... U.S Department of Defense and Wal-Mart in their mandates, and in a flurry of industrial mandates that followed Now armed with these mandates, government legislations, and the resulting hyperbole, ... U.S Department of Defense and Wal-Mart in their mandates and in a flurry of industrial mandates that followed Now, armed with these mandates, government legislations, and the resulting hyperbole, ... framework through which to understand electricity, magnetism, and the relationship between them—in other words, to understand electric fields and magnetic fields and the relationship among them.To...
Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 12:53
... 23 I will and I'm going to 24 Will be doing and will have done 25 When I do/When I've done When and if Modals 26 Can, could and (be) able to 27 Could (do) and could have (done) 28 Must and can't ... units you need to study, use the Study guide on page 301 Study the explanations and examples on the left-hand page of the unit you have chosen Do the exercises on the right-hand page Check your ... with and without the (1) 77 Names with and without the (2) 78 Singular and plural 79 Noun + noun (a tennis ball/a headache etc.) 80 -'s (the girl's name) and of (the name of the book) Pronouns and...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 23:20
Transoesophageal Echocardiography study guide and practice mcqs phần 1 docx
... cardiologists and cardiac surgeons Andrew Roscoe is a consultant in cardiothoracic anaesthesia at Wythenshawe Hospital in Manchester, UK Transoesophageal Echocardiography Study Guide and Practice ... echocardiography against an objective standard, and all of them consist of two parts With the practical part, the candidate must demonstrate adequate training and competency through a supervised ... equations, standard values and plenty of diagrams in a highly absorbable way Each chapter also concludes with a series of exam-style self-assessment questions to emphasize important facts and practice...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20
Transoesophageal Echocardiography study guide and practice mcqs phần 2 pot
... cycle Units = m U/S = 0.1–0.8 mm Determined by sound source and medium λ influences axial resolution Velocity (v), frequency ( f ) and wavelength (λ) associated by the equation v = fλ Transoesophageal ... SPPA SPTA SATP SAPA Lowest I SATA SPTA relevant to tissue heating For CW: SPTP = SPTA and SATP = SATA When PW and CW have same SPTP/SATP CW has higher SPTA/SATA PA > TA for PW Beam uniformity ratio ... length (cm) ↑AC in: bone (absorption and reflection) air/lung (scatter) Physics of ultrasound Table 1.2 Effect of transducer frequency on attenuation coefficient (AC) and half-value layer thickness...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20
Transoesophageal Echocardiography study guide and practice mcqs phần 3 ppsx
... areas of heart and analysing time-related events 2-D imaging Multiple narrow beams of pulsed U/S B mode can be moved through path by sonographer to create 2-D picture, but slow and patient movement ... from that emitted = frequency shift/Doppler frequency (fD ) The magnitude and direction of fD is related to the velocity and direction of the moving object (Fig 1.30) fD = v f O cos θ/c 29 Physics ... distinguish two reflectors as separate entities parallel to U/S beam (Fig 1.21) Determined by source (f ) and medium (λ) TOE LARRD = 0.05–0.5 mm Improve LARRD resolution (i.e ↓LARRD distance) by: – ↑f →...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20
Transoesophageal Echocardiography study guide and practice mcqs phần 4 pot
... absorb → shear stresses/microstreaming in surrounding fluid (2) transient cavitation bubbles expand and burst → highly localized violent effects mechanical index = quantification of cavitation effects ... TOE is considered safe if temperature rises less then ◦ C C in transient cavitation, bubbles expand and burst D thermal index is the quantification of tissue heating E focused beams are considered ... 19 Pulse wave Doppler A suffers from ‘range ambiguity’ artefact B requires one crystal to emit and a second crystal to receive C is used in colour flow Doppler imaging D is accurate with velocities...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20
Transoesophageal Echocardiography study guide and practice mcqs phần 5 ppt
... veins Four veins: right–upper and lower (RUPV and RLPV) left–upper and lower (LUPV and LLPV) 2% population have > PVs from right lung Doppler flow composed of S, D and A waves (Fig 3.20) S wave ... leaflets: anterior (largest) posterior septal (Fig 3.15) PMs: anterior (largest) from moderator band posterior and septal (small) TVL = continuous veil of fibrous tissue indentations = commissures Septal ... < TMF because RV Cn > LV Cn Normal anatomy and physiology Respiration Greater influence on TTF compared to TMF On inspiration → TTF increases ↑E Vmax and A Vmax by ≈ 15% E/A ratio remains constant...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20
Transoesophageal Echocardiography study guide and practice mcqs phần 6 potx
... walls seen from the standard two chamber view (at 90◦ ) are A inferior and lateral B anterior and lateral C posterior and anteroseptal D inferior and anterior E septal and lateral Normal right ... following three coronary cusps A left, right and anterior B left, right and posterior C anterior, posterior and nonD superior, inferior and nonE left, right and nonThe normal maximum velocity measured ... there is an anterolateral and a posteromedial commissure D chordal structures arise from the papillary muscles and attach to the ventricular surface of both the anterior and posterior leaflets E...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20
Transoesophageal Echocardiography study guide and practice mcqs phần 7 pdf
... size and systolic function Restriction to RV and LV filling Echo-dense RV and LV walls Amyloidosis Deposition of abnormal proteins between myocardial fibres, in PMs, in conductive tissue and in ... pericardium Increased RV and LV wall thickness ‘Speckled’/granular appearance RV/LV size and systolic function normal Biatrial dilatation Diffuse valvular thickening (MV and TV) Small/moderate ... enlargement with impaired RV and LV systolic function Aetiology Idiopathic IHD Post-partum Post-CPB Toxins – alcohol, cobalt, adriamycin, snake bites Metabolic – acromegaly, thiamine, and selenium deficiency...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20
Transoesophageal Echocardiography study guide and practice mcqs phần 8 potx
... Ionescu–Shiley bovine pericardium calcification/abrasions → stenosis and regurgitation duration ∼ 5–10 yrs Mechanical valves (1) Ball -and- cage: Starr–Edwards Double cage with silastic ball Haemolysis ... mucopolysaccharide and polygonal cells Benign 25% of all primary cardiac tumours 75% in LA/20% in RA/5% other sites in heart LA myxomas: 90% on IAS (fossa ovalis) Usually present between 30 and 60 years ... friable, gelatinous, and pedunculated Features: disruption of MV function emboli systemic symptoms (fever, malaise) Lipoma Occur throughout the heart Subepicardial: large, smooth, and pedunculated...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20
Transoesophageal Echocardiography study guide and practice mcqs phần 9 pdf
... of crista supraventricularis (Fig 8.2) Immediately inferior to PV and AV (LCC and RCC) = infundibular VSD Infracristal Inferior and posterior to crista supraventricularis (Fig 8.2) (1) Membranous: ... appearance discrete sessile mass pedunculated friable clump elongated strand Occur on low pressure side of valves Usually at leaflet tips Right-sided vegetations usually larger than left-sided Fungal ... RA and RV into pericardial space → ↑Venous return to right side 133 134 Transoesophageal Echocardiography (2) Tamponade Inspiration → Fall in IPP less than normal → RV fills → RV unable to expand...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20
Transoesophageal Echocardiography study guide and practice mcqs phần 10 pptx
... Wallace, L In Annual Comprehensive Review and TEE Update: Clinical Decision Making in the Cardiac Surgery Patient, 2003 Weyman, A E (ed.) Principles and Practice of Echocardiography, 2nd edn Philadelphia: ... Physics and Equipment London: Greenwich Medical Media Ltd, 2003 Peters, P J & Reinhardt, S The echocardiographic evaluation of intracardiac masses: a review J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2006; 19: 230–40 Practice ... Extracardiac anatomy Table 9.2 Comparison of Stanford type A and B dissection Stanford A Frequency (%) Age Male : female Associated ↑BP (%) AI (%) Acute mortality...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20
10 Tips to Study Smart and Save Time
... understand the topic and teach it to them This exercise forces you to organize Spending five minutes explaining a concept can save you an hour of combined studying for the same effect Leave No Islands ... notes and a perfectly highlighted textbook doesn’t matter if you don’t understand the information in it Your only goal is to understand the information so it will stick with you for assignments, tests ... languages Build a Large Foundation - Reading lots and having a general understanding of many topics gives you a lot more flexibility in finding patterns and metaphors in new topics The more you already...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 12:15
Practice Tests in Grammar,Writing, and Reading Comprehension
... beautiful and tasteful, seems frozen or removed from life and reflects some aspect of Sylvia’s character b The fact that it is light and airy and filled with beautiful dioramas reflects Sylvia’s youth and ... subject and requires the singular verb includes The list of candidates for graduation includes my name and my brother’s SV Books and calculator require the plural verb remain My books and my calculator ... to see our own errors CHAPTER • LearningExpress Skill Builders PRACTICE TESTS IN GRAMMAR, WRITING, AND READING COMPREHENSION– PRACTICE READING COMPREHENSION TEST Following are two reading comprehension...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 17:20
Báo cáo y học: " Exploring mentorship as a strategy to build capacity for knowledge translation research and practice: protocol for a qualitative study" pps
... research institutes, funding agencies, and professional organizations in Canada and elsewhere to develop, implement, and evaluate mentorship for KT research and practice This research will establish ... appropriateness and outcomes (KT practice) Another important dimension is the conduct of research that identifies barriers of appropriate practice, and evaluates interventions to improve the organization and ... Candy, Bandura, and Schon suggest that professionals should be active contributors in the educational process so that learning is work-situated, or shaped by their knowledge and experience, and...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:21
báo cáo khoa học: " Exploring mentorship as a strategy to build capacity for knowledge translation research and practice: protocol for a qualitative study" pot
... research institutes, funding agencies, and professional organizations in Canada and elsewhere to develop, implement, and evaluate mentorship for KT research and practice This research will establish ... appropriateness and outcomes (KT practice) Another important dimension is the conduct of research that identifies barriers of appropriate practice, and evaluates interventions to improve the organization and ... Candy, Bandura, and Schon suggest that professionals should be active contributors in the educational process so that learning is work-situated, or shaped by their knowledge and experience, and...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:20
Successful FCE 10 practice tests new 2015 format self study guide 56p
... different colours and patterns and shapes and sizes and they all move in different ways as well I can spend hours in front of the tank watching them going up and down and from side to side and this next ... offices of T.J Smith and Sons OK then We'll have cheese, ham, sausage, mayonnaise and crispy lettuce on brown and cheddar cheese, chicken and chutney, and roast beef, horse radish and cucumber, both ... husband the correct answer must also include the same sub- your bus coming now.” and the other woman says And I hope you ject of husband and family The writer spoke to her dream-family, and...
Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2016, 13:24
IELTS for Academic Purposes-6 Practice Tests with Key.pdf
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2012, 15:04