students opinions towards english speaking skills in the textbook tieng anh 11

Demotivation in learning English of the students of Ly Thai To High School in Bac Ninh = Sự mất hứng thú học tiếng Anh của học sinh trường THPT Lý Thái Tổ, Bắc 20150227

Demotivation in learning English of the students of Ly Thai To High School in Bac Ninh = Sự mất hứng thú học tiếng Anh của học sinh trường THPT Lý Thái Tổ, Bắc 20150227

... most of the students in grade 10 are interested in learning English, but their interest is gradually reduced in grade 11, and they are almost not motivated in learning English any more when they ... situation in Vietnam Despite the current extrinsic pressures to learn English as a foreign language in Vietnam, many students don’t seem to have interest in learning English, or in other words, they ... School in Bac Ninh” 3 Aims of the study The study aims at: * Investigating the factors that cause a negative impact on learning English of the students at Ly Thai To High School in Bac Ninh based...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:14

50 1,2K 2
and but or as cohesive devices in english written discouse - a contrastive analysis with vietnamese equivalents and implications for teaching writing skill at utehy

and but or as cohesive devices in english written discouse - a contrastive analysis with vietnamese equivalents and implications for teaching writing skill at utehy

... of helping students avoid making mistakes in using these three English coordinators 4.2 Suggested types of exercises  Type 1: Combine the following pairs of sentences using the coordinators ... TEACHING WRITING SKILL AT UTEHY To meet the demand of all learners of English in general and of English major students in particular, teachers of English in Vietnam have been trying to find out the ... than for English In other words, the students level of English proficiency is rather low The method of teaching English at UTEHY, thus, cannot be the same as that of other universities The teachers...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:25

45 610 1
LIÊN KẾT TỪ VỰNG TRONG CÁC BÀI ĐỌC CỦA GIÁO TRÌNH “INFOTECH” VÀ GỢI Ý CHO VIỆC GIẢNG DẠY TIẾNG ANH CHO SINH VIÊN NGÀNH CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN = lexical cohesion in the reading texts of  infotech  textbook and implications for teaching english for it and comp

LIÊN KẾT TỪ VỰNG TRONG CÁC BÀI ĐỌC CỦA GIÁO TRÌNH “INFOTECH” VÀ GỢI Ý CHO VIỆC GIẢNG DẠY TIẾNG ANH CHO SINH VIÊN NGÀNH CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN = lexical cohesion in the reading texts of infotech textbook and implications for teaching english for it and comp

... disciplines” - Reading skill in ESP Among four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, reading plays an important part in teaching and learning ESP due to the following reasons As a ... cohesion in written ESP texts in the course book Infotech 2.1 Overview of lexical cohesion in the texts of Infotech The six texts investigated in this thesis are taken from the course book Infotech ... remind their students of this more often to help them realize the importance of the repeated words and consequently, remember them while reading After finishing reading, students may get both the...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:32

50 901 0
a study on the main features of short jokes and implications for teaching speaking to students of grade 12 at ngoc tao upper secondary school

a study on the main features of short jokes and implications for teaching speaking to students of grade 12 at ngoc tao upper secondary school

... could find out a more effective way in creating interesting learning environment in the speaking class Aims of the study The study is set out to address the following objectives: - To find out ... the roof! I know, dear; I saw him pass the window The word “pass” can be interpreted in two ways Either the mother saw her husband passing the window or he fell off the roof and passed the window ... like English is speaking Many students find difficulties in speaking English Some factors are fear of making mistakes, fear of being laughed at by their friends, and having less confidence of their...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2015, 17:19

57 673 0
Báo cáo " A brief comparison of Vietnamese intonation and English intonation and its implications for teaching English intonation to Vietnamese EFL learners " pptx

Báo cáo " A brief comparison of Vietnamese intonation and English intonation and its implications for teaching English intonation to Vietnamese EFL learners " pptx

... rising, rising-falling) of both languages just tell the hearer something concerning the emotional attitude of the speaker or the apparent purpose of making the utterance However, the English intonation ... Rising /The First Rising Tone/Glide-up c Falling-Rising/Fall-Rise/Dive d Rising - Falling a The Falling/Glide-down In its shortest form, the Falling tone starts fairly high and then falls low In case ... "cautiously used" in Vietnamese than in other languages: In questions, for example, there is normal declination until the proximity of the sentence final question marker, where the rise begins; the overall...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 12:20

10 2K 17
Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học: " A brief comparison of Vietnamese intonation and English intonation and its implications for teaching English intonation to Vietnamese EFL learners" ppsx

Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học: " A brief comparison of Vietnamese intonation and English intonation and its implications for teaching English intonation to Vietnamese EFL learners" ppsx

... rising, rising-falling) of both languages just tell the hearer something concerning the emotional attitude of the speaker or the apparent purpose of making the utterance However, the English intonation ... Rising /The First Rising Tone/Glide-up c Falling-Rising/Fall-Rise/Dive d Rising - Falling a The Falling/Glide-down In its shortest form, the Falling tone starts fairly high and then falls low In case ... "cautiously used" in Vietnamese than in other languages: In questions, for example, there is normal declination until the proximity of the sentence final question marker, where the rise begins; the overall...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 16:21

10 1,1K 4
english compound nouns in a contrastive analysis with the vietnamese equivalents and some implications for teaching and learning vocabulary in the textbook  english for the hotel and tourist industry

english compound nouns in a contrastive analysis with the vietnamese equivalents and some implications for teaching and learning vocabulary in the textbook english for the hotel and tourist industry

... VOCABULARY IN THE TEXTBOOK ENGLISH FOR THE HOTEL AND TOURIST INDUSTRY” 30 4.1 Introduction .30 4.2 An analysis on the main types of compound nouns in the textbook: English for the hotel ... tourist industry” 30 4.2.1 An introduction to the textbook: English for the hotel and tourist industry” 30 4.2.2 The main types of English compound nouns in the textbook 31 4.3 The ... examine the main types of compound nouns used in the textbook, the descriptions of students in term of English level, learning conditions and how they understand and use compound nouns in this textbook...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:29

51 3,1K 10
Students’ pragmatic awareness and implications for English classroom teaching at Vietnam University of Commerce = Nhận thức ngữ dụng học của sinh viên và các gợ

Students’ pragmatic awareness and implications for English classroom teaching at Vietnam University of Commerce = Nhận thức ngữ dụng học của sinh viên và các gợ

... of inviting Different cultures set different rules on how to offer an invitation and how to provide offers Since the ways of inviting, refusing and accepting an invitation in the English- speaking ... quantitative The results show that the students awareness of speech acts, namely, greeting, addressing, introducing, requesting and responding, inviting and responding to offering, parting, thanking ... either grammatical or pragmatic errors Then, they were asked to rate the levels of severity of the errors they perceived in the questionnaire The findings revealed that the ESL learners in the...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:33

75 582 0
A study on lexical cohesive devices from some reading texts of the course book English for Business Study and pedagogical implications for teaching English for third year students at Trade Union University

A study on lexical cohesive devices from some reading texts of the course book English for Business Study and pedagogical implications for teaching English for third year students at Trade Union University

... reading texts of the course book English for Business Studies hoping that it may help students more in comprehending the reading texts and learning vocabulary Aims of the study In brief, the ... research The aims of the study include investigating the kinds of lexical cohesive device and their frequency of occurrence in EBS text book and providing an insight into the use of these lexical ... DEVICES IN BE READING TEXTS IN THE COURSE BOOK EBS In this chapter, the collected data was analyzed and discussed, the findings of the study also answer to the three research questioned raised in the...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:47

9 860 7
Euro English A Debate and its Implications for Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Euro English A Debate and its Implications for Teaching English as a Foreign Language

... variety of English among the English teaching community in Germany A number of linguists claim there is a new variety of English developing in continental Europe, also known as Euro -English Their ... CHAPTER Page INTRODUCTION 1
 English Worldwide 6
 Defining English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) 8
 Conceptualizing English as a Lingua Franca ... reveal that there is little awareness of non-native varieties and many find it hard to accept the features of Euro -English However, the teachers show a genuine interest in this topic Where there is...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2016, 13:47

6 503 0
implications for teaching and learning english negative questions

implications for teaching and learning english negative questions

... was boring, wasn’t it? E.g.2: They did not finish their duty, did they? According to B.S Azar in the book Understanding and Using English Grammar, we can use either the falling or the rising tone ... aren’t they? The tag pronoun for these/ those = they There is a meeting tonight, isn’t there? In sentence with There + be, There is used in the tag Everything is okay, isn’t it? Everyone took the ... that they may stand in various positions For instance, the interrogative pronouns sao/ sao/ often stand at the beginning of the clause But sometimes, they can be put at the final place of the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/04/2016, 08:09

58 524 0
Environmental barriers to trade of the united states and implications for vietnam

Environmental barriers to trade of the united states and implications for vietnam

... lợi nhuận nước ngoài); rào cản chống cạnh tranh (bao gồm thực tiễn chống cạnh tranh doanh nghiệp Nhà nước công ty tư nhân làm hạn chế hoạt động kinh doanh công ty Mỹ hay công ty nước khác); rào ... điều cần biết, Nxb Hà Nội Tiếng Anh 13 Adam McCarty (2001), Vietnam in ASEAN, Regional Intergration Process and Challenges, Hanoi 14 Damien J Neven (2000), Evaluating the effects of non-tariff barriers, ... phát triển, đặc biệt Mỹ EU Đó phát triển kinh tế nói chung khoa học công nghệ phát triển họ muốn vươn tới môi trường tốt Các nước giới theo đuổi kinh tế xanh, phát triển bền vững bảo vệ môi trường...

Ngày tải lên: 06/02/2014, 20:27

25 594 0


... addressing them One type of challenge involves getting programs started, keeping them going and scaling them up from small pilot projects to the national level The main issues surrounding this ... schools The program appeared to lower STIs: The self-reported symptoms of STIs in the six months after the intervention were lower in the intervention group as compared with the control schools The ... trained providers to whom they could refer their peers for appropriate services An evaluation after one year yielded the following findings: • • The intervention improved knowledge: Students in...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 14:20

23 421 0
Tài liệu China’s Economic Rise: History, Trends, Challenges, and Implications for the United States pdf

Tài liệu China’s Economic Rise: History, Trends, Challenges, and Implications for the United States pdf

... Source: Invest in China ( 22 China 2 011 Statistical Yearbook Industrial output is defined by the Chinese government as the total volume of final industrial products produced and industrial ... road.71 The Chinese government has sharply criticized foreign governments for reporting air quality in China, calling their readings inaccurate and complaining that releasing such data violates international ... be challenged to maintain their competitive edge to emerging nations, including China.”17 Figure Gross Value Added Manufacturing in China, the United States, and Japan: 2004-2 011 ($ billions) 2,500...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 20:20

43 641 0
Unfolding the Future of the Long War - Motivations, Prospects, and Implications for the U.S. Army docx

Unfolding the Future of the Long War - Motivations, Prospects, and Implications for the U.S. Army docx

... another In the “Chronic Insurgencies/Instability” trajectory, Ink Blot would be reserved for those insurgencies and areas of instability in which the insurgents are gaining ground and in uence The ... may be involved in the long war In the QDR, four main points are made regarding winning the long war They are as follows: defeat terrorist networks defend the homeland in depth shape the choices ... for the United States in that part of the world, changing Indonesian public opinion the most (Pew, 2005, p 2) The tsunami was also implicated in bringing the regional insurgent group GAM together...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 20:20

230 490 0


... increase in its market share, the interbank market segment continues to play a limited role in Vietnam, in distinct contrast with the case in other countries In the global forex market, the interbank ... simply ‘notifies’ the average interbank rate determined on the 12 preceding business day through the interaction between supply and demand in the market The regime is ‘managed’ in that the exchange ... selected emerging markets in Asia, the trading volume in the interbank market was reported in a range from 55 percent to 95 percent (see Table 3) Further, the limited role of the interbank market...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 18:20

31 825 8
Báo cáo khoa học: "Temporal Context: Applications and Implications for Computational Linguistics" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Temporal Context: Applications and Implications for Computational Linguistics" pot

... by other terms In Table 1, database was listed among the top ve terms that were most characteristic of the ACL proceedings in 19791984 Bisecting this time slice and including bi- grams in the ... categories; C athens = 0.20 for each C Howthat is, ever, in the summer of 2004, we would expect SPORTS athens to be greatly increased relative to the other categories due to the citys hosting of the Olympic ... great in year y as it is atemporally, the decision rule is passed The generator G k is considered perturbed in year y and k is added to ModifyList(y) In the training and testing phases, the documents...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 04:22

6 375 0
Gender as a Health Determinant and Implications for Health Education pot

Gender as a Health Determinant and Implications for Health Education pot

... health (see Figure 1) In this case, there is a correlation between the determinant and the health outcome, and altering the determinant results in a corresponding alteration in the health outcome ... outcomes are more prevalent in women, there is not sufficient support for the biological-determinant hypothesis by referring back to the empirical finding that women are at increased risk for a specific ... determinants rather than accepting a global perception that a sex difference exists will be more productive in terms of furthering science, understanding etiology, and testing promising interventions...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 21:20

13 504 0
Credit Score Accuracy and Implications for Consumers December 17, 2002: Consumer Federation of America National Credit Reporting Association docx

Credit Score Accuracy and Implications for Consumers December 17, 2002: Consumer Federation of America National Credit Reporting Association docx

... provide the updated and verified information to a lender who can consider the information while making the final underwriting decision12 11 When a reinvestigation produces changes in the information ... Missing Such Acct Type of Account Mortgage Mortgage Mortgage Mortgage Mortgage Other Installment Other Installment Other Installment Other Installment Revolving Revolving Revolving Revolving ... was incorrect Even with these limitations, the findings are troubling a) Many Consumer Files Contained Conflicting Information Regarding the Consumer’ Record of Late Payments s In 43.1% of the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 07:20

51 326 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Using Leading Text for News Summaries: Evaluation Results and Implications for Commercial Summarization Applications" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Using Leading Text for News Summaries: Evaluation Results and Implications for Commercial Summarization Applications" ppt

... that contain "Clinton" in the LEAD and "budget" anywhere in the document Customers who use LEAD routinely combine it with the HEADLINE field We tested 20 queries on a database that contains 20 million ... to obtain descriptive information about the test corpus and to compare attributes and ratings We used the Searchable LEAD definition of leading text as our summaries The LEAD fields vary in length ... 60% of the documents in our news database but only a third of the test corpus documents Document type was the most distinguishing attribute for identifying potential problem LEADs For the general...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 07:20

5 319 0