system and network monitoring by wolfgang barth

Nagios: System and Network Monitoring potx

Nagios: System and Network Monitoring potx

... andrepresentingthe performance dataprovided by plugins, whichare describedindetail in Chapter 17. Networksare rarely homogeneous, that is,equippedonlywithLinux andother Unix-based operating systems. ... target system can only be reached throughaparticular router that hasjustgonedown, then Nagios reports that thetargetsystem is “unreachable”, anddoesnot bother to bombarditwithfurther host andservicechecks.The ... thecommand withwhich Nagiostests theservicefor function- ality. Argumentsare passedontothe actualcommand, check_ping,sep- arated by exclamation marks. Thedefinition of the check_ping command, predefinedinthe...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 07:20

463 608 2
The CERT® Guide to System and Network Security Practices pdf

The CERT® Guide to System and Network Security Practices pdf

... CERT® GUIDE TO SYSTEM AND NETWORK SECURITY PRACTICES 8 THE CERT® GUIDE TO SYSTEM AND NETWORK SECURITY PRACTICES To Identify and Enable Systems and Network Logging Mechanisms Identify and Install ... establishment and maintenance of secure configura- tions and the secure operations of critical assets. Most system and network administrators have developed their knowledge of how to protect and secure systems ... tools and exploit scripts was the exception rather than the rule. By the year 2000, due to the widespread and easy availability of intrusion tools and exploit 2 THE CERT® GUIDE TO SYSTEM AND NETWORK...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 22:20

18 438 0
Bài tập lớn ITSS Linux System and Network Management

Bài tập lớn ITSS Linux System and Network Management

... NỘI VIỆN CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN VÀ TRUYỀN THÔNG ──────── * ─────── BÀI TẬP LỚN MÔN: ITSS Linux System and Network Management Sinh viên thực hiện: Nguyễn Đức Hiếu (Nhóm trưởng) Phan Quốc Khánh Trần ... Thiết lập domain name: nano /etc/sysconfig /network edit domain name "" - Config custom static ip nano /etc/sysconfig /network- scripts/ifcfg-eth1 DEVICE=eth1 BOOTPROTO=static nm_controlled=no IPADDR= NETMASK= BROADCAST= NETWORK= DEFROUTE=yes - ... giữa 2 máy (accept, drop, reject,…) • Trước hết cần forward traffic từ private network trên eth1 sang network trên eth0 - Thêm cấu hình vào file cfg-eth1 để có gateway forward: Nhập...

Ngày tải lên: 08/06/2014, 10:35

21 1,2K 1


... definition of network security can be constructed by defining its two components, security and networks. UNESCO – EOLSS SAMPLE CHAPTERS TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES – Vol. II - Network ... information risk analysis and security policies for systems and networks]. International Standardization Organization (1994). Information Processing Systems – Open Systems Interconnection – ... on cryptography and security for mobile agents, distributed systems, intelligent networks, ad hoc networks and sensor networks. He has served as a technical committee member and as a reviewer...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 16:20

8 335 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Membrane targeting and pore formation by the type III secretion system translocon pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Membrane targeting and pore formation by the type III secretion system translocon pdf

... Inv-Mxi-Spa systems are found in Shigella, Salmonella, and Burkholderia spp. In addition, Ssa-Esc systems exist in enteropathogenic (EPEC) and enterohaemorrhagic (EHEC) Escherichia coli species (Esc), and ... membrane and increasing Salmonella invasion efficiency [62]. It is of note that both IpaC and SipC are essential for Shigella and Salmonella uptake by macrophages in the early steps of invasion, and ... ARTICLE Membrane targeting and pore formation by the type III secretion system translocon Pierre-Jean Matteı ¨ 1 , Eric Faudry 2 , Viviana Job 1 , Thierry Izore ´ 1 , Ina Attree 2 and Andre ´ a Dessen 1 1...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 22:20

13 648 0
báo cáo hóa học: " A case study of new assessment and training of unilateral spatial neglect in stroke patients: effect of visual image transformation and visual stimulation by using a head mounted display system (HMD)" doc

báo cáo hóa học: " A case study of new assessment and training of unilateral spatial neglect in stroke patients: effect of visual image transformation and visual stimulation by using a head mounted display system (HMD)" doc

... object-centered and egocentric coordinates by HMD. Therefore, we used a combined system (CCD camera, HMD, and a computer) in order to display a reduced or an enlarged visual field of real image and then HMD ... special tests in random order for both object-centered and egocentric co-ordinates. Patient A performed the common clinical test and two special tests; special test 1 and 2 and Patient B performed ... performed the common clinical test and four special tests; special test 3, 4, 5 and 6. 5. Results In this study, the score of FIM-M and FIM-C of Patient A and B was 42 and 58, respectively. The scores...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

8 539 0
Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense

Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense

... DOES THE WEB APPLICATION  REQUIRE AUTHENTICATION OF THE  USER?  Many Web applications require another server  authenticate users  Examine how information is passed between the  two servers  Encrypted channels  Verify that logon and password information is  stored on secure places  Authentication servers introduce a second target 44 37 34 APPLICATION VULNERABILITIES  COUNTERMEASURES (CONTINUED)  Top­10 Web application vulnerabilities (continued)  Remote administration flaws  Attacker can gain access to the Web server through the  remote administration interface  Web and application server misconfiguration  Any Web server software out of the box is usually vulnerable  to attack  Default accounts and passwords  Overly informative error messages 32 16 WEB FORMS  Use the <form> element or tag in an HTML document  Allows customer to submit information to the Web server  Web servers process information from a Web form by using a Web application  Easy way for attackers to intercept data that users  submit to a Web server 7 APPLICATION VULNERABILITIES  COUNTERMEASURES  Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)  Open, not­for­profit organization dedicated to finding  and fighting vulnerabilities in Web applications  Publishes the Ten Most Critical Web Application  Security Vulnerabilities  Top­10 Web application vulnerabilities  Unvalidated parameters  HTTP requests are not validated by the Web server  Broken access control  Developers implement access controls but fail to test them  properly 29 USING SCRIPTING LANGUAGES  Dynamic Web pages can be developed using scripting  languages  VBScript  JavaScript  PHP 18 OPEN DATABASE CONNECTIVITY  (ODBC) (CONTINUED)  ODBC defines  Standardized representation of data types  A library of ODBC functions  Standard methods of connecting to and logging on to a  DBMS 24 WEB APPLICATION COMPONENTS  Static Web pages  Created using HTML  Dynamic Web pages  Need special components  <form> tags  Common Gateway Interface (CGI)  Active Server Pages (ASP)  PHP  ColdFusion  Scripting languages  Database connectors 6 APACHE WEB SERVER  Tomcat Apache is another Web Server program  Tomcat Apache hosts anywhere from 50% to 60% of all  Web sites  Advantages  Works on just about any *NIX and Windows platform  It is free  Requires Java 2 Standard Runtime Environment (J2SE,  version 5.0) 15 ON WHAT PLATFORM WAS THE WEB  APPLICATION DEVELOPED?  Several different platforms and technologies can  be used to develop Web applications  Attacks differ depending on the platform and technology used to develop the application  Footprinting is used to find out as much information  as possible about a target system  The more you know about a system the easier it is to  gather information about its vulnerabilities 45 OPEN DATABASE CONNECTIVITY  (ODBC)  Standard database access method developed by the SQL Access Group  ODBC interface allows an application to access  Data stored in a database management system  Any system that understands and can issue ODBC  commands  Interoperability among back­end DBMS is a key  feature of the ODBC interface 23 48 UNDERSTANDING WEB APPLICATIONS  It is nearly impossible to write a program without bugs  Some bugs create security vulnerabilities  Web applications also have bugs  Web applications have a larger user base than standalone  applications  Bugs are a bigger problem for Web applications 5 DOES THE WEB APPLICATION  CONNECT TO A BACKEND DATABASE  SERVER? (CONTINUED)  Basic testing should look for  Whether you can enter text with punctuation marks  Whether you can enter a single quotation mark followed by any SQL keywords  Whether you can get any sort of database error when  attempting to inject SQL 43 DOES THE WEB APPLICATION USE  DYNAMIC WEB PAGES?  Static Web pages do not create a security  environment  IIS attack example  Submitting a specially formatted URL to the  attacked Web server  IIS does not correctly parse the URL  information  Attackers could launch a Unicode exploit ... DOES THE WEB APPLICATION  REQUIRE AUTHENTICATION OF THE  USER?  Many Web applications require another server  authenticate users  Examine how information is passed between the  two servers  Encrypted channels  Verify that logon and password information is  stored on secure places  Authentication servers introduce a second target 44 37 34 APPLICATION VULNERABILITIES  COUNTERMEASURES (CONTINUED)  Top­10 Web application vulnerabilities (continued)  Remote administration flaws  Attacker can gain access to the Web server through the  remote administration interface  Web and application server misconfiguration  Any Web server software out of the box is usually vulnerable  to attack  Default accounts and passwords  Overly informative error messages 32 16 WEB FORMS  Use the <form> element or tag in an HTML document  Allows customer to submit information to the Web server  Web servers process information from a Web form by using a Web application  Easy way for attackers to intercept data that users  submit to a Web server 7 APPLICATION VULNERABILITIES  COUNTERMEASURES  Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)  Open, not­for­profit organization dedicated to finding  and fighting vulnerabilities in Web applications  Publishes the Ten Most Critical Web Application  Security Vulnerabilities  Top­10 Web application vulnerabilities  Unvalidated parameters  HTTP requests are not validated by the Web server  Broken access control  Developers implement access controls but fail to test them  properly 29 USING SCRIPTING LANGUAGES  Dynamic Web pages can be developed using scripting  languages  VBScript  JavaScript  PHP 18 OPEN DATABASE CONNECTIVITY  (ODBC) (CONTINUED)  ODBC defines  Standardized representation of data types  A library of ODBC functions  Standard methods of connecting to and logging on to a  DBMS 24 WEB APPLICATION COMPONENTS  Static Web pages  Created using HTML  Dynamic Web pages  Need special components  <form> tags  Common Gateway Interface (CGI)  Active Server Pages (ASP)  PHP  ColdFusion  Scripting languages  Database connectors 6 APACHE WEB SERVER  Tomcat Apache is another Web Server program  Tomcat Apache hosts anywhere from 50% to 60% of all  Web sites  Advantages  Works on just about any *NIX and Windows platform  It is free  Requires Java 2 Standard Runtime Environment (J2SE,  version 5.0) 15 ON WHAT PLATFORM WAS THE WEB  APPLICATION DEVELOPED?  Several different platforms and technologies can  be used to develop Web applications  Attacks differ depending on the platform and technology used to develop the application  Footprinting is used to find out as much information  as possible about a target system  The more you know about a system the easier it is to  gather information about its vulnerabilities 45 OPEN DATABASE CONNECTIVITY  (ODBC)  Standard database access method developed by the SQL Access Group  ODBC interface allows an application to access  Data stored in a database management system  Any system that understands and can issue ODBC  commands  Interoperability among back­end DBMS is a key  feature of the ODBC interface 23 48 UNDERSTANDING WEB APPLICATIONS  It is nearly impossible to write a program without bugs  Some bugs create security vulnerabilities  Web applications also have bugs  Web applications have a larger user base than standalone  applications  Bugs are a bigger problem for Web applications 5 DOES THE WEB APPLICATION  CONNECT TO A BACKEND DATABASE  SERVER? (CONTINUED)  Basic testing should look for  Whether you can enter text with punctuation marks  Whether you can enter a single quotation mark followed by any SQL keywords  Whether you can get any sort of database error when  attempting to inject SQL 43 DOES THE WEB APPLICATION USE  DYNAMIC WEB PAGES?  Static Web pages do not create a security  environment  IIS attack example  Submitting a specially formatted URL to the  attacked Web server  IIS does not correctly parse the URL  information  Attackers could launch a Unicode exploit ... DOES THE WEB APPLICATION  REQUIRE AUTHENTICATION OF THE  USER?  Many Web applications require another server  authenticate users  Examine how information is passed between the  two servers  Encrypted channels  Verify that logon and password information is  stored on secure places  Authentication servers introduce a second target 44 37 34 APPLICATION VULNERABILITIES  COUNTERMEASURES (CONTINUED)  Top­10 Web application vulnerabilities (continued)  Remote administration flaws  Attacker can gain access to the Web server through the  remote administration interface  Web and application server misconfiguration  Any Web server software out of the box is usually vulnerable  to attack  Default accounts and passwords  Overly informative error messages 32 16 WEB FORMS  Use the <form> element or tag in an HTML document  Allows customer to submit information to the Web server  Web servers process information from a Web form by using a Web application  Easy way for attackers to intercept data that users  submit to a Web server 7 APPLICATION VULNERABILITIES  COUNTERMEASURES  Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)  Open, not­for­profit organization dedicated to finding  and fighting vulnerabilities in Web applications  Publishes the Ten Most Critical Web Application  Security Vulnerabilities  Top­10 Web application vulnerabilities  Unvalidated parameters  HTTP requests are not validated by the Web server  Broken access control  Developers implement access controls but fail to test them  properly 29 USING SCRIPTING LANGUAGES  Dynamic Web pages can be developed using scripting  languages  VBScript  JavaScript  PHP 18 OPEN DATABASE CONNECTIVITY  (ODBC) (CONTINUED)  ODBC defines  Standardized representation of data types  A library of ODBC functions  Standard methods of connecting to and logging on to a  DBMS 24 WEB APPLICATION COMPONENTS  Static Web pages  Created using HTML  Dynamic Web pages  Need special components  <form> tags  Common Gateway Interface (CGI)  Active Server Pages (ASP)  PHP  ColdFusion  Scripting languages  Database connectors 6 APACHE WEB SERVER  Tomcat Apache is another Web Server program  Tomcat Apache hosts anywhere from 50% to 60% of all  Web sites  Advantages  Works on just about any *NIX and Windows platform  It is free  Requires Java 2 Standard Runtime Environment (J2SE,  version 5.0) 15 ON WHAT PLATFORM WAS THE WEB  APPLICATION DEVELOPED?  Several different platforms and technologies can  be used to develop Web applications  Attacks differ depending on the platform and technology used to develop the application  Footprinting is used to find out as much information  as possible about a target system  The more you know about a system the easier it is to  gather information about its vulnerabilities 45 OPEN DATABASE CONNECTIVITY  (ODBC)  Standard database access method developed by the SQL Access Group  ODBC interface allows an application to access  Data stored in a database management system  Any system that understands and can issue ODBC  commands  Interoperability among back­end DBMS is a key  feature of the ODBC interface 23 48 UNDERSTANDING WEB APPLICATIONS  It is nearly impossible to write a program without bugs  Some bugs create security vulnerabilities  Web applications also have bugs  Web applications have a larger user base than standalone  applications  Bugs are a bigger problem for Web applications 5 DOES THE WEB APPLICATION  CONNECT TO A BACKEND DATABASE  SERVER? (CONTINUED)  Basic testing should look for  Whether you can enter text with punctuation marks  Whether you can enter a single quotation mark followed by any SQL keywords  Whether you can get any sort of database error when  attempting to inject SQL 43 DOES THE WEB APPLICATION USE  DYNAMIC WEB PAGES?  Static Web pages do not create a security  environment  IIS attack example  Submitting a specially formatted URL to the  attacked Web server  IIS does not correctly parse the URL  information  Attackers could launch a Unicode exploit

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2012, 10:44

51 696 0
English morpheme system and some applications of learning morpheme in establishing words

English morpheme system and some applications of learning morpheme in establishing words

... and re- near the grammatical end of the continuum are called grammatical morphemes. Note that grammatical morphemes include forms that we can consider to be words like the, a, and, and of and ... of all, we should understand deeply about its morpheme system. Living in a community, human beings need a tool to communicate with each other, and to carry on human and social affairs. They, ... should do. In the limited time and scope, we have introduced some features of English morpheme system as well as its importance in learning English in general and spelling, developing vocabulary...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2013, 09:31

22 2,3K 6
File System and Disk Administration

File System and Disk Administration

... Linux ext2 Kiểu filesystem đợc dùng chủ yếu trên Linux partition. iso9660 Kiểu ISO 9660 filesystem đợc dùng với CD-ROM disks. sysv Kiểu Nhằm hỗ trợ cho dạng UNIX System V filesystem. msdos ... dới Linux systems: # # Sample /etc/fstab file for a Linux machine # # Local mounts /dev/sda1 / ext2 defaults 1 1 mkswap /dev/hda2 2. Mounting and unmounting file systems Mounting file systems Nh ... Bỏ mount một hệ thống file (điểm mount). I. File System and Disk Administration 1. Cấu trúc th mục trên Unix / - Th mục gốc trên UNIX file system. /bin - Là symbol link tới /usr/bin chứa các...

Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2013, 11:20

10 521 0
File system and Disk Administration

File system and Disk Administration

... solaris dùng lệnh newfs), mkswap tạo swap file system. Ví dụ mke2fs /dev/hda1 mkswap /dev/hda2 3. Mounting and unmounting file systems Mounting file systems Như ta đ biêt hệ thống file của UNIX ... của người sử dụng. ỹ Số trang đ in. VIII. File System and Disk Administration 1. Cấu trúc thư mục trên Unix ỹ / - Thư mục gốc trên UNIX file system. ỹ /bin - Là symbol link tới /usr/bin chứa ... recover bởi fsck. 2. Creating file systems Giới thiệu về UNIX- Một số thao tác cơ bản trên UNIX 77 ỹ sysv Kiểu Nhằm hỗ trợ cho dạng UNIX System V filesystem. ỹ msdos Kiểu DOS partition...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 13:20

10 322 0
OCP: Oracle8i DBA Performance Tuning and Network Administration Study Guide

OCP: Oracle8i DBA Performance Tuning and Network Administration Study Guide

... configure and manage the main network components and network configuration of the server. Chapter 14 covers client side configuration. You will learn about the main network components and configuration ... termination D. Aborted termination 62. What does OSI stand for? A. Oracle Standard Implementation B. Oracle System Information C. Open Standard Interconnection D. Open Systems Interconnection Copyright ©2000 ... basic network architecture. You will learn about the areas to consider when designing and implementing an Oracle network. You will also be introduced to the standard features of Oracle8i Net8 and...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 18:15

810 406 0
Network Monitoring

Network Monitoring

... Easier =hhdkopo `abejadkopcnkqlw dkopcnkql[j]ia]hh ]he]o]hhdkopo iai^ano& y `abejadkopcnkqlw dkopcnkql[j]iaejpanj]h ]he]oejpanj]hdkopo iai^anoiah(ouh(hej y CHAPTER 6 N NETWORK MONITORING 154 N Tip Before you include the plug-in command in the jnla*_bc file, make sure it really works. You can verify this by running it from the command line, just ... configure Nagios. CHAPTER 6 N NETWORK MONITORING 159 The last options from the Monitoring section that I want to cover here are Service Problems, Host Problems, and Network Outages. Each of these ... command installs about 40 MB of data on your server. Once that is done, you have to complete the installation by setting up authentication. Nagios uses the file CHAPTER 6 N NETWORK MONITORING 150 `abejapeialanek`w peialanek`[j]ia.0t3 ]he]o.0Dkqno=@]u(3@]uo=Saag oqj`]u,,6,,).06,, ikj`]u,,6,,).06,, pqao`]u,,6,,).06,, sa`jao`]u,,6,,).06,, pdqno`]u,,6,,).06,, bne`]u,,6,,).06,, o]pqn`]u,,6,,).06,, y Danaeo]ohecdphubneaj`heanlanek``qnejcskngdkqno `abejapeialanek`w peialanek`[j]iaskngdkqno ]he]oOp]j`]n`SkngDkqno ikj`]u,56,,)-36,, pqao`]u,56,,)-36,, sa`jao`]u,56,,)-36,, pdqno`]u,56,,)-36,, bne`]u,56,,)-36,, y Pda_kilhaiajpkbskngdkqno `abejapeialanek`w peialanek`[j]iajkjskngdkqno ]he]oJkj)SkngDkqno oqj`]u,,6,,).06,, ikj`]u,,6,,),56,,(-36,,).06,, pqao`]u,,6,,),56,,(-36,,).06,, sa`jao`]u,,6,,),56,,(-36,,).06,, pdqno`]u,,6,,),56,,(-36,,).06,, bne`]u,,6,,),56,,(-36,,).06,, o]pqn`]u,,6,,).06,, y Pdeokjaeo]b]rknepa6jaran6% `abejapeialanek`w peialanek`[j]iajaran ]he]oJaran y aj`kbbeha CHAPTER...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 02:20

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