swot analysis of the current operating environment of abbank



... results, the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern assumption in the preparation of the financial statements.3 The auditor considers the appropriateness of management’s use of the ... regarding the use of the going concern assumption in the preparation of the financial statements.14 Nevertheless, the current economic conditions not change either management’s or the auditor’s ... procedures include the consideration of the effect of any plans of management and other mitigating factors Factors in the Current Environment that May Affect the Going Concern Assessment Neither management...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

11 381 0
SWOT analysis of Viet Nam ecotourism

SWOT analysis of Viet Nam ecotourism

... possibility of the transfer of high-tech skills and know-how Vietnam is pressing ahead with the privatisation of state-owned enterprises and the liberalisation of the banking sector, which should offer ... fiscal deficits, leaving the economy vulnerable as the global economy continued to suffer in 2010 The fiscal picture is clouded by considerable ‘off the books’ spending The heavily managed and ... driver The UN forecasts the urban population to rise from 29% of the population to more than 50% by the early 2040s Threats Inflation and deficit concerns have caused some investors to reassess their...

Ngày tải lên: 30/06/2014, 15:42

5 1,4K 6
SWOT analysis of NHB Company

SWOT analysis of NHB Company

... threats that exist in the environment including customer analysis, market analysis and environmental analysis SWOT analysis of NHB Company SWOT is an acronym used to describe the particular Strengths, ... make use of the analysis to find perceptive of opponents which can present NHB the insights it requires to have consistent position in the market Having done a SWOT analysis, the process of planning ... to keep them working in the long-run The more satisfied the employee the less pressure and bad attitudes happens in workplace The company should also hold recognition party at the end of the year...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2017, 15:58

14 342 0


... to determine the need to use the work of an expert and, when the use of such an expert is planned, the auditor complies with the requirements of ISA 620.28 • The appropriateness of the measurement ... ratios) • The sources of finance, and whether they will continue to be available in current market conditions • Changes in the cost of finance • The effect of changes in markets on the ability ... the basis of other information, often using models, some of which incorporate inputs that are “unobservable.”7 The degree of estimation uncertainty therefore increases and affects, in turn, the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 10:20

11 438 0


... planning for achievement of the selected objective may be derived from the SWOT First, the decision makers have to determine whether the objective is attainable, given the SWOT If the objective is NOT ... managers to keep at the back of their mind Indeed, if their products are in the introductory or growth phases, or in that of decline, it perhaps should be at the front of their mind; for the predominant ... processes 1.2.2 The elements of strategy evaluation The Strategy evaluation consists of: Measuring the effectiveness of the organizational strategy, it's extremely important to conduct a SWOT analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:33

74 939 8
the  analysis  of  external  environment,  competitors’  weaknesses  and  strengths,  TCIT’s  SWOT  analysis,  it  tries  to  outline  the most  important  indicators to formulate the objectives and strategi

the analysis of external environment, competitors’ weaknesses and strengths, TCIT’s SWOT analysis, it tries to outline the most important indicators to formulate the objectives and strategi

... reflected the fact that TCIT will have to try their best efforts in term of the service qualities, skills and qualifications of their staffs to meet the demand of customers The analysis of the survey ... the research questions, the research consists of a quantitative survey The questionnaires of the survey were based on the determinants of the port competitiveness and asked the participants the ... reflects the encouraging signal of the raise of Vietnam Coffee price in the global market The Economist Intelligence Unit of England (EIU) has also made their estimation of Vietnam Economy in the...

Ngày tải lên: 30/07/2017, 09:14

57 413 0
Analysis on the Optimal Dispatching of Mixed-pump Stations and the Operating-mode Adaptability Based on Safety Water Supply

Analysis on the Optimal Dispatching of Mixed-pump Stations and the Operating-mode Adaptability Based on Safety Water Supply

... a is the Q-H curve of which the pump runs with the rated speed n0, b is the Q-H curve of which the pump runs at the speed of n1, n1=0.75n0, HS is the pump head which can be determined by the outlet ... K should be added to the lower limit of the speed ratio according to the pump characteristic, then d in Figure is the Q-H curve of the pump at present Therefore, the range of each variable speed ... to the pressure of the control node after the hydraulic calculation, H c, j , H c, j max refer to the minimum and maximum allowable pressure of the control node, HJk,j is the pressure of the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

8 461 0
Fundamentals of Current Pension Funding and Accounting For Private Sector Pension Plans: An Analysis by the Pension Committee of the American Academy of Actuaries pptx

Fundamentals of Current Pension Funding and Accounting For Private Sector Pension Plans: An Analysis by the Pension Committee of the American Academy of Actuaries pptx

... referred to as the accumulated benefit obligation (ABO) • Normal Cost (NC) – The portion of the PVFB that is attributed to the current year of service This is the current value of the compensation ... required comparing the plan’s current liability to the AVA If the value of the AVA is significantly below the current liability, the plan sponsor must pay an The AVA is a value of plan assets calculated ... benefit is based on the pay at retirement To allow the plan sponsor to recognize the cost of the plan gradually over the participant’s lifetime, the actuary considers the portion of the future benefit...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20

12 392 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Mean-Square Performance Analysis of the Family of Selective Partial Update NLMS and Affine Projection Adaptive Filter Algorithms in Nonstationary Environment" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Mean-Square Performance Analysis of the Family of Selective Partial Update NLMS and Affine Projection Adaptive Filter Algorithms in Nonstationary Environment" doc

... with the same assumption in [16] The results in [18] present mean square convergence analysis of the SPU-NLMS for the case of white input signals The more general performance analysis for the ... tracking performance analysis of the family of SPU-NLMS and SPU affine projection algorithms Based on this, the performance of Max-NLMS [22], N -Max NLMS [16, 23], the variants of the selective partial ... iteration In Table 1, the parameter L is the length of the block, K is the number of blocks (K = (M/L) and is an integer) and N is the number of blocks to update Through the specific choices for...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20

11 387 0
Managing the training activities of theoretical analysis at advanced level for cadres of ethnic minority peoples in ho chi minh national political academy in the current situation

Managing the training activities of theoretical analysis at advanced level for cadres of ethnic minority peoples in ho chi minh national political academy in the current situation

... elected school officials + To build a system questionnaire content under study The aim of the method is to collect data to assess the status of the management training of current EM as the basis for ... methods, the thesis assesses the situation of the management of advanced political training for ethnic minority cadres, identified the weaknesses, limitations and causes of this work in the current ... Communist Party of Vietnam, in which the basic system of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh theories, the guidelines Party's policy of state law and the system of the basically theoretical science...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2015, 16:52

24 536 0
Current status and biological characteristics of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii de man, 1879) cultured in the brackish water environment

Current status and biological characteristics of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii de man, 1879) cultured in the brackish water environment

... New findings of the study From the results of the experiment, research, and survey on the real conditions, the studies all showed that freshwater prawns cultured in brackish water of 5-15‰ grow ... All the data shows mean value± standard deviation (min- max) Regression analysis in the influence of technical factors to the efficiency of the system1 Prawn yield (Y, kg/ha) in the system ... in population The survival rate of prawns after 120 days of culture The lowest survival rate of prawns was recorded in the control treatment at 0‰ of salinity, the highest survival rate...

Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2016, 09:23

21 259 0
30 years on from kangan an analysis of the current policy position of TAFE queensland

30 years on from kangan an analysis of the current policy position of TAFE queensland

... range of skills and attributes relevant to the world of work; the convergence of work and education that integrated the concept of work with lifelong learning; and the convergence of the needs of ... 1999) Chapter Two of this thesis provides an evolving review of literature from the inception of the initial draft questions to the final presentation of this thesis In response to the research questions, ... research into the current policy position of TAFE Queensland within these broad interpretations of the role and purpose of education is timely 2.1.3 The Role and Purpose of Technical and Further Education...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2017, 11:14

255 215 0
An archival analysis of green information technology the current state and future directions

An archival analysis of green information technology the current state and future directions

... Results and Analysis The most important chapter of this thesis, the results and analysis, specifies the results that were recovered through the classification of the publications It analyses the results ... the data collection procedure details of the analysis and required ethical approvals for the research objective to be obtained The objective of the research is to develop a current archival analysis ... consists of identifying the sources of data, and then developing a consistent search string The data analysis segment is comprised of the classification framework, the procedure for analysing the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2017, 16:15

133 277 0
DSpace at VNU: Analysis of fuel oxygenates in the environment

DSpace at VNU: Analysis of fuel oxygenates in the environment

... pumps are therefore required to maintain a stable vacuum in the ion source Otherwise, a breakdown of the vacuum causes a shutdown of the instrument Advantages of the DAI approach are the simplicity ... stripping from the aqueous phase For the dialkyl ethers, P&T is very sensitive and can be used for analysis in the ng L21 to µg L21 range in water Cryofocusing of the analytes on top of the GC column ... dilution of an aliquot of the stock solution in double distilled or Nanopure water In our experience, it is of the utmost importance to check the purity of the water used for the preparation of standards...

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 04:54

9 163 0
Báo cáo y học: " Laugh Yourself into a Healthier Person: A Cross Cultural Analysis of the Effects of Varying Levels of Laughter on Health"

Báo cáo y học: " Laugh Yourself into a Healthier Person: A Cross Cultural Analysis of the Effects of Varying Levels of Laughter on Health"

... both extremes of the emotional spectrum were shown At the end of the videos, the brachial artery constricted for five minutes and was then released In fourteen of the twenty volunteers the artery ... expression (27) Therefore, the crux of individualism is the ethnic diversity of various individuals It is not the particular view of the individual that makes them an individualist, but it is the differing ... conditions, and then to specify the name of that condition If the participant failed to indicate the name of the condition regardless of a “yes”, the survey was discarded assuming the participant...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:57

12 758 0
current situation of outsourcing development, a number of favorable factors promoting this industry as well as analysis of outsourcing activities FPT Software.doc

current situation of outsourcing development, a number of favorable factors promoting this industry as well as analysis of outsourcing activities FPT Software.doc

... studies the current situation of software outsourcing development, some of the favorable factors that boost this industry as well as the analysis of the software outsourcing activities in FPT Software ... Aims of the study The study is designed with the hope to achieve the following primary aims: To understand about the software outsourcing practice To investigate the current situation of software ... expanding their software outsourcing in the future According to statistics of the IT Industry Department, the US is a big software exporter but its import of software accounts for 30% of the total...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:41

79 613 6
 Báo cáo y học: "Comparison of a Two-Lead, Computerized, Resting ECG Signal Analysis Device, the MultiFunction-CardioGramsm or MCG (a.k.a. 3DMP), to Quantitative Coronary Angiography for the Detection of Relevant Coronary Artery Stenosis (70%)

Báo cáo y học: "Comparison of a Two-Lead, Computerized, Resting ECG Signal Analysis Device, the MultiFunction-CardioGramsm or MCG (a.k.a. 3DMP), to Quantitative Coronary Angiography for the Detection of Relevant Coronary Artery Stenosis (70%)

... large inventory of normalized mathematical indexes of abnormality It is the pattern of these mathematical indexes of abnormality, obtained from analysis of multiple cardiac cycles of the resting ... centers included in the meta -analysis The boundaries of the box are Tukey’s hinges The median is identified by the line inside the box The length of the box is the interquartile range (IQR) computed ... patients had prior revascularization The boundaries of the box are Tukey’s hinges The median is identified by the line inside the box The length of the box is the interquartile range (IQR) computed...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 10:58

13 684 0
A critical discourse analysis of the news on north korean missile launches part  3

A critical discourse analysis of the news on north korean missile launches part 3

... ………………………………………………………… Design of the research …………………………………………………………… CHAPTER – THEORETICAL BACKGROUND ………………………………… 1.1 The history of Critical Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis …………… 1.2 Theories on ... Table Over-lexicalization of the North Korea’s missile launches in VOA Table Over-lexicalization of the North Korea’s missile launches in Nhan Dan Table Quotation patterns of news reports in VOA ... activities in VOA Table Positivization of the US- Japan coalition’s activities in VOA Table Lexicalization of North Korea’s activities in Nhan Dan Table Lexicalization of the US-Japan coalition’s activities...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:39

4 829 6
A critical discourse analysis of the news on north korean missile launches part  4

A critical discourse analysis of the news on north korean missile launches part 4

... aware that the wider the range of data we achieve from, the more reliable the research results will be However, within the constraint of time and the limited length of a minor thesis, the data ... capabilities Design of the research The study is divided into three main parts: - Part 1- Introduction: This part includes the rationale, the scope of the research, the aims of the research, the methodology ... Central Organ of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the voice of the Party, State and people of Vietnam, published the first issue on March 11, 1951 in the War Zone of Viet Bac during the Resistance...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:39

20 811 0
A critical discourse analysis of the news on north korean missile launches part  5

A critical discourse analysis of the news on north korean missile launches part 5

... Japan, the nature of their involvement and the roles they play in those processes reveal a positive representation of this coalition by VOA On the other hand, the transitivity analysis of the headlines ... Korea In the news discourse under analysis, the activities of North Korea are often told from the perspective of the US and Japan When reporting about the missile launches, for instance, the US ... The activities of the US-Japan coalition, on the contrary, are often quoted from high-ranking officials from the US and Japan, and the North Korean voice is not heard It can be seen through the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:39

28 604 1