students mixed levels of proficiency in english and their motivation

A study of verbs of matching in english and their vietnamese translational equivalents

A study of verbs of matching in english and their vietnamese translational equivalents

... syntactic and semantic features of in respect of the related issue In other words, contrastive analysis verbs of Matching in English and in Vietnamese; therefore, the teaching is indispensable in such ... communication of bring, take” and their Vietnamese translational equivalents, Le Lan meaning Second, meaning is used as a way of analyzing the Phuong [27] with verbs denoting the concept of seeing in English ... According to Finch [18], semantic field is an area of meaning These meanings are defined by Asher [12] as the denotation containing words with related senses Meanings of words cluster meaning of...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:18

13 894 0
Unmarked plural nouns in English and their difficulties for the 1st year students at the Faculty of Tourism, Hanoi University of Culture

Unmarked plural nouns in English and their difficulties for the 1st year students at the Faculty of Tourism, Hanoi University of Culture

... researcher and 10 teachers mentioned above The interview was a semi-structured kind with items focusing on their teaching methods and difficulties they find from their 1st year students in their learning ... lengthy and effortful process including both learning the language knowledge: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc and language skills: reading, speaking, writing and listening As the final aim of ... tries to serve the purpose of finding out the difficulties in using unmarked plural nouns in English faced by the 1st year students at the Faculty of Tourism, HUC and seeking for possible solutions...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:52

7 540 0
Cambridge certificate of proficiency in english 4 students book

Cambridge certificate of proficiency in english 4 students book

... Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English WITH ANSWERS Examination papers from Uni:/ersity of Cambridge ESOL Examinations: English for Speakers of Other Languages CAMBRIDGE ¥i;~;._'=...

Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2017, 15:04

197 467 0
An Overview into the Semantic of Questions in English and Vietnamese

An Overview into the Semantic of Questions in English and Vietnamese

... comparing and contrasting linguistics became popular thanks to the emergence of new lands, new communities, and new languages Sine 1970s, comparing and contrasting linguistics has been playing ... request for information The semantics refers to the close and intense relationship between the form and the meaning of a sentence (Thiêm, 2004) Comparing and contrasting questions in terms of their ... nghi vấn Similarities and differences in questions in Vietnamese and English In this section, we will investigate the similarities and differences of questions in terms of their semantics Specific...

Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2013, 09:28

21 1,4K 6
A study on syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features of exaggeration in english and vietnamese

A study on syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features of exaggeration in english and vietnamese

... IMPLICATIONS thanking can appear in English since it could not be found in 5.1 SUMMARY OF THE STUDY OF EXAGGERATION IN Vietnamese In contrast, we cannot find exaggeration of sympathy in ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE ... capacity of being a stylistic device Galperin defines that a stylistic device is “a conscious and intentional literary use of some of the fact of the language (including Brown & Levinson (1987) ... scripts in English and Vietnamese - Calculating the frequency of occurrence - Generalizing and identifying the similarities and differences between two languages of exaggeration in the fields of syntax,...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16

13 1,6K 4
A study of the linguistic features of suggestion verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents

A study of the linguistic features of suggestion verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents

... the semantic features of ESVs and VSVs - Synthesizing the findings and drawing conclusions - Putting forward some implications for the teaching and learning English and giving some suggestions ... awareness of Vietnamese learners of English in terms of this kind of verbs so that they can apply the right use of these verbs in using the English language 1.2.2 Objectives The objectives of this ... them effectively in their speaking and writing For the above reasons, I wish to carry out the thesis entitled “A Study of the Linguistic Features of Suggestion Verbs in English and Their Vietnamese...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:17

13 1,3K 5
A study of words in the language of sports in english and vietnamese

A study of words in the language of sports in english and vietnamese

... COLLOCATIONS In terms of students preference, for teaching styles in table 4.4 OF WORDS IN THE LANGUAGE OF SPORTS 4.1.1 The Students Answers on Their Motivation for Learning English is over 95% of students ... patterns of sports behavior of different and English learners valuable experience of how to understand and individuals and groups using in sports language through collocations of words and it will ... goal line, * two in zero instead of two the second verb into the V-ing or V-ed form They were found that to nil students chose *try blocking instead of try to block, *deemed having instead of deemed...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:19

13 820 2
A study of linguistic features of intructions for use of foodstuffs in english and vietnamese

A study of linguistic features of intructions for use of foodstuffs in english and vietnamese

... present in the degree of their meaning in steps of processing and using In other words, adverbs of manner and degree in IUFs convey the different ways and different levels of degree in imperatives with ... detailed study of linguistic exact and deep understanding of the way of using words and writing features of EIUFs and VIUFs in terms of lexical, syntactic, and semantic sentences in IUFs Thus, ... devices of instructions for use of foodstuffs in English and Vietnamese An investigation into stylistic devices of instructions for use of foodstuffs in English and Vietnamese An investigation into...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:23

13 698 0
A study of linguistic features of adjectival phrases denoting personality in english and their vietnamese equivalents

A study of linguistic features of adjectival phrases denoting personality in english and their vietnamese equivalents

... Intensification of Adjectives in English and in Vietnamese” by Lam Thuy Dung [14], A Study on the Linguistic Features of the Adjective “BAD” in English and its Vietnamese Chapter 4: Findings and Discussion ... syntactic features of different languages Thus, in communication, we have difficulties in English and their Vietnamese equivalents expressing our ideas, especially in transferring meanings of words, adjectival ... stories and websites Linguistic Features of Adjectival Phrases Denoting Personality in English and Their Vietnamese Equivalents” with the hope of contributing the necessary background to the learning...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:25

13 735 1
A study of linguisitc features of personification in english and vietnamese love songs

A study of linguisitc features of personification in english and vietnamese love songs

... or to make their songs more interesting and colourful The findings also show some similarities and differences in terms of semantics and syntax between the use of personification in the two languages ... data are analyzed and Language consists of speech and writing system Music discussed Besides, syntactic features in English and Vietnamese consists of notes of music and signs of music notes The ... METHODS AND PROCEDURES 3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS a Staff Since the main point of this study is to find out similarities b Clefs and differences of syntactic and semantic features of personification...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:25

13 1,2K 3
A study of linguistic features of interjections in english and vietnamese

A study of linguistic features of interjections in english and vietnamese

... investigating interjections in English and In my teaching of English speaking as well as the research for Vietnamese in order to improve practical knowledge of interjections teaching, I find out ... in English and Vietnamese? What are the similarities and differences of interjections in English and Vietnamese in terms of morphology and pragmatics? hand, depending on the context, interjections ... culture of communication of Vietnamese people is enchased by the harmony of Yin and Yang The sun represents for 13 Yang and the earth is known as Yin The combination of Yin and Yang brings the happiness...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:25

13 861 0
A study of comforting in english and vietnamese

A study of comforting in english and vietnamese

... Seeking Total Negative Politeness of CEs in English and Vietnamese f Making Offers / Promises a Being Conventionally Indirect g Being Optimistic b Questioning / Hedging h Giving or asking ... Strategies of CEs in English and Vietnamese Positive Politeness of CEs in English and Vietnamese 32 14.81 35 16.35 Intensifying Interest to H 12 5.55 14 6.54 Exaggerating Interest/approval ... Combination of “SOS” Type (Sympathy and Offer of Support) The Combination of “AE” Type (Advice and Encouragement) The Similarities and Differences of Communicative Purposes in English...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:26

13 686 2
A discourse analysis of advertisements in english and vietnamese on the internet

A discourse analysis of advertisements in english and vietnamese on the internet

... in English and Vietnamese on the internet (100 for each), and focused on finding the effects of the combination of language, music and pictures in these advertisements 3.2.2 Procedure 3.2.3 Instruments: ... the end of one line with that in the next line (67) Stop scrolling Stop searching Start watching Get TV weekly magazine TV the finder Table 4.10d Parallel structure of English Ads on the internet ... with the aim of imparting As in the expressive function, English ads on the internet information is commonly used in every advertisement in English and made good use of imperative and exclamation...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:29

15 2,3K 3
A study on the aspects of syntax and semantics of negation in english and the contrastive analysis in vietnamese

A study on the aspects of syntax and semantics of negation in english and the contrastive analysis in vietnamese

... Making a brief preview of theory of syntax and semantics and giving an overview of syntactic and semantic features of negation in both English and Vietnamese 12 - Studying negation in terms of ... structures and semantics and finding out the similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese - Applying the findings of negation in a typical text, the text of President Barack Obama’s inaugural ... forms of negative structures in English and their equivalents in Vietnamese in terms of their syntax and semantics Chapter is the study of negation in the text of President Barack Obama’s inaugural...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:53

51 1,1K 8
A contrastive analysis of requests in english and vietnamese = so sánh lời đề nghị trong tiếng anh và tiếng việt luận văn tốt nghiệp đại học

A contrastive analysis of requests in english and vietnamese = so sánh lời đề nghị trong tiếng anh và tiếng việt luận văn tốt nghiệp đại học

... found and read a large number of letters in both English and Vietnamese and collected 30 of those which contain expresses of requests In total there are 15 letters in English and 15 letters in Vietnamese ... sentences in English and Vietnamese 28 Chart 4: Request in form of declarative, imperative and interrogative sentences in English and Vietnamese 29 Chart 5: Direct Requests in English and ... express requests in English and Vietnamese and find out some similar and different points between them Scope of the Study This Study only concentrates on investigating Requests in English and Vietnamese...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:40

70 2,3K 17
A contrative analysis of exclamation in english and vietnamese

A contrative analysis of exclamation in english and vietnamese

... This kind of exclamation is often used in poems because it is capable of expressing emotions like the feeling of sadness, pain or disappointment, especially the loss of good things Understanding ... statement of a complete thought or way of thinking that shows a great and usually sudden emotion of some kind 2.2 The English linguists’ conception of exclamation According to David Crystal in the English ... the exist of interjections and the exploitative form in the language III Aims of the study: - Showing the similarities and differences in structures and usages of exclamations in English and Vietnamese...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:40

42 1,2K 11
A contranstive analysis of consonants in english and vietnamese

A contranstive analysis of consonants in english and vietnamese

... pairs of words which are different in respect of only one sound segment The series of words pin, bin, tin, din, kin, gin, chin, fin, thin, sin, shin, win supplied with 12 words which are distinguished ... words Since students can produce some of these fricatives at the beginning of English words-/f/, /v/, /s/ and /z/ point out the similarity between these initial and final sounds Do linking exercises ... focuses on: Introducing the basic theories of English and Vietnamese consonants and their differences and similarities Particularly, giving the principles of consonants pronunciation and raising the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 16:45

54 943 5
Adverbs of time in english and vietnamese

Adverbs of time in english and vietnamese

... teaching and learning English, teachers and students Both teachers and students have been facing many difficulties in their teaching and learning in general and in teaching and learning adverbs, especially ... Positions of English Adverbs of Time According to Quirk (1973), adverbs of time are usually in the initial, medial and final positions - Time when adverbs often occur in the initial and final positions ... placed in the initial, medial and final positions However, most of them are placed in the initial and final positions and function as adverbial and as modifier of verbs, of adjectives and of adverbs...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:03

48 1,3K 26