tài liệu vocabulary for ielts part 12

Tài liệu Vocabulary for the toefl ibt part 13 pptx

Tài liệu Vocabulary for the toefl ibt part 13 pptx

... Mike’s antagonist as they both competed for the lead role in the play. 6044 _Vocabulary_ ToefliBT(4).qxd 9/19/07 11:44 AM Page 121 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT 122 antecedent (an·ti·'see·de˘nt) ... accolades from his superiors for finding ways to cut costs and increase productivity. 6044 _Vocabulary_ ToefliBT(4).qxd 9/19/07 11:44 AM Page 119 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT 120 accretion (a˘·'kree·sho˘n) ... The prefix neo- means new, recent, a new form of. Neophyte means a beginner or novice. 6044 _Vocabulary_ ToefliBT(4).qxd 9/19/07 11:44 AM Page 113 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT 114 35. c. The root bel

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 05:20

10 337 0
Tài liệu Vocabulary for the toefl ibt part 14 pdf

Tài liệu Vocabulary for the toefl ibt part 14 pdf

... There was little hope for peace following the election of a candidate known for his bellicose nature. 6044 _Vocabulary_ ToefliBT(4).qxd 9/19/07 11:44 AM Page 125 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT 126 belligerent ... meet- ings usually resulted in an early adjournment. 6044 _Vocabulary_ ToefliBT(4).qxd 9/19/07 11:44 AM Page 123 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT 124 assay (a˘·'say) v. 1. to try, put to a test. 2. ... coming from the garage where the band was practicing. 6044 _Vocabulary_ ToefliBT(4).qxd 9/19/07 11:44 AM Page 127 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT 128 cadge (kaj) v. to beg, to obtain by begging. Their dog

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 05:20

10 425 1
Tài liệu Vocabulary for the toefl ibt part 15 pdf

Tài liệu Vocabulary for the toefl ibt part 15 pdf

... but fortunate occurrence. In its true sense, however, a fortuitous event can be either fortunate or unfortu- nate.) By a stroke of fortuitous bad luck, Wei chose a small, exclusive resort for ... diplomat was able to forestall a conflict by holding secret meetings with both parties. forswear (for? ? 'swair) v. 1. to give up, renounce. 2. to deny under oath. Natasha had to forswear her allegiance ... enjoyment of good food and comfort. While on vacation at a posh resort hotel, Joan became a true epicurean. 6044 _Vocabulary_ ToefliBT(4).qxd 9/19/07 11:44 AM Page 137 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT 138 epiphany

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 05:20

10 396 0
Tài liệu Vocabulary for the toefl ibt part 16 ppt

Tài liệu Vocabulary for the toefl ibt part 16 ppt

... ignomin- ious end to what had been a notable career for the talented young author. 6044 _Vocabulary_ ToefliBT(4).qxd 9/19/07 11:44 AM Page 143 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT 144 imbroglio (im·'brohl·yoh) ... There was an incursion on the western border of their country. 6044 _Vocabulary_ ToefliBT(4).qxd 9/19/07 11:44 AM Page 145 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT 146 indefatigable (in·di·'fat·˘·a˘·be˘l) adj. ... (in·te˘r·'dikt) v. to prohibit, forbid. Carlos argued that the agriculture department should interdict plans to produce genetically modified foods. 6044 _Vocabulary_ ToefliBT(4).qxd 9/19/07 11:44

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 05:20

10 370 0
Tài liệu Vocabulary for the toefl ibt part 17 ppt

Tài liệu Vocabulary for the toefl ibt part 17 ppt

... vote. 6044 _Vocabulary_ ToefliBT(4).qxd 9/19/07 11:44 AM Page 155 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT 156 penchant ('pen·cha˘nt) n. a strong liking or inclination (for something). Consuela has a penchant for ... or unwanted advice. My officious Aunt Midge is coming to the party, so be prepared for lots of questions and advice. oligarchy ('ol·˘·ahr·kee) n. form of government in which the power is in the hands ... presented a highly polemical view of the economic situation. 6044 _Vocabulary_ ToefliBT(4).qxd 9/19/07 11:44 AM Page 157 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT 158 poseur (poh·'zur) n. someone who takes on

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 05:20

10 407 0
Tài liệu Vocabulary for the toefl ibt part 18 pdf

Tài liệu Vocabulary for the toefl ibt part 18 pdf

... was another tumultuous day for the stock market, and fluctuating prices wrought havoc for investors. 6044 _Vocabulary_ ToefliBT(4).qxd 9/19/07 11:44 AM Page 169 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT 170 turpitude ... When it comes to fighting for equality, she is the most tenacious person I know. tendentious (ten·'den·shu˘s) adj. biased, not impartial, partisan; supporting a particular cause or position. ... little more research to do before he presented his argument to the distinguished scholars in his field. 6044 _Vocabulary_ ToefliBT(4).qxd 9/19/07 11:44 AM Page 165 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT 166 sordid

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 05:20

10 325 0
Tài liệu Vocabulary for the toefl ibt part 19 doc

Tài liệu Vocabulary for the toefl ibt part 19 doc

... superfluous 6044 _Vocabulary_ ToefliBT(4).qxd 9/19/07 11:44 AM Page 178 PREFIXES, SUFFIXES, AND WORD ROOTS 179 ROOT MEANING EXAMPLES fore before foresight, forestall, forbear fort chance fortune, fortunate, fortuitous fra, ... postpone, postpartum, postoperative pre- before precaution, precede, presage pro- (a) earlier, before, prior to; in front of (b) for, proceed, proclivity, profess supporting, in behalf of (c) forward, ... quality; activity or laundry, empathy, anarchy place of business 6044 _Vocabulary_ ToefliBT(4).qxd 9/19/07 11:44 AM Page 175 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT 176 ADJECTIVE ENDINGS SUFFIX MEANING EXAMPLES -able,

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 05:20

11 335 0
Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 2 pptx

Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 2 pptx

... extract a second time and circle the correct answer for each question. The person at the door is looking for work, asking for money. looking for the hospital. visiting her friends. Frank thinks ... then drops as you come to the end of the whole number 5849 3714 *6 12 9983 4 721 *0 122 3 46 027 8 *33 76 49 52 98 *04 12 6136 12 Speakers normally use an upward intonation if they have more ... have the skills required to focus in on the information that is important to you and to skim through the information that isn't READING FDR IELTS The IELTS examination tests your ability to read

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 21:15

15 667 7
Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 6 pdf

Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 6 pdf

... THE PURPOSE It is important to remember that a letter is a form of communication Formal or semi-formal letters are always written with a particular purpose in mind What is really meant by a 'purpose'? ... help to 'group' some of the information This is particularly the case when there is a lot of data, as in the graph on the right Here there are too many age groups for each to be described independently, ... make Think about a final point Now write a paragraph describing the information shown in the graph For further practice, the IELTS Supplementary activity on page 117 Writing UNIT Describing a

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 21:15

15 935 6
Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 7 pdf

Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 7 pdf

... have learnt so far For further practice, the Supplementary activity on page 121 The Speaking Module WHAT TO EXPECT IN AN IELTS INTERVIEW The IELTS Speaking test takes the form of a one-toone ... of the Speaking test format showing the three parts and the approximate timing of each Part Introduction and interview 4-5 minutes Part Individual long turn 3-4 minutes Part Two-way discussion ... information to your listener becomes almost automatic! Speaking UNIT MORE PRACTICE FOR PART ONE In Part of the IELTS test you will have to respond by giving full and rounded answers This means

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 21:15

15 682 4
Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 9 docx

Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 9 docx

... your family tree to your partner. Look at your partner's family tree and ask each other for information about some of the people included. Try to give two pieces of information about each person. ... PRACTICE FOR PART 3 Here is an example of a possible response. Underline the words which: introduce an opinion provide evidence or backing for that opinion. Supplementary Activities Guidelines for forming ... questions but often indicates that you are asking for clarification rather than new information. You should try to use one of the above question forms in the IELTS test to demonstrate your ability to

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 21:15

15 797 2
Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 11 pptx

Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 11 pptx

... see if they're yours? Hello - this is Sam, Message for Nick, We're having a farewell party for Prof Hall on Saturday You know he's going to China for two years Give us a ring on 9818 4078 PRINCIPAL ... consistent with another idea put forward in the 1980s. For some time experts had been arguing over whether the craftsmen of Cremona had used some kind of wood sealant before applying varnish to the ... home today and I desperately need them for the match this afternoon If someone gets this message, could you please bring them into the college before 12 o'clock The new boots, not the old boots

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 21:15

15 893 5
Tài liệu Bullentin for toefl part 1 doc

Tài liệu Bullentin for toefl part 1 doc

... Request Form in the center of this Bulletin. Follow the instructions on the back of the form. See pages 19–20 for RRC contact information. ᮣ Complete the CBT International Test Scheduling Form in ... ticket, you should contact KAEC before the test date to confirm that you are registered for the test. Contact information for KAEC is on page 6 of this Bulletin. Information about payment policies ... Request Form in the center of this Bulletin. ᮣ Fill in all of the information on the CBT Voucher Request Form. Follow the instructions given on the back of the form. ᮣ Include credit card information,

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 22:15

10 519 0
Tài liệu Bullentin for toefl part 2 pdf

Tài liệu Bullentin for toefl part 2 pdf

... Language Code (refer to Bulletin): 122 2 122 2 122 22 122 2 122 2 122 Primary Phone Number (include area code, country code, or city code): 122 2222222 E-mail Address: 122 2222222222222222222222222222222222 ... Language Code (refer to Bulletin): 122 2 122 2 122 22 122 2 122 2 122 Primary Phone Number (include area code, country code, or city code): 122 2222222 E-mail Address: 122 2222222222222222222222222222222222 ... Takers with Disabilities: Complete and submit this form. Payment information is on pages 8–9 of the Bulletin for TOEFL paper-based testing. For other information, use one of the communication methods

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 22:15

10 730 0
Tài liệu Bullentin for toefl part 3 pdf

Tài liệu Bullentin for toefl part 3 pdf

... page 8 for more information. If you schedule your appointment by phone, you do not need to mail in this form. TOEFL CBT VOUCHER REQUEST FORM INSTRUCTIONS Completing the Form • Complete the form ... Bulletin for preferred forms of payment, payment policies, and acceptable currencies. Submitting This Form ● Do not mail this form to ETS. Mail or fax the completed form to the RRC for your area. ... Bulletin \ 21 Codes DEPARTMENT CODES This list is only for students applying for graduate study. If you are not applying for graduate study, you must fill in 00 as the department code for each institution

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 22:15

10 572 0
Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 12 pdf

Tài liệu Toefl stucture bank part 12 pdf

... him to effectively express the demands for social justice for Black Americans. 29. Designers of athletic footwear finely tune each category of shoe to its particularly activity by studying human ... and may carry disease, therefore many cities try to exterminate them. 112 32. In the United States among 60 percent of the space on the pages of newspapers is reserved for advertising. 33. Recently ... Brice were (B) it was known that Fanny Brice‘s performances were (C)audiences knew that Fanny Brice‘s performances were (D)Fanny Brice knew that performing was 11. _____ the diffusion of heat upward

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

10 800 2
Tài liệu English for Business (Lesson 12) doc

Tài liệu English for Business (Lesson 12) doc

... Lesson 12: A meeting (continued) Bài 12: Hội họp (tiếp theo) Trần Hạnh và toàn Ban Tiếng Việt Đài Úc Châu xin thân chào ... Dành Cho Người Lớn gọi tắt là AMES biên soạn tại thành phố Melbourne, Úc Châu. Lesson 12: A meeting Bài 12: Hội họp Trong Bài 11, bạn đã học cách khai mạc cuộc họp. Bạn đã biết cách ngắt lời ... purpose doesn’t seem to be for financial gain. Lian wants to expand to give her children more responsibility. She said they’re all ambitious and the business is too small for them as it is. Douglas:

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 19:17

12 402 2
Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 13 docx

Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 13 docx

... for p 56 Tony Stone Images/ Chuck Davis for p 31, /Stephen Frinkfor p 133 , /Howard Grey for p 47, /Kevin Schafer for p 49 Max Glaskin/fhe Sunday Times 1996 for p 76 SYGMA/Jacques Delacour for ... argument is put forward for balance. Fourth paragraph sums up the suggestions in third paragraph and suggests further investigation. 255 words Answer Key Speaking Unit 1 More practice for part 1 Sample ... yourself one point for each correct answer. Add up your scores out of 40 for Listening and Reading and look at the table on page 189 to see what IELTS band score you would have achieved. IELTS Band Scores

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 12:16

14 876 2
Tài liệu Toefl CBT book part 12 pptx

Tài liệu Toefl CBT book part 12 pptx

... the assignment before midnight, Sally will mail it tomorrow. The perfect form (having + the verb in past participle) shows that the action of the participial phrase occurred before the action ... followed by either the preposition for or to, while oth- ers can be followed by only one of these words. Illogical Participial Modifiers (Dangling Participles) A participial phrase (a phrase that ... in past participle + subject + verb in any tense + remainder of sentence. Having been summoned by the court, the attorney arrived for the hearing. 93 Structure For more material and information,

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 04:17

10 657 1
Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 12 pptx

Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 12 pptx

... pay for this kind of thing RICHARD That's because you've grown up in a system where the state does everything for you from the cradle to the grave But, it doesn't work like that any more; the party's ... BEN Well you see it takes more than 11 minutes for a radio signal to travel from command headquarters in California to Mars and another 11 minutes for the answer to come back SALLY You mean there's ... have cultivated it for years, particularly to use in medicine, though you are probably more familiar with its culinary uses But first, let's take a brief look at its history before we look at how...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 12:16

15 559 1