systems of nonlinear equations word problems

Báo cáo hóa học: " Solving systems of nonlinear matrix equations involving Lipshitzian mappings" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Solving systems of nonlinear matrix equations involving Lipshitzian mappings" pdf

... solving different classes of systems of nonlinear matrix equations involving Lipshitzian mappings. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 15A24; 65H05. Keywords: nonlinear matrix equations, Lipshitzian ... classes of nonlinear matrix equations (see [8-21]). In this study, we consider the following problem: Find (X 1 , X 2 , ,X m ) ẻ (P(n)) m solution to the following system of nonlinear matrix equations: X r i i = ... for the study of solutions to systems of nonlinear matrix equations involving contractive mappings. We first review the Thompson metric on the open convex cone P(n)(n ≥ 2), the set of all nìn Hermitian...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

10 375 0
Tài liệu Đề tài " Isomonodromy transformations of linear systems of difference equations" pptx

Tài liệu Đề tài " Isomonodromy transformations of linear systems of difference equations" pptx

... solutions of isomonodromy problems for such systems of difference equations. In the case of one-interval gap probability this has been done (in a different language) in [Bor], [BB]. One example of the ... equal to I. The proof of uniqueness is complete. To prove the existence we note, first of all, that it suffices to provide a proof if one of the κ i ’s is equal to ±1 and one of the δ j ’s is equal ... ALEXEI BORODIN Most of the results of the present paper can be carried over to the case of q-difference equations of the form Y (qz)=A(z)Y (z). The q-difference Schlesinger equations are, cf. (3)–(6), (3q) (4q) (5q) (6q) B i (...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 17:20

43 358 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Systems of Generalized Quasivariational Inclusion Problems with Applications in LΓ-Spaces" doc

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Systems of Generalized Quasivariational Inclusion Problems with Applications in LΓ-Spaces" doc

... inclusion problems, systems of variational equations, and systems of generalized quasiequilibrium problems in LΓ-spaces. Applications of the existence theorem of solutions for systems of generalized ... different with the proof of 26, Theorem 2.2. 6 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 3. Existence Theorems of Solutions for Systems of Generalized Quasivariational Inclusion Problems Let I be any ... existence theorem of solutions for systems of generalized vector quasiequilibrium problems. 12 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 15 S. Park, “Several episodes in recent studies on the KKM theory,” Nonlinear...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 11:20

12 330 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Systems of general nonlinear set-valued mixed variational inequalities problems in Hilbert spaces" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Systems of general nonlinear set-valued mixed variational inequalities problems in Hilbert spaces" ppt

... finding solutions of systems of general nonlinear set-valued mixed variational inequalities problems in Hilbert spaces are studied. To overcome the difficulties, due to the presence of a proper convex lower ... 2011:31 Page 9 of 10 RESEA R C H Open Access Systems of general nonlinear set-valued mixed variational inequalities problems in Hilbert spaces Ravi P Agarwal 1 , ... , r, h), the set of all solutions (x*, y*) of the problem (1.4). This means, generally speaking, the class of system general nonlinear set-valued var- iational inequalities problems is more general...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

10 301 0
Enclosing solutions of systems of equations

Enclosing solutions of systems of equations

... simulation Hybrid dynamic systems (HDSs) are systems described by a mix of discrete and continuous components. The continuous comp onents are generally expressed by initial valued problems of an ordinary ... figure is reduced for the visualization. Enclosing solutions of systems of equations involving ODE Aurelien Lejeune National Institute of Informatics 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chyoda-ku Tokyo 101-8430 ... part. Mots-clefs : syst`emes hybrides, equations differentielles ordinaires, anal- yse par intervalles. References 1. Hansen, E. and Sengupta, S.: Bounding solutions of systems of equations using interval...

Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2014, 22:20

22 283 0
QUASILINEAR CONTROL: Performance Analysis and Design of Feedback Systems with Nonlinear Sensors and Actuators pot

QUASILINEAR CONTROL: Performance Analysis and Design of Feedback Systems with Nonlinear Sensors and Actuators pot

... Linearization of LPNI Systems 20 2.1 Stochastic Linearization of Open Loop Systems 20 2.1.1 Stochastic Linearization of Isolated Nonlinearities 20 2.1.2 Stochastic Linearization of Direct Paths of LPNI Systems ... disturbance rejection problems, but from the point of view of design; both wide and narrow sense design problems are considered (problems P2 and P3). Chapter 7 addresses the issues of performance recovery (problems ... 20 3 Analysis of Reference Tracking in LPNI Systems 66 4 Analysis of Disturbance Rejection in LPNI Systems 114 5 Design of Reference Tracking Controllers for LPNI Systems 134 6 Design of Disturbance...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 15:20

300 640 0
kosmann-schwarzbach y., grammaticos b., tamizhmani k.m. (eds.) integrability of nonlinear systems (springer lnp 638, 2004)(342s)

kosmann-schwarzbach y., grammaticos b., tamizhmani k.m. (eds.) integrability of nonlinear systems (springer lnp 638, 2004)(342s)

... excellence a domain of application of differential equations. The nonlinearity inherent in most classical equations of motion makes the question of stability and the prediction of long-term behaviour ... components of angular velocity, (α, β, γ) the directions cosines of the direction of gravity, (A, B, C) the moments of inertia, (x 0 ,y 0 ,z 0 ) the position of the centre of mass of the system, ... for studying them are those of q-analysis. At the center of the theory of integrable systems lies the notion of a Lax pair, describing the isospectral deformation of a linear operator, a matrix...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 16:50

342 662 1
sachdev p.l. self-similarity and beyond.. exact solutions of nonlinear problems

sachdev p.l. self-similarity and beyond.. exact solutions of nonlinear problems

... engineers: they fascinate, but oftentimes elude exact treatment. A great majority of non- linear problems are described by systems of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) together with ... describe merely the behaviour of physical systems under cer- tain conditions, they also describe the intermediate asymptotic behaviour of solutions of wider classes of problems in the ranges where ... Wemayrevertandsaythatwheneversimilaritysolutionsexist,their existencetheorygreatlyassistsintheunderstandingoftheoriginalPDE system.Thesesolutionsalsohelpinthequantitativeestimationofhow thesolutionsofcertainclassesofinitial/boundaryvalueproblemsevolvein time(Sachdev(1987)). Theroleofnumericalsolutionofnonlinearproblemsindiscoveringthe analyticstructureofthesolutionneedhardlybeemphasised;veryoften thenumericalsolutionthrowsmuchlightonwhatkindofanalyticform onemustexplore.Besides,understandingthevalidityandplaceofex- act/approximateanalyticsolutioninthegeneralcontextcanbegreatly enhancedbythenumericalsolution.Inshort,theremustbeacontinu- ousinterplayofanalysisandcomputationifanonlinearproblemistobe successfullytackled. Theapproachesoutlinedintheabovegobeyondself-similarity,but theexactsolutionstheyyieldarestillgenerallyasymptoticinnature;these solutions,perse,satisfysomespecial(singular)initialconditionsbutevolve tobecomeintermediateasymptoticstowhichsolutionsofacertainlarger butrestrictedclassofinitial/boundaryvalueproblemstendastimegoes toinfinity(Sachdev(1987)). Chapter2dealswithfirst-orderPDEs,illustratingwiththehelpof manyexamplestheplaceofsimilaritysolutionsinthegeneralsolution. Exactsimilaritysolutionsviagrouptheoreticmethodsandthedirectsim- ilarityapproachofClarksonandKruskal(1989)arediscussedinChapter 3,whiletravellingwavesolutionsaretreatedinChapter4.Exactlineari- sationofnonlinearPDEs,includingviahodographmethods,isdealtwith inChapter5.InChapter6,constructionofmoregeneralsolutionsfrom specialsolutionsofagivenorarelatedproblemisaccomplishedvianonlin- earisationorembeddingmethods.Chapter7usesthebalancingargument for...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:09

315 535 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Existence results of Brezis-Browder type for systems of Fredholm integral equations" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " Existence results of Brezis-Browder type for systems of Fredholm integral equations" pot

... Constant-sign solutions of a system of Fredholm integral equations. Acta Appl Math. 80,57–94 (2004) 7. Agarwal, RP, O’Regan, D, Wong, PJY: Eigenvalues of a system of Fredholm integral equations. Math ... Triple solutions of constant sign for a system of Fredholm integral equations. Cubo. 6,1–45 (2004) 9. Agarwal, RP, O’Regan, D, Wong, PJY: Constant-sign solutions of a system of integral equations: ... this article as: Agarwal et al.: Existence results of Brezis-Browder type for systems of Fredholm integral equations. Advances in Difference Equations 2011 2011:43. Submit your manuscript to a...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

35 380 0