students opinions of the effect of using dialogues to teach vocabulary

Using mind mapping to teach vocabulary to the first year non-English major students at Bac Giang university of Agriculture and Forestry = Sử dụng bản đồ tư duy

Using mind mapping to teach vocabulary to the first year non-English major students at Bac Giang university of Agriculture and Forestry = Sử dụng bản đồ tư duy

... of Agriculture and Forestry (BUAF) as the topic of my MA thesis 1.2 Aim of the study The study is aimed at finding the ways to use MM to teach vocabulary to the first year non-English major students ... exploit the insights of MM to teach vocabulary to the first year non-English major students at BUAF, using the coursebook the university is currently using; then in order to get to know how effective ... map to students by drawing it on the board or delivering the prepared map to them (See Appendix 4) To make sure students know the meaning of these words, I asked students to match them with the...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:28

73 2,5K 9
The effectiveness of using skyde to improve speaking skills for the first year english education students at Ha Noi Pedagogical University 2

The effectiveness of using skyde to improve speaking skills for the first year english education students at Ha Noi Pedagogical University 2

... introduction) to their conversation, and then the researcher gave them a topic with questions to discuss These 33 students would tell others their opinions about questions; what they thought of others‟ ... 1: The “Introduction” consists of the rationales, the objectives, the questions, the scope, the method, the significance and the design of the study  Part 2: The “Development” part consists of ... day with the topic: “Problems in life” students not only told others members about difficulties they have ever met so far but discussed together to find the effective ways to solve it The biggest...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2017, 14:42

116 424 0
the effectiveness of using pictures in teaching vocabulary at smart-kids school in bac ninh province = hiệu quả của việc sử dụng tranh ảnh trong việc dạy từ vựng tại trường smart-kids, tỉnh bắc ninh

the effectiveness of using pictures in teaching vocabulary at smart-kids school in bac ninh province = hiệu quả của việc sử dụng tranh ảnh trong việc dạy từ vựng tại trường smart-kids, tỉnh bắc ninh

... travelled all the way to the front of the row The student at the front of the row must grab the mentioned flashcards and stick them to the board in the order they heard The first team to put up the flashcards ... outperformed the students in the control group in their vocabulary knowledge It means that the contribution of pictures in teaching vocabulary to students led to higher level of vocabulary improvement Therefore, ... to keep the interest of the control group students Students in the experimental group seemed to benefit from this kind of learning, as they enlarged their vocabulary knowledge at the end of the...

Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2015, 11:54

64 880 4


... provides the background to the study and statement of the problem, the aims, the research question, the scope of the study as well as the research methodology It also outlines the organization of the ... more about the effectiveness of using picture in teaching vocabulary Aims and significance of the study This study is aimed at finding out the effectiveness of using picture in teaching vocabulary ... pictures in teaching vocabulary to students led to higher level of vocabulary improvement Therefore, using pictures in teaching vocabulary seems to be more effective than not using PART A: INTRODUCTION...

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2015, 16:43

19 2,9K 4
Students perceptions of using portfolios as a means of evaluation in an english foreign language translation course

Students perceptions of using portfolios as a means of evaluation in an english foreign language translation course

... ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to investigate students perceptions of benefits of using portfolios as a means of evaluating their learning process in a translation course and find out the students ... implementing their portfolio as well as ways to improve students self-learning portfolio The participants of the survey questionnaires are 44 third-year English-major students of the Faculty of Foreign ... University Number As a result, most of students have positive attitudes and motivations towards the effects of using portfolios in their learning process; therefore teacher should apply portfolios...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2015, 09:14

7 361 1
Teachers' use of elicitation techniques to teach speaking skill to first-year students of University of Engineering and technology, Vietnam national University, Hanoi

Teachers' use of elicitation techniques to teach speaking skill to first-year students of University of Engineering and technology, Vietnam national University, Hanoi

... understanding of the research including rationales for doing the research, objectives, scope, significance and overview of the rest of the paper References Chu T H M (2009), Techniques teachers use to elicit ... basis to elicit students talk The manners of elicitation which were paid the most attention to included “combining different techniques”, “alternating types of questions” and “direct questions to ... (2011), The exploitation of eliciting techniques by fourth-year students in their teaching practicum at English Division 1, Faculty of English Language Teacher Education, University of Languages...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:40

4 479 2
Teachers’ use of elicitation techniques to teach speaking skill to first-year students of UET, VNU

Teachers’ use of elicitation techniques to teach speaking skill to first-year students of UET, VNU

... as shifting the focus away from the teacher Teachers also need to pay more attention to the directing questions to a variety of students and take a better care of low-level students The study also ... evaluation of the effects of that teaching practice The results afterwards helped to work out necessary implications that teachers could take into account to improve the employment of elicitation teaching ... practices teachers should take into account For the overall success of the lesson, beside teachers’ effort, students should also be well aware of their responsibilities, i.e try to be supportive to teachers’...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:40

15 664 2
An evaluation of the listening component in the textbook new headway elementary to teach listening skills for non major english college freshmen at hanoi university of industry

An evaluation of the listening component in the textbook new headway elementary to teach listening skills for non major english college freshmen at hanoi university of industry

... parts of message  To give the students the opportunity to consider the attitude and manner of the speaker of the listening text  To expand on the topic or language of the message and to transfer ... them to think about the topic or situation before they listen to the texts In other words, it gives students a purpose to listen It also gets students to relate to what they already know about the ... instructions of sounds easily, to be able to catch up with the speed of the listening Needs in activities: The students wanted to access background knowledge of the topic and linguistic content of the...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2016, 18:15

78 406 0
Using group work to teach vocabulary to 12th form students

Using group work to teach vocabulary to 12th form students

... activities to teach vocabulary to 12th form students 1.1.2: The role change of the teacher and learner in CLT The change of teaching method follows up by the change of the roles of the teacher and ... speak the mother tongue The vocabulary is translated into the mother tongue Teachers teach grammar, structures and explain in the mother tongue The text is also translated into the mother tongue after ... reasons are the main ones that encourage me to choose the thesis: "Using group work to teach vocabulary to 12th form students" The aims of the study: The thesis has been done in order to make a...

Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2013, 20:41

51 499 2
Using songs to teach some english vocabularies and structures for grade 6 students at luan thanh secondary school

Using songs to teach some english vocabularies and structures for grade 6 students at luan thanh secondary school

... class into groups and gave them the pictures of different jobs The second listening, I replaced the lyrics with different words, students of the groups listened to the name of the group of occupations, ... After teaching how to pronounce all the letters from “a” to “z”, I let students listen and sing the song The alphabet song”, then I called some students to sing the song in front of class The ... together with singing along, performing the movements following the melody of the songs Depending on the knowledge in the songs, it is necessary to deliver the songs at the suitable time of the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2017, 08:28

16 444 1


... way of teaching vocabulary but the characteristics of teaching vocabulary are the same in any languages The final purpose of every teacher is to enlarge students vocabulary in order to help them ... teaching vocabulary and to provide them with a range of steps for teaching vocabulary as well I.3 Subjects of the study During the study, I observe the way of learning of the 12 th grade students ... students to give the form of the word or I ask students to recognise the suffix of the word to know the functionof the word Example: When teaching vocabulary in Unit 3: Ways of socializing – Reading...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2017, 10:43

14 355 1
Using songs to teach English vocabulary to Primary school children an action research at Dien Bien Primary school, Thanh Hoa province

Using songs to teach English vocabulary to Primary school children an action research at Dien Bien Primary school, Thanh Hoa province

... Objectives of the Study The main purposes of the study are to find out the effectiveness of using songs to teach vocabulary to elementary students and the learners’ responses toward this technique The ... technique in teaching vocabulary is important to help students to increase their achievement in English Therefore, the researcher intends to a research: Using songs to teach English vocabulary to Primary ... of the problem can be formulated into the general research questions: How effective is the use of songs in teaching vocabulary to elementary students? How are the learners’ responses toward the...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:42

4 1,2K 21
Using phonics to teach reading and spelling

Using phonics to teach reading and spelling

... choose to do, they will be doing something the teacher would like them to In effect, much of the teaching is built into the environment, so that there is a productive triangle between the activity, ... all of the modification that they need rather than to sit in confusion and possibly misbehave What should teaching assistants do? The main difference between the roles of the teacher and the teaching ... the word, and would then teach it by moving to another word with the same pattern (For example, I would teach mother by working on brother and other, coming back to mother once these words were...

Ngày tải lên: 05/04/2016, 12:12

177 554 9
Say cheese using pictures to teach reading

Say cheese using pictures to teach reading

... NASA Picture of the Day National Geographic Picture of the Day Kodak Picture of the Day FWA Photo of the Day Zuma Picture of the Day Earth Science Picture of the Day Optics Picture of the Day Radiology ... Picture of the Day Historical Picture of the Day After reading the text & illustration on page After reading the text and illustration on page of The ... Lotus Seed, students were better able to answer the following questions using evidence from the illustration Q:Who is telling the story? (RL.6-Point of View) A: The little girl because the text...

Ngày tải lên: 07/05/2016, 00:23

28 290 0


... “Stop the bus” Here is the rule:  Put students into groups (maybe groups)  Give each group some pieces of paper  Tell students “I will give you a letter Then you have to find the name of the ... schools Students have to learn this subject when they are in the grade three Not only children but also adults have to learn English, which is one of the valuable tools for them to work effectively ... of the Teacher Asianinstructs countrystudents and the before name the game of the sport that begin with that letter Write down those names on the paper Next run to the board to stick on the board...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2016, 02:36

12 791 3
cad practice text with the clear alphabet 2 beginning to teach numbers

cad practice text with the clear alphabet 2 beginning to teach numbers

... Zmeu st vth Ma vth “Teen” Su fiks Once students have got the hang of them, we move on to the next set, which are a bit easier, because most of them have the “-teen” suffix th Meu Sdi fi kuhl_ ... teen” Deu Nar skmi Wai! The most difficult numbers to spell in this group are usually fifteen, which students often write as “fiveteen”, and nineteen, which students seem to think is spelled “ninteen” ... Text with the Clear Alphabet b Gi ning t Tee Chnum bz – tran Zlei shn Beginning to Teach Numbers – Translation wen wi Tee Chnum bz, wi Yoo zz lii Star To fwi th Fer Sten, yee Wun, Too, Ttree,...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 16:43

2 155 0
The effect of using games on vocabulary of students at tri ton secondary school

The effect of using games on vocabulary of students at tri ton secondary school

... Significance of the research This research touches onhow the students of Tri Ton Secondary School learn vocabulary The findings might be significant to both the teachers and the students First, the teachers ... are employed to investigate the effectof vocabulary games onthe students at Tri Ton Secondary School 18 3.4 Participants The participants of the study are 60 the students at Tri Ton Secondary ... space and time of the classroom Teachers must lnow how to prepare the game Teachers should pay attention to the charackristics of the students to adjust games accordingly There are students who...

Ngày tải lên: 03/05/2017, 21:28

40 487 1