students reticence behaviour in english speaking classes

An investigation into the use of hedges to develop students pragmatic competence in english speaking classes at hai lang high school quang tri province, vietnam

An investigation into the use of hedges to develop students pragmatic competence in english speaking classes at hai lang high school quang tri province, vietnam

... practicing speaking Students should learn how to use hedges in speaking as soon as they begin to learn English Hedges should be taught mainly in speaking class It is necessary to practice using ... Questions for students What you think of the role of pragmatic competence in English speaking? What you think of the use of hedges in English speaking? In class, how does your teacher instruct you ... for teachers What you think of the role of pragmatic competence in communication? What you think of the use of hedges in English speaking? In class, how you instruct your students to use hedges?

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2023, 18:09

95 5 0
Towards adapting speaking activities in tiếng anh 10   to increase students participation in english speaking classes

Towards adapting speaking activities in tiếng anh 10 to increase students participation in english speaking classes

... 1MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING VINH UNIVERSITY TRINH THI THU HOAI TOWARDS ADAPTING SPEAKING ACTIVITIES IN ‘TIENG ANH 10’ —- TO INCREASE STUDENTS’ PARTICIPATION IN ENGLISH SPEAKING CLASSES ... in Speaking Lessons Students’ Motivation in Learning Speaking English Students’ Learning Styles 34 34 34 35 35 45 49 49 51 Trang 8Factors Prevent Students from Participating in Speaking ... FIGURES Students’ self - evaluation of their participation in speaking Students’ interests in speaking lessons Reasons for students’ low interests Students’ assessment on speaking topies in

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2014, 05:09

131 687 1
A study on factors affecting first year english major students’ motivation in english speaking classes at hanoi pedagogical university 2

A study on factors affecting first year english major students’ motivation in english speaking classes at hanoi pedagogical university 2

... Four Factors Affecting Sudents‟ Motivation in English Speaking Classes 32 3.2 Discussion of Findings on Factors Affecting Students‟ Motivation in English Speaking Classes ... Definitions of Speaking Skills Types of Classroom Speaking Performance 10 3.2 Motivation in Speaking Classroom 10 3.2.1 Factors Demotivate Students to Speak in Classes ... collection instruments The data were computed and analyzed The major findings demonstrated that there were four main groups of factors that affect students‟ motivation in English speaking classes in

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2019, 15:27

62 240 1
Luận Văn Giáo Dục Sư Phạm A study on factors affecting first-year English major students’ motivation in English speaking classes at Hanoi Pedagogical University 2

Luận Văn Giáo Dục Sư Phạm A study on factors affecting first-year English major students’ motivation in English speaking classes at Hanoi Pedagogical University 2

... Four Factors Affecting Sudents‟ Motivation in English Speaking Classes 32 3.2 Discussion of Findings on Factors Affecting Students‟ Motivation in English Speaking Classes ... encourage students to actively participate in speaking class Therefore, well-designed activities are important in enhancing students' interests, performance and intrinsic motivation in English speaking ... insight in each factor was revealed First and foremost, students – related factors containing student‟ interest with speaking English, students‟ belief, students‟ confidence, students‟ learning

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2019, 21:30

62 281 1
A study on factors affecting first year english major students’ motivation in english speaking classes at hanoi pedagogical university 2

A study on factors affecting first year english major students’ motivation in english speaking classes at hanoi pedagogical university 2

... among Four Factors Affecting Sudents‟ Motivation in English Speaking Classes 32 3.2 Discussion of Findings on Factors Affecting Students‟ Motivation in English Speaking Classes 34 3.2.1 Student ... motivation in practising English speaking skills, especially factors affecting students‟ motivation in practising English speaking skills Moreover, some studies about factors affecting students‟ ... in L2 learning, motivation in L2 speaking class especially factors affecting students‟ motivation in L2 speaking class Moreover, some studies about factors affecting students‟ motivation in speaking

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2019, 14:27

62 212 2
Matches and mismatches between EFL teachers’ and students’ preferences for corrective feedback in english speaking classes  a study at a vietnamese university

Matches and mismatches between EFL teachers’ and students’ preferences for corrective feedback in english speaking classes a study at a vietnamese university

... ABSTRACT This study aimed at examining teachers‟ and students‟ preferences regarding different types of corrective feedback in EFL (English as a foreign language) speaking classrooms at Hanoi Pedagogical ... little things T: Comes III REPETITION S: There are several factors are important in achieving happiness T: There are several factors that are important in achieving happiness S: He take part in… after ... speaking about something that happens right now which tense we use? (Metalinguistic feedback: The teacher gives a hint or a clue without specifically pointing out the mistake.) 14 He is talking

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2020, 14:34

103 87 0
An exploratory research on teachers’ oral corrective feedback and students’ uptake in english speaking classes at binh minh high school in ninh binh

An exploratory research on teachers’ oral corrective feedback and students’ uptake in english speaking classes at binh minh high school in ninh binh

... school in Ninh Binh” Current learning and teaching at Binh Minh high school in Ninh Binh Binh Minh high school is situated in a rural area by the sea It has 30 classes with a total 1,140 students ... dealing with appropriate error-correction strategies in general and in speaking classes in particular The above situation of error correction in speaking classes and the gap of knowledge in the ... CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK AND STUDENTS’ UPTAKE IN ENGLISH SPEAKING CLASSES AT BINH MINH HIGH SCHOOL IN NINH BINH (NGHIÊN CỨU THĂM DỊ VỀ VIỆC CHỮA LỖI NĨI CỦA GIÁO VIÊN VÀ SỰ TIẾP NHẬN CỦA HỌC SINH TRONG GIỜ

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2020, 18:47

58 58 0
Matches and mismatches between EFL teachers’ and students’ preferences for corrective feedback in English speaking classes at a Vietnamese university

Matches and mismatches between EFL teachers’ and students’ preferences for corrective feedback in English speaking classes at a Vietnamese university

... Five English teachers were invited to participate in this study They are all Vietnamese with certain years of teaching speaking skills in the same faculty All of them are teaching speaking skills ... corrective feedback teachers actually give on students’ speaking in EFL speaking classrooms? What types of corrective feedback students and teachers in EFL speaking classrooms prefer? To what extent ... dominated in which teaching techniques seem to follow the one size fits all patterns (Mpho, 2018) As a result, students’ learning progress has been affected, especially in the speaking domain

Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2020, 10:26

14 76 0
A study on factors affecting first-year English major students’ motivation in English speaking classes at Hanoi Pedagogical University 2

A study on factors affecting first-year English major students’ motivation in English speaking classes at Hanoi Pedagogical University 2

... Four Factors Affecting Sudents‟ Motivation in English Speaking Classes 32 3.2 Discussion of Findings on Factors Affecting Students‟ Motivation in English Speaking Classes ... insight in each factor was revealed First and foremost, students – related factors containing student‟ interest with speaking English, students‟ belief, students‟ confidence, students‟ learning ... some minutes to ask students to share their opinions after each speaking task/ activity According to students and lecturers, the facilities in each speaking class seem inadequate Each speaking

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2021, 08:23

62 105 0
A study on factors affecting first year english major students’ motivation in english speaking classes at hanoi pedagogical university 2

A study on factors affecting first year english major students’ motivation in english speaking classes at hanoi pedagogical university 2

... Four Factors Affecting Sudents‟ Motivation in English Speaking Classes 32 3.2 Discussion of Findings on Factors Affecting Students‟ Motivation in English Speaking Classes ... insight in each factor was revealed First and foremost, students – related factors containing student‟ interest with speaking English, students‟ belief, students‟ confidence, students‟ learning ... some minutes to ask students to share their opinions after each speaking task/ activity According to students and lecturers, the facilities in each speaking class seem inadequate Each speaking

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2021, 08:28

62 62 0
(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) matches and mismatches between EFL teachers’ and students’ preferences for corrective feedback in english speaking classes a study at a vietnamese university

(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) matches and mismatches between EFL teachers’ and students’ preferences for corrective feedback in english speaking classes a study at a vietnamese university

... errors in noun and verb derivations involving improper use of prefixes and suffixes.Errors in language learning can be categorized into two main types: inter-lingual and intra-lingual errors Inter-lingual ... understanding This makes feedback a crucial element in enhancing the teaching and learning of speaking, as it offers students valuable insights into their oral performance.Yang and Lyster (2010) defined ... feedback do teachers actually give on students‟ speaking in EFL speaking classrooms? 2 What types of corrective feedback do students and teachers in EFL speaking classrooms prefer? 3 To what extent

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2022, 10:03

103 3 0
Problems facing 10th form students in english speaking classes

Problems facing 10th form students in english speaking classes

... successfully in real life 1.2 Speaking Skills 1.2.1 What is Speaking? Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving, and processing information ... learning speaking and the problems of learning speaking at Duc Tho high school in Ha Tinh Chapter discusses some suggested solutions to solve the problems facing 10th form students in speaking classes ... learning speaking, or the topics of speaking activities are not interesting, etc When having a lack of motivation they are not willing or eager to effort in learning speaking activities and learning...

Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2013, 14:05

41 674 5
ba thesis the application of communicative activities in english speaking classes of grade 11th students at cao lanh city high school

ba thesis the application of communicative activities in english speaking classes of grade 11th students at cao lanh city high school

... dictionaries define Speaking is the action of conveying information or expressing one’s feelings in speech” In addition, Speaking is "the process of building and sharing meaning through the ... symbols, in a variety of contexts" (Chaney, 1998) Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching In learning English, speaking skill is defined in different ways Speaking is ... speak in Vietnamese to make something clear to your students In your speaking lessons, most of 1 the time is for students talking Your speaking lessons are usually finished in time Your speaking...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 08:03

88 800 1
Factors causing students' anxiety in English speaking classes in Le Quy Don high school, Dong Da, Hanoi = Tác nhân gây lo lắng cho học sinh trong việc nói tiếng

Factors causing students' anxiety in English speaking classes in Le Quy Don high school, Dong Da, Hanoi = Tác nhân gây lo lắng cho học sinh trong việc nói tiếng

... effectively in reducing anxiety in speaking English is encouraging students to work in groups or pairs as students prefer discussing in groups to talking a lone or think of themselves delivering their ... motivates students to maintain their efforts in learning (Na, 2007, pp.30-31) Language anxiety in the speaking skill Speaking skill is extremely anxiety-provoking in many language students and ... to reduce students' anxiety in speaking English Research questions In relation to the major purpose of the study, which was to investigate the students' anxiety in English speaking in classroom,...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:42

49 1,1K 3


... language The importance of gaining communicative competence and maintaining intercultural interaction has fostered the necessity of integrating cultural elements into language instruction Any language ... assumptions In English speaking classes, students should have some certain knowledge about culture in communication style of the target language speaking countries 1.4 Need for cross-culture teaching ... significant finding of this study is that the teaching and learning of speaking lessons are more interesting and motivating when cultural and cross-cultural elements are integrated Students become...

Ngày tải lên: 15/07/2015, 12:53

58 419 2
Towards adapting speaking activities in Tiếng anh 10  to increase students participation in english speaking classes + Nghiên cứu thiết chỉnh một số hoạt động nói trong sách Tiếng anh 10 nhằm tăng cường sự thạm gia của học sinh trong giờ học tiếng anh

Towards adapting speaking activities in Tiếng anh 10 to increase students participation in english speaking classes + Nghiên cứu thiết chỉnh một số hoạt động nói trong sách Tiếng anh 10 nhằm tăng cường sự thạm gia của học sinh trong giờ học tiếng anh

... “Towards adapting speaking activities in ‘TIẾNG ANH 10’ to increase students participation in English class” is carried out with the hope to increase students involvement in learning speaking PREVIOUS ... adaptation of speaking activities would be helpful in increasing the students involvement in speaking lessons 2.4.2 The teacher interview An interview to English teachers who have ever taught English ... Also, providing extra speaking skills 1.3.3 Teaching speaking a) The role of the teacher and learner in teaching and learning speaking • The role of the teacher According to Breen and Candlin [3],...

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2015, 15:16

103 901 2
Factors affecting motivation for 10th graders' engagement in English speaking classes  A survey at SaPa high school, Lao Cai  ảnh hưởng đến động lực tham gia và

Factors affecting motivation for 10th graders' engagement in English speaking classes A survey at SaPa high school, Lao Cai ảnh hưởng đến động lực tham gia và

... possessed by grade 10 students at Sapa high school in engaging in English speaking classes? (2) What are factors influencing the students motivation in engaging in English speaking classes? (3) What ... Students frequency in engaging in speaking English in English classes 22 Figure Students reluctance degree in speaking lessons 23 Figure Students perspective on the topics in English 10 ... of intrinsic, instrumental and integrate orientationin learning speaking Instrumentally motivation, thus, was the most important in learning speaking English of Grade 10 students at SPHS, LC In...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:33

70 904 3
Factors affecting motivation for 10th graders' engagement in English speaking classes A survey at SaPa high school, Lao Cai  ảnh hưởng đến động lực tham gia vào

Factors affecting motivation for 10th graders' engagement in English speaking classes A survey at SaPa high school, Lao Cai ảnh hưởng đến động lực tham gia vào

... grade 10 students at Sapa high school in engaging in English speaking classes  To exploring the factors influencing the students motivation in engaging in English speaking classes  To examine teachers ... of intrinsic, instrumental and integrate orientationin learning speaking Instrumentally motivation, thus, was the most important in learning speaking English of Grade 10 students at SPHS, LC In ... What are factors influencing the students motivation in engaging in English speaking classes? The findings shows that some factors that affected students motivation in engaging in ESC were learners’...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:34

17 339 0
Factors demotivating students to participate in English speaking lessons at Viet-Hung Industrial University = Những nhân tố làm sinh viên giảm hứng thú tham gia

Factors demotivating students to participate in English speaking lessons at Viet-Hung Industrial University = Những nhân tố làm sinh viên giảm hứng thú tham gia

... focus on developing students ability of speaking English Indeed, different skills (Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing) have certain roles in English language learning, but the final aim of ... they are not willing to take part in speaking lessons Obviously, there may exist certain factors that deter students from participating in speaking classes In an attempt to find out the causes ... following main points: - Students opinions to learning to speak English 14 - Students reasons for learning to speak English - Whether students are motivated or demotivated to speak English in...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:44

65 1,1K 4

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