... Section 3, we prove the maximal sequences, it is used to find the lower local dimension The proof of the Main Theorem will be given in the last section The formula for calculating the local dimension ... - partial sum of t So we get α α= Therefore The claim is proved To complete the proof of our Main Theorem it remains to prove the following claim 4.3 Claim For any β ∈ ( , 1) there exists s ... each of them, the way to find α, α and E is quite different It is conjectured that the way to find them in the general case is dificult Let us recall that for s ∈ supp µ the local dimension α(s) of...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 04:20
... auxiliary results used in the proof of the Main Theorem The proof of the Main Theorem will be given in the last section Some Auxiliary Results Let X1 , X2 , be a sequence of i.i.d random variables ... odd}, ki i∈Oj Then nj = oj + ej 3.2 Claim With the above notation we have lim j→∞ j nj−1 oj = ; lim = and lim = r j→∞ nj j→∞ nj nj Proof The proof of the claim is similar to the proof of Claim 3.2 ... t3n+1 G3n+1 for all n By repeating the above argument and using the two above results we have the last of the assertion The proposition is proved Proof of The Main Theorem We call an infinite sequence...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 14:20
... i∈Ej 43 ki i∈Oj Then nj = oj + ej 3.2 Claim With the above notation we have j nj−1 oj = ; lim = and lim = r j→∞ nj j→∞ nj j→∞ nj lim Proof The proof of the first limit is trivial The second limit ... result is the following: Main Theorem For a = we have α = 1, α = − √ log(1+ 5)−log , 1] log √ log(1+ 5)−log 2 log and E = [1 − The proof of the Main Theorem will be given in Section The next section ... dimensions of fractal probability measures associated with equal probability weight, Preprint T Hu, N Nguyen and T Wang, Local dimensions of the probability measure associated with the (0, 1,...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 13:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Inclusion Properties for Certain Subclasses of Analytic Functions Associated with the Dziok-Srivastava Operato" ppt
... prove Theorem 3.4 If f ∈ Ꮿλ,α1 (q,s;η,β;φ,ψ), then Fc ( f ) ∈ Ꮿλ,α1 (q,s;η,β;φ,ψ) (c ≥ 0) Proof Let f ∈ Ꮿλ,α1 (q,s;η,β;φ,ψ) Then, in view of the definition of the class Ꮿλ,α1 (q,s;η, β;φ,ψ), there ... For the second part, by using the arguments similar to those detailed above with (1.15), we obtain Ꮿλ,α1 (q,s;η,β;φ,ψ) ⊂ Ꮿλ,α1 +1 (q,s;η,β;φ,ψ) (2.25) Therefore, we complete the proof of Theorem ... detailed above with (1.15), it follows that s ≺ φ in U, which implies that f ∈ λ,α1 +1 (q,s; η;φ) Therefore, we complete the proof of Theorem 2.3 Theorem 2.4 Let α1 ,λ > and φ ∈ ᏺ Then, λ+1,α1...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 18:20
báo cáo khoa học: "Down-regulation of TM4SF is associated with the metastatic potential of gastric carcinoma TM4SF members in gastric carcinoma" ppt
... that the decreased levels of CD82 protein were strikingly associated with the tumor status and the distant metastasis Furthermore, CD82 protein expression was inversely associated with the pTNM ... in the early stage of malignant melanoma but weakens in the more advanced stages [25] There is still no report showing that it is associated with other type of cancer We demonstrated for the ... expression, and the immunostaining in most of these tumors was heterogeneous The immunohistochemical results were agreed with those of RT-PCR and 98.0% of the specimens coincided directly Further investigations...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 01:24
Báo cáo y học: "Relaxin''''s induction of metalloproteinases is associated with the loss of collagen and glycosaminoglycans in synovial joint" ppsx
... directly to the loss of disc collagen and GAGs The lack of effect on GAG synthesis further validates the importance of the degradative component of the remodeling cycle in relaxin's modulation of matrix ... tissue In this study we determined the effects of relaxin with or without β-estradiol on the modulation of MMPs, and assessed the contribution of these proteinases to the changes in collagen and glycosaminoglycan ... calculated from the ratio of the stained area to the total area in each section The average of the 10 values for each half disc was used for analysis Determination of GAG synthesis by 35S radiolabeling...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 06:22
Báo cáo y học: "The first report of human illness associated with the Panola Mountain Ehrlichia species: a case report" doc
... support recent infection with any of the agents tested With E chaffeensis antigen, the patient's serum reacted with a small proportion of the organisms on the slide, as compared with positive control ... no erythema or edema was noted at the site of the tick bite; however, the patient had taken 500 mg aspirin prior to examination The patient was treated for a presumptive tick-borne illness with ... testing of humans [1] Diagnosis of ehrlichiosis during the acute infection increasingly relies on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) [1,6] According to the official case definition used by the Centers...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 23:21
Báo cáo y học: "A prospective study of tracheopulmonary complications associated with the placement of narrow-bore enteral feeding tubes" doc
... requires the placement of the tube in the esophagus to the level of the xiphoid and confirming the position with a chest roentgenogram If the position is acceptable (midline), the tube is then advanced ... feeding These smaller tubes decreased the risk of ulceration of the nose, pharynx and stomach associated with the larger-bored and more rigid type [11] However, it was not long after the narrow-bore ... identification of all cases To place the risks associated with feeding tube placement into perspective, the probability of pneumothorax with central line insertion is in the 1-2% range [4,5] Therefore,...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A farm-level study of risk factors associated with the colonization of broiler flocks with Campylobacter spp. in Iceland, 2001 – 2004" pot
... included the use of official or official treated water on the farm compared to the use of non-official untreated water, storing manure on the farm at any time of year, and the presence of other domestic ... for the colonization of broiler flocks with Campylobacter Farm-level factors associated with an increased risk of colonization include: the presence of other animals on the farm [13,20-23]; the ... (i.e the practice of shipping all flocks on the farm within the span of a few days, with all houses remaining empty for a period of time) was not a significant predictor in any of the models The...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 18:22
Báo cáo khoa học: Inhibitors of protein phosphatase 1 and 2A decrease the level of tubulin carboxypeptidase activity associated with microtubules pptx
... redistribution of the enzyme between the microtubuleassociated and nonassociated states rather than to inhibit it Type of phosphatase(s) involved in regulation of the carboxypeptidase activity associated with ... cells treated with OA and then with taxol Evaluation of the slope of the curves indicated that detyrosination can occur when carboxypeptidase is not associated with microtubules within the cell, ... measuring the integrated intensity of the corresponding immunostaining with the aid of the METAMORPH IMAGING SYSTEM (Version 4.6r5) For a determined field, the value of integrated intensity of Glu-microtubules...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 15:21
Báo cáo y học: "Grb2-associated binder 1 polymorphism was associated with the risk of Helicobactor pylori infection and gastric atrophy"
... had evidence of H pylori infection because of the earlier presentation or diagnosis of cancer In summary, the Gab1 A/A was associated with the low risk of H pylori infection while the G/A and ... So, the Gab1 polymorphism was associated with the low risk of the infection independent on severe atrophy Although the Gab1 polymorphism prevented H pylori infection, it was associated with the ... that G/G of the PTPN11 gene encoding SHP-2 increased the risk of gastric atrophy among the seropositive subjects [18] The present study examined the association of a polymorphism of Gab1 with gastric...
Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 15:37
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Down-regulation of heme oxygenase-2 is associated with the increased expression of heme oxygenase-1 in human cell lines docx
... significantly increased the promoter activity of phHOLUC45, which contains the MARE, but showed no effect on the promoter activity of phHOLUC40, lacking the MARE, the HO-2 gene promoter of phHO2()1494) ... analysis of HO-1 and HO-2 proteins The intensity representing HO-1 or HO-2 protein was normalized with respect to the intensity of the b-actin signal The ratio of each normalized value to the control ... normalized with respect to the intensity of the 18S rRNA signal The ratio of each normalized value to the control value in untreated cells at h is shown as the relative expression level of HO-1...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo khoa học: N-Methylation in polylegionaminic acid is associated with the phase-variable epitope of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 lipopolysaccharide pptx
... although the OPS of the LPS was partially cleaved, the mAb 2625 epitope in the remaining LPS species was not affected After de-O-acetylation of the LPS, the HF treatment completely cleaved the OPS of ... acid was the smallest one that displayed these signals and, moreover, the relative intensity of these signals was the highest compared to other pools from the same strain Therefore, further structural ... excluded The expression of the N-methyl -associated epitope is suppressed in the phase variant 811 The presence of 10- to 20-fold lower amounts of and in strain 811 could be due to the presence of a...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Alterations in the photoactivation pathway of rhodopsin mutants associated with retinitis pigmentosa potx
... in the context of the folding and packing of the TM domain together with other adRP mutations in the other TM helices [20] These studies showed that G51V was able to regenerate with 11-cis-retinal ... the lack of the opsinobligatory interaction K296 (7.43) in the latter In the context of the crystal structures (Fig 5), the G51V mutation changes the environment of D83, thereby modifying the interactions ... determine to which degree the effects of G51V are associated with the D(E)RY or NPxxY micro-switches [26] Specifically, the additional introduction of E134Q in the background of the G51V mutant structure...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Comparative proteomic analysis identifies proteins associated with the development and progression of colorectal carcinoma pot
... that over-expression of the three proteins was significantly associated with the genesis and progression of CRC The functional implications of the alterations in the levels of these proteins are ... role in the development and progression of CRC Further functional and clinical analysis of the proteins is necessary to elucidate their precise role in the process of CRC and the formation of metastases ... 1) The MSDB identification number, the theoretical molecular mass, the theoretical pI, the sequence coverage and the MASCOT score are shown in Table Among them, the three proteins, identified as...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Serum high mobility group box-1 (HMGB1) is closely associated with the clinical and pathologic features of gastric cancer" pptx
... from the greater curvature of the antrum and the midpoint of the greater curvature of the gastric body via endoscopic biopsy In the patients with cancer two specimens were obtained from the cancerous ... levels and evaluated the correlation of these values with the progression of gastric carcinogenesis We then estimated the validity of HMGB1 as a potential biomarker for the screening, diagnosis, ... (cut-off value of 5.5 ng/ml), and 71% and 67% (cut-off value of ng/ml) The sensitivity and specificity of serum CEA levels for the diagnosis of high-risk lesions was 39% and 76% (cut-off value of...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 15:20
báo cáo hóa học:" A MIF haplotype is associated with the outcome of patients with severe sepsis: a case control study" pdf
... detected the -794 microsatellite and reported about the influence of the number of CATT repeats on the promoter activity [15] In a large study Radstake and co workers reported the association of the ... surgery but without signs of infection or inflammation Secondly, an evaluation of the association of the MIF polymorphisms with the survival of severe sepsis patients was performed Methods The investigation ... preconditions the power of the presented results for the -173 G/C SNP and the -794 (CATT)n microsatellite was 98% and 87%, respectively The linkage disequilibrium of the two loci was assessed with the...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 15:20
báo cáo hóa học: " Indoors illumination and seasonal changes in mood and behavior are associated with the health-related quality of life" pdf
... diagnosis of depressive disorder can be assessed with the BDI Other variables used in the analysis of data were as follows As part of the assessment, the participants filled in items concerning their ... whether the HRQoL is associated with the seasonal changes in mood and behavior Because the shortage of exposure to daylight or artificial bright light has been linked to the occurrence of these ... for analysis of the stratified data using survey-weighted generalized linear models We wanted to know whether there was any association of the health-related quality of life with the seasonal...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
báo cáo hóa học: " Low ficolin-3 levels in early follow-up serum samples are associated with the severity and unfavorable outcome of acute ischemic stroke" pptx
... median values with the 25th to 75th percentiles in parentheses unless stated otherwise Results The concentrations of the proteins of the lectin pathway and CRP in the sera of patients with ischemic ... with ischemic stroke immediately after admission (i.e within hours after the onset of the symptoms) The levels of these proteins did not further change during the initial 3-4 days of stroke The ... concentration in the follow up samples as well as the outcome of the disease Finally, we assessed the relationship between the baseline NIH scale as an indirect measure of the severity of the stroke, the...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo toán học: " Acute myocardial infarction and coronary vasospasm associated with the ingestion of cayenne pepper pills in a 25-year-old male" pot
... [14,15] These substances exaggerate the vasospastic activity of other drugs, enhance endothelial dysfunction, increase platelet aggregation, increase sympathetic activity, and decrease the myocardial ... myocytes, an effect that is associated with the inhibition of potassium currents [8,9] Coronary vasospasm and acute myocardial infarction (AMI) associated with the use of topical capsaicin patches ... pepper pills support the role of capsaicin in the development of coronary vasospasm through increased sympathetic stimulation Conclusions This is the first report linking the use of cayenne pepper...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20