oral skills in light of communicative english language teaching for junior high school teachers in quang ngai province part 1

... for 10 years or less and one- third of teachers have been teaching for five years or less 35 30 25 20 15 10 3%2-years 16 % 2 -5 years18% 6 -10 years 27% 11 -15 years 33% 16 -20 years Figure 2.6.2 .1. 2 ... discussion 2.6.2 .1 Teachers' Personal Information The following graph shows the age of teachers: 50 40 30 20 10 12 % below 29 years 46% 30-39 years 41% 40-49 years 1% 50 + years Figure 2.6.2 .1. 1 Age of ... errors % 55 54 46 45 43 43 37 37 34 32 32 31 30 29 27 26 26 24 22 22 21 21 21 13 2.6.2 .5 Remarks about Class Observations Class observations show the methods and techniques used by the observed...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:41

48 1,3K 7


... at HUBT 3.2 The course objectives, syllabus and materials used for the second non- i ii iii iv v vi 1 2 2 4 4 5 6 7 10 11 11 11 12 15 15 16 16 17 majors of English in Semester 3.2 .1 The course ... objectives and the syllabus 5. 1. 1 The test objectives and the course objectives 5. 1. 2 The test item content in four sections and the syllabus content 5. 1. 3 The skill weight format in the test and the syllabus ... Items in the functional language sections 10 Table 10 : Test reliability coefficient 10 Table 11 : p-value of items in sections 11 Table 12 : Discrimination value of items in sections 12 Table 13 : Number...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 14:46

64 1,1K 2